I love You More and More Ever...

By GleeForever213

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This is the second book in the New Girl series. Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or any songs or characters, I on... More

Cleaning Pools and Sunburn
Wal-Mart and Water Balloons
Trip to SC!
Family Reunion
Family Reunion Part 2
Meeting Brenda's SC Friends
Bored and Babysitting
Back to School!
Recovery and Meeting
Leaving the Hospital
Who Is Who?
Win or Lose?
It's Not True
Authors Note
Pajamas and Spongebob SquarePants
Christmas Again!...Already?
Another Author's Note!
Family Photos!
Free Time!
Last Day Together
Sequel Info!

Hit and Run

700 18 4
By GleeForever213

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Brenda's POV

Tuesday morning I slept in (school's out today). Not because I wanted to but because someone turned my alarm clock off. I got up and stretched. I looked around until my eyes landed on my clock. My eyes widened. It's 12:45 PM! I went to my closet and started going through it. I found a pair of black yoga pants and a black crop top grabbed a pair of panties and a bra. I took a quick shower but I didn't wash my hair since I did last night. I put my clothes on, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair then put it in a curly pony tail. I ran into my room and got my phone. I didn't even realize that it's my birthday until I got downstairs and saw the huge banner that said, "Happy Birthday Southern Bell!" I know Puck or Santana did that. The banner and the group of people yelling, "Happy Birthday Brenda!" And then a cake was rolled into the room.

"Thanks y'all!"

"Don't thank us, thank your boyfriend." Mercedes said. I looked at Sam who wasn't listening. He was standing near the window, looking out talking on the phone. I stood behind him and waited until he turned around. When he did, I jumped on him.

"Whoa." I gave him a huge kiss.

"Whoa." He said again. I giggled.

"I know Sammy. I'm a great kisser." I whispered in his ear. He grinned and nodded. He pecked me on the lips and said,

"Happy Birthday B." I smiled at him.

"Thanks Sammy!" Everyone went in the living room and I saw a stack of presents. I sighed.

"Y'all didn't have to get me anything." I said.

"Well, you're our friend, of course we wanted to get you stuff for you're birthday!" Rachel exclaimed from where she was sitting with Finn on the couch.

"Okay dang. Hey, where's my twin?" I asked. Everyone shrugged. "Oh well. Give me my presents! Please!" They laughed and Finn handed me my first present. I could tell he didn't wrap it because when he wraps it, it looks like a big bag of wrapping paper. I ripped it off and saw  a book that had my name in the bottom right corner. I opened it and every page was blank. I looked at them weird.

"You an write your songs in them!" Rachel exclaimed.

"Oh Okay. Thanks!" I opened a few more presents. Quinn got me a new outfit that I love. It was a pair of skinny jeans and a shirt that said, "I am in love with Sam Evans!" And a picture of us together at the bottom.

"I have a feeling that you're going to be wearing that a lot." Sam said. I grinned at him and he pecked me on the lips while I was still grinning. Rachel had her phone out and was recording everything. I rolled my eyes and got up. I stretched again.

"I'll be right back." I went to the kitchen, humming. I went to the refrigerator and pulled out a bag of purple grapes. I set them on the counter then I went to the cabinet on the other side of the kitchen and got a bowl. I grabbed the bag of grapes and went to the sink. I put some grapes in the bowl and turned the water on. I poured water into the bowl then poured the water out. I turned the water off and went back to the living room, bowl of grapes in hand sat on Sam's knee and started eating the grapes. I looked up and saw everyone looking at me.

"What?" They shrugged and I leaned back on Sam and looked at him.

"You want one?" I asked. He nodded and I put it in his mouth.

"Thanks," He said but it sounded like 'Shmanks.' I laughed. I had one last present on the table. I reached over and grabbed it. I looked at the tag and saw that it was from Puck. I leaned back on Sam and ripped the wrapping paper off. As soon as I saw what it was I made a sound and threw it at Puck, hitting him in the head.

"What the hell Noah?" I exclaimed.

"I figured you two would need them by now." I looked at him like he was an idiot, which he is.

"How many times do I have to tell you? We are not doing it!" I exclaimed again. All he did was laugh.

"What was it?" Sam asked.

"A damn box of condoms!" I whispered in his ear. He made a sound similar to mine and glared at Puck. He piked up a random shoe and threw it at him, hitting him in the same place I did.

"Ow! Why is it the same place every single time?" He yelled rubbing his head.

"Because you're an idiot. That's why." Sam said.


Two hours later

I jumped when I heard mama's phone ring. Sam chuckled. I smacked his arm but he kept laughing.


"Is it ready yet?"

"Okay, we'll all be out there in a minute." I looked at her weird.

"Well come on everyone!" She motioned for us to follow her. And by everyone, she means everyone that was here earlier. We followed her and I could not believe what I saw in the back yard. Chris and Kevin were jumping on a huge trampoline that was half the size of the yard.

"Holy crap! Did you buy this for me?" I asked mama. She nodded and I hugged her before kicking off my shoes and getting on the trampoline. They were on the side farthest from everyone and I was on the side closest to everyone. I started jumping as high as I could and then I did a toe touch. I did a couple flips then Sam got on with me. Chris and Kevin got off like five minutes ago. Sam, Melody, Laura, Puck, Finn, Blaine, Ryder, Jake, Joe, Marley, Quinn, the twins and I jumped on the trampoline for twenty minutes then Sam and I got off. Sam pulled me to the front of the house, both of us still barefoot and he pulled something out of his back pocked. It was a square jewelry case. He handed it to me and started grinning.

"Come on, open it." He started bouncing slightly. I smiled at his antics and opened it. I gasped when I saw the necklace. It was a heart shaped locket that had 'B+S Forever' engraved on the front, with diamonds surrounding it. I felt tears coming to my eyes as I flipped it over and on the back 'I love you more and more everyday.' I wiped a tear off my cheek and then I opened the locket. There was a picture of me and him kissing on one side and then the other picture was us looking into each others eyes smiling. I looked up at Sam and he wiped my eyes. I looked him in the eyes and said,

"I love you so much." My voice cracked. I took his face in my hands and gave him a long passionate kiss.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Okay so, we have five cars at our house. My car, Sam's truck, mama's car, Mary and Dwight's van and Pa's car, right? Well, mama's car had two flat tires, Pa is at work, Mary and Dwight have gone off somewhere, mama is shopping with Quinn's mom Judy and she's using my car and Sam's truck won't start. Puck and Quinn were at the house and we were watching a movie. Sam and Puck were arguing over who should go to the movie store and get another movie. Apparently, Puck's lazy ass didn't want to go anywhere and Sam's truck won't start so he can't go.

"Uh, here dude! Take my bike and get a movie." I perked up and said,

"What now?"

"I'm okay with that," Sam said.

"Well, I'm not! Do you even know how to ride one?" I asked. Sam stood up and nodded.

"Yeah, I've known how to ride one since I was 10."

"Fine, but you better be careful, Samuel." He laughed but nodded. He gave me a kiss and left. I didn't expect the call I got an hour later.

Third Person's POV

Sam was sitting at a red light, waiting on it to change. He was on his way to the movie store. He looked over and saw Carole, Finn's mom, and Finn in the car in the lane beside him. He waved at them. The waved back at him. It had been ten minutes and the light still hadn't changed. Sam watched as a big black pickup truck came speeding toward them. He was in the wrong lane and was coming straight at Sam. He looks familiar, Sam thought but the next thing he knew, he was in the air, feeling nothing but pain. He hit the ground and the last thing he saw was Finn standing over him, Finn yelling at his mom to call 911. The last person he thought about though was Brenda then everything went black and he couldn't feel anything.

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