Team 529

By RahafShan

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Chizuko-Fire Nezumi-Water Len-Snow Rin-Wind Mikasa-Electricity Killua-Rock These 6 Royal teenagers with power... More

~Introduction: The First Meeting
~Chapter 1: Nine Years Later
~Chapter 2: A Day Without Sensi
~Chapter 3: The Night Before The Great Day
~Chapter 5: A Day on the Space Shuttle
~Chapter 6: Mars (1)
~Chapter 7: Mars (2)
~Chapter 8: Venus
~Chapter 9: The Emergency Landing
~Chapter 10: Ugly Earth
~Chapter 11: Day One
~Chapter 12: Day Two
~Side Chapter: First Meeting With Humans
~Chapter 13: Day Three
~Chapter 14: Day Three (2)
~Chapter 15: Day Three (3)
~Chapter 16: Day Four
~Chapter 17: Day Four(2)
~Chapter 18: Day Five
~Chapter 19: Day Six
~Chapter 20: Day Nine- A Crisis Arises
~Chapter 21: Day Eleven
~Chapter 22: Day Eighteen
~Chapter 23: Day Nineteen
~Chapter 24: Day Twenty
~Chapter 25: Day Twenty-One
~Chapter 26: Day Twenty-One (2)
~Chapter 27: Day Twenty-Two
~Chapter 28: Day Twenty-Three
~Chapter 29: Day Twenty-four
~Chapter 30: Day Twenty-five
~Chapter 31: Day Twenty-five (2)
~Chapter 32: Day Twenty-Six
~Chapter 33: Day Twenty-Seven
~Chapter 34: Day Twenty-Eight
~Chapter 35: Day Thirty
~Chapter 36: Day Thirty (2)
~Chapter 37: Day Thirty-One
~Chapter 38: Day Forty
~Chapter 39: Day Forty-One
~Chapter 40: Day Forty-Five
~Chapter 41: Day Forty-Six
~Chapter 42: Day Forty-Eight
~Chapter 43: Day Fifty!
~Chapter 44: Day Fifty-one
~Chapter 45: Day Sixty-five
~Chapter 46: Goodbye Earth
~Chapter 47: Off to Mars
~Chapter 48: Mars
~Chapter 49: Lilac's Luck
~Chapter 50: No, you don't.
~Chapter 51: Aquilo
~Chapter 52: The King's New Pet
~Chapter 53: YOU killed them.
~Chapter 54: Kyla
~Chapter 55: The Shattering Of A Team
~Chapter 56: Seperated; Day One
~Chapter 57: Separated; Day Two
~Chapter 58: Seperated; Day Three
~Chapter 59: Seperated; Day Four
~Chapter 60: Separated; Day Five
~Chapter 61: Separated; Day Six
~Chapter 62: Five Members
~Chapter 63: Confidence
~Chapter 64: Rin's return?
~Chapter 65: Freedom
~Chapter 66: __ Ends up Killing you.
~Chapter 67: Sensi!
~Chapter 68: Miracle
~Chapter 69: War's Aftermaths
~Chapter 70: Not Fair At All
~Chapter 71: The Goodbye
~Chapter 72: Rebels
~Chapter 73: Blind
~Side Chapter: James POV~
~Chapter 74: Aklahan
~Chapter 75: Surprise
~Chapter 76: Sallade
~Chapter 77: Sleep Well
~Chapter 78: Nine idiots
~Chapter 79: Meeting

~Chapter 4: The Day

59 6 0
By RahafShan

As Team 529 wore their special suits, Sensi sighed as he looked at his cat. Many people went to the journey that they were going to start today yet no one survived. This was a great risk. Personally, Sensi thought that it wasn't supposed to be done.He didn't want those poor kids who don't have any fault in this to die.

"Sensi! We're ready!" Mikasa came rushing in the room. She stopped midway and asked. "Are you okay?"

Sensi patted his cat calmly and said "Why wouldn't I?" Which made Mikasa smile, nod and walk away.

Each of Team 529 wore a special suit that was specially designed for them. Chizuko had a redish orange suit which had a short skirt that looked like flames. Her twin, Nezumi, Had a blue-ish green suit that looked like it had waves. Len had a white suit, as white as snow with snowflakes on the sides. Rin, just like Chizuko, had a skirt but the colour was different. Rin's had wind all over her suit. On top, its summer, the wind has peices of green leaves. Then its spring, where the wind carries cherry blossom petals. Autumn had brown/red leaves and Winter, the boots, had snow flakes driffting with the wind. Killua had a brown-dry suit that looked just like stone. Last but not least, Mikasa, had a sparkling purple suit which had a skirt that had a lot of what looked like lighting bolts.

"We look like power rangers!" Len winned. Chizuko looked with disbelief and said "No, blondie! Look at our outfits! They are more detailed and they look perfect! Plus, if we are power rangers, whos the pink one?"

"You," he replied grumply. Mikasa sighed and said "I know you are all nervous and stuff but please lets not fight today. Come on guys! We've been getting ready for this day our whole life!"

They all grumbled something and just shrugged it off. As they left for the dinning table, they were all surprised to see that the table was completely empty. "Where is the food?!" Rin and Len exclaimed at the same time. Sensi came in, patting his cat, and said calmly. "Its on the table,"

Chizuko went close to the table and realised that infront of each chair there was a small box, enough to fit a ring. Infront Chizuko's chair, there was a redish-orange box. Nezumi's was blueish green, Lens was white as snow, Rins had the 4 season wind, Killua had dry brown box and Mikasa had a bright purple. "Wow." Killua excliamed. "They are just like our suits,"

"And powers," Sensi cut him in. "In order to gain these powers, you will have to eat what is inside the box and nothing else for the rest of the day,"

"What?!" Rin and Len exclaimed in a unison. "But we were looking forward for todays feast!"

"Not my business," Sensi replied calmly.

"But how did you get them?" Mikasa asked as she observed the purple box.

"I didnt get them, I made them." He said. They all stared in horror at him. All except Rin and Len. "Wow!" They excliamed. "I cant imagine Sensi in a kitchen!" Len burst into laughter. "Wearing an apron with a piece of dough on his cheek!" Rin joined her twin.  Sensi stared at them for a long time then said with that tone. "Those were made in labs, I had to do alot of experiments in order to obtain these results and yet, I don't know if it's 100% safe.One thing I know for sure, it has side effects," Len and Rin stopped giggling and gulped with a horrified expersion.

Each member of Team 529 quitely observed the boxes as they started to open it. Chizuko had a sweet that looks like a flame. Nezumi had a water drop. Len had a snow flake. Rin had a green leaf with a cherry blossom petal and a dry leaf and a snow flake stuck together. Mikasa has a lighting bolt. Killua had stone.

"Eat up," Sensi said. There was a moment of silence before Chizuko and Nezumi nodded at each other then gulped down their 'sweet'. Instantly, the rest of Team 529 mirrored their actions. None of the 'sweets' had any taste. They all waited for something to happen but it was simply over. Sensi raised his eyebrows as they all stared at him. Suddenly, Chizuko started screaming. Soon enough they were all rolling on the ground with agony. It felt as if they were being stabbed by millions of knives in each inch in their body. The pain was too much for a bunch of 16 year olds, they fainted. Sensi watched silently. Observing.



"Ahm," Sensi came in the dinning room. "Its time," Team 529 shot up and bowed. "Hai! Sensi!" They all took a moment to realise their surrounding. A flashback punched them all on the face. "Hey! You were going to kill us!" Len excliamed.

"Yeah!" his twin continued. "We could have died!"

"I don't feel any different," Killua mentioned.

"Well, are you hungry?" Sensi asked. They all shook their heads. "Well that assures me that you wont eat anything else," he told them. "Now lets each go to the limo to arrive to the meeting in time,"

Each twin had a limo and Sensi had his own. They all looked like each other. Except maybe that Mikasa and Killua are the richest so their limo is a bit bigger. Len and Rins' limo had paint splattered everywhere. Must've been a prank on someone. Chizuko and Nezumis' one had a lot of dents and scratches from fighting. They all hopped into their limo and drove off. Silence overwhelmed each and every limo. Even Len and Rins'! They were all so nervous. They were about to go on a trip that could result to their end. Even Sensi was nervous but-of course- he didnt show it at all. He was so nervous (not about himself, but about Team 529) that he actually put the cat down on the floor next to him and looked the other way at the window!


After the 3 hour trip from the training centre to to the City, Team 529 and their Sensi arrived at the meeting place. The 4 limos stopped and gaurds opened the doors. There was a long red carpet that reached the inside of the building till the elevator. As soon as they stepped out, they heard everyone cheer, clap and whistle. None of Team 529 even smiled. They just walked mechianically towards the elevator. "I know you're nervous but at least smile," Sensi told them. Len grumped  "Why don't you smile first?" he said rudely.

The elevator was glass and it was really huge. You could fit two normal cars in there. Chizuko and Nezumi were counting their breaths. Mikasa and Killua were counting their steps and Len and Rin were just counting randomly.

"Welcome and Hello!" The butler welcomed them as soon as they exited the elevator. "We are honored to have you as our princes and princess! You have brought honor to Planet Roda and we will never forget what you will do for us!"

"Thats what he says every time," Chizuko muttered under her breath.

"I am Micheal and I will be escorting you today! You don't need to introduce yourself since the whole planet knows your name and will never forget it! Team 529, our hopes lie with you," He placed his closed fist on his chest-on his heart- and bowed down.

After a small speech about the plans today, Micheal escorted Team 529 to their seats in the hall. Chizuko and Nezumi counted until 8093 breaths. Mikasa and Killua counted 564 steps. Rin and Len counted until 73649. Then they all held their breath and stopped as they saw their grandfather approach the stage.

Team 529 were cousins. They all shared the same grandfather, His Majesty. As soon as he stepped on the stage, everyone stood up and bowed down. He waved his hand signalling for everyone to sit down again. "I'm sure you all know why we are here today," he started his speech. "6 loyal, royal young men and women are the reason.They have been chosen and they accepted it calmly,"

"No we didnt!!" They all thought.

"They are brave and ready to go, thanks to their great, rank s , teacher. Shun,"

Everyone started to clap. But Team 529 had their jaws hung open. Sensi's name is Shun?! How come they never knew?! They've been with him for 9 years and he never told them. They all glared at him and he just looked the other way.

"And now, that they are ready, they will be leaving tonight after this meeting. Going on a school trip, you can think of that!" The crowd laughed but Team 529 only thought "Jerk! School trip my arse!"
"All we have to do now is wish them good luck and hope they come back to us in one peice!" Everyone laughed again. "Now, not to take this matter personally, these kids are my grandsons and daughters so its hard for me. But as a ruler or Roda, I have to chose the best choices for our planet and push away my emotions. Roda's fate lies with me while our hopes lie with Team 529." Everyone in the hall stood up, looked towards Team 529, placed their closed fists on their chest and bowed. Even His Majesty did that. Team 529 stood up and mirriored the crowds action, bowing back in return. After standing back up, they all put their fists on their heart, saying "We swear that we will be forever and always be loyal. To our friends, family, teacher and planet. We will try our best to come back safely and tell you all about it." They bowed once more before hearing a round of applause. Standing up again, they all started to tear up and get all emotional but stopped when Sensi whispered "Man up,". A crocked smile made its way across their face as they did thumbs up to assure him that they were alright.

His Majesty continued his speech, talking about the achievments that the other teams made. Until now, 5 galaxies were discovered and over 20 planets were found.These included: Lamora, Earth, Sandio, Juipeter, Pluto, Sallad, Saturn, Mercury and others more. He also spook about Team 431, since they were the greatest after discovering a way to build a much more advanced space shuttle. Last but not least, His Majesty spook about Team 1. Their story, their names and other info about them. He concluded the speech by taking out the peice of paper they wrote the note in and reading it out loud. Everyone then cheered and clapped.

Team 529 went on stage and each said a small speech.

Chizuko:- "Hello everyone, Im Chizuko M and I swear to oath I will never let you down since I am a flame that will never go out!"

Nezumi:- "Im Nezumi M and I swear to all of you that I will wash away any obstacals in the way in order to reach what I want, just like the waves wash away unneeded obstacals!"

Len:- "Yo everyone! Im Len K and I promise you all that I would be as peaceful and elegant as snow!"

Everyone started laughing, even Sensi showed a hint of laughter in his eyes.

Rin:- "Everyone! Im Rin K and I swear that I would be as swift as the wind in combat fighting and I wont mind carrying any weights on my shoulders just like the wind. It doesnt really matter if they are leaves or petals or just snow flakes, thank you!"

Mikasa:- "Mikasa A, strong and fast as lighting bolts I swear!"

Killua:- "Killua A, as strong and bold as a stone. No one can beat down a boulder!"

The crowd cheered for a long time and even Sensi was clapping. Now it was Sensi's turn to make a speech. Team 529 were sure it would be like any other speech he makes. With no emotions, short and has alot of big words for them, and they were starting to feel hungry so they left the hall and went to the resterant for a while. Sensi took that chance to say what he really wanted to say.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to be able to teach such...energetic kids. We have been living together for 9 years yet I can never predict them. They are very entertaining indeed. It would be such a shame if this was last time you all meet them. Even though they could be naughty and are always breaking the rules, they are responsible and trustworthy. I will swear on everything that I will take care of them and bring them back home safely." Everyone started clapping while Sensi whispered under his breath "Even if it costs me my life," Then he patted his cat and went down the stage.

"Oh God, Im so hungry!" Len complained

"Well we are going to get the food right now!" Mikasa said

"But Sensi ordered us not to eat," Killua thought out loud.

"Hey, did you guys hear that?" Nezumi asked "The crowd was clapping and its Sensi's speech time. How?"

They all looked at the door in surprise. "Maybe he said a joke," Rin suggested.

"No one was laughing blondie," Chizuko replied.

"Maybe he finished his speech and some one else took over," Killua said.

"Or maybe they are all just clapping for him," Nezumi replied.

"Where do you think you're going?" They heard that tone. Nezumi tried quickly to come up with an excuse. "We were just strolling around-"

"We were hungry so now we are going to get food." Len cut Nezumi off simply. They all stared in shock at him. "Len!!" they all exclaimed. Sensi nodded slowly at all of them then said with that tone. "Thank you Len, for you honesty. Why were you going to get food?"

Gulping, Killua said "Because we were hungry?"

"Because- no sleep tonight. We- you will train for your powers tomorrow. Were- I decided not to take a worker with us, you will be the ones to clean every inch in the space shuttle. Hungry- training will be from 7 am till 3 am for 1 week," Sensi replied simply.

"He did it again!!!!" Team 529 thought.


The crowd cheered and clapped. Team 529 stood nervously as they stared at the huge metallic space shuttle in front of them. All they had to do was to walk till the end of the red carpet then climb the open stair and they will be inside it and ready to leave.

"Oh My God." Nezumi murmured. It was gigantic. About 50 meters long and 100 meters wide. Just like a castle but more depresing. With all the metal and nails. "Come on," Sensi told them. As they came out of the dark corrider, the crowd went wild. They started cheering and clapping so loudly. Team 529 walked with their heads up and back straight . But their heart pounding like a drum, just like it would escape at any time. Their mouth was dry and the plams of their hands were sweating. Len put his arms around Rin because he knew she wasn't scared but terrified. Finally they reached the end of the red carpet and stared above where they saw the space shuttle from the inside. It looked alot like their training centre here on Roda. They all beamed happily at Sensi and he just showed a hint of happiness in his eyes. Rin then suddenly shrieked.

But this time, they all said "We know exactly how you feel."

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