Paparazzi Girl

By bianksterrr_

123K 3.9K 480

A girl with a camera. A boy with a talent. She's always there, journaling down his day and picking apart his... More

Paparazzi Girl
1. Flash, Camera, Smile
2. Run Away
3. Do You See Me?
4. Vanilla and Flowers
5. Touch Me
6. Nameless
7. Closer
8. First Time
9. Deny It
10. Green Eyes
11. Thanks for the Coffee
12. House. Food. Love.
13. Not Alone
14. Stay With Me
15. Blush
16. Almost
17. Lost
18. Media Circus
19. The Storm
20. Distraction
22. The Lunatic Stunt
23. Accident
24. The Scene
25. Drowned
26. The End of Everything
27. Wait and See
28. Not The Girl
29. My Paparazzi Girl

21. Date

2.3K 77 7
By bianksterrr_

The thrill Stella's lungs were holding made it hard for her to breathe in the silky, long dark black dress that was cutting at her lower thigh. It was tight around the waist, but it was very classy, and she definitely needed it big time. The narrow mirror looked back at her, leaving her satisfied with how she looked. Just perfect.

Xavier had barely texted her about an hour ago or so, asking her if she was up for doing that interview she had offered about a month ago. Finally, he was free. A month has already passed since that offer had been on the table. And he had finally accepted.

For about half the month, she had stayed over in his hotel room, Tyler offering his advice every day about not wanting to hear anything inappropriate. And every time, she didn't fail to amuse him with her embarrassing blush. But she didn't really like having to depend on someone, so she just found a strategy to sneak into her bedroom at home. Her mom was never there anyways. Seems she had tried distracting herself with her job. Finally actually working and paying off a few utilities and bills. But Stella always paid the ones she never got around to.

She had called her mother around twice a week, seeing how she was doing. Her voice always seemed weak, or strained. Something was up, and she wouldn't fess up. She had tried sucking out the information out of her troubled mom, but she would always turn the tables around to blame her for everything. Surprisingly, her mom never came into her room. It actually let a little bruise, knowing her mom wasn't really worrying.

Stella puffed her hair, which was in a bun, some hair dangling off in a curl. She didn't know why she had dressed up so nicely, but she had felt a desire to. What if Xavier showed up all nice and clean while she was dressed like an old, beaten up handbag? But then again, there's the possibility of him dressing casual and her going like she was meeting Queen Elizabeth. She just couldn't win.

She had to get going as she looked at her watch. After about a whole conversation of really nothing with Xavier over text, they had agreed to meet up at an Italian restaurant, one that wasn't so filled with people and was more peaceful around her neighborhood. She had to admit it - she was dying with a bubbling feeling.

Even if she knew Xavier wouldn't consider it a date, she sure did. This was the first time she had gone to a place alone with a boy she liked. Isn't that a date?

She quickly hid her items underneath the bed, taking only her purse as she yanked the window open, climbing onto the roof, in which she would sometimes just lay there, staring at the stars. She took a moment to remember how it felt just being there with her daddy, trying to count the endless stars. She would kill just to have a final taste of that happening again. To be with her dad one last time and tell him how much she loved him.

She forced herself to carefully climb down the tree that had been there long before they had even heard of the house, which was hard considering her dress didn't really let her move her legs as much. When her heels kissed against the grass, she made a run towards her car, or more like an uncomfortable jog, which was about a block away so her mother couldn't spot it. She turned the car on when she reached it, looking around before driving off. She couldn't sit still as she drove further and further away. Either her leg was swinging, or her fingers kept drumming against the steering wheel. God, how would everything turn out? She could already imagine herself accidentally bumping her drink over his lap, or getting messy while she ate.

Okay, relax. Don't jinx yourself. You'll just make things worse Stella. Just shut up. Don't mess things up already.

The drive seemed to drag on for hours before she finally caught the little restaurant isolated at the corner. She cleared her throat as she tried to swallow. There was a decent amount of people there. Just relax and stay calm.

A limo was parked at the front, which was of course Xavier's. She would have waited for him to come out first, but another moment in that car would drive her insane. She threw the car door open, her small heels clanking on the pavement as she flattened her dress. She watched Xavier jump out his seat as well, his smile making her raise her head down as she grinned at the floor.

He looked elegant, with a black suit and an unwrapped blue tie. Her air supplies ran short underneath her tight dress.

Just relax. Nothing to worry about.

But she was anything but relaxed when her heel twisted underneath her, almost landing her flat on her face. Just focus and don't think.

She sensed Xavier laugh under his breath. What a jerk. She sharpened her eyes on him, sending him a glare.

"Well, hello to you too." He waved to his car, which was already up and leaving.

"Hi," she mumbled in embarrassment, looking at the floor.

He raised her chin, grinning ever so beautifully. Her heart couldn't help but beat faster. "Lets go."

He grabbed her wrist, pulling her with him as they walked through the door, a waitress waiting at the register. She was clearly Latina, her brown hair matching her big brown eyes. An apron reached down to around her thigh, her smile small and real.

"Just two?" They both nodded. She was beautiful, even for her age, which should be around thirty. "Right this way."

They followed behind, Stella overlooking everything. There were only about five to six groups in all in this place. From which all were senior citizens. No wonder Xavier liked it here. It was almost empty.

She sat them down in a little booth with two long, red seats. Stella sat at her side, smiling as the waitress passed them their menus.

"I'll be right back to get your drinks." She walked away, disappearing out of sight.

"She's really pretty," Stella commented, looking at Xavier who raised an eyebrow.

"But you're pretty too. Really pretty. Maybe even more than her."

She grinned at him as she played around with her hands nervously. Way to make a girl feel like a princess.

"Do you always make girls feel so special?"

"Only for you." He winked.

Her cheeks pained from all the smiling. He was so confident today. It had been so long since they had gotten together like this and just talked about endless things. He had been so wrapped up with work and having photoshoots and the movie for weeks, that they barely talked. Apparently, the producers had decided to film just a few scenes here in L.A.

Even when she had crashed at his for the night, they didn't really talk. He was already half-asleep when he walked through the door. She had received an extra key for the room, but she gave it back when she left. And when she was just his paparazzi girl, he just seemed to avoid her. She had to admit it hurt her. Bad.

"So," Stella began, looking over the menu, "how's work lately? You seem to be busy all the time. I offered this interview a long while ago."

He ran his fingers through his amazing hair, "Yeah, everything has been so cramped with endless work and business. It's almost impossible to catch up."

His voice was strained and low, way different than before. Like he was sleepy. "You tired?"

"Yeah. I haven't really slept that well."

"I can tell."

"Bet you can."

A quiet ruled over them while they stared at each other, like they were just strangers. Like they had just met. Stella's heart - made out of easily breakable glass - cracked a bit. Did he already forget her? Was he thinking of Kat instead?

Fuck, Tyler was right.

The waitress offered them their drink while they gave their order. The whole time, Stella's brain was trying to take in the difference with this Xavier. He was still his handsome, charming-self, but there was more.

"Wanna start the interview now?" He asked, sitting back.

"Uh, yeah, that's fine. If you want." Things were cold between them. She had to blink fast.

She slipped out her voice recorder, turning it on as she put it down on the table. Mr. Robins had given her a list of information he would like to know of. Some of it was logical, while others were so insane, Stella wouldn't even have asked her friends such things.

"So, what do you wanna know?"

"First on the list: since you have been working on your latest movie In Reverse, have you and Katrina Pond gotten close off scenes? As in a relationship more than friends?"

She had been dying to know the answer, and hopefully he wouldn't sneak around the question like most celebrities do. It annoyed her big time. Especially if he dared do it.

Him and Kat have been hanging out way too much for it all to be just work. There had to be something else they spoke about. Stella had endless pictures of them together.

He sighed, drumming on the table, "No, we have not. We're nothing but friends. She's a nice girl, but I don't like her that way. I have my eyes set on someone else."

No one would believe the relief that skipped through Stella's bones. But another weird feeling followed after. He liked someone else? Who? She had to know her. One month and he's a completely different person.

She wanted to smack the smirk of his face, "And may I know who this lucky girl is?"

"You may know, but I won't tell you. I'd rather keep it to myself."

"Okay, then." Her blood was running wild. Being hard to admit, she was seriously jealous. Her body ran stiff.

"Aw," Xavier cooed, "are you mad that I didn't tell you?"

"No," she hated how her voice squeaked up an inch, "it's your business so it shouldn't matter to me. Why do you ask?"

"Your face tells it all. You look mad."

"I'm not mad." He pulled up his hands in surrender, "I'm just thinking hard."

"Of course. Next question?"

She picked a question off her list that interested her, "First kiss?"

"On set when I was about thirteen. The girl was my co-star."

"Was it good?" She crossed her arms on the table, leaning in.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He leaned in too.

"Yes, which is why I'm asking."

"Okay, I would've told you, but I don't really remember. And when did you have yours, Miss Innocent?"

She hated it when people addressed her that way. Why did everyone always see her as a goody? She really wasn't. "Still haven't had it."

He seemed really surprised, like he didn't really believe it yet he did. "You haven't? And why not?"

"Because I still haven't even had my first boyfriend yet. Waiting for someone interesting to come around."

"Wow, you really are innocent. Cute."

"Oh, shut up."

"That's not bad. I bet many people wished they were as innocent as you."

"Funny," she said with a serious face, "and I'm not that innocent. Why does everyone think that?"

"You just don't have any experience under your belt. What do you call that?"

She blushed before moving on, "Worst movie you've ever acted in?"

"This one I did was I was like fifteen. The whole staff crew had just started working in their positions for the first time, and their filming sucked. But it was good pay."

They both laughed as the waitress brought their food, pushing it in front of them. "Hope you enjoy."

They both indulged into their food. "But was it just the crew or the actors as well?"

"It was everything. They were so inexperienced I wonder how they even got the job."

"Wow, I can imagine it," she took a bite out of her chicken. "Anyways, next question. What's your type of girl?"

"Well, it all depends. I want a girl who isn't afraid of being herself. Who can make me laugh. And she has to have a rocking personality. Looks are just a bonus."

Stella had been so sucked into his sweet words she forgot how to speak for a minute. "What about looks? Like hair color, etc?"

"I couldn't care less. I just want her to be someone I would have fun with."

"That's cute."

The questions went on and on, while they laughed 'till their stomachs ached. Stella had the time of her life. Stella watched Xavier take out a crumpled twenty dollar bill, leaving it as a tip on the table. After they had paid the bill, Xavier held the door for her to go outside. She muttered a "thank you" before walking out, leading herself to her car.

"You want me to drive you to your hotel?" She questioned him while he took out his phone.

"Do you want to?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't."

"Okay then. You sure?"

She rolled her eyes to the side, "Get in the car."

He stepped in along with her, fastening his seat belt. "Can we go to your house first?"

She was baffled. Why would he want to go to her house? A few thoughts came to mind, but she knew he wasn't like that. He was different from all the guys she had gotten to know in high school, when she went freshmen year.

"Why?" She rewinded the car into reverse, looking behind her to make sure no obstacle was in her way.

"I just wanna see where you live. I've never been to your house before."

"Only to look, right?"

His eyes turned into a mischievous mode, leaving her embarrassed under his revealing eyes. Okay, maybe not that perverted, but he still is a boy. He couldn't help it.

"What else do you suppose we do?" The teasing half smile he masked on proved he was thinking exactly what she was.

"Well, nothing really. I was just wondering... It's not everyday a boy asks to come to my house."

"I wasn't gonna take advantage of you or anything, you do know that, right?"

Her eyes grew big, "Yeah, yeah," she said quickly, "I was just making sure. Wouldn't want my mom to get any bad ideas."

"Don't stress about it. I won't do anything stupid. I just wanna see where you live, where you come from."

She sighed lightly,"Okay. But only because you asked."

The ride was quiet, only the radio playing. Stella's hand were sweaty. She was nervous. She was about to bring Xavier Harrington into her house. It was unbelievable.

When she came around her neighborhood, again, she stopped her car at a certain distance from her house. Only trying to play it safe. If her mother found her trying to get back without thoroughly discussing about how things would go on afterwards, the argument would end in murder.

"You live here?" Xavier pointed to the home they had parked not far from.


"Then which one?"

"Just follow." Her heels agonized her feet as she walked to her house. Xavier seemed confused as he followed from the corner of her eye. He must think she's crazy.

She slid off her heels after she had had enough, walking towards her tree. "You know how to climb trees?"

He looked at her with a look that told her he was better than just knowing how to climb a branch or two, "Yeah. Used to be my specialty in elementary school."

"Then come on. If you're as good as you brag, you shouldn't have trouble."

For being as nervous as she was right now, she was actually proud at how many lesser slips she made from falling down the tree. Although she doubted that she was granting a level higher since Xavier kept assisting her. Before she knew it, he was actually leading the way himself.

"You're really good at this." Her voice was breathless as he pulled her into the window he was already in.

"So I've been told." He looked around her room, touching a few things here and there. "Are we gonna rob this house or something?"

She laughed at his ridiculous ideas. "Of course not. Do I look like that kind of girl?"

"No, but looks can be deceiving." Wasn't that true.

"True. But no. This is actually my room."

"Really? Why am I so surprised?"

"Don't know. You tell me."

He looked at her with a blank expression. She has never seen that look before. He always had some kind of emotion plastered on his face.

"Why did you park so far away from your house? Why are we climbing trees into your room?"

"Well, let's just say my mom doesn't really know I'm here. And I'd rather she didn't find out."

He frowned, "I thought you guys handled your differences."

"Don't I wish. But no. She told me over the phone to never come back. Then she started crying and I just couldn't handle facing her. She - she doesn't really care what I do or where I'm at."

"I bet she wants to reconcile as badly as you do."

"She's just..." her voice felt tight, "she's just having trouble lately. It's really heartbreaking, you know?"

She couldn't look at Xavier. He had seen her weak so many time, it was ridiculous. She backed away, looking at the picture of her with her mom and dad.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up." He stepped closer, going against her will as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her in. She felt like magnet that couldn't help but get attached.

"It's okay. Just forget it."

He didn't let her go, for some reason bringing her up so her feet were standing on his, "If things weren't smoothing down with your mom, why didn't you tell me? You could've stayed over at mine. I don't have any problems with that."

"I know, but I just wanted to come back. I needed to come back."

He pulled apart just far enough for her to look him in the eye. Such gorgeous eyes. They didn't say anything, just standing there as he held her cheeks with his silky palms, her hands laying on his forearms for support.

"You're beautiful." His voice was raspy, like he was holding something in. Something he really wanted to say.

"Thanks." How he got her heart racing that way, she didn't know, but God did it make her feel good. She liked him tons. But she knew what that would lead to. She just couldn't go there. She couldn't.

Not with everything she had on her recorder.

His head lowered, only enough for her to breathe. He wanted to kiss her, and she knew that. But what she didn't know was why. Why did he want to?

Her eyes fluttered closed, feeling his warm breath gain onto her. So minty. Something was tangling itself into knots in her lower stomach. Like butterflies that wouldn't stop flying. Butterflies will break their hearts.

His thumb teasingly caressed her flushed cheek, his lips so murderously close to hers. He was really killing her. But she wanted that kiss first. Desperately.

His lips were so close. So tastefully close before a loud crash was heard from downstairs. Stella jumped away, leaving Xavier angrily glaring at the wall. So close.

So many questions were flying into Stella's head as she ran down the stairs. Had somebody broken in? What had fallen down?

She found her answer when she found her mother limped on the living room floor with an alcoholic bottle in her hand. Stella was baffled. Never, in all her seventeen years, had she seen her mother drink. Her eyes traveled to the glass that was definitely shaped into a bottle before it split. This wasn't happening.

"Mom?" She tried shaking her, waiting for her to jerk.

"Is everything okay?" Xavier had finally found time to come down, his eyes landing on her drunk mother.

"Can you please help me take her into her bedroom? I think she crashed."

"No kidding." He kneeled down, looking at her before feeling her wrist. "At least she's still alive."

"Isn't that a relief," Stella said in sarcasm. Of course she was alive. Her mom didn't drink. She wasn't an alcoholic.

He grabbed her from underneath her neck and legs, pushing her into place before he stumbled upstairs, probably having trouble seeing. She rushed behind, opening her moms bedroom door as she directed him to put her on the bed.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" Xavier asked.

"Maybe tomorrow. She'll have a hangover, that's for sure."

The room was quiet, Xavier standing in place with his hands on his hips. Looked just like a Hollister model. God.

But the stillness never lasted, "Is this why you ran away, Stella? Because she was a drunk?"

"She's not a drunk," she argued, "I've never seen her drink before. This is all new to me."

"Stella," he grabbed her shoulders, sending a wiring feeling down her body, "what are you really running away from?"

"Nothing. I've honestly never seen her this way. She's never been drunk. I'm not lying."

"I just don't want to see you get hurt."

Why was he acting like this was normal?

"I won't. She doesn't even notice I'm here. She probably won't for a while. She doesn't care."

"Trust me, she cares. She's just trying to swallow it down."

He sighed and averted his eyes to the clock, "I gotta go. We're packing tomorrow to leave to New York. Are you going to be okay?"

"You're barely gonna start the movie?" She didn't want him to go.

She could see him nod as she walked out of her mom's room, through her door, and reached for her window. "Yeah. Hopefully it'll be fun."

"Um, which plane will you be taking off in?"

"One that takes us to New York City," he joked, stopping for a minute.

"No," she grew a smile, her mind still partially with her mom, "like, which airline?"

"Oh, that I wouldn't know. But I do know that we're leaving at seven in the morning. The plane takes flight at seven fifty, I think.

"Okay." She answered, wondering if at such a late time Mr. Robins would allow her to take the same plane. Every single time she would have to ride the next one, where she knew no one. And her being the shy girl she is, didn't make things comfortable for her. She'd like a change for just this time.


"I just needed to know."

He bent down to plant a kiss on Stella's cheek, leaving her stuck in aftershock. "I'll see you later?"

"Sounds good." She wanted to go back to her mom's room and check up on her.

His eyes shifted to her door, "Will your mom be okay, do you think?"

"We'll be fine."

"Stella, if you ever need anything, reach out to me. I care." The look in his eyes gave her a fuzzy feeling as he already dove for the window, climbing down the tree like a pro.

But the whole time, her palm was rested against her kissed cheek, her heart thumping like an earthquake. Only he could do that. Only him.

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