Devil's Love (NaLu story) - W...

By BeastlyBeautyx

320K 11.3K 2.7K

Natsu is soon to be the next crowned King of the Devil Kingdom. With that his father orders him to take over... More

Chapter 1 ~ Devils
Chapter 2 ~ We're here
Chapter 3 ~ Whats happening?
Chapter 4 ~ You Will Never
Chapter 5 ~ No Way!?
Chapter ~ 7
just don't die
Child, Hate or Love?
white witch
the witch
You're back
Anothers note
Fun and Scary
Well shall we start?
Does it hurt?
Take control!
Don't want to go...
Can't be true
I Missed You
It's A No Go
Who are the Problems?
I can save him
Dark and Distance
My Half Baby Devil
No Bars In The Way
Have To Tell The World
Why Talk?
Got To Tell Them
The BIG Day
What To Do
Who Did It
Reassuring + New Cover
Chapter ~ Oh How We Fell
Chapter ~
Chapter ~
Chapter ~

Chapter 6 ~ Hybrid

12.6K 403 47
By BeastlyBeautyx


After a lengthy time of waiting for Lucy to regain consciousness, I finally heard her small voice echo to my ears.

"N-Natsu?" She questioned, sitting upwards. Her face full of confusion, most likely as of why I was sitting here waiting for her.

"Whats going on? And why are you sitting there?"

"Uh..Well you fainted in the bathroom and I got a Nurse to come check you out" Her faced showed that she recalled the fainting and sickness from earlier.

"Oh, so what did she have to say?" She tilted her head slightly, as she kept her attention on me.

We stared at each other until the realisation finally caught up to me, I was going to be a dad!!

I moved forward and hugged her quickly, before giving her a quick kiss.

"Your pregnant Lucy!" I said cheerfully, her face, on the other hand, was stilled, frozen as if she was processing this information.

"W-What!" She screamed, hugging the blankets tighter with a faint blush.

"You're pregnant with our child!" I indicated, picking her up and swinging her around. "Stop Natsu! I am going to puke if you continue!" She screeched.

I then softly fell on the bed, with her snuggly in my arms.

"Natsu, you do know that babies are a lot to handle, and what would your father say!? He would kill me straight away since I am an angel!" She panicked. Yes my father would likely disagree to a child, but i was happy and i wanted to have a child with Lucy, and he would have no say in the matter.

"He isn't going to touch you! And if he dares to, we shall run away." At my statement Lucy sighed, I felt her relax a bit -maybe from what I just told her- but I knew deep down she also wanted to have the child just as much as I do.

"Have you even told him?" She questioned.

"" I admitted. "But don't you worry, I'll get around to it"


-Time skip-

Finally, I decided to go and tell my father the news. Lucy was fast asleep on the bed as I left, probably trying to get back some energy.

As I was walking through the corridors, I notice there were no soldiers or guards in sight. It got me somewhat suspicious.

Eventually, I arrived at the throne room. And not to my surprise, all the guards and soldiers that were missing, were found surrounding a circular table. Full of maps and figures, of where they would next battle.

Upon entering, my father's gaze rose upon me. A smile etching onto his face.

"Finally!", He cheered, my father seemed happily for some reason. "Your commander of this has arrived, now come boy, we have much planning to discuss."

A confused expression made its way to my face, "What are you going on about?"

"Natsu my boy, we are planning to take over Earth, just as we did with Heaven. And you are the chosen one to guide this success." I did not like the gist of this. Yes, I was one to enjoy conflict on the feild, but as of right now I have bigger things on my mind.

"Uh, Father could I please speak with you for a moment, alone." I asked. My father had a rather quizzing look to my question, but only sighed and shooed the soldiers and guards away.

As they left my father spoke, "So, what is it my child?" He enquired, upon moving to his throne.

I had no real way of telling him about the pregnancy, but how was I really supposed to tell him anyway?

So I stupidly went with the good old, "Father Lucy is pregnant with child"

He froze.

"R-Repeat again, please??"

"She's pregnant, I got a nurse to check her out" His faced scrunched up with disgusting horror.

"Natsu! What did I tell you about that angel!? Get rid of them both immediately!"

"Father no! I am in love with this girl dearly, and I don't feel the need to destroy something that we both created!" Wow, never thought I would admit that to anyone, let alone my own father.

"Natsu, do you not know what would happen, if our enemies hear word about this! Will become a laughing stock! An angel and a devil having a child, ugh disgusting." His voice laced with venom

"Let them laugh! At least I'll know the real affection from a family that I love and dearly care about. Lucy and I are keeping this child, end of discussion."


"Lucy is the angel you let me keep, she's also the mother of our child"

"Uh son, have I taught you nothing!? No angel or prisoner for that matter should be privileged of a name. And if you seem to wish to disobey me, then that angel shall be put to rest!"

"Father no! Please don't touch her!" My father dismissed my plea, as he went on and continued to call the soldiers back.

"Soldiers! Get in here this instant!" My father called impatiently. Seconds later, 3 armored men walked in.

"Yes my lord?"

"Get that angel 'Lucy', and chuck her into the prison!"

"Wait no!" I pleaded once again, but this time I had a plan. My it be considered stupid then well be it, but it was still a chance to save Lucy and our child.

"Why should I son?!" He fired back.

"W-Well as you know, this will be a hybrid of devil cross angel. The first one ever perhaps."

"So what! How would that benefit me from our laughing enemies?"

"Wait just a second now, as cruel as it may seem, this child could be an ultimate super weapon. With my strength and the heavenly power of the angels, the child could be all powerful by it 10th birthday, yes?" Did I get through to him?

My father pondered on this for a few minutes, before a nod came from him. "Ok, this child shall be raised for that purpose only, but after that the mother shall die. We don't need a weak Angel."

"Wait father! Please don't kill Lucy! She's done nothing wrong" I begged, pleaded, anything that could at least save her.

"You must truly care for this girl... You used to be a killing machine, but have now turned soft, just had I when I met your mother- may her soul rest in peace. The girl may stay alive until further notice, now leave before I regret my decision.

"Thank you father!" I cheered, oh thank the starry heavens. I ran out of the throne room happy and overjoyed, I was gonna be a father!

Yet sadly, upon entering my room there was silence. No noise, not even breathing.

"L-Lucy?" My heart started to hammer in my chest, where was she?!

I was deadly scared, until I found a cream coloured note on the bed.


"We have heard wind of this child, this is just far to dangerous for the devils or the world for that matter. We are planning to dispose of this child, and will not be returning Lucy either as her safety is of the most importance. "

My heart pounded rapidly, they took Lucy away from me and are about to take our child as say i was made was an understatement.


My eyes fluttered open, feeling the once heavy breathing now come natural. I had been blindfolded and dragged somewhere, but as I resisted they also passed me. Resulting in me only waking up now.

As my eyes scanned the new room, it gave off an cold aura of pain and sadness. It was empty and cold. My eyes then carried me to a door that I presumed was locked, but I could hear small voices from the other side.

And that's when they appeared.


"Juvia? Levy? What's going on, why am I here? Why are you here!?" My brain was going into overload

"Yes! See Juvia, I told you she would remember us!" My younger sister, Levy, announced happily.

"Juvia said no such thing!" My other sister, Juvia, spoke.

"So...Mind telling me why I'm here?"

My questioned seemed to bring a sadden look to their faces, what was going on?

"Well, it's not that easy to say really...but we wish to rid you of that child, its just to dangerous for this world Lucy," Levy justified. A shock expression grew on my face.

"That child will ruin you, and maybe even the world...Juvia doesnt want to rid you of your baby, but it must be done!" Juvia chimned in.

"Guys you can't do this! It hasn't even been born yet, and the child shall be loved and raised to be innocence. I won't let the world harm it, even including you if I must..."

"Lucy can't you understand that what we are doing, is for the good of the whole entire universe!? That child could kill us all if it has the power of what we believe!" Levy argued.

"I won't let you harm it!" I yelled, wrapping a protective arm on my stomach.

Juvia then grew a distraught expression.

" you not know of what Natsu did to us?" I was confused by her answer at first, what did Natsu do to them? I then recalled the events from weeks ago, the killing and the fighting back home. My real home, the angel realm.

"If you mean Natsu killing the innocence then yes, but that was all cleared up when I spoke to him-," "Lucy... didn't he tell you?" Levy spoke up.

I was uncertain of where this was going...

"Tell me what exactly?" I started to get a bit worried for some reason, what had gone on?

"Well he...he...he killed Erza!" Levy yelled, now breaking down in tears. I didn't believe it, i couldn't belive it. Would Natsu really do that? To my own sister??

"No...he wouldn't do that!" I protested.

"Lucy he did! He stabbed her straight through the stomach!"

"This can't be right, it isn't right! Natsu would never do such a thing-" I stopped, why was I defending him when I knew what he had done back in the past? He was a murder, as well as a killer, but maybe me thinking that we could be a family, made me forget what Natsu was really like...

Instantaneously, I felt a throb in my head. I reach my hand up and held the side of it, cringing from the pain that was flowing in my brain. It then seemed to spread to my whole intire mind, the pain becoming to much and making swell in tears.

It than came to me, the bond was broken. From trusting Natsu, to realising his lies, my heart had broken from betrayal. I knew what would come next, but it was horrible to think my unborn child had to suffer as well.

I fell to the fall with a thud, my body slowing becoming numb and motionless. My eyes became half open, my mind swelling with pain physically and emotionally. This was it, my goodbye. I could faintly make out my sisters in front of me, tears falling from their eyes and their panic faces in pain.

My eyes closed, that was it. I was out.


My heart thumped in my chest as I ran down the halls, trying to pick up Lucy's scent from one of the rooms. It came to me once I had reached the end of the hall -of wherever I was- that Lucy was indeed inside there. Yet, I just couldn't sense her there...

My panic got the best of me and I threw the door open.

And there she was, laying on the ground motionless.

Was I too late, Could I have stopped this?

Those thoughts ran through my mind, thinking that I was about to lose Lucy, along with our unborn child.

I raced over to her, unaware and not caring enough to notice Juvia and Levy in the connor, huddled and crying.

I gently shook her, hoping, wishing, begging that she was alive and alright.

Yet, she was pale, stiff and slowly losing her body heat, and for once in my life I started to cry. The Devil King's son, started to cry, all because of my beloved angel was taken from me, how odd it was to experience sadness.

I held Lucy's now cold body to my own, slowly rocking her back and forth wanting her to come back.It was then that I notice my tears would fall and wet her porcelain face.

I sniffled and wet to wiped them away, until those beautiful brown eyes reopened...

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