My Best Friends Boyfriend {A...

By amberrrrrrzzzz

12K 403 386

Hinata's best friend Sakura has been in a relationship with a student named Naruto for quite a while. But whe... More

.:Looking for Naruto:.
.:Mission un-success:.
.:A Smile Brighter Then A Starry Night:.
.:Day out?:.
.: Mondays. :.
.:Breaking It Off:.
.: My Fault.. :.
.:One Of The Best Nights:.


2.3K 52 72
By amberrrrrrzzzz

I felt like I was falling asleep in the middle of class. Which wasn't abnormal; Im always staying up on my laptop, or reading a book. Or could it be that my History class was just so boring it was hard not to fall asleep. Of course the most boring class of the day has to be the first class of the day while I'm still tired.

I lifted my head up to my phone buzzing in my pocket. Who would be texting me so early in the morning, especially during class..? I let out a soft sigh realizing the one person who would do that. That person should be none other then my best friend Sakura. When the bell rung I gathered my things and pulled my phone out of my pocket, surely it was her.

"Hey Hinata! I was wondering if you would want to hang out after school with me and the others?"

I stopped at my locker and answered her text. "Sure! I'll hang out a while." After I sent the text, I opened my locker and got out my books for my next class. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder, so I turned around to see my rose haired friend.

"Huh..? Oh hi Sakura!"

"Hey Hina! You never answered my text, we down for today?"

"Actually yes I did answer your text-"

"Oh yup, just got it right now! Yay!! I had no plans for today and I was afraid of being bored all day."

I closed my locker and we started to walk down the hall.

"So who's coming with us?"

"Actually.. only one person is coming with us..!"



"Naruto?? Again..?"

"C'mon were all friends! He just happens to be my boyfriend.."

"Sakura, I would love to go- but I don't really want to go if it's just going to be you and your boyfriend! Imagine how awkward  it would be for me!"

Sakura grabbed my arm and led me inside our class, which luckily we had together. "C'mon Hina, Naruto may be my boyfriend but you two are still friends. We would never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable."

"I'll only go if you two don't make me feel awkward."

"Promise!" She giggled.


Faster then I expected, School was over. Sakura and I sat on a bench in the front of the school to wait for Naruto so we could go ahead, and leave.

"What do you think he could be doing?"

"Probably got in trouble again." Sakura sighed in reply, looking over the questions she missed on her science quiz.

"How come your so stressed about that? You got a B!"

"Yeah but you got an A so I still could've done better."

Sakura would get upset if she didn't get an A or at least the same score as me. Probably because her father wanted her to be as perfect as princess all the time. It always overwhelmed her.

"Come on Saku! How am I supposed to convince you otherwise?"

"You won't be able to."

My head shot up at the sound of a familiar voice and my nickname. "Hey Naruto! And I suppose she'll believe you when you say a B is ok?"

He walked in front of us and put his hand on Sakura's shoulder. "Well she definitely won't believe me, since I'm the one that passes with D's."

"Very funny." Sakura chuckled as she stood up and planted a small kiss on the boys cheek. "So where are we going?"

In return, Naruto just grew a smile on his face. "Where ever you want to go, Blossom." He turned at me, where I was reading one of my books trying to avoid eye contact. "Is Hinata coming too?"

"Of course she is!"

"Great! The more the merrier, as I always say!"

"As you always say? Alright, let's go with that" I giggled, and they both laughed with me.

"Anyways.." Naruto began. "I would assume you girls were wondering what took me so long-"

"Sakura figured it out." I cut in. "You got in trouble again.. is she mistaken?"

His eyes widened as he turned to his girlfriend. "Wow you really know me! C'mere!" He began to pull her in for a kiss until he was gently shoved away. "What?"

Sakura smirked. "Easy lover boy, we have a guest."

Finally getting my backpack zipped up, I threw it on my back. "Erm.. are we going or..?"

Sakura pulled away from Naruto and threw her arms around me. She then grabbed my hand in one hand, and Naruto's in another. "C'mon you two, I know exactly where to go!"

"Better not be one of those girly shops you guys like so much with panties all over the place."

"You mean Victoria's Secret?" Sakura added.

"Yea that ."

"Oh! Maybe it's Barnes and Nobel!" I chimed. Which, by the way, is one of my favorite stores.

"That's even worse."

"What's so bad about books?"

The boy turned at me and smiled deviously. "At least Victoria's Secret has sexy models all over the place."

"Naruto!" Sakura whined, clutching her chest as if her heart was literally broken.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"

"You better be, perverted Fox."

'Blossom, Fox.. why is she calling him 'fox'??What in the world.. does it ever end.' I thought to myself. I thought they had to at least be getting a little tired of getting all mushy and romantic all the time. But, I've  never been in a relationship before, so I'm not sure. However, it's not like they just started dating. They had been dating for almost a year and a half now, so surely they calmed down quite a bit? But they didn't.

Sometimes, I even get a little jealous. Used to, before Sakura had met and fell in love with Naruto, i was the only one she would hang out with, aside from her other friends at school. It's not that I don't want her to make new friends, it just seems she prefers Naruto more than me. But I know that isn't true. I honestly miss "Food before dudes"..


Before I knew it we were at my favorite coffee shop: Starbucks! There open 24/7, so that's a plus!

First time Naruto came here, he wasn't too happy with the lunch menu because it didn't have ramen. So now he brings a cup of ramen around all day, every day just in case we come here and so he could eat it. Which was happening right now.

"Having fun Naruto?" Sakura giggled.

"Definitely" Naruto managed to respond though the mouthful of ramen that he had. "Much better then following Hinata around a huge book store!"

I gave him a cold stare from where I was sitting while I drank my vanilla bean. What's so wrong about books??

"By the way Hinata, you really need to snap out of that shyness of yours. I can't be ordering and paying for you all the time, girl!"

"Hmp." I pouted.

"Hey it's ok though! That's what friends are for" She said, wrapping her arms around me.

"Heh, thanks Sakura!" I replied.

"Hey I got an idea! Lets go to the arcade after this! I want to beat Naruto at that motorcycle racing game he likes so much!"

"Flame Riders!!" Naruto beamed after he swallowed his ramen. "And no, you won't beat me."

"Well then we'll just have to see. And don't go easy on me!"

"Please, even if I did you still wouldn't have a chance!"

"Your on then!!" Sakura challenged.

"Oh, Hinata, you can try to beat me too if you want." He gazed at me, taking in more of his ramen.

"Well, that sounds like fun, and thanks for the invite guys. But.. I should really get home. I need to pick up my sister, make food for both of us, I have homework too.. plus I have to clean the house sense my dad isn't home yet."

"Well why didn't you say so?" Naruto finished his ramen and threw away the cup. "We'll help you!"

"Right!" Sakura agreed. "We aren't about to go have fun while you're stuck at home cleaning!"

I couldn't help but feel happy and lucky to have friends like them. But I didn't want to interfere with their day, and be stuck at home cleaning with me. "No thank you, you guys go on ahead! My dad says sense mom isn't here any more I've gotta learn my self to take care of myself!"

"Such bullshit," Naruto inquired.

"Hey, chill out. You know how she feels about this type of stuff."

"Right.. sorry."

Unfortunately, my mother had passed away a few years back, and my father is stuck in the hospital. I always tried to be positive about it.

"It's alright. Bye you guys!"

"I'll text you later!"


"Bye Hinata." Naruto waved.

"Bye Hina!"


It was 7:30 by the time I finished my schedule. Now, I was just sitting in my room watching a movie with my little sister.

"So Hinata," Hanabi started. "We haven't talked in a while, any tea you wanna spill?"

"Hmmm.. no, not really. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"Well then what's the ordinary?"

"Well, I got an A on my test today, and I got a vanilla bean after school. And 'NaruSaku' is still alive..-"

"Wait what's NaruSaku?" Hanabi cut in.

"Oh, it's the ship name for my friends."

"So whos the power couple lucky enough to have my supportive sister as a friend?"

"Naruto and Sakura." I replied, wandering my eyes to the other side of the room.

"Naruto and Sakura?"



"Yes Hanabi?"

"Those are your only friends?" She cringed.

"Well.. I have more.. but I'm more comfortable with them."

She paused the movie and sat upright facing me. "And there a couple?"

I nodded.

"Hinata! You cant be following your friends, who are a couple, around school like a lost puppy! Your gonna look like a third wheel."

"Well I tried making new friends but that didn't go so well.."

"Oh my gosh. You need to get over that shyness of yours." She then laid back down and unpaused the TV. "Y'know, it's ok to step out of your comfort zone once in a while. Don't be afraid to speak up."

People always say that.. they should try being me for once.


When I had gotten out the shower, brushed my teeth and changed, I laid in bed for awhile. I was wearing a white felt crop top and some gray sweatpants that were comfortable to sleep with, sense I forgot to do my laundry.

I rolled over to my nightstand looking at my phone. I opened up my texts from Sakura. 'Weird.. wasn't Sakura supposed to text me today?' I figured something had just came up at home so I didn't bother her. But even so, if something had came up, Sakura would've told me. I decided to go to sleep and talk to her about it tomorrow.


Honestly I was proud of my self the next morning, I didn't stay up too late last night. I dropped my sister off at her school then around the corner I waited at the bus stop to my school. I had a hunch today was going to be great!

I was surprised to see Sakura walking to the bus stop, head drooping, instead of smiling at me,
waving like usual. It probably had to do with her not texting me yesterday.

"Hey Sakura..!" I said, trying to lighten her up.

"Hey Hinata!" She waved back, forcing a smile. Then it faded away as she got closer to me.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah why?"

"That didn't sound convincing.."

"Heh, what are you talking about!" She giggled awkwardly.

"Hmm.. okay.. Hey I was wondering why you didn't text me last night..?" 'Was that a good time to ask..??'

"Yeah sorry about that.. mom wanted me to.. help her do laundry."

I could tell she was lying. But I didn't want to make things worse so I didn't say anything else. So we stood there for awhile waiting for the bus to come. Sakura still had her head drooping. I still thought it was weird because I'm the one who's always kicking at the dirt. Something was obviously wrong so why wouldn't she just tell me?

When the bus finally came Sakura and I got in and went towards the back which was our favorite seats. A few stops later we stopped at Naruto's house. Sakura would always put her backpack on the seat next to her, saving a space for him, but today she just kept it on her back. When Naruto entered the bus, she stiffened.

"Don't say a word Hinata ."

".. what I do best.." I replied.

"Sakura!" Naruto's voice called as he entered the bus.

I was surprised when Sakura stood up and faced him, anger spreading across her face.

"Sakura listen," Naruto said as he got closer.

"No! You listen! I'm not going to be waiting around for a guy who doesn't really love me! Stay away from me, and Hinata, you cheater ." She shouted.

"Sakura if you would just give me a chance to explain.."

"I don't need an explanation, I understand plenty!"

"No you don't!"

Along with the other students in the bus, I was watching the situation. My mouth wide open, I stared at Sakura's angry expressions to Naruto's hurt pleading one. In all the time they were together they never fought like this. Usually small arguments over the dumbest, smallest things.

The bus driver looked back at the two. "If you two don't stop yelling right now, I'll drop you both, personally, at the principles office!!"

"Then tell him to stay away from us!!" Sakura pointed at Naruto accusingly.

"Sakura, Blossom, let me just explain-"

"DONT CALL ME THAT EVER AGAIN." Sakura shouted. I jumped in my seat tears building in my eyes from fear. I've never seen Sakura scream at anybody this way before.

"Alright that's enough! Naruto, sit up in the front!" The bus driver shouted.

Naruto stared at Sakura extremely hurt. His gaze shifted towards me, where I was curled up in my corner completely terrified. Naruto gave up in defeat and sat up front. When Sakura turned around to sit with me once more, she saw my expression.

"Sorry, Hina, I'll explain later.." Sakura sat down and comforted me with a quick hug as she stared at Naruto walk up to the front seats.

The rest of the ride to school everybody on the bus was quiet. I didn't bother to ask my friend anymore questions. All I could do was just look at the window wondering what could have happen between them to cause such a horrible morning. Which also meant my hunch was wrong; today's not going to be as great as I thought it would be..

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