Leaving Hell (Book 3 in the D...

By Darkest_Rose

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Growing up in hell has been completely normal to me, being surrounded by demon's and evil soul's is nothing... More

Leaving Hell
First Day of School
Prison Cells
Escorting the rogue
Alpha female
All falls into place
Soul Mate
Calling Out
My World
The End


16.7K 1K 41
By Darkest_Rose

Chapter 16

Its only being a week since I realised Nate is my other half. Already our bond is so intense it's getting harder to fight the pull to him and complete our bond. My grandmother is right, it will get to the point its impossible to fight against it.

Even during training, watching him is making me lose my own concentration. Emily has had to slap the back of my head a few time to snap me out of it. Like she has just done now.

"You two need to complete your bond, your head is else where and I know exactly what your thinking" she smirked and gave me a wink.

"I didn't think it would be like this, I can barely concentrate without thinking of how his lips taste and how his body feels against mine. Its ridiculous" I said snapping out of those thoughts as my cheeks flush red embarrassed now.

"That was like myself and Kieran, it got so intense, we couldn't fight it anymore. Trust me when I say you have no idea what your missing, seriously" she said as her mind drifted somewhere else and a smile spread across her face.

"I want to, but I'm seriously inexperienced compared to Nate, I haven't been with anyone before. I don't want to mess it up by making mistakes or having no clue what to do next" I said embarrassed.

"Kara, I had no experience either. Others here like to talk shit about me and I let them because I'm not going to lower myself by explaining my personal business to them. I knew the truth and that's all that mattered" she said holding her head high.

"I never heard anything like that about you, I heard the words crazy and avoid alright" I laughed as she looked shocked at first and then owned it as if that's exactly what she wanted to portray.

It takes a strong woman to ignore what people are saying especially in a pack house where everyone lives. But that's exactly what she is, strong.

Heading back home all I can think about is Nate and completing our bond. The thought's I'm having have my face burning. I haven't got the first clue, my thoughts and dreams before never exactly went past us having a heated kiss. Dear God I'm going to mess it all up.

Walking into my house, I found gran in the kitchen baking. That sight is still hard to get use to, when you have seen her fight and what she is capable of.

"Hey honey, are you okay?" she asked looking worried.

"Yes and no, but its not a conversation you will want to have" I said completely embarrassed.

"Get your little ass in here and sit down" she smiled.

Walking in, I prayed she wouldn't read my thoughts especially after what I have been thinking.

"Let me take a guess at it, your ready but afraid to complete your bond" she smiled and gained my full attention.

"Gran did you read my thoughts" I asked mortified.

"Of course not, I was your age once and in the exact same position" she said trying to hold in a laugh at my mortified expression.

"We're going to have that conversation aren't we?" I cringed.

"Yes we are, you have already had the talk so I'm not going to go into it. But I do know that this will be your first time and you are going to worry that your going to do it all wrong, am I right?" she asked.

Nodding my head, I kept my face covered as I leaned my elbows on the counter.

"I'm going to give you some advice honey. Stop over thinking it. You have no reason to worry, your first time instincts you didn't realise you have will kick in. The first time with your mate is magical, you feel alive for the first time in your live and your bond will consume both of you. Thinking won't even come into it" she said as she rubbed my arm.

"Do you think so? " I asked raising my head to face her.

" I know so" she smiled.

All I need to do is stop thinking about it so much and what can go wrong. It's Nate, my other half, we were born for one another.

"Thanks Gran" I smiled relieved as her words sink in.

"Now go on and get yourself cleaned up" she winked.

Without a seconds thought, I got up and ran upstairs and straight into the shower. Giving my self a thorough clean and making sure my legs are smooth. Getting out, I put on my sexist lace underwear, hoping it will some how give me the confidence I'm lacking. I put on my dark blue maxi dress and wedges. Nate is calling once he gets himself cleaned up after training. After fixing my hair and putting on a small amount of make up. Looking in the mirror, I finally realise I'm ready to complete our bond.

It didn't take long for Nate to appear and when he did I can see him fighting against his instinct's like he has done so many tines before for me. But this time I don't want him to hold back.

This time I took the lead, I walked over to him and stopped inches from his body. Looking into his eyes, I made sure he understand s that I'm ready. He understood exactly what I mean. Without a seconds thought he pulled me tightly to his body and shimmered. Looking around, I found myself home except I'm in Nate's home, to be exact, his room.

"Are you sure your ready Kara" he asked in a husky voice as he leaned his forehead to mine.

"I'm sure" I whispered.

Then his lips are on mine, kissing me slowly and gently with so much love. Moving my hands from his chest to his face, I deepened our kiss and passion took over. He then moved his hands to my hips, gathering up the material of my dress and lifted me up. Wrapping my legs around his waists our lips never parted. He walked us towards his bed and gently laid me down and broke our kiss. He let his hands travel down from my waists til he got to my shoes, taking them off and dropping them to the floor.

Then he pressed his lips to my ankle and placed them on my legs as he traveled up my body. The only thing I can hear is the rapid beating of my own heart. Each kiss ignited something inside of me that ripped through my body like an uncontrollable fire. As he got to my thighs he moved my dress up further kissing my stomach as he twisted his thumbs in the lace of my underwear. He lips travelled up my stomach he unhooked his finger's from my underwear as he moved my dress up further and further til he lifted it over my head, leaving me in nothing but my underwear. His eyes roamed my body merciless, as he took in every detail.

Standing in front of me, he slowly pulled off his T-shirt, as I watched every flecks of his muscles and took in every detail of his rock hard abs. Then he moved to his jeans, unbuttoning them before he dropped them to the ground showing his deep blue tight boxers as he kicked off his boots and then his jeans. Something I would have fumbled at. With the sexist smile he has ever given me, he crawled onto the bed and stayed on his knee's. His hand roamed my legs up to my hips and lifted me up wrapping my legs around his waist as his bulge pressed against my core sending a new sensation ripping through my body. His lips captured mine as he pulled me tighter to his body. His hand squeezed my bum gently before travelling up my back and unclipped my bra and slowly moved it down my arm's, broke our kiss and pulled it off.

"You are so perfect in every way" he said with a seriously Sexy husky voice.

His lips gently kissed my breast as his hands caressed them gently. I tilted my head back as a moan of pleasure escaped my lips. My moan made him tighten his hold as his lips travelled to my neck. He held my back as he moved, laying me down on my back and laid beside me.

"You're going to have to take the lead" I told him.

"Okay beautiful" he smiled.

His lips met mine, this time with an intense passion I have never felt before. I ran my hands through his hair and gently tugged  it. His hand moved slowly down my body and stopped at my core. My heart skipped a beat as my breathing got heavier. He gently rubbed my bud making pleasure course through my body. He moved slowly at first building up my pleasure before he started to move faster. My back tilted as another moan escaped my lips.

He never stopped as he gently took my hand and moved it towards his rock hard bulge, showing me what to do as he moved my hand showing me how to caress him. After a minute he pulled his hand away, as I continued to caress him. He put all his attention back on me, moving his hand faster, as the sensation started to build, so I moved my hand faster making a moan escape his lips which only added to my pleasure. It built so fast I feel like I'm balancing on the edge of cliff and he has just  pushed me over. Pleasure ripped through my body, lighting every nerve on fire. I don't think I have the words to even explain the intensity of what just happened.

Nate moved and kneeled between my leg's as I tried to calm my breathing but my body is still on a high. He wrapped his finger in my underwear and slowly pulled them off. He removed his own boxers and moved closer to me and positioned himself at my core. I looked at him to reassure him this is what I want, no this is what I need. He pushed into my core slowly and then moved back out. Each time he did this he moved further in til until it didn't hurt anymore. He allowed me to adjust before he started to move again.

Pulling his lips to mine, I wrapped my legs around him pulling him closer to me, letting my own body's instincts take over. Then I started to move with him as my hands dug into his back. It started slowly before our pace quickened and we moved as one. I can physically feel our bond getting stronger and I swear I can feel what he is feeling. The sensation building is stronger than before, so much stronger that I'm afraid it will be too much for my body to take. Each movement has the sensation building and building til finally I fell over the edge and lost myself completely in the sensation and I felt the same happen to Nate. My body feels alive for the first time, like I'm truly awake and so is every nerve in my body. I can feel Nate place his forehead to mine, his body still shaking from his release and panting hard trying to catch his breath.

Finally, I feel like I have enough control over my body to open my eye's. Nate is smiling at me with love clear in his eyes. No doubt the same in mine.

"I have never felt anything like this before, your amazing, I hope it was the same for you. I want your first time to be perfect" he asked hopeful.

"It was more and then some, I never could ever have imagined it like this. I never knew our bodies could be capable of it. I could feel our bond complete. It was amazing, perfect" I smiled.

Nate lay down beside and pulled me into his arms. I can feel my eyes getting heavy as exhaustion took over. So I let myself fall asleep in the arms of the man I love.

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