
By tetetaelien

141K 4.3K 488

"When I want something, I always get it. And i want you." -Jeon Jungkook More



2.4K 91 7
By tetetaelien

Jungkook shuffles grumpily our of the room and heads towards the elevator to come and find you after the draining meeting. He yawns softly as he presses the button on the door and it opens immediately, to his surprise. He goes to step in but is almost barrelled over by Taehyung in the process. Jungkook chuckles as he grabs the back of Taehyung's shirt and pulls him back with a small frown.

"Where are you going so angry like that? Weren't you meant to be babysitting the baby?" Jungkook jokes softly as he rubs his eyes before focusing on Taehyung's furious features. Taehyung wriggles out of his grip and crosses his arms quickly before glancing over at the elevator that had just closed and gone back up.

"Yes, I was looking after Y/N but she told me something and I need to go check if it's true." Taehyung grumbles quickly as he looks Jungkook up and down quickly. Jungkook frowns and shifts uncomfortably on the spot as he stuffs his hands in his pockets.

"I'll take it that it's something bad. Is it about Jimin? Or maybe even Yoongi? I know you've got a bit of a thing for those two, even though they have a thing for each other. Are you guys a three-" Jungkook starts but is cut off by the elevator doors squeaking open and you rushing out of them.

"Oh good, you found him." You pant as you rush up to Taehyung and grab his arm. "Maybe you need to think about it before running in there. Think about it, if he is working for my father, he will have a backup plan." You explain quickly as Taehyung wriggles out of your hold.

"Wait, what? Someone here is working with your dad?" Jungkook asks quickly, hushing his voice as he looks down at you. You and Taehyung both nod and Jungkook lets out an angry breath. "TaeTae, I think it's about time we take out the trash." Jungkook smiles softly as he looks up at Taehyung who returns the smile.

"No, no no no. Don't. My dad has Jimin and Hobi remember! If we so much as confront Yoongi, they could get hurt." You exclaim as you stand in front of the two of them and hold your arms out. Jungkook sighs deeply as he looks at you and ever so slowly shakes his head.

"Babe, there's no way in hell you'd ever be able to stop us. Jimin and Hoseok are gonna be fine because Namjoon's making a plan." Jungkook explains as he reaches out and gently strokes your cheek. You bite your lip as you contemplate what to do before an idea pops into your head.

"If you go to Yoongi now, I'll show everyone what you did at the mall." You threaten as you tug on the red scarf around your neck. Taehyung sighs deeply and looks over at Jungkook impatiently who was smiling.

"We can smell it, Y/N. Please move." Taehyung mumbles deeply before gently pushing you to the side and walking past you quickly with Jungkook in tow. You blink slowly as you stand stunned before coming to your senses and running after them. "Yoongi, we have something to talk about." Taehyung bellows out into the main room of the office and slowly looks around the room.

"Come out, come out wherever you are, Agust D." Jungkook adds as he scans the room quickly and listens carefully for any sounds. You stand silently in the doorway and watch the two boys looking around like a couple of curious puppies. A deep chuckle sounds from one of the darker corners in the room before Yoongi steps out of it with a grin.

"Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while. Well my covers been blown by our own little princess, huh? And to think that if she went along with her father, I was gonna be married to that. Ugh." Yoongi grumbles as he slowly slinks out of the shadow and moves towards the two raging boys, Jungkook clearly more angry then Taehyung.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that, you snake! You're only here to get info on us like a little pawn in her father's twisted game." Jungkook hisses as he clenches his fists and glares at Yoongi who paced calmly in front of the two boys with a deep set smirk.

"Not a pawn, you see. I'm the most crucial person in his business right now because I'm the only one who can get close enough to Y/N." Yoongi explains slowly and deeply as he paces robotically in front of the boys. Taehyung scans him up and down closely before a deep frown crosses his face. "I'm one of his soldiers, fighting against twisted freaks like you and killing them off, every day. Soon, the world will be pure again and-"

"Shut up." Taehyung hisses as he steps forwards and suddenly gets Yoongi's wrist, revealing a small metal plate implanted into it. Taehyung ripped the plate out quickly and watched as Yoongi almost immediately collapsed, but caught him just before he hit the floor. Jungkook stepped froward quickly and grabbed the plate off Taehyung to examine it as you watched the whole thing from the doorway.

"H-He was controlling me. He made me do t-this. I couldn't think. I-It's my fault Hobi and Jimin are gone." Yoongi suddenly begins to sob in Taehyung's arms as he hides his face in Taehyung's chest. Jungkook nods slowly and looks at the two before glancing over at you.

"It's an electrical impulse plate. Namjoon can probably track where it's from so we can find your dad and Jimin. Did you know he had these?" Jungkook asks softly as he turns his back on Taehyung and Yoongi. You shake your head as Jungkook pulls you into a tight hug and kisses your head. "It'll be okay. Yoongi's okay now." Jungkook whispers softly as he holds you tight.

"Yeah right." Yoongi hisses from behind Jungkook before there's a sudden smash of glass, closely followed by a horrible ripping sound. Jungkook quickly lets go of you and turns around to see one of the windows completely smashed and every shard of glass from the window was impaled into Taehyung's chest.

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