The Master of Souls (Ahri x O...

By KraneRai

110K 1.9K 2.3K

{Main Story} Jeffric is a boy who once lived in a village of Ionia that's cut itself from the outside world... More

Prologue (Edited)
Chapter 1: The Beginning (Edited)
Chapter 2: The Woman (Edited)
Chapter 3: Now (Edited)
Chapter 4: The Nine-Tailed Fox (Edited)
Chapter 5: The Another Beginning (Edited)
Chapter 6: Breakfast (Edited)
Chapter 7: Opening My Eyes (Edited)
Chapter 8: The Village (Edited)
Chapter 9: Decision (Edited)
Chapter 10: Bed Time Story (Edited)
Chapter 11: A Flower
Chapter 12: The Painting
Special Episode: 1 (Edited)
Special Episode: 3
Chapter 13: Insanity and Tears
Chapter 14: Another Decision
Chapter 15: Morning Warmth
Help Wanted
Special Episode: 4
Prologue of Chapter 1
Special Episode: 4.5
Chapter 16: Taken
Chapter 17: Bandits
Chapter 18: The Awakening
Chapter 19: Guilt
Chapter 20: A Dream and Kindness
Special Episode: 5
Special Episode: 6
Special Episode: 7
Special Episode: 8
Chapter 21: Plan
Chapter 22: Ionia
Chapter 23: The Song
One Year Anniversary
Chapter 24: A Sacrifice
Chapter 25: Before the Surprise
Chapter 26: Happy Birthday
Special Episode: 9 (18+)
Special Episode: 10 (17+)
Happy New Year
Special Episode: 11 (17+)
Special Episode: 12 (Not 17+)
Special Episode: 13 (Not 17+...?)
Special Episode: 14
Special Episode: 15 (17+)
Special Episodes: 16 (+18)
Happy Halloween!

Special Episode: 2

2.1K 47 54
By KraneRai

I was walking through the streets of Seoul which was filled with stores, cafes, restaurants, PC bangs (PC rooms), and etc.

It was late afternoon, and the street was filled with many people. Some were ordinary people just walking to somewhere, and many were students wearing school uniforms with their heavy backpacks slung over their shoulders and heading toward various academies.

I was heading toward a small art academy where it was located at the second floor of a small building.

I entered the building, hitched a ride on the elevator and went up to the second floor. Then, I walked through the hallway until I was in front of the small art academy.

I opened the door and entered.

The small art academy had two small rooms, one was the place where the students drew, and the other was the office of the teacher.

When I entered, the teacher was waiting for me. There were only few students who attended this academy (but it could still support itself) so there were no one in the academy except me right now (others had already left).

The teacher looked to be in her late 30s or early 40s. She had a kind and a peaceful face, with only few wrinkles, but she had few strands of grey hair among the black hair.

She greeted me when I entered, and I sat on one of the few chairs and I put down my backpack on the ground.

I pulled out my sketchbook while the teacher was setting up the easel in front of me. After I put the sketchbook on the easel, I pulled out my palette, a bottle which was already filled with water, and a pencil case.

"What . . . do . . . you . . . want . . . to . . . draw . . . today?" My teacher asked.

I thought for a moment.

I always loved drawing flowers because of their beauty, but today, I wanted to draw something else.

Something that matched the Christmas theme . . .

What's an iconic object of Christmas? I thought.

Santa Clause, my mind answered.

Santa isn't an object, I answered. Something that relates to decorations . . .

Then and idea popped into my brain.

How about a Christmas tree?

"I think I'm going to draw a Christmas tree," I answered my teacher.

I knew how a Christmas tree looked like, so I didn't have to see the object itself to draw it.

I opened my pencil case and pulled out a 4B pencil and started to draw the outline of a Christmas tree with thin lines.

Yes, I could draw flowers with ease, without drawing an outline, but this was a different story. One time, I tried to draw a tree without drawing an outline, but I failed miserably (the end product looked like a monster).

I started by drawing the bone structure of the tree. Most of the people just started drawing the outline, but I was different. I wanted everything to be perfect when I drew, even trees.

My teacher stood next to me while I was drawing the outline of the Christmas tree. She pointed out mistakes or tips, which I listened and followed.

When I finished drawing the outline, I picked up the brush, plucked the tip into the water bottle for just a second, and shook it to get some moisture off the brush.

Then, I put the brush into a green paint on the palette, made sure that the green paint was smeared onto it, and started to draw the Christmas tree.

I stroked the paper with my brush, sometimes changing color by cleaning off the brush and smearing it with other color paints.

My teacher reminded me to get most of the moisture off the brush and etc while I was drawing.

When I finished, the result was good.

I had drawn a Christmas tree with a lot of decorations attached to it. And, there was a yellow star on the top of the tree, while some presents were lying around the Christmas tree.

When I looked out the window, I saw that it was already getting dark. And, when I glanced up at the clock on the wall, I saw that two hours had passed.

It was time to go home

I put all my things into my backpack and left the academy while saying goodbye to my teacher.

"See . . . you . . . later," she answered while waving her hand farewell.

I stepped into the lobby of the apartment where Ahri was living in. The lobby was big, with rich decorations and some comfortable sofas. The apartment consisted of forty floors, and Ahri lived on the thirty-fifth floor.

After I hitched a ride up to the thirty-fifth floor, I entered Ahri's apartment. I think I should tell you how Ahri's apartment looked.

Ahri's apartment was big, with good interior design. Everything was light-colored and was clean. The living room was huge, with another thin (but bigger than the one in the dining room) TV attached to the wall, in front of the long and comfortable sofa.

The kitchen and the dining room was linked, containing the dining chairs, dining table, the thin TV, and a big refrigerator.

And, there were two bedrooms, one for Ahri and one for me. My bedroom used to be a storage room, but Ahri cleared out the few objects inside it and bought a bed just for me!

Didn't I mention that Ahri was the kindest person in my life?

When I entered Ahri's apartment, everything was dark. There were no lights in the apartment.

"A-Ahri?" I called out nervously.

I closed the door behind me and stepped inside while taking off my shoes.

That was when the room was suddenly filled with colorful lights.

There were colorful LEDs attached to the walls, Christmas steamers hanging almost everywhere (most had LEDs attached to them), and a Christmas tree decorated with the glowing star, ornaments, and LEDs was placed in the living room.

And, in the middle of the living room, stood Ahri. And she had a Santa hat on her head.

"Surprise!" Ahri yelled cheerfully, "Merry Christmas eve!"

I was stunned by the sight.

"D-did you prepared this for m-me?" I asked.

"Of course, I did!" she answered enthusiastically and skipped up to me, gently grasped my hands, and led me to the living room, "hey, let's have some fun before eating dinner."

We played some games with the PS4 while sitting on the sofa, watched some funny TV shows (we were laughing most of the time because the TV show was really funny), and watched some movies.

Ahri had ordered a pizza for dinner. When the pizza delivery woman came, she was stunned when she saw Ahri opening the door to pay for the pizza. She stuttered in shock for a moment. Then, she instantly pulled out a paper and a pen and gave it to Ahri.

She stuttered about her being a big fan of Ahri and K/DA. And she asked Ahri for her autograph.

"Can you write 'To Sivir, from Ahri'?" Sivir asked excitedly while blushing.

After Ahri gave her the autograph, she asked if she could take a selfie with her. Ahri agreed, and they took a selfie.

When Sivir took four or five selfies of her and Ahri, she squealed with delight while thanking Ahri several times.

"I'll take this autograph and the selfies to my grave!" She said before leaving. Ahri waved goodbye while smiling at her and shut the door.

"I love meeting with my fans," Ahri said to me while smiling happily.

We ate while watching Christmas movies on the TV. Then, when it was almost 12AM, we both drifted into sleep, me leaning on her shoulder and her rapping her arms around me.

"Wake up, little one!" I was awoken by an excited nine tailed fox. "It's Christmas!"

I was instantly awoken, and I was whooping around the living room, even though my eyes were still half shut.

We ate a grand breakfast, and while I was finishing up, Ahri told me a great news.

"We're going to the amusement park today," Ahri announced, "to celebrate Christmas!"

I looked at her with excitement on my face. "Really?!" I asked joyfully.

She nodded while smiling at me. "Yes, really," she answered.

"This is the fun thing that you'd planned yesterday?"

When Ahri nodded, I leaped upwards while thrusting my fist into the air. "Yes!" I whooped.

I'd never been to an amusement park before, until now.

It turned out that she'd been planning for this for a long time. She'd already bought the tickets and we were there early, so the expensive sports car that Ahri was driving had no trouble finding the parking space.

Ahri was wearing a hoodie and a cap to cover her identity, and a mask too (it didn't stand out because it was winter, thankfully).

And I'd to say that going to an amusement park was really fun! The things that I'd only watched on TV were now standing in front of me while the Christmas songs were drifting in the air.

"So, where do you want to go, first?" Ahri asked while smiling proudly at me.

I was holding the map of this huge amusement park, and I pointed at a logo of the merry-go-round on the map. "I think I want to go there."

I had a great time at this place. Merry-go-round made me dizzy, but it was enjoyable, riding the bumper car was fun (even though Ahri kept on crashing her bumper car into mine), and other rides were super exciting.

At lunchtime, we ate some hotdogs at a food court, and played some arcade games at some arcade areas (there were many arcade areas in this amusement park). Then, we continued riding other rides, like the (Viking themed) pirate ship, a rollercoaster (which I swore to Ahri, who was laughing after we rode it, to never ride it again), the drop tower (had a great time, but I think that my intestines were still up there somewhere), a ride that goes around and the thing that you're riding (shaped like a cup) goes around in the different direction (think about a merry-go-round that goes around super quickly, and the horses that you're riding is rotating in a different direction), and etc.

When it was night time, there was a big parade and it was beautiful to watch.

And when we were going back to Ahri's apartment, we were talking excitedly about the rides that we rode, the arcade games that Ahri kept winning, and the parade that we saw.

"Oh, by the way Jeffric," Ahri said while stopping her sports car at the side of the road, "I have something to give you."

She opened her car door and stood up, "I'll be back quickly."

She closed the door and I saw her going to the back of the sports car and opening the trunk. She pulled out something and went back to the front.

She opened the car door and sat down on the driver's seat. I was sitting on the front passenger seat (still don't know why people calls this seat 'shotgun'), next to Ahri, so I could see what she was holding.

It was a box which was wrapped with a colorful Christmas-motif wrapping paper.

"Merry Christmas, Jeffric," Ahri said while handing me the box, "I'd bought a gift for you."

I cautiously pulled off the wrapping paper and opened the box.

Inside the box, there was a brand new laptop, a drawing tablet, and a guidebook of how to use the drawing tablet.

"You told me that you want to draw a webtoon someday," Ahri said while blushing, "so, I thought these might be helpful to you."

I sat there like a statue while looking at the presents that Ahri had given to me with awe.

Then I looked at Ahri while smiling joyfully at her.

"Thank you, Ahri," I said gratefully, "you're the most awesome person in the world!"

I was really happy. I always wanted to be a person who draws webtoon. But, my parents ignored my wishes, and never bought me the things that were needed to draw a webtoon.

Now, Ahri had given the tools for Christmas present just for me.

I felt as if my heart was getting warmed by the sun.

"Thank you so much."

When we arrived at her apartment, Ahri crashed on the sofa while I went quickly into my room, pulled the present box out from its hiding place, and quickly went to the living room.

"A-Ahri," I said while stepping in front of her, "I have a present for you, too."

I gave her the present while my arms were trembling with anticipation.

"M-Merry Christmas!" I added quickly.

"Why, thank you little one," Ahri said and opened the present.

Inside was my drawing of Ahri in her K/DA outfit. I started to draw it few months ago, and every night before going to bed, I drew this slowly while getting the smallest details right as possible. The result was the real lifelike drawing of Ahri, which looked so real that I thought the drawing would jump out of the paper when I was done. It kind of looked like a photo, too, as if Ahri was looking at the camera while smiling when the camera man took the picture.

When I finished the drawing, I put it inside a frame (that I'd bought) which had a small crutch attached to its back, making it possible to place it somewhere.

"Wow!" She exclaimed while her eyes grew wide, "this really looks like me!"

She held it in front of her with one hand, staring at my drawing of her while touching her face with the other hand.

Then, she gently put the drawing on the coffee table which was placed in front of the sofa, making it possible to let people who're sitting on the sofa to look at it.

Then, she stoked my hair while smiling gratefully at me.

"I really like your present, Jeffric," Ahri said. "Thank you for drawing this beautiful picture of me."

"No problem, Ahri," I said while grinning broadly, "I just wanted it to give you the perfect present."

That night, I lay on my bed, while still smiling from the memories of me and Ahri going around the amusement park and we exchanging presents.

Before I met Ahri, I always felt empty at Christmas. But at this year's Christmas, I felt really warm and happy.

Tears of joy fell from my eyes while I was drifting into sleep.

This was my best Christmas ever!

"Merry Christmas," I mumbled sleepily and I drifted into sleep.

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