Chase Me

By LencySlamet

392K 9.6K 944

Amari Vasilios, the CEO of a rapidly growing Advertising Company in California, experienced a heartbreak from... More

Little note to my readers
"Muse" P U B L I S H E D


15.1K 477 54
By LencySlamet

"Who's that boy?"

Dad looked at me from the rearview mirror as I ate my leftover lunch in the backseat of his Bentley.

"That's Zane." My brother snickered from the passenger seat. "Zane Shaw. Amari's boyfriend."

I let out a loud gasp as I dropped my lunch tray on the seat. "He is not! Daddddd, Millie said boyfriend!"

"Milan! Don't tease your sister." Dad said as he glared at Milan. "How long have you known him, baby girl?"

"Who?" I asked, distracted by the lollipop I just found in my backpack. Mom must have put it in there when I wasn't looking this morning. She's so sweet. "Do you want a cherry lollipop, Millie?"

"Lollipop is disgusting." Milan turned around and stuck his tongue out at me. "It has little worms and---,"

"Daaaaddd, Millie is being mean."

"Milan, leave your sister alone." Dad let out a loud sigh as he honked impatiently at the car in front of us. "Babygirl how long have you known Zane?"

"One...two...three...four...Four days. He said I am his best friend."

"Mmhh." My dad hummed as he tapped with his fingers on the steering wheel. "Do you know his parents?"

I shook my head. Why would I need to know that? "No."

"Nevermind, I'll investigate."


My dad smiled through the rearview mirror. "Nothing, baby girl. Nothing."

"So, what do you guys think?"

My jaw dropped as I stepped out of the private jet. My black skirt clung to my thighs after I had spilled wine on it before we landed.

"Rome," I whispered, completely captivated by the breathtaking surroundings. "Isn't this supposed to be your honeymoon destination?"

Yasmin took off her sunglasses, freeing them from her tangled hair, and burst into laughter. "No, Milan and I have been to Rome three times already."

"Then where are you going for your honeymoon?" Angelica asked, looking up from her phone, likely texting Alex to let him know we had safely arrived at our destination.

"Bali, of course. The beautiful and exotic island in Indonesia," Yasmin replied with a wistful sigh. "Anyway, come on. The limo is already waiting for us. Are you girls ready for some fun?!"

"Hell yeah! What do you have planned for today?" Zahara chimed in.

During the plane ride, we had gotten to know each other a bit better. Ava was Yasmin's best friend, and Zahara and Luna were her college friends who had become colleagues.

"Um..." Yasmin opened her notebook and answered, "Shopping, manicures and pedicures, and dinner."

I managed to stifle a groan. Apart from the shopping, I didn't mind the other activities she had planned.

With a tired sigh, I grabbed my handbag and walked over to where the waiting limo stood.

It was going to be a long day.

After a full day of shopping and exploring, it was finally time for us to return to our hotel.

We were staying in the presidential suite, which boasted a breathtaking view, modern furniture, and luxurious amenities.

"I have a big surprise planned for all of you!" Ava exclaimed with excitement as we made our way to our respective rooms. "Dress sexy tonight, ladies."

With that, she entered her room and closed the door, leaving the rest of us stunned.

"I thought we were having a movie night!" Yasmin shouted outside Ava's bedroom. "What happened to that?"

"We'll still have it!" Ava shouted back. "The show is only for one hour."

"What show?!" we all exclaimed, thoroughly confused.

Our original plan for the evening was a cozy movie night, complete with wine and spaghetti with meatballs.

A crack in the bedroom door revealed Ava's head poking out. "It's a surprise, ladies. Dress sexy."

We let out collective groans but decided to follow Ava's instructions.

I entered my room, placing all my shopping bags in the closet before heading for a refreshing shower.

After an hour, I was finally finished with my hair and makeup. I slipped into my dress and stepped out into the living room. None of the girls had arrived yet.

Deciding to make myself a glass of champagne, I headed to the kitchen. After pouring the bubbly drink, I noticed Ava coming from her room, dressed in a strikingly short beige dress. Her dress showcased her cleavage, clinging to her body like a second skin, accentuating her curves perfectly. It was no wonder Ivan couldn't resist her.

I couldn't help but wonder what she had in store for us.

"Hey, hot stuff," Ava greeted, scanning me up and down. She bit her lip and winked at me. "You look absolutely stunning."

Since Ava had instructed us to dress sexy, I had chosen a strapless black dress paired with Valentino shoes.

I chuckled at her compliment and shook my head. "Look who's talking."

She pouted. "I'm cute, no doubt. But you are hot. Hotter than hot itself. If only Zane could see you tonight..." She wiggled her eyebrows mischievously.

"Zane?" I questioned, intrigued. "Why him?"

"You two have undeniable chemistry," she said, laughing. Her laughter faded when I continued to stare at her. "Wait... wait... wait... please tell me you're not one of those clueless girls."

"What kind of girls?" I asked, confused.

"Those girls who are so... how do I put it? Oblivious. Zane is head over heels in love with you, and I'm pretty sure you already know that."

"No, wait..." I furrowed my brow, utterly bewildered. "Actually, Zane and I are not exactly on the best terms."

"Did you friendzone him?!" she exclaimed.

"No!" I raised my voice, clarifying the situation. "It's quite the opposite, actually. We're not on good terms right now."

"But wh—" Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

Ava's eyes widened, a mischievous smile spreading across her face.

"Ladies," she said in the sweetest voice, "the show is about to begin."

Yasmin, Angelica, Luna, and Zahara all gathered in the living room.

"What's this surprise, Ava? I think it's safe to spill the beans now," Yasmin remarked, placing her hands on her hips, giving her best friend a questioning look.

Ava brushed off the question and headed toward the door. She swung it open and stepped aside to let the person standing there inside.

My jaw dropped as I saw the surprise Ava had planned for us.

A male stripper.

As the relentless banging on my door grew louder, I let out a loud groan. I grabbed my phone to check the time and discovered it was a mere seven in the morning.

Who in their right mind would awaken at such an ungodly hour? Our flight wasn't scheduled to depart until three in the afternoon.

The past two days had been absolute bliss. I had a blast with the girls and we explored so many incredible places.

We marveled at the grandeur of St. Peter's Basilica, the largest church in the world, and admired the masterful artworks it housed.

After our visit to St. Peter's Basilica, we ventured into the Vatican Museums, where we beheld countless masterpieces, including works by Raphael.

We also made our way to the renowned Trevi Fountain, the City's largest Baroque Fountain and one of the most famous fountains globally.

The fountain boasted exquisite sculptures, and I found myself gazing at it in awe until Angelica pressed three coins into my hand.

"Throw them," she simply stated.

"What?" I asked, perplexed, examining the coins in my palm.

She turned me around, positioning me with my back facing the fountain.

"Toss one coin over your left shoulder using your right hand," she instructed. "It's believed to ensure your return to Rome in the future."

I chuckled but followed her guidance. I wouldn't mind revisiting Rome someday.

After flinging the first coin, she directed me to toss two subsequent coins into the fountain.

Once I complied, I turned to face her. "And what does that signify?"

"Well," she replied, "that is said to guarantee you'll find new romance and eventually marry."

I stared at her in disbelief before bursting into laughter. "You don't genuinely believe that, do you?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "It's worth a shot."

The banging on my door grew more persistent. "I'm coming!" I hollered, throwing off the covers.

Without bothering to wrap myself in a robe, I strode toward the door.

Upon swinging it open, ready to unleash my frustration on the person who disturbed my morning, I instead froze in shock.

He was the last person I expected.


"Pancake for Amari," Ivan declared as he delicately deposited a pancake onto my plate and nudged the bowl of strawberries in my direction.

Seated around the dinner table, everyone eagerly awaited their breakfast while Ivan expertly prepared the pancakes. The guys had decided to curtail their bachelor party and join us in Italy.

"So, where did you guys end up going?" I inquired as I sprinkled the fresh strawberries atop my pancake.

"Amsterdam," Milan responded, positioning the juice can in the center of the table. "Juice or coffee?"

"Coffee," Zane and I simultaneously chimed in.

"Well, then you can help yourselves," Milan smirked. "I was gracious enough to boil the water."

I scoffed and rose from my seat, intent on preparing my own cup of coffee. Zane followed closely behind.

He reached up to retrieve two mugs from the top shelf and handed one to me.

In silence, we proceeded to fix our coffee. There wasn't much to discuss after the events that had transpired merely an hour ago.

》♡ An Hour Ago ♡《


I gazed at the strikingly handsome man standing before me, my eyes widened in surprise. Dressed in a simple white shirt and black jeans, he exuded a charm that could rival that of an Abercrombie model rather than a CEO.

"Good morning, sugarplum. You look incredible," he greeted me with a warm smile.

Glancing down at my own attire, I mentally scolded myself for not wearing a bathrobe. It was utterly inappropriate, and I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it sooner.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, perplexed. None of the girls had mentioned anything about the guys visiting us.

"Visiting," he replied matter-of-factly. "We decided to cut our bachelor party short to check on how our girls are doing."

I scoffed. "Why on earth would you guys do that?"

"Because we care. Call us old-fashioned for being gentlemen."

I chuckled briefly and widened the door, inviting him inside. "Would you like to come in and enjoy the view?"

Only after uttering the words did I realize the unintended double entendre. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and I quickly shook my head. "That's not what I meant. My room offers a lovely city view."

Zane regarded me with an amused expression on his face. "Of course, I'd love to come in and enjoy the view."

Playfully, I slapped his chest as laughter erupted from his core.

Zane stepped into my bedroom and made his way toward the expansive floor-to-ceiling windows. "You weren't exaggerating about the view," he murmured breathlessly. "It's magnificent."

"I know, right? It's even more captivating at night," I replied from behind him. Grabbing my bathrobe from the bed, I hastily slipped it on before Zane could turn around.

"Amari, what are we?" Zane suddenly asked, his gaze fixed on me as he turned to face me fully. "Are we friends?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I'll have to think about it."

Zane chuckled and retrieved his phone from his pocket. "Could you please charge my phone for me?"

He handed me his phone, and I placed it on the charger situated on my nightstand.

"Where's the restroom?" Zane inquired, scanning my bedroom for direction.

I pointed towards the door in the corner. "It's over there. Please ignore the clutter on the bathroom sink."

As Zane disappeared behind the closed bathroom door, I walked over to my closet, contemplating which clothes to select for the day ahead. I opted for a pair of black ripped jeans, a white top, and a pair of Christian Louboutins, finalizing my outfit choice. As I deliberated over which handbag would complement my attire, Zane's phone began to ring.

"Zane, someone's calling you!" I called out, unplugging his phone from the charger.

Glancing at the caller ID, a chill ran down my spine.


The call ended before Zane emerged from the bathroom.

"Who was it?" he asked, running his hand through his hair. "Was it Mom?"

After a moment of silence, I responded with a frigid tone, "It was Savannah."

Zane's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to speak, but I swiftly silenced him.

"She's the same Savannah from high school, isn't she?" I inquired, feeling a sharp pang in my heart.

"Yes," he replied, avoiding eye contact, intensifying the ache within me.

Anger and disappointment welled up inside me. I thought we had made progress, that I had regained my best friend, but evidently, I was mistaken.

Trust issues. That's all Zane seems to provide.

"I already have my answer," I whispered quietly. "You wanted to know what we are? Well, we are strangers." Pausing to catch my breath, which suddenly grew unsteady, I continued, "Strangers with a few memories."

"Amari, please—" Zane pleaded, stepping closer to me. I could see remorse in his eyes, yet I shook my head.

"No," I asserted firmly.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes momentarily. As much as I longed for my best friend's return, I didn't want the pain that accompanied him.

"I'm not even angry with you anymore," I whispered. "I'm just deeply disappointed." Shaking my head in dismay, I pushed him out of my room.

"I'm exhausted, Zane. If you genuinely want me in your life, prove it for God's sake!"

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