A Marriage Bound By Secrets |...

By jaesslippers

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In a world of immense wealth and power, you find yourself entangled in an arranged marriage with Taehyung, a... More

A Marriage Bound By Secrets | KTH
Cast pt.2


7.2K 259 114
By jaesslippers

*I have no idea how actually the Christian wedding works. I wrote this from my experience in reading other books.

Chapter 9.

Y/N's pov.

"You look beautiful my dear. You look exactly like my sister," Dad said, his eyes filled with a mixture of happiness and nostalgia as he admired me in my wedding attire.

Sunlight streamed through the windows, illuminating the room and adding a warm glow to the moment.

Mom wrapped her arms around me from the side, careful not to crush my delicate dress, and her teary eyes reflected the love she had for me. The gentle breeze from the open window carried a sense of tenderness, as if nature itself was celebrating this special occasion.

"Your mom looked exactly the same on her wedding day," Mom said, a soft smile on her lips as she lovingly brushed a strand of hair away from my face.

Her touch felt like a comforting embrace, as though she was passing on the strength of her own memories to carry with me.

I knew what she meant. I had seen pictures of my birth parents on their wedding day. My mom was a vision of beauty, and I couldn't help but feel a connection to her, even though we had been separated for so long. Memories of the haunting past swirled in my mind like leaves caught in a gentle whirlwind, but I chose to focus on the love that surrounded me now.

"Guys, we need to leave for the Hall, come on," Jimin interjected with a hint of irritation, yet his eyes twinkled with excitement.

The contrast between his urgency and the serene atmosphere in the room added a touch of humor to the moment.

Hana followed behind him, her smile bittersweet, as if she was cherishing every second of this day. She hugged me tightly, and her words carried the promise of an adventurous friendship.

"I know there's no love in this marriage, but if he treats you poorly, let's run away together," she whispered, her eyes glinting with mischief.

The sunlight caught the tears in her eyes, turning them into tiny prisms of emotion.

I chuckled, grateful for her unwavering support.

"Don't worry. I'm a tough woman," I replied with sass, pretending to flip my hair with a mischievous glint in my eye.

The air seemed to lighten with our laughter, as if the room itself joined in the merriment.

Jungkook and Jin appeared, completing our group, and their camaraderie was infectious. Jungkook's eagerness and Jin's laid-back demeanor formed a delightful contrast that brought smiles to our faces.

"It's already time. Let's go," Jungkook urged, his excitement palpable like electricity in the air.

"I've been here telling them to move their butts for a long time now," Jimin added with a mock grumble, yet there was a hint of playfulness in his tone.

The room seemed to vibrate with their energy, charging the atmosphere with anticipation.

As I walked down the aisle, I couldn't deny that Taehyung looked like some damn Prince Charming. Good looks, sure, but I was already bracing myself for his personality to be as charming as a rock.

Gripping onto my dad's arm, I felt like I was about to be thrown into a lion's den, except instead of lions, it was a sea of people shoving their phones in my face like paparazzi on a rampage.

Nerves had me imagining myself face-planting in my heels, which would've been just the cherry on top of this whole ridiculous charade.

Well, screw it all. I took a deep breath, forcing a picture-perfect fake smile on my face. Seriously, my cheeks were hurting from all this nonsense.

Finally reaching the end of the aisle, Taehyung extended his hand with a smile that screamed "fake bitch." I took it, and he gripped my hand like he was trying to show off his grip strength. Maybe he was compensating for something.

The priest started spewing the vows, and it was over faster than a K-pop song on 2x speed. I had to blink twice to make sure this wasn't some twisted dream, but nope, it was real life punching me in the gut.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Oh, great! If only there was a tutorial on YouTube for how to deal with this kind of crap, I would've nailed it step by step.

My first kiss was about to be stolen by a rich handsome asshole. Damn, if only he had a personality to match his looks, I might've actually fallen for him. But, alas, reality was a cruel mistress.

He cupped my face, and for a moment, I had to admit, he looked so handsome that my heart did a little cha-cha. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to kiss a guy who could rival a Greek god in the looks department. Let's just forget about his personality for a hot second.

His thumb grazed my lips, and my heart went boom boom like the NCT Dream's song in my chest. He leaned in, and I quickly shut my eyes. No way was I going to watch his face get anywhere near mine.

And then... he kissed his freaking thumb! Yes, he placed his thumb above my lips and kissed it. The crowd cheered, clueless about what really happened. Ugh, disappointment hit me like a ton of bricks.

Taehyung pulled away, and I forced myself to open my eyes with a fake smile plastered on my face. My cheeks were on fire from all the fakeness.

I should be glad he didn't steal my kiss, but why the hell am I feeling a bit sad about it? I mean, he was just being respectful, right? Yeah, respectful like a vampire avoiding garlic.

Back from the dead 🥲

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