Long Way From Love (Mark Free...

By JoviEurope83

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Mark Free and Lissa are childhood friends, their relationship is put to the test when Lissa is kidnapped and... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: After School
Chapter 3: After School Part 2
Chapter 4: Pizza Hut Mishaps?
Chapter 5: Give a Little Bit
Chapter Sixx: OWWWW, this hurts
Chapter 7: Are you drooling over Robert Plant?
Chapter 8: I'm In love with my car
Chapter 9: Graduation
Chapter 10: Are you okay?
Chapter 11: Morning Accidents, Nighttime Concerts.
Chapter 12: I'll never leave you
Chapter 14: Photo-shoot
Chapter 15: I don't like her
Chapter 16: Um... Mark?
Chapter 17: Dancing With Desire
Chapter 18: I think I have enough money?
Chapter 19: I'm Buying The Furniture.
Chapter 20: Food
Chapter 21: Help Move
Chapter 22: Good Night, Good Morning
Chapter 23: I guess it's lunch.
Chapter 24: I hate saying goodbye.
A/N and Valentines day special.
Chapter 26: I hate saying goodbyes, part 2.
Chapter 27: A Biscuit.
Chapter 28: I hate doing stuff
Chapter 29: Sleep, Eat, Get Hit In The Face, Repeat.
Chapter 30: Raccoon!
Chapter 31: Back Home
Chapter 32: You Need to Eat!
Chapter 33: Good morning, another day.
Chapter 34: New Years
Chapter 35: New Years, Part two.
Chapter 36: Strange Start to a New Year
Chapter 37: Another year closer to death, Happy Birthday Mark
Chapter 38: Who knew one could hate flying so much?
Chapter 39: But I don't want to wear a dress!
Chapter 40: Promotional things are boring.
Chapter 41: You're going on Tour!
Chapter 42: Meh, it's nothing but a few aches
Chapter 43: It's Just A lot
Chapter 44: Going on Tour!
Chapter 45: Crappy Hotel Rooms and Opening for Maiden
Chapter 46: Up's And Downs Of Tour
*Writing improvement at this chapter* Chapter 47: I don't feel older...

Chapter 13: Your In W.A.S.P!!!

27 4 5
By JoviEurope83

"We should probably get ready." I sniffed. My eyes were a little bit sore from tears. "If you don't want to come to the photo shoot, I can cancel." Mark whispered.

"I didn't think you were gonna have me come." I said to him confused, I didn't think he was gonna invite me, but I guess I was wrong.

"Of course I was gonna have you come, it's been 3 or 4 months since I last saw you. Were gonna be together almost every minute I'm here." He laughed. "Okay, Okay I'm gonna come. Now go take a cold shower and I'll get changed." I pushed him out the bedroom door.

He looked at me in the eyes. "Are you okay?" Mark asked worriedly. I nodded, he smiled and took off to the bathroom. I quickly changed into jean short and a W.A.S.P shirt. W.A.S.P is a fairly new band but I love them. 

Blackie Lawless and there bassist that I can never remember the name to are amazing, they also don't look to bad either. 

I glanced towards the clock, 7:39. Maybe I can get a little sleep. I lay back down on the bed, right as my eyes closed I heard someone open the door. 

"Sorry, forgot my clothes." Mark rushed as he grabbed his clothes and ran back out the room. I rolled my eyes and laughed, Mark came back in the room and pointed at my shirt. "Your a W.A.S.P fan?" He inquired. I nodded my head and he ran back out the room laughing.

"Strange." I mumbled to myself. I gently laid my head on the pillow and slowly fell into a dreamless sleep.

30 minutes later:

I was sleeping so tightly that I didn't hear Mark yell my name as he burst through the door. "Lizard, we gotta g-" He cut himself off when he saw my peaceful, sleeping body.

He walked over to me and laid down next to me. I could feel him stroking my hair but I couldn't open my eyes, I was to far asleep.

"Your so beautiful." I heard him whisper. "I wish you knew how much I loved you." His warm arms wrapped around me. "Your more than a sister to me, your more than a best friend to me. To me your my life." His lips were inches away from mine.

I knew what he men't by that, I could hear what he said. I'll never remember it when I wake up, but for now, in my sleep, I could hear him say how much he loves me. If I could only wake up and remember.

He gently picked me up, bridal style. His warm breath moved up my face, a wet but warm kiss was planted on my forehead. 

"I just can't tell you this when your awake, I could risk loosing you if you knew how I felt, if I lost you I loose my life." He started walking forward a little, he stopped in his doorway.

"I don't know how you feel about me. But I know I don't want to take a chance of my feelings for you ruining us. I want to tell you this so somewhere in your mine you know how I feel, rather you remember it or not its still in your mind, I have to tell you." He squeezed me harder in his arms.

Mark brought his mouth closer to mine again, his blond hair falling all around his head. "I don't hate you, I don't know you, I don't like you." His lips got about an inch away from mine. "I love you." With that his warm, plump, wet lips ever so slightly touched mine. He was so gentle to not wake me. I knew what he was doing and if I could wake up I'd kiss him back, but I couldn't.

His lips lingered, I wished the sensation could last, I wish I could open my eyes, I wish I could remember this. Marks lips slowly lifted from mine. I could feel his warm breath move farther and farther away from me.

"I love you so much." He desperately said to my sleeping form. His voice was agonizing to hear, I twitched my leg but still did not awake. I think I loved him too.

Mark started to move down the stairs. I started to stir from my sleep. All those sweet, warm memories of him starts to fade away.

I opened my eyes. "Mark." I whisper drowsily. His head snapped down to see me awake, barely awake but awake. "Lizzy." He whispered back. "Why are you carrying me?" I sleepily ask. "You were sleeping. You can go back to sleep if you want, it'll be an hour or two before we get there." He explains and suggests.

I exhaustively nodded. I start to fall back asleep but one more question pops into my head. "Mark?" I look at him. "Yes, lizard?" He smiles, I yawn. Why am I so tired. "Did you say anything to me while I was asleep, I feel like something happened?" I yawn again.

Mark looked at me surprised. "Yeah, nothing you need to worry about." He opened the front door, still carrying me. I was placed in the passenger seat of his car. "Okay." I mumbled as I fell back asleep.

One hour and thirty minutes later:

"Why is she still asleep, it's 10:29." Bruce, who apparently Mark picked up while I was asleep, asked Mark as they carried my body out of Marks car.

"I don't know." Mark lied, he knew why I was tired, kinda. "Only one of us needs to carry her." Bruce said, about to take my weight from Mark. I moved to where Mark had his arms around me instead of Bruce.

"Dude, she apparently likes you more than anybody else on this planet, and she's sleeping." Bruce exclaimed and they both started to laugh. Mark's chest vibrated from laughing and that woke me up.

I went to roll over in Mark's arms that's when I saw concrete ground. That's also when I realized that I was in Mark's arms. I almost fell but I was able to cling onto Mark. "Put me down. And I swear to god Mark, if you do that by dropping me. Your no longer gonna be in a band cause your no longer gonna be alive." I yelled. And yes, he has dropped me before.

"Okay, okay." He laughed as he put me down. "Why are you so mad?" Bruce laughed. "Did you go to sleep at three and wake up at six, I'm not good at math but if I'm correct that's like like three hours of sleep." I grumpily mumbled.

Mark seemed to find my tiredness funny, because he just laughed at everything I said. We slowly walked into this warehouse like thing where they apparently do photo-shoots with famous people.

We walked inside to see the rest of King Kobra in there talking and laughing with each other. Mark sped up to reach them. Both me and Bruce slowed down. Bruce still had confidence in his step unlike me who looked like a witch who was walking to the gallows to be hung.

We were both going slow because neither of us really knew the band that well. When Mark reached the band they all greeted each. Mark looked to his sides expecting to see me and Bruce, neither of us were there. He turned around and saw us.

He started walking over towards us. It was obvious he was coming for me not Bruce but I was to tired to run.

He got closer to me and I walked even slower, just to annoy him. Mark started pushing on my back. I struggled and dug my feet into the ground. So what did he do? He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

My fave going strait into his back, barely missing his butt. I thrashed my legs a little but gave in. I looked up to see that Bruce was walking faster, I could hear the guys behind me laughing to. Mark starts to laugh with me dangling over his shoulder. I did the only reasonable thing I could think of. I raised my foot and somehow blindly managed to kick his face.

The guys started to die in laughter. Mark put me down right in front of everybody. My cheeks were really red.

"Nice a*s." Dave shouted, I heard one of the other's whistle in agreement, I stated blushing. I hid my red face in Mark's arm as he wrapped his other arm securely around me. I looked up to see Mark glaring daggers at Dave.

"Someone get her some coffee so she doesn't fall asleep again." Bruce sarcastically yelled. I heard Dave snort. "I don't know about coffee but I got alcohol." Johnny chuckled holding up a bottle of Jack.

Mark rolled his eyes and took off in the direction of the brake area for workers looking for something for me to drink.

Johnny nodded towards my shirt. "You a W.A.S.P fan?" He asked surprised. "Yep." I nodded my head proudly. Then something went off in my brain. I looked down at the picture of the band on my shirt and looked back up at Johnny.

I kept doing it, there bassist last name is Rod and Johnny's last name is Rod. They both have a thin cooked nose and the same color hair. 

They all stared at me, waiting for me to make the connection. After a minute I finally made the connection.

"Your in W.A.S.P!" I exclaimed to Johnny and stumbled backwards.


Hello, whats true in this chapter is the photo shoot. You'll see what I mean in the next chapter, and Johnny Rod was in W.A.S.P. School starts back today so I want be updating much, sadly christmas brake is over. Vote, Comment, Follow and keep on lovin' music. I don't know if I used this picture yet or not but Mark Free is the first one on the left.

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