Twilight Breaking Dusk - Book...

By RoseGoldMermaids

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[This is a Breaking Dawn continuation story] After the Volturi had left my family and I in peace we planned... More

Piercing the veil
Expected unexpected
The meadow
The truth is a lie
Lies, lies and more lies
Where are you?
You will always be my baby
Gene Splicing
My love
Penelope Camille Cullen
Matthew and Penelope
Stubborn moments
The best man has arrived
The talk
Book II
First Day
Wyatt Hunter
Aurora and Guardian
New Friends
The little vampire
Midnight Sun
Check This Out

A slight complication

66.3K 787 271
By RoseGoldMermaids

While I cleaned up the kitchen of the dishes that Edward used to make Renesmee's breakfast Edward took Renesmee home to get her dressed.

Normally I am the one to dress her but it had been a while since I washed dishes in my vampire life. Esme or Rose would usually clean up but since they both were not here I decided it would be my job.

I would have let Edward wash them but it urks me slightly when he uses a brillo pad on a pan as it took the teflon off. His response is that we have the money to replace it but I think it's a waste of money even though we have more then enough.

As I was washing the dish I got slightly grossed out as I was able to see the microscopic germs with my perfect sight. From my biology classes in high school that I had taken I was easily able to identify the germs.

I was still on the first dish when Edward and Renesmee came in looking neat and orderly in their day clothes.

"Bella love, that dish isn't going to get any cleaner then you have it now." Edward said, I could tell from his tone that he was amused with me and my stubborness to get this dish perfectly clean.

"I can do this Edward, look they are almost gone." I said as I pointed at the five germ cells that remain.

I turned the water from medium warm to hot and winced uncomfortably as the hot water bothered my ice cold skin. It was like I was holding it over an open flame.

Then right before my eyes the germ cells began to multiply.

I froze, staring in disbelief. I knew germs multiplied but this was the first time I had really ever seen it with my naked eyes.

Clenching my fists with the pan in my hand I bent it out of its shape. In just seconds the perfectly shaped pan was a ball of metal in the palm of my hands.

I walked across the kitchen and tossed it in the recycle bin before I turned to Edward.

"Dishes are done." I said, a forced smile on my face.

I saw Edwards eyes flicker to the sink for a sixteenth of a second and then look back to me. Then Renesmee rose her hand to him.

"Yes Renesmee, I see there are still dishes in the sink." He chuckled before lifting her into his arms. "Renesmee wants to visit Charlie and Sue today." Edward added as he walked over to my side.

"Grandpa, grandpa! I want to see grandpa mommy." Renesmee began begging. I lightly pressed my finger to her lips to bring her silence to remind her. Once I dropped my finger from her lips she let out a sigh. "Mommy can grandpa please come over?" She asked.

I smiled to myself.

Renesmee was getting good with her self correcting. When she was speaking in sentences I taught her not to whine. Some times she slips up but she redeems herself respectfully.

I'm grateful for my daughter, even at the hard times when she is being disobediant, because I had witnessed children alot less behaved. Children that throw fits and scream their lungs out when they didn't get what they wanted.

Renesmee on the other hand just hid under the furniture or pouted but this was a rare thing to see from her. She knew how to conduct herself and did ten times better then most adults.

"How about we do better and ask grandpa and grandma to stay with us until we-" I caught myself short as I almost gave away the surprise Edward and I were going to explain to Renesmee.

Still Renesmee was a smart child and knew when we withheld something.

I looked at Edward and smiled as Renesmee began patting her hand against my face. She wanted me to finish my sentence.

The fifth time she touched my face I froze. It was as if my mind was going foggy and being suctioned. Then Edward gasped.

In the next half second Renesmee began bouncing up and down excitedly.

"When are we going mommy! When are we going to the island?" She squeeled.

I could feel my mouth ajar as I stared at my daughter. How did she find out we were going when I didn't even tell her?

I looked up at Edward suspiciously but he looked just as shocked as I was.

"Edward did she just?" I asked.

I hadn't even finished my sentence when he was nodding his head up and down. "She just read your mind."

My face contorted slightly to show the surprise and confusion that I was feeling. My daughter could read minds. What I didn't understand is why this gift didn't show up until just now.

As if I let Edward into my thoughts he went on about a theory. "The only plausable explaination I have for why we are just seeing this now instead of earlier like her other gift is because she didn't want to use it. We learned of her 'showing us her thoughts' because she wanted to communicate with us. Now we learned of her gift of being able to read peoples thoughts because she wanted an answer that you were hesitant about." he explained.

After a few seconds my mind finished with its moment of shock and was able to move on. Renesmee who was sitting patiently while we were having our small half-discussion slowly rose her hand towards me.

I moved her hand and placed it in her lap as I already knew what she wanted to know.

"In four days we will be going to the island." I told her before I took out my phone to call Charlie.

I waited patiently as it rang. On the second ring he answered.

"Bells." He greeted.

"Hi dad. I just called to ask you if you wanted to come and spend the next four days here at the house with us. You and Sue I mean. There is alot of room here so it won't be crowded. Plus Renesmee wants to see you."

Charlie didn't even have to be sold on the idea. He absolutely adored his granddaughter. Any second he could spend with her he would never turn down.

"Sure, sounds like fun. Have you three had lunch yet?" He asked.

I knew exactly where this conversation was going. The diner.

"Dad its not even noon yet." I responded.

There was a slight pause. Which I assumed was him checking his watch. "Oh er well how about brunch at the diner?" he decided to ask.

I knew this wasn't going to end in my favor so I might as well save my breath.

"Sure dad." I mused with him. "What time do you want to meet at the diner?"

There was a pause. "I never mentioned anything about the diner." He replied. I could hear the difference in his voice easily.

"Dad I know you very well. There is only one place you like to eat out at."

There was another long pause.

"30 minutes, we will meet you there." He finished. I heard Sue talking in the background about a leak in the sink that had gotten worse. "Bells-"

"I know dad, I'll see you later." I replied before we said our goodbyes.

When I placed my phone back in the pocket Renesmee grabbed onto my leg and looked up at me with wide puppy dog eyes.

"I'm hungry." She said in her tiny voice.

I looked up at Edward and he nodded his head.

"Well we are going to go to the diner to eat lunch with grandpa Charlie so you will eat very soon." I replied.

Edwards phone rang and he quickly answered it. "Alice?" He asked.

I held his gaze and did the best to listen to the conversation that was being exchanged. The first thought that came to my mind was that the Volturi was coming back for revenge or something was going to happen to a member of my family.

When Edward finally hung up the phone I was relieved. Alice had just seen a car accident that blocked the main road to the diner causing us to miss our lunch date. She suggested we leave now.

I quickly ran back to our cottage and took a short shower and got dressed. By the time I returned to the main house Edward had Renesmee dressed up for the cold weather that Alice had promised to come.

Alice was our own personal weather gal. One of the amusing things she did was watch the weather channel and correct the weather guy. In turn she would write out the 'actual' weather.

Her forcasts took note of every change every hour. We knew if the temperature was going to rise or fall. How much cloud cover and for how long. How much rain and exactly when. Where the sun was going to shine and how to work our schedules around it. Alice kept us up to date on every little weather detail.

"Do you have her mittens and her scarf? Alice said a windchill will pick up around noon time." I said as I grabbed my 'emergency bag'.

Whenever Edward and I went somewhere we always took our emergency bag incase we needed to make a quick escape for any danger.

The bag consisted of food for Renesmee, spare clothes, a new set of identification for each one of us, passports, money and other various things like family photos, cell phone, laptop and address book. So far we haven't had to use it but we always thought its better safe then sorry.

"I have that and a spare of clothes for her. Alice texted me and let me know that she had a vision of Renesmee playing in the puddles." He added as we headed out the front door.

Edward lifted Renesmee into his arms and pulled his jacket around both of them as we ran to the shelter of his car.

"I'll get her fastened in." Edward said to me as he opened the drivers door for me and handed me the keys.

Apparently I was driving which I couldn't argue against. I loved driving. Though since I had become a vampire my driving style had changed. I now liked to go fast then the law permits.

As I sat into my seat I pulled down the visor and flipped up the covering for the mirror. From the reflection I was able to see Edward setting Renesmee into her carseat.

She would never need it since it was impossible for us to crash because of how well we drove but for my fathers sake I gave in and invested in a $200 dollar carseat.

"Careful with the buckles Edward." I called back.

He looked at me and grinned. The last time he buckled her into her carseat he gripped the harness too tightly and it shattered into pieces.

After I heard the click of the buckles I stuck the key into the ignition and turned it over. The engine automatically purred and the urge to floor it ran high.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to settle myself. I had to remind myself that going fast made Renesmee upset. She didn't like going fast unless she was being held in our arms. She didn't feel safe.

"Bella?" Edward said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I opened my eyes and silently put the gear into drive before I eased on the gas. As we began moving I could hear Renesmee's heart beat pick up rapidly.

"Renesmee honey we aren't going fast." I called to her.

As I turned onto the highway and picked up the speed to 55 she began screaming.

"Mommy mommy please stop mommy!" She shrieked.

I pulled over onto the side of the road and put the car in park.

"Drive." I said to Edward simply as I climbed into the backseat.

The second I resumed my seat beside Renesmee I took her out of her carseat and sat her in my lap. For my fathers sake I even buckled us in with the seatbelt.

"Mommy is here Renesmee." I said soothingly. "It's okay."

When Edward stepped on the gas again I felt her heart speed up for a few seconds. Just as I was about to start trying to sooth her she calmed herself down.

Just as we were coming into town through the first red light a disel truck ran the red light and hit the car behind us. My eyes widened as I came to realize if we had of been just seconds slower that could have been us.

Alice was right about her vision. There was a wreck. But did she know that the wreck could have involved us.

"Bella" Edward murmered.

I blinked a few times and realized that Edward was turned around in his seat. Upon further notice to my surroundings I saw that we were parked in the parkinglot of the diner.

I let out a breath to settle myself over the recent events and then unbuckled my seat belt.

Edward got out and opened the door for me and I handed him Renesmee. The moment my feet hit the ground and I stood up I heard my name being called.

"Bella!" a womans voice called out.

I froze immeadiately. I didn't have to see the carrier of the voice to know who it belonged to. This wasn't right, she shouldn't be here.

"Bella?" The woman said yet again.

I slowly turned around and stared into the face of the woman who I knew was my mother. I forced a smile on my face and moved closer to Edward and our daughter.

"Hi mom." I said uneasily.

Her face went white and her mouth fell open a few inches. In her eyes I saw fear... no shock. She could see the difference in me, it wasn't hard to miss.

After a few seconds her eyes fell to Edward and then to the child in his arms. Very slowly her head tilted to the side as if she was trying to get some sense out of what she was seeing.

"She knows Renesmee is yours and is trying to put together to pieces." Edward began murmering, his lips barely moving as he spoke. "She thinks the only reason why you didn't come to Florida was because you were pregnant and didn't want to disappoint her." he added.

Great. Now what was I supposed to do. My mother wasn't stupid she couldn't be convinced that Renesmee was adopted especially when she learns her name. The only problem I could see here was the story. Could I trust my mother with the truth and expect her to lie or would I have to lie to her all-together?

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