Choose your future. Choose li...

By shesabitch

10.4K 289 25

... but why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the... More

Choose life
Closet romantic
Lust for life
the aftermath
The awakening
looking for answers
brick wall
unwanted guest
For now
An apple a day
Little baby dawn
The calm before the storm
That day
The arrival
Last words
Realising (Epilogue)


307 10 0
By shesabitch

The morning was anything but uneventful, but it seemed to then be followed by a rather uneventful evening. They had ended up sprawling themselves on the bed; Sickboy insisted that Charlie get plenty of rest to get rid of the bug they thought she had. As much as she insisted it was fine and she was feeling fine, he wouldn't let her out of his sight or let her do anything strenuous. Charlie had to admit though, it did feel nice not having to worry about anything, and after last night it felt nice to relax and not be shouting at each other. Or rather Charlie shouting at Sickboy and Charlie telling him to go away. After a while, normality started to set in again; and for once normality felt nice to have. Charlie kept on tell Sickboy that she didn't need him looking after her all the time and said that he could pop out if he needed to. But still he was insistent that he stay. It wasn't till the fourth cup of tea that he realised that they were running out of milk and sugar for the tea. He went in to bring Charlie one last tea before they ran out of milk.

'I need to pop down to the road real quick to grab some more milk and sugar, is that okay' Sickboy asked as he put her cup of tea on the side table. Charlie was thankful to have a couple minutes to herself and eagerly nodded and said yes to Sickboy. After a couple minutes of faffing around and making sure Charlie was going to be okay whilst he was gone, he legged it out of the flat and down the road to get the milk and sugar. Charlie sighed in relief when he was out of the house, she was thankful for him being there but felt like she needed to have a couple minutes to herself, where Sickboy wasn't asking her constantly if she was okay and if she was feeling any better. She took her time to go to the bathroom and once she came back, she sat herself up in the bed and turned around to grab the cup of tea. Once she grabbed it  though she suddenly remember what she had later on tonight. She had a shift at work. Everything paused for a moment as she thought on what the hell to do.

As Chalrie sat up on the bed, starring at her cup of tea as it slowly started to grow colder, she couldn't help but think on what to tell Sickboy. And as if on queue, Sickboy came waltzing in from outside, getting back sooner then she thought from grabbing some more milk and sugar for their teas. As he put the bag down on the counter top, he went to go check on Charlie and to offer her another cup of tea, but when he walked in, he saw that she still had a cup of tea in her hands and she was just starring at the cup, like she was waiting for it to do something.

'It'll go cold if you leave it for any longer.' Sickboy said to her as he sat down by the side of her. She looked up to him getting out of the haze she was in. Charlie looked up to see him smiling down at her, she returned the smile then went to lift her cup to her mouth and took a sip, trying to act like everything was okay so Sickboy wouldn't ask any questions. It didn't work though, and the questions soon came flooding in.

'You alright?' Sickboy asked, looking down in worry, not knowing if she was feeling ill again or not. He sat down by the side of her on the bed, looking at her with concern as he waited for her reply.

'For the hundredth time today Sickboy, I'm fine' Charlie chuckled lightly looking over to see a concerned face looking back. She put the cup down on the bedside table and twisted round so she was facing Sickboy. She started to lay down to feel more comfortable.

'I was just day dreaming that's all, nothing to worry about' She finished as he got himself lying down in a comfortable position. She rolled closer to him and rested her head on his chest as she felt his arms wrap around him.

'As long as your sure' He muttered into her hair and placed a kiss where he spoke. She hummed back to him, closing her eyes and inhaling his scent, feel tired all of a sudden.

'So what where you daydreaming about?' Sickboy asked filling the silence.

'Just... things I guess' Charlie sighed keeping her eyes shut not wanting to open them.

'What are these things then?' He asked again looking down to see her face, just curious on what was going through her head.

'Just unimportant things I guess' She said not wanting to go too deep into it. She didn't want to tell him, but she was thinking about work and that she had to go to a shift later on tonight. She still felt like shit and she was wondering how on earth she would be able to sneak past Sickboy to work.

'Oh come on, you can tell me' Sickboy poked more, trying to get at least a bit more of a conversation out of her. He had been worried all day after what happened this morning and didn't want her to be ill again. He didn't like seeing her in pain or hurting at all.

'Just wondering what your up to later?' Charlie turning it on him. If he was out then she could easily get to work. She just had to feel better by the evening.

'I was just gonna stay here if that's okay with you' He smiled again at her. Once she heard this, she didn't know what to say back. She needed to go to work, but he would never let her go after everything that happened last night. She didn't want to cause another argument between the two of them, but also didn't want to get fired as this was the job that was paying her bills every month.

'Nah, you go out with your friends, I'll be fine' She told him with a smile, trying to be subtle and kick him out of the house for the evening.

'Are you sure? I don't want you being Ill again.' He told her, unaware of what was going through her mind and why she needed him out of the house.

'Honestly you go, have a guys night or whatever you do. I made you miss out the other day, so why not go out tonight with them?' She said to him, trying not cause any suspicion. Just as he was about to reply, there was a knock at the door interrupting the two. Charlie hastily go up to go answer the door,  thanking whoever was behind the door mentally, as it got her out of the situation she had found herself in. As she opened the door, she was greeted with her sister. Charlie sighed, smiling to her letting her come through to the living room. Sickboy had just gotten out of the bedroom when the two sisters got themselves comfortable on the chair in the living room.

'Alright Alison' Sickboy greeted the younger sister as he walked into the living room.

'Alright yourself, didn't realize you were staying the nights as well now' She said smirking back to her older sister.

'Well hes not tonight, hes got the night off' Charlie joked hoping that Sickboy would just be indifferent about what she had just said and just left her for the evening so she could go to work.

'Yeh, well then I'll leave you two sisters to it' He said grabbing his jacket from the bedroom. Charlie had got up to take him to the door to say good bye, but he just pushed her back down.

'I can get myself out of the flat' He joked with her while rolling his eyes. He leant down to give her a kiss, before making his way towards the door. Once he was out the door, the two sisters turned back to each other.

'So its serious with him then?' Alison smirked once again bumping her sisters shoulder.

'Alright, shut up' Charlie retorted rolling her eyes. Alison sensed a bit of hesitation and furrowed her brows.

Why, whats wrong?' Alison asked her sister, it feeling nice being able to have sisterly moments like these once again with her older sister.

'Its just, he was really weird last night when I told him about me working in the club. He didn't like it, even though its none of his business' Charlie relayed onto her sister. Even she had to admit that it was nice to have this sort of relationship with someone again, it wasn't even like Charlie had to try, with her sister the trust came naturally, like it did before she went to jail.

'So what, just ignore him.' She carelessly said, seeing her sister look down at her hands.

'Is there something else your not telling me?' Alison pressed.

'Well, it just seemed like he got really jealous and we ended up having a little bit of a argument last night. I've got work tonight, but I didn't how to tell him.' Charlie told her sister. She trusted her, but didn't want to tell her everything, because she didn't want her to worry and she didn't need another person not wanting her to go to work.

'Charlotte, don't tell me you didn't tell him!' Alison quizzed her older sister looking shocked.

'Didn't tell him what?' Charlie said confused.

'That you've got work tonight?' Alison said in differently.

'Oh, yeah, well... no... he doesn't know.' Charlie reluctantly told her, not wanting to know her reaction, playing around with her hands once again.

'Why didn't you tell him?' Alison looked dumbfounded.

'Cause I didn't want another argument between the two of us and after being ill this morning he wouldn't of even let me out of the house!' Charlie tried to reason with her and prove to her there was a reason to why she didn't tell him.

'Wait you were ill?' Alison said with concern her head snapping up to look at her.

'It was nothing, I'm feeling fine now! Not like I haven't been sick in the past!' Told her sister trying to keep to her guns. In truth she was feeling a little worn out, but she needed to money.

'Yeh, but isn't it a rule that your not meant to be around other people for 48 hours or something?' Alison told her sister.

'Oh come on, that's rubbish! If that was true, then Sickboy would've been I'll by now, hell you would've been sick by now' Charlie was insistence.

'What the hell? Thanks for telling me' her sister tried to lighten the conversation up a bit. They giggled a little between themselves. Charlie got up and busied herself getting the two of them tea, whilst Alison properly took a look at Charlie. To herself, Charlie looked fine and felt fine (bar feeling a little tired.) but her sister saw more. Charlie looked pale, her cheeks however were fuller then usual and rosy and her hair was slung up in a bun. 'She does look a little under the weather' Alison thought, her concern growing for her sister. As Charlie came back over with there teas in hand, she took her seat next to Alison once again.

'You do look a little pale though' Alison stated to her, only to get a eye roll in return.

'Oh my god, I'm fine! A little tired but fine!' Charlie said.

'Well if you are tired its not like you can actually do much tonight, take the day off sick' Alison suggested to her, wanting her sister to get better before she returned to work.

'I can't, theirs no one to cover my shift' Charlie muttered whilst blowing on her tea. Alison took time to think.

'I could cover you shift? I don't even have a proper job and hey maybe after I can see if theirs a position there for me too!' Alison smiled to her older sister. Charlie just looked at her in disbelief.

'I thought the other day you said is was 'dangerous to work in a place like that'' charlie retaliated trying to get Alison off her tail.

'Well that was then, this is now - I need a job anyways and you seem fine with the job, I can just cover your shif5 and then see if they have any positions for me there.' Alison insisted.

'No! I couldn't ask you to do that!' Charlie resisted, she couldn't make her sister do that for her.

'Your not asking, I'm volunteering and telling you, I'll cover your shift! Its what sisters do!' Alison told her. It felt weird for her to say that after not seeing her sister for a while.

'Your not going to give up are you?' Charlie questioned her.

'Nope! So what time do I start my shift?' Alison exclaimed, rather too cheerfully.  Charlie laughed lightly, amused by her sister enthusiasm.

'I start at 9 and finish at 3 in the morning' Charlie told her, half expecting her sister to back out after knowing the hours, but instead her enthusiasm just grew.

'Great! Where abouts?'

' Hold on and I will just jot the address down for you' Charlie told her whilst getting up and heading over to her desk. She was half way through searching for a pen when her sister turned around and asked her a question.

'Do you have a tampon or something that I can borrow?' Alison asked from her spot on the couch as she mindlessly looked through her bag, obviously looking to see if she had one on her. This question made Charlie pause for a moment. She was trying to think where her tampons where, but within this she had realized that she hadn't actually got her period for two months or so now.

'Charlotte?' Alison said whilst looking up to her sister causally.

'Yeah, there should be some in the bathroom, under the sink' She smiled to her whilst finally latching her hand on a pen. whilst Alison got up to go to the bathroom, Charlie had started writing the address for her sister, but paused again half way through. Why had it been so long since she had her period? All these different thoughts started clouding her head, and it wasn't until Alison had come out of the bathroom that Charlie came to the realisation as to why she hadn't had her period. She came to the realisation as to why she was being so ill recently and why she felt like puking her guts up every morning. 

'You okay?' Alison asked, whilst looking over her sisters shoulder.

'Yeah, here is the address' Charlie finished jotting the address done and handed it to her sister.

'Thank you for doing this for me' Charlie smiled, sincerely grateful for what her sister was doing for her. Alison looked down at the address, then looked back up with a smile. She saw the time and saw that it was 7pm and that meant she only had a couple hours to get herself all ready for work.

'No problem! I better be off then so I can get myself ready!' she cheerfully exclaimed, picking up her purse and heading towards the door, Charlie followed her getting ready to see her out.

'Oh and I borrow a couple tampons as well if that's okay' Alison said whilst walking out the door.

'Yeah that's fine' The older sister said, the waved each other off and Charlie closed the door once Alison was out of sight.

'I don't think I'll be needing them for the next 7 months or so anyway' Charlie said leaning her back on the door as her hand found her way to her lower stomach. She came to the realisation that she had missed her pill here and there since going out with Sickboy and she could only come to the conclusion that she was pregnant. Pregnant with Sickboys baby.

How the hell was she going to get herself out of this hole now.

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