Chase Me

By LencySlamet

392K 9.6K 944

Amari Vasilios, the CEO of a rapidly growing Advertising Company in California, experienced a heartbreak from... More

Little note to my readers
"Muse" P U B L I S H E D


16.1K 397 18
By LencySlamet

"You got expelled from school today?!" Angelica exclaimed over the blaring music. "How did that happen?"

"Come to my room! I'll show you!" I grabbed her hand and hurriedly led her upstairs, away from the dancing crowd in the living room.

My birthday party was in full swing, with all my friends and family downstairs enjoying themselves. Ariana Grande was performing, but I had already seen her in concert twice.

"I got expelled because Zane bought me Snickers for my birthday!" I explained as we walked through the long corridor. My room was situated at the end of the hallway.

"Snickers?!" Angelica asked, her expression filled with confusion. She lifted the hem of her glittery dress slightly to keep up with my pace. "You got expelled because Zane brought you a chocolate bar?"

"No, silly!" I laughed and opened the door to my room, gesturing towards the small, fluffy puppy on the bed. "Meet Snickers Vasilios. My son and your nephew."

Angelica's eyes widened. "Oh my god!" she squealed, rushing towards the sleeping puppy. "He's sooooo fluffy and tiny!"

"Yeah, I know," I sighed dreamily, gazing at the snoozing puppy in her arms. Since he arrived, he had been sleeping most of the time—a little lazy dog. "Zane's birthday gift to me this year."

"He really went all out this year, didn't he?" Angelica remarked, raising an eyebrow. She gently stroked the puppy's back, causing him to stir slightly but not wake up.

"I know. I thought nothing could top last year's gift, but he proved me wrong."

"Oh yeah. Last year's gift was epic. A performance from the chainsmokers in your backyard? Yeah that was one hell of a birthday surprise."

"Don't forget the Daniel Wellington watch that also came with the performance. That watch cost like a hundred dollars or so."

Even though I know a hundred dollars is not much for people like us, it was still expensive for a watch.

Angelica chuckled and placed Snickers back on the bed. "He's the best guy friend you could have ever asked for."

A smile formed on my lips as I think about all the memories we have. "He's definitely the best."

"But wait... how did you two got kicked out again?"

"Well... I promised him that I wouldn't scream when he would show what was inside his backpack..." I bit my bottom lip as I avoided eye-contact with Angelica.

"And let me guess... you broke that promise?"

I let out a tired yawn as I shuffled into the kitchen, my body still craving more sleep after crashing into bed last night. A dull headache throbbed in my temples, evidence of a restless sleep.

Lost in my drowsiness, I absentmindedly opened the fridge, hoping to find something for breakfast. Suddenly, a voice broke through the fog of my half-awake state.

"Good morning..." my mom greeted me, leaning against the kitchen counter, a steaming coffee mug in her hand.

I jumped in surprise, my grogginess dissipating for a moment as I turned to face her. She wore a wide smile, far too energetic for this early hour.

Letting out a groan, I closed the fridge. I couldn't fathom how my mom could be so cheerful in the morning.

"Mom, you scared me. Good morning," I mumbled, still trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.

She chuckled, taking a sip of her coffee. "I've already made breakfast. Scrambled eggs, toast, and scones," she said, nodding toward the kitchen table.

I realized I had walked right past the table without noticing it earlier. Sheepishly, I made my way over to the spread she had prepared.

"Do you want me to pour you a cup of coffee?" she offered, placing her mug on the counter.

"Yes, please. Thank you," I replied gratefully, picking up a scone from the basket.

"So, you and Zane, huh?" she inquired, a knowing glint in her eyes.

I turned to face her, raising an eyebrow. "Mom, it's not like that."

"Well, Angelica mentioned that you two are going out today," she revealed, pouring hot water into my favorite yellow mug.

I shrugged, taking a bite of the scone. "I didn't expect him to remember Snickers and the places we used to take him."

"Why wouldn't he remember Snickers? Snickers was his son," she reminded me gently.

"My son. He gave Snickers to me as a birthday present," I clarified.

"Yes, yes. But he cared for that dog just as much as you did. So, are you two finally on good terms?"

"I don't know. I guess so. There's not much I can do. It's better if we act civil toward each other until the wedding is over," I replied, my tone tinged with a hint of resignation. "I wonder what caused the distance between you two," my mom pondered, passing me the steaming coffee mug. "Be careful, it's hot."

I grabbed the mug, feeling its warmth in my hands. "It doesn't matter anymore," I replied dismissively. "I'll go upstairs and wake up Yasmin and Milan."

It was a feeble excuse, a means to escape that conversation. I wanted to shield my parents from becoming entangled in whatever complicated situation Zane and I found ourselves in. "Why the sour look on your face?" Zane inquired, stepping out of his sleek black Maserati—the epitome of his love for the brand, for which he had become an ambassador.

"I thought you wouldn't remember," I huffed, my annoyance evident as I closed my car door. "It's been years, and you can't even recall what you had for dinner yesterday!"

Zane chuckled, unbuttoning the top half of his gray shirt. "Come on, we're talking about my son, may his soul rest in peace. How could I forget my son and the places I... I mean, we took him?"

I cleared my throat, feeling the weight of his words. "Excuse me, but he was my son. Your nephew."

"Bullshit!" Zane laughed, shaking his head. "Snickers was my son too, even though I gave him to you as a gift."

"Which makes him officially my son," I asserted. "So, why am I here again?"

We stood in Washington Square Park, a place we had visited with Snickers just two days before he passed away.

Snickers had been suffering from a failing heart, and the news had devastated us when we received it two weeks prior. His final moments were spent in the comfort of my room, a challenging time for both me and Zane. But we had supported each other through it.

"I brought you cake. We can sit by the fountain and reminisce, like the old times," Zane said, revealing the contents of the paper bag he carried.

I eyed Zane suspiciously. "Are you trying to make me fat?"

"No! Why would you even think that? C'mon, I see an empty spot."

We made our way to the spot and settled down, silently taking in the surroundings.

"It's not very crowded today," Zane observed, to which I nodded in agreement.

"How's your company doing in California? It's impressive that you've been away for so long," he inquired, looking at me.

"It's thriving. I receive nightly reports on their progress, and each morning I make a list of tasks for the day," I replied. "And what about you?"

"I travel frequently between Moscow and New York, though I spend most of my time in New York. Moscow doesn't quite feel like home. Do you miss your hometown?"

"Yes, I do. Very much," I replied honestly.

"Then why don't you move back?"

"Because my business is in California... and I was avoiding you."

"I gathered that... I just didn't realize how deeply my words that night had hurt you."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, right. You can be so oblivious sometimes."

"Once again, I'm sorry, sugarplum. By the way, I broke up with Savannah the next day because I realized how wrong I had been."

"That was one day too late. The damage had already been done. I couldn't trust you anymore.""How about now?" he inquired. "I've changed a lot in the past five years."

"I can see that. But trust isn't given freely—it must be earned. So, you'll have to put in the effort," I replied, playfully wiggling my eyebrows. "Do I make myself clear, Shaw?"

"The things I do for you," he muttered under his breath.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You mean the things you should do for me. You broke my trust, and now you have to work to regain it."

He chuckled. "I will, sugarplum. You know what I always say: Everything for you."


"Chocolate cake or red velvet?" Yasmin inquired of Milan, who was engrossed in typing on his phone.

When he failed to respond to her question, Yasmin impatiently tapped her foot on the floor.

"What?" he asked wearily, looking up at his soon-to-be wife.

"Could you please put your phone away?" Yasmin gritted her teeth. "You've been on that damn thing since we were checking out the venue!"

"I'm sorry, mi amor. Coach is just being difficult today."

Yasmin snatched the phone from his hand and turned it off. "Coach can wait. I'll give him a piece of my mind when he shows up at the wedding! Now, chocolate or red velvet?"

Milan groaned. "Please, baby, let's not make a scene. I know you're capable of anything."

"Chocolate or red velvet?" Yasmin repeated, growing more agitated. "I won't cause a scene, but answer my question. We've been at this for two hours, and I still need to discuss the decorations."

"I'd be happy with either," Milan finally responded.

Yasmin let out an annoyed groan. Men, she silently mouthed, rolling her eyes.

Then she turned her attention to me. "That's why you're here, Amari. Red velvet or chocolate?"

"Red velvet, of course. Duh," I confidently replied.

"Do I hear cake?!" a voice suddenly exclaimed from behind me.

I turned around and saw Ximena and Rodrigo entering the living room.

"Aunty Ximmy, Uncle GoGo!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening in surprise. "I haven't seen you guys in ages."

"How long has it been?" Ximena asked, placing two kisses on my cheeks. "Five years? You were still in high school."

Aunty Ximmy still looked so beautiful. It's as if she doesn't age. But the same goes for my mom too. They both still looked like they're in their early thirties.

"That was the last time you visited us. During spring break, remember?"

Rodrigo nodded. "Yes, I remember. It's been five years since we last visited the States."

"How's Germany, and where's Wynter?" I inquired curiously. Wynter is Ximena and Rodrigo's daughter. She's four years younger than me, and we used to have sleepovers when we were little.

"Germany is amazing. It's a beautiful country, but we're thinking of moving back to New York. We kind of miss it. Wynter is coming tomorrow. She has a photoshoot tonight, so she couldn't come with us," Ximena explained with a smile. She then walked past me to greet Milan and Yasmin. "Uncle GoGo!" Milan approached Rodrigo and gave him a fist bump. "How have you been, old man?"

"I'm not old yet," Rodrigo grumbled. "I can't believe you're getting married. It feels like just yesterday when I saw you sitting on Flynn's lap, calling him daddy."

"Do I hear the voice of an asshole in my living room?" I heard my dad yell from upstairs.

I chuckled and refocused my attention on Rodrigo and Ximena. "You both know where your rooms are, right? Maybe you can freshen up because dinner will start in half an hour."

"Did you hear that, honey?" Rodrigo asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let's go freshen up."

"No sex in the room!" my dad yelled once again as he stormed down the stairs, followed by my mom.

"I don't want to hear this!" I exclaimed, mortified. "You guys are old, for goodness' sake."

"Old but not cold!" Dad and Rodrigo shouted simultaneously, their voices echoing through the house.


"Bachelorette party, babyy!"

I let out a startled scream and buried my face under the blanket, trying to escape the intrusive sunlight. "Go away, Angel!" I grumbled, tossing a pillow in her direction.

"We have to be at the airport in forty minutes! Hurry up!"

Those words instantly jolted me awake. I threw off the covers and stared wide-eyed at Angelica, who was frantically scurrying around the room, searching for goodness-knows-what. "What?! Airport!"

"Yes!" Angelica hollered in exasperation, yanking my suitcase from beneath the bed. "That's what Yasmin just informed us!"

I smacked my forehead with the palm of my hand. Oh no, not this! "I thought the bachelorette party was supposed to be here in New York!"

"Apparently not!" Angelica shouted, hastily stuffing clothes into my suitcase. "Hurry up! You haven't even packed yet!"

I leaped out of bed and darted toward the bathroom.

"I apologize, girls," Yasmin said as she entered my bedroom, still clad in her bathrobe. "But I promise it's going to be a blast!"

"It better be!"

Closing the bathroom door behind me, I let out a deep sigh.

This wedding is going to push me to the brink of insanity.

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