Drew Grier: A Broken Girl

Bởi imacoolcat_

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At first glance, the Grier family is perfect. But, not all is well for Drew and her brother Will Grier. They... Xem Thêm

Drew Grier: A Broken Girl
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 40 (The End)

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Bởi imacoolcat_

~Jack's POV~

"You did this!" Nash snarled angry, his fists balled at his sides. I stepped back, giving him room.

I took a deep breath, "No I didn't."

"What? You fucking cheated on her! You're a fucking-"

"I didn't cheat," I spoke, "I'll explain everything, just calm down please."

"She saw you!"

"No, she didn't see what she think she saw. It's a long story, and I swear it makes sense. A lot more happened that night than you think. What does Drew do best? She runs, like it's her fucking job. I needed to get her as far away from this city as fucking possible. I made a deal with Cam to make sure she did just that." I explained, not wanting to think of the events of that night.

He looked at me, not knowing what to say. To be honest, I didn't know how to say what I needed to, I didn't know how to tell him. And there was the aching part in me, that asked, should I tell him? He has the right to know everything that went down that night.

I sipped at my beer, my girlfriend whom was lingering outside. I was in search of someone, Cameron Dallas. Although I rather smash his face against the wall, he's the only person I can think of who wants to keep Drew safe as I do.

I'm not dumb, I see the way he looks at her, and he's made it fairly clear, he cares about her. I don't know how much, but he's one person I can try and trust when it comes to this. It's the reason I came here early, to surprise her, because I needed a few more days with her before all went falling down.

"Can we talk?" I asked Cameron.

He raised an eyebrow, shrugging his shoulders. "Sure, why not. What's up?"

"No, it needs to be alone, come with me."

I lead him into what I assume is one of their spare bedrooms, I shut the door behind us. "Okay bro, seriously, what's up, you never want to talk to me, in fact you fucking hate me."

"Well you're right about that, but we have something in common and that thing is Drew. We both love her more than anything in this world. Right?" I asked.

He gulped, "Yeah, we do."

"Good, because I'm counting on that. Last week something happened, something bad. And I need to get Drew as far away from this place as I possibly can. New York, Florida, although out of the country would be better. And I need your help doing that. When she runs, I want you go with her, to make sure she's safe."

"What happened?" He asked.

"George Grier happened," my voice croaked.

"Alright, what ever you need," he nodded.

"She's going to think I cheated on her, she'll walk right into it. Then, I need you to get her out of here, back to her house, from there she'll leave. Hopefully with in a few hours too. Convince her to let you go, then promise me you won't leave her side under any circumstances."

"I promise."

I think back to everything, knowing I am only doing this to keep her safe. It was last week, when I received the dangerous e-mail. One threatening my life if I didn't hand her over to George, he gave me a date, and a time.

He can't take her, if she isn't here. My quick thinking bought me a few days, at the least, to figure all of this out. "What are we going to do?" Nash asked.

"I called Nik, he's on his way," I said.

We sat in silence, as I checked my phone. A text from Cameron appeared on the screen, he was reassuring me of her safety. They spend the day wandering around Rome. I felt a pang of jealousy in my chest, I always wanted to take her to those places.

Spend the day roaming around on a scooter, with her on my back. Throw coins in the Trevi Fountain, now I know, I'll probably never get to do those things. It was either George taking her life, or mine. And if I get the choice, it's going to be me that goes.

She's too precious to me, and if I die knowing I saved her life, then I'll die a happy person. I got to love her, and that's all that really matters to me. She's the soul reason for my existence, and dying would be much better than living with out her.

Nik, her real Father, arrived, with another one I recognized, the guy from that day with Bart. "There was a break in at her apartment," Nik spoke.

"Do you think it was him?" I asked.

"All evidence proceeds it to be, the place is trashed, he was definitly searching for her. We don't have much time until he figures out she's not exactly here. Jack, you were thinking on your feet. Thank you for doing everything you can to protect my daughter. I know she thinks you hurt her, but infact you are keeping her from him."


I wanted to hear her voice, no I needed too. She'd be coming home soon, and my time would be up. I would be gearing up for the fight of my life. I swirled the key around my finger, the one to her house. Nik gave it to me, for safe keeping, while he figures all of this out.

I walked to my car, putting my keys in the ignition. It was a act of missing her, I couldn't call, couldn't text. Although, if I tried, she wouldn't answer. She hates me, and I get that. But all I want to do is hold her in my arms, and tell her how much I love her.

It was late, and the moon was already in the sky. The drive to her house, was short, although when I pulled in the drive way, it was unfamiliar with out her there. The place, was cleaned up from George's attempts at finding her.

Her things were still scattered, I walked into his bedroom, where on the table beside her bed, was a picture. I blinked, holding the cracked glass in my hands, it was of us, before things went wrong. Before, the bad ever began to happen.

It was late, as I stared out on the skyline of the unknown city. The routine has been in place for quite some time, another day, another place. We're somewhere in the middle of no where, the cool air pricks my shoulders. "Babe," I hear beside me, from a voice I know all too well.

I turn to her, she's clad in jeans and my sweatshirt. A smile on her beautiful face, I wrap an arm around her, holding her to my body. "You okay?" she asks.

"I'm fine, just kind of mesmerized. A lot of things are happening, good things." I speak, clasping my hands around her neck," like this," I place a kiss to her lips.

She nods, "I like this."

"Me too baby," I hum, pecking her lips once more.

"Look what I got," she chimes, breaking from my embrace, leaving a frown on my face. She holds a digital camera, she snaps a picture of me. "You look so adorable."

I shake my head, chuckling, I take it from her, facing it forward, taking her in my arms and clicking a picture of the two of us. "Now that's an adorable picture." I speak, kissing her cheek. She nods, taking the camera from me, setting it on the table.

"I'll show you adorable," she smirked, lust clouding in those sexy blue eye's. It was a sudden change of pace, when she wrapped her arms around my neck. I could feel the intensity, the spark, that made every time feel like the first.

I pressed her flat into the mattress, and had her moaning my name in seconds. She wanted me to touch her, to take her clothes off, and it felt like heaven. Fuck, she's heaven, and probably the closest damn thing I will ever get to it.

My mind comes back from the memory, and I sigh, taking a few more steps around. Wading into the living room, when something made me turn my back. In the dim light, the door came flying open, and there she stood, tear stained eye's, black hair framing her face. "Drew?" I questioned, "what the hell are you going here?"

Cam was standing behind her, giving me apologetic eye's. "Don't be mad at him, he kept his promise. Why didn't you tell me Jack? I would of understood." She sobbed, walking towards me, I reached out, placing my hand on her shoulder, making sure she was real, and that this wasn't a figment of my imagination.

"I couldn't Drew, he would of killed us both. And if I have to choose between him taking my life or yours, it's going to be mine, every damn time. I'd die for you." I said, she collapsed into my chest, and holding her felt like the best thing I could have dreamt of.

Her fingers caressed my cheeks, she was going to say something, but all I could do was kiss her, with every ounce of passion I had in me, she's mine, and always will be. I heard her whisper against my lips, the three words I needed.

"Isn't this fucking cute?" A strong voice probed.

My eye's went wide, he's hear, the devil himself. George Grier. "Oh my god," she gasped, and I acted quickly, making sure she was behind me, as Cam moved to to the same.

"This is just a damn love fest." He growled.

"What do you want with me?"

"You owe me-"He started.

"I don't owe you shit," she said, her hands gripping my sides, to keep her standing.

"And she never will," I finished.

He pulled from his back, a black colt, that shined in the dim light, but petrified all of us. He held the gun, pointing it straight at her. My heart pounded, and the room seemed to be collapsing. The sound was like a storm, igniting through the entire wake, and it was aimed to the love of my life.

I moved, quickly, and I knew I did what I was destined to do, when it was my body that hit the ground, and not hers. I heard screams, more shots, and the most pain I have ever physically felt. My shoulder, and stomach were torn to pieces.

I could see Nik, hear sirens, and her sobbing body crouched beside me. "Jack," she spoke, her voice echoed through my ears like one of her songs. Despite the pain, and everything else, she was the only thing I heard.


"Stay with me kid!" Someone yelled, as I was barely opening my eye's. "He's awake!" Another voice yelled. I felt shocks pulse through my body, again and again, it wouldn't stop. Until finally, I was given a release. My eye's were hazed over, but when I opened them I could see a man staring at me, green was all I could see in him.

"Get him to the OR stat! He's loosing too much blood!" He yelled.

I felt myself go under again, this time I was in my own state of nothingness. Around me, was white, four walls that closed in, and suddenly I could see them. Drew, in the waiting room, tears draining her pale cheeks. Nash, looking like he needed a good night of sleep, and Cameron, who was utterly speechless.

I wanted to call out of her, tell Drew that I would be alright, but I couldn't because I know she would hear me. I saw Jack and Sam lined up next to them, saying words I couldn't understand, until finally Jack spoke up, "I can't lose my best friend."

"You won't," I whispered.

Back into the OR, needles and scapals were carved into my body, I didn't know what they were doing but for a small second, I felt like letting go of the pain. Right then and there, but it was something in the Doctor's eye's, he urged me to hold on, and I knew I had a reason to, she was in the waiting room, so I held on as tight as I could.

The hours felt like years, because I knew I had to wait to wake up, wait to see her face. And those long seconds, were keeping me from what I truly wanted. Everything flashed before my eye's when it came to her, our first kiss, our first night together, the day she told me she loved me. The way she smiled when we were together.

I don't take back anything, she's still the greatest thing that ever happened to me, and if I die today, I'll die knowing that I loved a woman who saw me for me, who was the one person I could tell anything and everything too.

I stayed still, not being able to see anything anymore, but I was still breathing, and I knew that was a good sign. Tubes, and various things were hooked to my body. But I felt someone next to me, I tried desperately to open my eye's, but it wasn't working.

"Jack," her voice sobbed, please don't cry Drew, not for me. I will be okay, baby girl I will wake up and everything will be back to normal. "I want you to know something," she started, her fragile fingers clasping around my dry and cracked ones. "You saved my life Jack, more than once. And earlier, when you took that bullet for me, every part of me wanted it to be me that went down instead of you." I felt her lips kiss my forehead, "I'm alive because of you, Jack you deserve the world. And maybe I'll never be able to give that to you, but I'll try."

I held on to her, making sure that no force let her walk away from me, it took every ounce of strength I had in my body, to open my eye's and say, "you're wrong Drew, I already have the world right in front of me." She bent down, her lips ghosting mine and our tears mixing, despite the pain, and everything else there isn't another place I would rather be.

"I love you Jack Gilinsky," she spoke.

"And I love you Drew Grier," I said, keeping her as close as I possibly could. I don't know what's going to happen from here, whether George will go to jail or not, but I do know that I have the woman of my dreams in front of me, and I am so deeply in love with her that I will never let her go under any circumstances ever again.



NASH GRIER: LOST (Unfinished)


A/N: I'm writing a new book currently, called After Thought, it's about Chance Sutton. Also, I wrote this story when I was like 15. Now I'm 19 and many things have changed about my writing style. Love ya. xx

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