Shame Shame Shame

Av gaybxtxh

41.2K 982 234

A girl named Alexis moves to a new town with her grandmother and grandfather. She lost her parents a year ago... Mer

Ch. 1
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
oop hi
I'm so sorry!
Ch. 11
PSA - Her Dirty Little Secret

Ch. 2

3.9K 104 13
Av gaybxtxh

The last bell of the day rings, making all of us students light up with joy. Everyone scurries out of the classrooms and immediately the halls become filled with students. I walk down the stairs, because my last class is upstairs, and see Mrs. Moore's classroom come into sight. I still feel bad about running off the way I did at lunch. I don't want her to think badly of me, or think I was purposely being rude.

Being the paranoid person that I am, I walk towards her classroom. I want to quickly apologize then get home. Being here longer than I have to be is torture. As I get close to her room I see her sitting at her desk, while typing something on the computer. I knock on the door, breaking her attention from the computer and bringing it to me.

"Oh, hi Lexi. Come on in" she gets up from her desk, signaling that I can come into the classroom. I walk in and we meet half way in the middle of the room. "Hey Mrs. Moore, I just wanted to apologize for running off the way I did at lunch. I don't want you to think I was being rude, you just brought up a topic that I'm very sensitive to and I didn't want to break down in front of you" I explain, trying to avoid making eye contact with her.

"That's okay" She replies with a soft smile and continues, "I'll admit I was a little confused when you left" she lets out a little laugh, just like she did earlier in class today. "Sorry" I laugh but become more serious "you just mentioned my parents and well....they're dead and that's why I moved here over summer." Mrs. Moore's face becomes very serious with a hint of sadness deep in her expression. "I'm so sorry Lexi, I-I had no idea" she says, sounding genuinely sorry.

"I know, and that's why I wanted to apologize to you, so you didn't think I was being rude." "I lost my parents at a young age too, so I know how it feels" she leaned back on one of the desks in the front row. I hope she isn't getting too comfortable and thinking I'm gonna stay here and talk with her for forever. I hardly know her, so I'm not up to tell her my life story. All I wanted to do was come apologize to her and she's acting like she wants to have a full on conversation. I'm ready to get home lady!

"I'm sorry. It is hard not getting to see your parents anymore, but like I said this is a sensitive topic for me to talk about, so I'd rather not talk about it. Anyways, my grandparents are waiting for me to get home, and hear about the big first day. But I'll see you tomorrow Mrs. Moore, bye" I slowly walk out her room, forcefully ending the conversation between us.

Mrs. Moore's POV

I knew I hadn't recognized Lexi when I saw her this morning at the beginning of school. Obviously I don't know every student at the school, but I know or can at least recognize a good bit of faces around here. She looked like a lost puppy trying to find its way back home, when she was looking for her first period classroom. So I just knew I should have helped her find her class.

When I got to my second period class I saw her sitting in the second row, and was interested in what she was going to say she did over the summer. She didn't seem very happy about being at school, so when I saw her sitting alone at lunch I thought I'd say hi and try to talk to her until lunch was over. She ran off, leaving me very confused but I think it was nice of her to come and apologize before going home.

Lexi seems like a sweet girl, but I have a feeling she's very shy or at least keeps to herself most of the time. Just in my class alone, I didn't even notice her trying to talk to any new people, but then again high school students, especially seniors, are not very welcoming to new faces.

Lexi's POV

"I'm home" I shout into the house, trying to figure out if my grandparents are still at work or not. My grandmother works at the front desk in a doctors office, and my grandfather works in- well I don't actually know what he does. All I know is that he goes around to several different offices a day and does something at each office. He doesn't really have any set hours he works, so there's no telling when he will get home. Sometimes it's fairly early and sometimes it's late. All I know is that I'm not ready to answer the crazy amount of questions my grandparents will throw at me about the first day of school.

Getting no response back, I check the garage and see that it is empty, which means both my grandma and grandpa are still at work. As I wait for them to get off from work, I grab a pop tart from the kitchen cabinet and a water bottle. I take my snack up to my room and pull out my laptop from my book bag. I pull up GarageBand, which is the software I use to make my music, and listen to the song I've started working on.

After working on my music for about an hour and a half, my grandma comes home. I hear a knock on my bedroom door and it opens slowly. "Hey Lexi, how was school" my grandma peaks her head through my door. "It was fine. Boring, but fine" I say, answering honestly. Nothing amazing and nothing horrible actually happened. The day was just boring, and consisted of me having to say my name and say one thing I did over summer in each class I had.

My grandma asks a few more questions about school, then asks me what I want for dinner. I suggest going to Outback, which is my favorite restaurant to go to. My grandma agreed on going there and called my grandpa to see if he was okay with eating dinner there. He said he was okay with it so we all met up there, instead of making my grandpa drive all the way home and then go right back out, just to go eat.

"Heyyoo kiddo, how was the big day" my grandpa says, giving me a hug as my grandma and I get out the car. "Boring" I laugh, as we walk into Outback. It doesn't look too crowded which is good. Hopefully we don't have to wait long, because going back to school and not just sitting at home all day really wore me out.

After waiting for seven minutes the hostess at the counter calls our name out. "Williams, party for three" the young hostess searches around the waiting area to see who gets up. My grandparents and I get up, walking towards her. "Right this way" she says, grabbing three menus and taking us to the right side of the restaurant. She sets the menus down at a booth while flashing us all a smile. "Your waiter will be right with you" she happily says, then walks off as we all slide ourselves into the booth.

We ordered our food as quickly as we could and as we waited we all talked about our days. Grandpa said some guy he was working with earlier was pissing him off, but then again almost any little things pisses him off. I'm sure he just reacted in a dramatic way to whatever the guy did. Not too long after we order, then waiter comes back with our food.

As I'm eating my salad that I ordered I get a text, making my screen light up and catch my attention. It's a text from one of my friend from back at home, Sarah. She asked how has the move been and said I should go and visit her whenever we are both on break. I reply back to her but lose concentration on what I was typing when my grandma blurted out "Lexi, get off the phone at the table. You know how we feel about that." I quickly hit the send button so my text goes through to Sarah and set my phone down.

Just as I look up to my right I see someone I didn't expect to see. I feel like she's almost stalking me because I keep seeing her so much, but it's Mrs. Moore. Still in her white dress from earlier with her silky black touching her shoulders. She is so gorgeous! I've never had such an attractive teacher before. I see a tall man with light brown hair, standing right next to her.

They are waiting to be seated and as I see them lean up against a wall, the guy puts his arm around Mrs. Moore. So I'm assuming it's her husband. By the way she looks, you'd think she'd be with someone much more attractive than him. He's not the ugliest, but he most defiantly isn't the most attractive.

Before Mrs. Moore notices me, I look away and try to avoid making eye contact with her. My grandparents and I have finished eating and we are waiting on the check now. Hopefully Mrs. Moore gets seated before we are done paying, because I'd rather not have to walk by her. Just as I finish my thought of wanting her to be seated before we finish paying, the hostess calls out the name Moore. Of course with the luck I have, the hostess brings Mrs. Moore and who I am assuming is her husband, right towards us.

I immediately look away from the walkway and start talking to my grandparents. Maybe if we look like everyone else and just talk she won't notice me? "So Sarah was wondering if we would be able to meet up over one of our breaks?" I ask my grandparents, trying to make us look like everyone else at all the other tables. "That would be nice, maybe she could come visit you here and you can show her around the town" my grandma suggest. "Why here? And what's there to show her? I swear this town is so small" I say thinking about how I've run into the same woman so many times already.

Okay I know it's technically only been onetime outside of school, but even at school we kept seeing each other, or at least we kept going up to each other. "I'm sure there's something for you two girls to do-" my grandpa starts to say but gets cut off by a voice. "Here's your check, you can pay me when you're ready" the waiter gets all of our attention as he sets down our bill on the table. My grandpa automatically hands him his debt card and he goes back to scan it. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I say getting up from our table.

I walk to the bathroom and do my business. As I leave the stall I go to wash my hands as my eyes scan the mirror in front of me. I observe my face and instantly feel a little down. I'm very insecure about the way I look. People may always give me compliments and say I'm pretty, but I just don't see it. Most people probably say it just to be nice. Just as I turn the sink off the bathroom door swings open, and in comes Mrs. Moore.

"Oh hey Lexi" she says flashing me a smile. "Hi Mrs. Moore" I say in return as she walks over to the sink to wash her hands. "So are you ready for the school year to start" She questions turning off the sink, as I dry my hands with a paper towel. "I'm ready for the school year to end" I say, and she laughs in return. "It's your senior year, enjoy it while you can" she replies as I open the door and hold it for her to walk out with me.

The only reason I'm moving a little slow is because I don't want to just buzz off and seem rude. "I don't understand what's the big deal about being a senior. I'm ready to be done with high school. We're just forced to take classes we don't want to take and we don't even learn anything important" I say as we are both walking in the same direction since we are seated very close to each other.

"Oh so you think I'm just gonna teach you a bunch of unimportant things" she says in a joking manner. Oh shit, I didn't even think about how that would sound to her, I laugh to myself a little. "Actually english is my favorite subject, and it what I want to minor in in college" I smile, seeing my grandparents come into view. "Who's this" my grandpa says catching both mine and Mrs. Moore's attention.

"This is my English teacher" I say, motioning my hand towards her. "Hi" she waves to them but continue "my husband is waiting on me, so I'll get going now but nice see you Lexi, and Lexi's grandparents" she says the last part a little slower. As she walks back to her table my grandparents and I leave, "ooo Lexi, I think you'll have a hard time focusing in class I guess because she was gorgeous" my grandpa jokes. I roll my eyes and laugh "ew grandpa."

Him and my grandma know I'm bisexual and are thankfully very supportive of me. They didn't handle it well at first but have learned to deal with it, because I do find a more liking towards girls. My grandpa makes more jokes about it than my grandma does because she has a harder time accepting me being with another girl, but she's not too judgmental about it.


Okay guys, here's chapter two! Hope you like it and remember to comment any suggestions you have about the story. Sorry if it's a little slow or boring at the moment but it will get better as time goes on. Just can't rush into things since I just started the story haha.
Have a nice day/night
~ and sorry for any spelling errors ~

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