The Survivor {Naruto x Reader}

By PikaJovi

212K 6.5K 14.2K

Everything was going exactly the way they are supposed to go, and all was good. Until someone new shows up, s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 3

10.9K 274 279
By PikaJovi

(Y/N)'s POV:

I wouldn't call myself a morning person, but in these times, you don't have the leisure to stay in bed and take it slow. Especially if you are a Ninja set out to protect a village, and it's people. You know, keeping the peace and all that. At least the current one. My previous lifestyle helped, it got me used to mornings and directly being ready for anything. So it wasn't a surprise for me when I woke up before Sakura. I mean I don't blame her... I kept her up pretty late last night. What better way to find out about the village and its people than to ask someone who has lived here all their life?

I waited till last second to wake up Sakura before we had to meet with the rest of the team. She freaked out a bit about how she didn't wake up on time and how we are going to be late... I just let her be and waited to leave. I'm glad she didn't blame me though hehe... Her parents were pretty friendly and helpful. They welcomed me last night directly even though I suddenly showed up. I wouldn't mind staying here another night, but I should get my life together in this village, I shouldn't live off people. I don't exactly remember who told me about my parents... But I do know they aren't around anymore. Well, both my parents and that person aren't around anymore. They taught me almost everything I know and then one day... Poof! Gone. Let's not get into depressing things now, on with the day we go!

All we were told about today, is that we have to meet in the third training ground and we are not to be late. According to Sakura, we shouldn't worry about being late, since Kakashi is practically always late. So if we were to meet at eight in the morning, we have till around eight thirty to still be safe and not be late. No matter how many times they tell Kakashi off, he always has excuses for his tardiness. Once we get there, to my luck, Kakashi and Sai were already there. No sign of Naruto though.

"Aren't you a bit late? Sakura? (Y/N)?" Kakashi starts off with that smirk. "Aren't you early Kakashi-Sensei?" Sakura defends us by bringing up his history of always being late. "It's your fault for always being late; it made your own students come after the meeting time," I speak under my breath, just to let him know of the facts! "Did you say something (Y/N)?" Oh shit. "Mm? Me? Nope! Didn't say a word!" I give an innocent look and look to the side. I know he heard me, he is just being nice and giving me a chance to correct myself.

After a few minutes of waiting, the loudmouth blondie shows up. No surprise there, he directly starts blabbing about how he overslept and didn't pay attention to the time and had to grab something to eat and blah blah blah. The rest of the conversation faded out, and I was not concentrating anymore on the words. The moment I saw Naruto, flashes of last night's discussion came to mind. "Naruto hasn't always had a happy, cheerful life." Sakura's words rang louder than the conversation.

Last night, after we got to Sakura's house and sorted out the sleeping area and we were just about ready to sleep. However, the thing that Sakura told me about Naruto kept bothering... How can someone not hate anyone? At least one person? It just didn't make sense. So I decided to get answers! "Hey, Sakura?" The lights were already off, and I was just staring at the ceiling while thinking. Sakura turned on her little lamp next to her bed and gave me her attention. "I know you told me to ask Naruto about him not hating, but I still find it weird. Can't you tell me about it? Or at least something about it, so that I can understand better. Help out the new kid?" I sit up with my legs crossed and am facing her now, waiting to see if she will give me some kind of answer. She looks at me with a severe expression; I can see how much she is contemplating whether she should tell me or not. In the end, she lets out a sigh and agrees to give me some information to help me somehow process.

"Ok, I won't tell you exactly what you want to know, and what I'm about to tell you might confuse you even more, but you asked me to tell you anything, so I will." I sit properly and get serious and ready to hear everything. She starts off from where I'm guessing is the beginning. "You asked how can Naruto not hate anyone, to tell you the truth, I can't answer that question cause I don't know myself. Only Naruto can have an answer to that. However, the Naruto you see today wasn't always like this, cheerful, full of smiles and positive about things. I've obviously known Naruto all my life, and it might be right for me to tell you this but Naruto... was actually hated by the entire village..." What... Naruto? Hated? That took me by shock... I couldn't help but ask why. "How can he be hated? Why?" My position was now more on edge. How can an entire village hate someone? And someone like Naruto?! Sakura sighs that carried some guilt in it. "The village saw him as a... Demon."

"HUH?! A DEMON?!" With this crazy description, I couldn't help but stand up from shock! "Shhh!!! My parents are asleep!" Sakura whisper-yells at me. I apologize and sit back down. "I can't tell you the exact reason on why they called him that. You will have to ask the Hokage for that, or Naruto himself." The Hokage? Is it that serious of a matter? "Anyway, Since they saw him like that, no one approached him, the adults warned their kids not to play with him or go near him, teaching them that he is a demon. He was always kicked out of shops, ignored, yelled at and insulted. I hate to say it, but a lot of his current friends use to avoid him as well, including myself..." Sakura used to hate and avoid Naruto? What is going on in this village? "He did all sorts of things to get people's attention. He pulled pranks and vandalized the stone faces on the Hokage Rock; he didn't mind being scolded, at least that way he was getting their attention." This is so wrong... How can they do this... To a kid?!

"What is wrong with this village!? You're talking years back, right? That means Naruto was just a kid! How can you call a mere child a demon?! Who does that?! Where the hell were his parents to defend him? Or were they also against him!?" I'm not sure why I was so offended by all this, I barely know Naruto. It shouldn't matter to me what happened to him in his past... "Well, I don't know who his parents are... we were never told who they are. But we do know that they passed away when he was born. The villagers believed that he was the reason for their death; they blamed him." There was a silence that filled the room. I didn't know what I was feeling anymore. Anger? Sadness? Disbelief? Pity?

...Oh, I get it. It's hate... mixed with anger. Anger at how he was treated when he was just a kid, and hate... hate for all these people who justified their actions and blamed and threw all their anger on only a child, who did nothing wrong. "(Y/N)?" Sakura's voice snaps me out of my dark thoughts. I look up at her with a scowl on my face. "You're telling me Naruto never met his parents?" She nods. "Does HE at least know who his parents were and how they died?" She shakes her head no. "Does he know the village used to blame him for his parent's death?" She nods again. "And he doesn't hate the village, or it's people?" She nods. "Did he hit his head at some point in his life?" She finally looks at me confused, "what do you mean?" I explain the reason behind my question, "how can someone know and go through all this and still not hate the people who inflicted that pain!?" Her answer was straightforward. "That's Naruto for you... That's why I can't answer your main question, and only he can answer it. That's why I told you Naruto hasn't always had a happy, cheerful life." That answer baffled me. I didn't have anything else to say. We spent the next few hours talking even more. She told me more stories about how he became the person he is today. His days at the academy, what he went through and the training he had to go through. I began to see Naruto in a new light, but that night... I slept even more confused than I was at the beginning of this whole story...

"(/N)! (/N)! (Y/N)!!" I was brought back from my trance by Naruto's screams. I didn't understand what he was yelling for... I was standing right in front of him! "What happened?! Are you ok?" Huh? Why wouldn't I be? Then I felt something wet on my cheeks. When I touched them, I realized they were tears... remembering what we spoke about yesterday and seeing a cheerful Naruto in front of me with that huge dumb grin on his face made me unconsciously tear up. How can he smile so purely...? When I looked back at Naruto and saw sincere concern for me, I couldn't help but put my arms around him and pull him into a hug. I closed my eyes trying to erase all the imagines I created of the villagers bullying Naruto, but I could feel everyone's confusion.

"(Y-Y/N)? Is everything alright?" Once I have calmed down, I pull away and wipe the remaining tears on my cheeks. I look up at him with a serious look, "you're an idiot and a dumbhead and just stupid!" I grunt and walk away to stand next to Sakura. "HUH?! WHAT DID I DO?! You're the one who started crying out of nowhere!" He crosses his arms over his chest with a lifted eyebrow. "Whatever..." I mumble and look away. I can't really deny what happened and I don't want to open the topic of his dark past in front of everyone. I don't know how he feels about it...

After the ruckus I started, Kakashi repeats what we have to do; since I was daydreaming and didn't catch a single word. We are apparently training today. Since everyone was serious about this, I guess I can be serious too! Especially since the penalty for the loser is to buy dinner for everyone... That is dangerous for my already light wallet...

I thought the training was going to be one on one, you know, since we are four students and the mentor would watch and advice. However... I seem to get a lot of things wrong ever since I entered this village... Since I am the new kid, and the rest of the team know each other and their skills. Kakashi decided that they will be against me, sounds crazy right? Well, he did add that he will be on my team, and the losing side will pay for our dinner.

The training started out smoothly and quietly. Team Naruto decided to spread out and hide, while I chose to stay in the open. Kakashi is there just for manpower against the fighting, the strategy and plans should come from me. That way they can learn how I think and how I like to do things.

As I said before, I have great observations skills. I am very proud of my eyes and vision, and my senses to my surroundings are sharp, after all, that person who taught me everything I know made sure to heighten my senses. They always said knowing what's around me was the most important thing, even if I can't fight, if I can sense people around me I can escape or come up with a plan. That's why I am okay with being in the open and a lot of times I choose not to hide. At least that way I can see what's around me and I have space to move around.

It's the reason I was able to sense and detect the position of the first person. Judging by his Chakra, it's probably Sai. From what I know, Sai uses his Yang release nature to breath life into his drawing. I can sense his Yang from here, so it's easy to tell what could be his Jutsu. They are probably ink, but I shouldn't take them lightly. I notify Kakashi about Sai's location, and I prepare myself to start an attack. Kakashi was impressed by how fast I detected him. Before I could do anything, I feel a sudden chakra above me! How did I miss that?!

I managed to jump away, and I caught a glimpse of pink hair. Sakura... she hid her chakra, so I pay attention to Sai, and she gets to sneak around me! I scan the area again, just to see if I can detect Naruto. The more I concentrate on my eyes and senses, I suddenly got a sharp pain in my eyes, that accompanied a headache. That's weird... that's the first time it happens. "(Y/N)!!" I hear Kakashi yell my name. When I opened my eyes, I see an ink tiger coming for an attack! I couldn't move away in time!

"Ouch... can't believe ink can hurt this much." I get myself up and dust the dirt off and take a defensive stance. "(Y/N)! Are you ok?" Kakashi hasn't moved an inch... wasn't he supposed to help with the fighting? "I'm fine Kakashi-Sensei, you know... you could help! It won't be fair if it's three on one!! And I still can't detect Naruto!" I yell all this so he can hear me from all the noises coming for the ink tigers and the ink birds and the Kunais hitting each other. I'm defending from both Sai's ink attacks and Sakura's physical attacks! "Well, you didn't give me instructions..." are you kidding me?! "Fine! Kakashi-Sensei you take on Sai. I'll deal with Sakura. And do keep an eye out in case Naruto shows up, and I'm busy with Sakura!" The minute I finish giving the instructions out, I concentrate my attacks on Sakura. I can sense a strong Earth release from her and that first punch... it broke the ground under me... I do not want that punch to hit me.

We fight it out for a few minutes. Our Kunais and Shuriken being thrown and clicking with each other. I've got to say... I didn't expect Sakura to be this strong! Kakashi is holding Sai back which is perfect. I don't think I'll be able to deal with both a close ranged smasher and a long ranged artist. As I am getting the best of Sakura, "(Y/N)! GUARD UP!" I hear Kakashi yell; I don't think twice about it or wait to see why. Before I could see what the attack is or who it's from, I sense a powerful, dangerous red chakra... it's... scary! What is that? Who is it? Did someone manage to sneak in? "Rasengan!!" That voice! Now I see Naruto releasing a blue ball of energy right at me! Thank god I guarded! Or else that attack would have wiped me out... but what was that chakra?

More time passes by, and the fight just gets tougher and more robust. Sakura is just supporting now since she had a little round with me before she is not on full strength. Naruto on the other hand... he's a whole different topic! Where the hell does he get all this energy and stamina from?! I'm just about ready to collapse... "(Y/N), you ready to give up?" He comes at the last part of the fight, and he wants to act all smug? Pshh! "Dream on Uzumaki! You're going to end up on the floor passed out! Be ready to pay for my dinner!" I slash my Kunai low enough to scratch his thigh! "Stop calling me Uzumaki! And you're the one who's going to pay for my dinner!" He clones himself and multiple Narutos attack! "That's your name isn't it?" I smirk only to receive a scowl from him. I love how annoyed and flustered he gets when I call him by his last name!

"Kakashi-Sensei... don't you think we should stop them now?" Sakura asks while she watches Naruto and I still going at it. However after all these hours of fighting, now we just look like kids... barely able to stand on our own feet and our arms feel heavy. "... Give up... Uzumaki... I... Win!" I tell him as I am panting, trying to catch my breath. "No way (Y/N)... you give up... I'm... the one who's... going to win!" Kakashi, Sai, and Sakura realized at the end that Naruto and I didn't pay attention to any of them and they found no point in losing any more energy, so they sat on the side. "I guess it's about time." Kakashi gets up and stands in between Naruto and I. "Enough guys. Training is over." The moment he says that we both drop to the ground. "Then... who won... Kakashi-Sensei?" Naruto asks. "Of course I did! Pay up Uzumaki!" "No way!! I won!" As we were about to start another argument, Kakashi interrupts us, "Let's just say it's a tie this time. Ok?" That shocks us... if that is the case, then... "WHO'S BUYING DINNER??" We both scream demanding answers! "Relax guys! I'll buy dinner. Just go freshen up for now." Naruto gets up as if he was filled with energy again with that grin of his and ready to leave. "Ah (Y/N)! Before you leave, let's head to the Hokage and discuss where you will stay. You can't always stay with Sakura." Well, that's true.

The whole time we were with the Hokage, discussing my stay and Kakashi telling her about my first day. A thought came to mind. Sakura said everyone knew that Naruto was being poorly treated and being called a demon. She told me to ask the Hokage why he was called that though... why couldn't she tell me herself? She seemed like she knew. If I asked Tsunade... would she tell me? I've only been here for two days; I'm not sure I'm allowed to dig that much yet... I just don't understand how someone like Naruto... can be hated and called a demon. "(Y/N)? Do you have any questions?" As I was staring at her, Naruto's smiling face popped in my head and the question left my mouth before I could stop it.

"Why was Naruto called a Demon?"




I think that was a longer chapter. Do you think Tsunade will tell? Or you're not ready yet?

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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