Sick bts

By fruityappledreams

421K 5.5K 3.5K

Hello! This is a collection of bts sick fics I am writing. Some will be one shots and others will have more t... More

Sick Jimin part 1
Sick Jimin part 2
Sore throat 1
Sore throat 2
What did we eat? 1
What did we eat? 2
Sick at school
What did we eat? 3
Stuck in the rain
What did we eat? 4
Peanuts = Death (not really)
Yoonjin travling
Little Tae
Freakin pumpkins !
Slip in the mud
Flu ✈️
Just push through it (1)
Fixed up
Just Push Throuh It (2)
A Fever Named Scarlett
Sick Bubba (Taegi)
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Cars are not for Jimin (Jikook)
Jin hyung
Snow part 2
Kookie needs a rest
Hobi 💖
Jin Hyungs recovery
Have my coat tiny
Grammy Nerves
Jin's Stomach flu
Tae's no fun tum
Whiny Jimin


8.6K 105 119
By fruityappledreams

txaeqhyung  thank you for the request. (sorry it's taken so long)


The air outside was frigid with wind, round snowflakes dumping out of the grey clouds. The white flakes piled and piled throughout the winter night, leaving a heavy blanket on all the roads and land. Hoseok was the first up that morning at the early hour of 8 am. He sighed, rubbing his arms to warm himself up. Hoseok walked along the hallway to the thermostat, turing the dial up, warming up the flat. Then he wandered off to the kitchen with a yawn.

"Oh~" Hoseok squeaked, glancing out the window at all of the falling snow. He smiled and started making some coffee.

As he waited, a sleepy Jimin made his way out from his bedroom, dressed in Yoongi's black and red flannel pajamas. He also had his white comforter wrapped around his shoulders like a cozy cape. Jimin turned the corner into the living room, plopping himself down on the couch. Hobi walked in quietly.

"Jiminie, did you see the snow?" He asked.

Jimin hummed questionably, tilting his head.

"It was snowing all last night. Look." Hoseok said pointing behind the younger at the large window that displayed the blizzard going on outside.

Jimin turned around, eyebrows furrowed. He gasped when he noticed the white fluff dusting the other buildings around them. He smiled and put his hand on the cold widow.

"Can me, Jungkookie and Taehyung go outside and play?" Jimin asked, eyes glowing with innocence. Hoseok could see the boy beginning to slip.

"Yes, of course! Do want to watch some tv while wait for the others to wake up?" Hobi asked, sitting next to Jimin.

"Yeah! B-But I don't know what.." Jimin said with a pout.

"Luckily, we can browse all of the different shows until you know what you want." Hoseok said cheerfully, taking a sip of his coffee.

The pair browsed through all the shows like Hoseok said, Jimin leant into the olders side pointing at the tv when he saw 'Wonder Pets' pop up on the screen.

"That one!" He exclaimed with a giggle.

Now Hoseok knew that he was in littlespace and with Jimin being the oldest out of the maknae line, the other two were bound to follow. Jimin watched contently, enjoying the show as it played out, sticking to Hoseoks side like glue. Soon, Namjoon and Jin made there way out from their rooms and joined the party.

"Joonie did you see snow?" Jimin asked, forgetting to use 'the'.

"Yes! Isn't it pretty?" He asked, sitting on the other side of Jimin and staring out the window with the little, watching the clumps of snow fall onto the ground below.

"It looks like sugar and Seokie said we can all go out and play!" Jimin chirped, getting bouncy in his seat.

"Oh, thats only if you eat a good breakfast and wear your winter coat, hat and gloves." Jin said to the younger, getting a nod and smile in return.

Yoongi came groggily into the living room, dressed in a warm hoodie and sweat pants. He waved silently and walked off to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Jimin hopped up from the sofa and followed, exited to have a yummy bowl of cereal.

"Appa, can I have some rainbow cereal?" Jimin asked sweetly, hugging Yoongi's leg.

"Yes you can, sweetheart. While I prepare it, can you go wake up Kookie and Tae?" Yoongi asked, grabbing three different paw patrol bowls from the cupboard.

(I swear every child I know is obsessed with that show lmao)

"Yup!" Jimin squeaked, running off to the maknaes room first.

Jimin opened the white door and tip toed inside. He looked up at Jungkooks loft bed where he was completely passed out, gripping his Nala toy in his arms. Jimin smiled to himself and started climbing up the metal ladder. He crawled across the soft mattress until he was next to Jungkooks head. Jimin took Jungkooks hair and played with it gently before speaking.

"Kookie, wake up. It's snowing!" He said in the maknaes ear.

Jungkook whined loudly, lifting his head from his pillow. He whimpered in the back of his throat, as tears pooled in his eyes.

"Don't cry, don't cry!" Jimin said frantically, patting Jungkooks head. He had forgotten that Jungkook usually fell into a younger headspace than his own. Jimin and Taehyung ranged between 5 and 6, but Jungkookie tended to be around 3. A very shy 3 year old headspace.

Jungkook let out a childlike sob, upset about being awoken from a deep sleep. Jimin wrapped his arms around the boy and tried to hush him.

"D-Daddy!" Jungkook cried loudly.

Loud footsteps came running down the hallway and into Jungkooks room. Namjoon burst into the messy room, looking up at the two boys. Jimins eyes widened with guilt.

"Oh, Jungkookie, come here honey." He said, holding his arms out for Jungkook to climb into. The little crawled to the end of his bed and shakily stepped down the ladder until he was wrapped in Namjoons arms.

"I'm sorry!" Jimin apologized, nearly getting teary himself.

"Don't worry, darling. Jungkookie is just a little bit more sensitive when he wakes up. You didn't do anything wrong." Namjoon assured, swaying with Jungkook.

Jimin nodded and climbed down the ladder, carefully handing Jungkook his Nala back. Jimin continued out of the room down to Taehyung and Namjoons room where the boy was still sleeping. Namjoon followed slowly behind just incase Taehyung was stubborn to wake up. Jimin slipped through the door and leapt onto Taes bed, jumping up and down.

"Tae! Wake up! Wake up! It's snowin!" Jimin laughed, kneeling down and shaking Taehyung around.

Taehyung peeled his eyes open, and rubbed them silently. He groaned, still half asleep with his hair sticking out in all directions and pillow tucked in his arms. Tae didn't normally wake up in little space like Jungkook, and today was no different. It took him some coaxing into. He needed to feel safe and loved by his friends, Who were more like family, in order to fully relax into the headspace.

Jimin was very helpful when it came to helping Tae slip, his energy and excitement radiated off his body and made everyone around him happy. Jimin also shared all of his stuffies and crayons with Taehyung when he knew he was having a hard time slipping. It often upset Tae that he couldn't slip as easily as the other maknaes, but when he did it was the best feeling ever.

Jimin wrapped himself around Taehyung playfully, giggling like a maniac on crack. He used his small fingers to tickle Taes armpits, making him laugh as well. Taehyung tickled Jimin back, aggressively.

"Taehyung-ah, don't be too rough." Namjoon said front he door way. The small authoritative comment made Taehyung feel fuzzy for a second. He looked down, feeling small and warm, like his insides were replaced with clouds and colors. He slipped and fell into his precious headspace.

"M-My appas  makin rainbow cereal, let's get some!" Jimin said, climbing out of the bed dragging Taehyung behind him.

The pair shoved past Namjoon and Jungkook, speeding into the kitchen where everyone else was gathered. When the littles were finished eating, which took forever as Tae and Jimin were chatter boxes, the three stood excitedly at the door. Yoongi and Jin were decided to be the ones who would go out with the boys to make sure they stayed safe, so they helped the littles zip up their coats, tie up their boots, put on their gloves, well put on Jungkooks gloves, and plop on their hats.

When all three were bundled up, Yoongi and Jin in coats and scarves, they made their way outside to the snow. Taehyung and Jimin ran ahead, Jungkook toddling as fast as he could behind them. Yoongi and Jin laughed affectionately, quickly catching up to the maknae.

"Let's go catch those holagins!" Yoongi said, lifting Jungkook to his shoulders, chasing after Jimin and Taehyung though the snow.

Three hours passed filled with, snow angels, a snow ball fight that ended when Jimin fell face first into a snow bank, two faceless snowmen being built, an igloo attempt and Jungkook managing to dig himself multiple little holes in the snow that he would tuck himself into anytime the bitter wind would blow. Jimin and Taehyung were piling snow into a small hill, taking turns pushing each other off into the snow. The boys were filled with joy, but were also starting to freeze. Yoongi and Jin noticed right away when they saw Taehyung shivering as he approached Jungkook, who was hiding away in his burrow.

"Let's get you inside." Jin said, wiping the snow from Taehyungs dark pink cheeks. "Can you get Jimin and Jungkook?" Jin asked Yoongi, walking back inside with Taehyung.

"Jimin!" Yoongi called, watching Jimin Come bounding through the deep snow, holding a stick.

"Look!" He cheered. "It's a stick!"

"Sure is! We're going to head inside now, you've been out here for quite some time." Yoongi said, walking over to Jungkooks hole and pulling him out of it, resting him on his hip despite the quiet protests.

"Nooo~" Jimin whined, dropping his stick into a pile of brown/grey slush.

"Yessss~" Yoongi said back, gently tugging Jimin back over to the door. "We can make some nice hot chocolate once you're changed. How does that sounds?"

"Good!" Jimin said happily, following Yoongi back inside.

An hour later, all three little boys were changed, full of hot chocolate, and wrapped in big fuzzy blankets. Jungkook opted for warm milk rather than coco and had a milk mustache left on his upper lip. Namjoon chuckled softly, wiping the milk away with a napkin.

"More?" Jungkook asked, holding up his mug up towards Namjoon.

"Of course, baby. Do you guys want anything?" Namjoon said, taking the mug from Jungkook.

"Candy!" Taehyung cheered, Jimin nodding beside him.

"Hmm, you can have a couple pieces." He agreed, digging through his pocket and pulling out six pieces of little candies, two for each boy.

"Thank you!" Jimin said, smiling like an angel.

Later that night, after dinner specifically, all of the boys were cuddled up in the living room, watching the live action Beauty and the Beast, equally enjoyable for everyone, except Jungkook who had passed out from all of the digging he had done in the snow. The movie was coming to an end and Jimin and Taehyung were getting pretty sleepy themselves. The two goofily fought through their tiredness, holding there eyelids open and lightly patting their cheeks. Alas, their cute attempts failed and by the end of the movie Taehyung was passed out on the carpet and Jimin was asleep in Jin's lap.

"We should gets these nuggets to bed." Namjoon yawned, standing up with a sleeping Jungkook in his arms. Yoongi followed, taking Jimin from Jin and cradling him closely to his chest.

"Goodnight~" Jimin mumbled, momentarily waking up from his slumber. He waved to everyone else in the room and laid his head back against Yoongi before shutting his eyes as he was carried off.

Jin stood from the sofa and crouched down next to Taehyung. He placed his hand on his back to slowly wake him up.

"Taehyungie, wake up. Let's get you into your bed." He said quietly.

Taehyung whined and propped himself up on his elbows. He stared at Jin for a second, barely awake. Jin ruffled the youngers hair and picked him up under his armpits, resting him on his hip. Taehyung let his head flop into Jin's shoulder while he was carried to his bed. The littles were tucked in, in their separate rooms. Except Jungkook was put in Namjoons bed for the night, too little to sleep alone or get up and down his ladder.

3:45 am

Jungkook opened his eyes, clinging to Namjoon like the cutest parasite imaginable. He licked his dry dry lips and coughed. The little was still feeling incredibly small and helpless, so when a chill ran up his spine he gripped Namjoon harder, his small fists wrapping around the olders pajama shirt. He inhaled though his desert like mouth and whined, as his muscles ached and cramped. Jungkook wanted to wake his daddy up, but when he attempted to make a noise, all that came out was a miserable squeak.

An uncomfortable tickle formed in Jungkooks chest and throat, forcing him to sit up in a loud coughing fit. He gripped his chest tightly, leaning forward with every cough. The noise and movement, luckily, woke Namjoon from his sleep. He rubbed his eyes and felt around the bed until he made contact with Jungkooks lower back. Namjoon sat himself up, dragging his hand up Jungkooks back before slowly rubbing it.

"Lovebug, what's wrong?" He asked, reaching over to the bedside table to switch on the lamp, sending a warm glow throughout the room.

Jungkook clutched his Nala with a death grip, breathing heavily before coughing again. Namjoon gently pulled Jungkook into his lap and hushed him quietly, encouraging him to relax and take deep breaths, even though he still didn't know what was exactly wrong.

"Kookie, can you tell me what's wrong?" Namjoon asked when Jungkook finally stopped coughing, his nose sniffling loudly instead.

"W-Water." Jungkook choked, pointing weakly at his throat. Namjoon frowned and crawled out of bed, helping Jungkook into his arms before setting off to the kitchen.

Namjoon sat Jungkook down on the chilly counter top, using his hand to feel Jungkooks forehead. He furrowed his eyebrows, turning to fill a sippy cup with water. He handed the colored plastic to Jungkook who brought it to his lips, eyes drooping as he drank.

"I think you have a fever sweetheart." Namjoon said sadly, rubbing Jungkooks goosebump covered arm.

"Cold." The little whimpered, setting his cup down in the counter.

"I know it, the temperature dropped about 10 degrees. I'm going to give you some medicine for that cough." Namjoon said, digging through the box of different medicines and pain killers.

He found the grape flavored medicine and poured it into the small measuring cup. Namjoon held the cup up to Jungkooks lips and put it into his mouth. The little swallowed quickly, the taste making him start coughing again. Namjoon handed him his sippy cup back, encouraging him to drink a little more.

"I wan- sleep." Jungkook slurred, feeling heavy and drowsy.

"Okay, sweetie." Namjoon responded, picking Jungkook back up. The maknae curled up against Namjoon, holding onto him tightly.

"Lay down for me baby." Namjoon instructed softly, patting the soft pillow. Jungkook did as told, cuddling Nala close to his chest. Namjoon took an extra blanket, draping it over his baby, followed by the comforter.

"Daddy?" Jungkook whispered, reaching out for Namjoon.

"I'm here darling, just go back to sleep." He said quietly.

"T-Tell story?" Jungkook asked, coughing into the pillow.

"Which story, little one?" Namjoon asked, playing with Jungkooks silky hair.

"One, fwom when you was younger." He mumbled, on the edge of sleep, but longing to here Namjoon speak.

"Okay cutie."

Jungkook didn't request the usually stories, the three little pigs was a favorite, but Jungkook enjoyed listening to Namjoon talking about things from when he was a kid. From games he played, to how he lost a tooth, or trips he went on, Jungkook loved it all. It made him feel closer and more connected with his caregiver.

When Namjoon had finished his story about his 8th birthday party, Jungkook was passed out again, breathing through his mouth. He knew that Jungkook would want him to stay and hold him close, but Namjoon planned to check on everyone else first. Whatever Jungkook was catching, could and would be spread around the whole house.

Namjoon left a soft kiss on Jungkooks forehead and crossed the other side of the room where Taehyung was sleeping soundly, his noise machine playing quiet rain sounds. His face seemed pale in the dim lighting, but his body was relaxed, no sign of discomfort. Still, Namjoon felt his forehead. It was warm. 

Shit. He thought to himself.

Namjoon sped out of the room, walking down to Jimin and Hoseoks room. He tip toed in, keeping as quiet as he could while crossing the wooden floor until he reached Jimins bed. The younger was wrapped up like a small burrito, hugging a classic teddy bear with his lips parted. Namjoon felt Jimins forehead, it was covered with sweat and felt as if it was put into a microwave for too long. He was much warmer than Taehyung.

Namjoon ran a hand through his hair and though for a moment before turning out of the room. He knew that if Jimin needed anything he had Hobi just a few feet away. He felt slightly guilty for leaving, pausing outside of the door. He walked back inside and shook Hoseok awake.

"Hmph." Hoseok grumbled, rolling onto his stomach.

"Hoseok, wake up." Namjoon whispered urgently.

"What?" He mumbled, opening his eyes and staring at the wall.

"I think Jiminie might have a fever. Can you make sure he's alright if he wakes up?" Namjoon said, watching Hoseok sit up.

"You think he's sick?" Hoseok asked, looking over at Jimin who wiggled around before settling back down. "Why?"

"I came in to check on him and his face is really warm. Jungkookie woke up with a bad cough and fever, and TaeTaes forehead was hot." Namjoon explained, watching Hoseoks eyes widen.

"Jesus Christ. What are we going to do with three sick people, let alone littles." Hoseok thought aloud. The thought of all three boys crying over throwing up, or the constant coughing and sniffling, was a bit stressful. Jungkook was never good with throwing up either, freaking out anytime he got the slightest bit nauseous.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Just make sure that, if he wakes you up, that you either take care of him or get Yoongi if you want to risk your life." Namjoon said, chuckling toward the end.

"Okay, are you good with both kook and Taehyung?" He asked, getting up to feel Jimins forehead himself.

"Yeah, I gave Jungkook some medicine. It will keep him asleep for awhile." Namjoon dismissed, standing back at the doorway.

"Woah, he is warm. I'll make sure he's alright. You should get back to sleep." Hoseok said after touching Jimins pink cheeks, sitting back down on his sheets.

"Okay, if it gets worse just come get me." Namjoon said.

"I will, Goodnight Joon." He said, waving him off.


Oh shit. I wrote 3000 words with barely any sick stuff... part two will be up soon I promise. Probably tomorrow or something. I didn't mean to take this chapter so far lmao. I was just really into it.

I hope you enjoyed! I have 6 more drafts ready to be written so requests can be paused for now. I love you all! 💕

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