New Hope Club Imagines | Book...

By BabyFaceBradley

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- I do any kind of imagines and preferences - I do NOT take requests sorry More

The Heart Wants What It Wants(Part 1) - Blake
You - Short Imagine - Blake
Old Friend - Short Imagine - Blake
Forever And Always - Blake
You're Not Going To Lose Me - Blake
Lost In Love - Blake
School Bully Pt.1 - Blake
What Happens In Summer Camp - Blake
School Bully Pt.2 - Blake
In Love With My Ex-Boyfriend Pt.1 - Blake
In Love With My Ex-Boyfriend Pt.2 - Blake
Breakup - Short Imagine - Blake
2 Year Anniversary - Blake
Sad Imagine - I Miss You Daddy
Happy Birthday Cameron Dallas
Short Imagine - Cute Blake Imagine
Lazy Day - Blake
"Are you guys a couple?" - George
Clingy - Reece
Interviewer Mentions You In An Interview After You've Broken Up - All
I'd be coming back for you - Blake(SMUT)
Essay - Reece
Panic Attack - George
Cute Butt - Blake
"Kiss Me" - Blake
Big Shirts - Reece
"And you're naked, okay" - George
Falling For You - Blake
He Tells Your Little Sister He Likes You - Reece
"Well, Fuck. I Do Like You" - Blake
Ms. Sunshine - Reece
Any Other Way - Blake
Memory - George
Friendship Or Love? - Reece
An Unanswered letter - Blake
Bad Boy - Blake
A Snowy Afternoon - George
"You have no idea how good you make me feel" - Blake
Imagine - Reece
Imagine - George
You hate each other but then fall in love - Blake
More often - Reece
Birthday Cake He Gets You - All
Your Favorite Show To Watch - All
Movie You Watch Together - All
Couple Necklace He Gets You - All
Short Imagine - Blake
Restless - Reece
Short Imagine - George
George(Idk what this is)
He Finds Out You're Pregnant - Blake(Preference)
Missing You - Blake
Short Imagine - Reece
What Even Is This?!
Five Years - Reece
"What happened to your face?" - Blake
Late Nights - George
Short Imagine - Blake
Finding Out That You Don't Want Kids - All(Preference)
First "I Love You" - All(Preference)
Short Imagine - Reece
The Heart Wants What It Wants(Pt.2) - Blake
What He Gets You For Your Birthday - All(Preference)
Nervous - Reece
Nervous(Pt.2) - Reece
He Sees You Cry For The First Time - All(Preference)
A/N Update

Lonely Christmas - Reece

503 17 5
By BabyFaceBradley

The tree is twinkling with tinsel and ornaments of all sorts. There's one that looks like Lily your dog and a few Disney ones along with a few yours and Reece's families had given to you as keepsakes. It's your first Christmas living with Reece and tree decorating was incredible. It consisted of laughing, Reece mostly just handing you ornaments claiming that you arrange them better, and then making hot chocolate for the both of you to sip on as he made a fire.

The tree is kind of like everything you should be experiencing but as Reece's life would have it, he had a prior commitment which left him in the states and to catch an early flight on Christmas Eve. The time was ticking down from when you were going to be able to pick him up and your heart immediately jumped and a smile spread across your face as your phone started going off, a Facetime call from Reece.

"Hey, babe." Reece says, a gentle smile on his face.

"Hey!" You chime, your smile much wider than his as you take in the background. "Have you already landed? Your flight isn't supposed to be in for another two hours." Excitement flooded through you at the thought of having Reece home two hours earlier.

It doesn't seem like a big deal. It's only two hours but that's two hours the two of you could be spending in front of a fire with Home Alone playing. It's still two hours you could be spending on Christmas Eve together.

Reece lets out a soft sigh and he gives you a sad smile, shaking his head slightly, the grey beanie he's wearing preventing his hair from falling over his forehead. "I'm so sorry, love."

Your brows furrow as you take in his words and the sadness coming over his face. "You're not gonna make it, are you?" You ask, your words broken.

Reece shakes his head. "There's a snowstorm, all flights are delayed until the mornin'."

"You're gonna miss Christmas." Your heart breaks as you realize that if he doesn't get on a flight tonight, your first Christmas together will have to wait until next year.

"Yeah." Reece says and it's the saddest expression you've ever seen. "Looks that way."

You can feel a lump forming in your throat as you look down to Lily who's asleep on your lap. You pet her head and around her ears, trying to not let yourself cry. It's not Reece's fault. This is just part of mother nature. No one controls the weather and it snows this time of year. It happens and sometimes, flights have to be delayed but it hurts. You were looking forward to it. You were supposed to wake up together, in bed, Lily at your feet and it was supposed to be sweet and soft with gentle 'good morning' and 'merry Christmas' kisses. You were going to get cups of coffee in your matching mugs Reece's mom had gotten you both and you were going to open presents. Reece was supposed to open a new watch you'd gotten engraved for him. It was special and the snow has seemed to ruin what should be your favorite Christmas. It's just a bit soul-crushing.

"I'm so sorry." Reece whispers and you can hear him trying not to cry. "I've been trying to find other flights-"

"No" You say quickly looking back to the screen. "If it's dangerous, you should stay. It sucks but..." You trail off with the shrug of one of your shoulders.

Reece smirks with just the corner of his mouth. "I'm still gonna try, love."

You nod softly. "Okay." You whisper, swallowing the lump in your throat.

"If I can't make it, we'll have our own Christmas the next day, ya? Just you and me, all day. I'll have mum save us some food." Reece chuckles, his eyes crinkling at the ends and that's why you love him.

"Leftovers for our Christmas." You mock, unable to remain completely sad with the light laugh of Reece.

"It's very us, don't you agree?" Reece continues to laugh.

"Yeah." You laugh with him. "Leftovers, take out when both of us burn the food, relying on our families for any real food."

Reece hits his chest, pretending to be offended. "Mac and cheese is real food!"

You tilt your head back in a fit of laughter, Reece's heart fluttering in response as he bites his lip. "Sure, it is, babe." You wink at him.

"It is! Don't see you complainin' when I make it." Reece holds his head up high, his ego the size of the airport.

"It's good! I admit, you make good mac and cheese, but I wouldn't call it real food." You scrunch your face and Reece just rolls his eyes.

"'It's real food. If you can eat it, it's real."

"Whatever you say, Reece."

Reece chuckles, pushing the beanie back a little. "I'll make you some when I get home."

"Hold you to that." You mumble through a smile.

Reece licks his lips, eyes starting to sadden once more. "Alright, love, I'ma go and see if I can find another flight, ya? Call you if something changes."

"Okay, stay safe." You give him a gentle smile, the lump forming in your throat once more.

"Love you." Reece holds the ending of the last word making you roll your eyes.

"Love you, too." You say quietly but loud enough for him to hear before you both end the facetime.

Reece sits back in the chair of the airport, his heart weighing heavy. This is his job, it's his dream but there are times that a small, minuscule even, part of him that hates it. It's times when he misses holidays or birthdays or big events with his family and friends. He knows everyone understands but that doesn't make him wish he were with the people he cares about more than working. Tonight is a night that's bugging him more than the rest though.

Reece had so much planned for when he would land. It was nothing too crazy but it was something he just needed after being away and for his favorite holiday. He had planned on letting you open his gift tonight instead of in the morning, partially because he's just excited for you to have it but also because he knows you've missed him. It'd be his way of apologizing even though he knows he doesn't have to. And after that, he planned to make you both some hot chocolate, start up a fire, and he'd have stuff for s'mores ready. You'd sit in front of the fire for the night and talk, cuddle, just catch up on the time lost between each other but now he's just stuck in an airport.

You need him but his fans and his job need him, too. A lonely Christmas is just another sacrifice.

While Reece gets up and tries to find another flight, you're back at home texting his mom. Reece can be the optimistic all he wants but you're not gonna get your hopes up. The weather is unpredictable and the odds of him catching a flight are basically none. So, you're stuck texting his mom about Christmas dinner, explaining what Reece had told you just in case he hadn't called her yet. She quickly confirmed he did call her and she quickly informed you that she still expected and hoped to see you for dinner regardless on if Reece were going to make it. It warmed your heart really, to still be invited.

Once you got your phone texting out of the way, you worked around getting presents from under the tree together that way you wouldn't have to worry about it much in the morning. You gather the presents for all of Reece's sister Lexi and his parents, all of which picked were out by you and Reece long before he left for tour. You laugh to yourself as you stack them up, taking notice in how terrible some of the wrapping is. It's the thought that counts, right?

After you've gotten everything ready, you get Lily and decide to head to sleep early. If you're not gonna be able to pick Reece up from the airport, there's no reason in staying up. You might as well try and get some extra sleep, start over the next day. It's something Reece wishes he could be doing.

He's been out of luck trying for other flights and he checks the time on his phone, he sighs to himself figuring you'd be in bed, somewhere he'd love to be. He should be there with you, arms wrapped around you and pressing soft kisses to your cheeks between whispered 'I love you's; but, instead, he's stuck slouching in his seat, pulling his hoodie over his head and his beanie over his eyes. All Reece can do is hope for a miracle that the snow clears up.

The next morning comes around, your alarm sounding to wake you up with enough time to get ready and get to Reece's parents house. You stretch and see Lily at the foot of the bed while Reece's side is empty and cold. Despite knowing full and well that Christmas miracles are few and far between, you hoped you'd wake up and he'd be there. Maybe he could have snuck in during the night and just crawled into bed but he didn't. It's just you in your empty apartment with Lily.

Merry Christmas to me.

Lily jumps off the bed, signaling it was time for her to go out.

"I'm coming, Lil." You yawn as you get out of bed, your heart aching as you toss one of Reece's hoodies on.

You and Lily make your way out into the hallway and your foolish heart beats quicker as you walk, hoping that Reece will be sitting under the tree like the cheesy dork you know he is. But, when the tree comes into view and it's just the same as you left it last night, your heart just stalls in your chest before plummeting to your stomach.

Not spending Christmas together has never been a huge deal. You'd both always wanted to but it just was too much until you moved in together, now you're always together. You're closer to his family. It never bothered you before because you never had this choice, not like this. Now, it's just been ripped away from you in a single blizzard and it hurts more than you want to admit. But, Lily still needs to go out and you still need to get ready and head over to Reece's family. Reece might not be home but his family is.

After taking Lily outside, you ring Reece and his phone goes straight to voicemail, liking due to a dead phone.

"Hey, Reece." You say to the voicemail as you make your way to the bathroom. "Just calling to tell you Merry Christmas." You lick your lip and lean against the now closed door. "I miss you. Get home safe, okay? I love you." You sigh before hanging up.

It just sucks but you have to get ready. You can't let Reece not being home completely ruin your holiday. As soon as you get to his parents house, they'll all cheer you up. It's what they're best at, making people happy and comfortable. You allow a warm shower to ease some of your sorrow and immediately follow it with getting ready, dressing in a nice sweater and a nice pair of jeans. A quick blow-dry of your hair and a quick brush through, you were ready to grab the presents and Lily.

Their home smelled of evergreens and cinnamon, a mix of a pork roast nearly done coming from the kitchen. It's warm and cozy, more so than any other day and you're immediately greeted by Lexi not long before Mr. Bibby makes his appearance to greet you and take the gifts from you. They're all just as welcoming as they would be if Reece had been there and it eases the bit of ache from your heart. His family has become yours and this holiday isn't starting to feel so lonely after all.

Dinner is set to be ready within the next fifteen minutes which leaves you in the living room with Lexi. You're sat catching up on the few things that have happened in the short time you haven't seen the family. It's then that your phone starts ringing, a facetime from Reece. You quickly excuse yourself, the eyes of Lexi following you until you're out of the room.

"Merry Christmas, love." Reece says, eyes bright as can be and a huge smile across his face.

"Merry Christmas." You can barely get the words out with how wide your smile is.

"How's your day goin'? Hope my family isn't giving you too much trouble." Reece jokes, looking up off the screen every few seconds, the background hidden with the close up of his face.

"They're great. I think they enjoy my company more than yours, actually." You quip, holding your head up.

"Oh, is that so?" Reece asks but there's barely a hint of teasing in his voice, just the adoring smile on his lips.

"Yep. Been chatting with Lexi and your dad here and there."

Reece looks at you through the phone and there's a glint in his eyes that makes you completely melt. It's different from last night. There's no sorrow or even regret in his eyes. He's genuinely happy. He seems to be content and it warms your heart even more. You might miss him and want him here with you but you are having a good time with his family and you're happy he doesn't seem to be dwelling on it too much.

"Good." Reece says, his voice going gentle.

"Where are you by the way? Did you end up having to get a hotel?" You ask, trying to get a glimpse of the background but based on lighting, you know it's not an airport.

"Nah, no hotel." Reece shakes his head. "No airport either."

You furrow your brows, tilting your head slightly. "Where are you then?"

Reece bites his lip, tugging the grey beanie off his head and looking to his feet, a nervous tick you've gained to notice over the time you've been together. "You really wanna know?" Reece asks, his hair a bit flat but still as beautiful as ever on him.

"Mhm." You hum with a simple nod.

"Turn around."

Your eyes widen as you just stare at your screen, ready to tell him off if it's some joke. "Reece, I swear if you're fuckin' with me."

"Just turn around." Reece smirks and you do as told.

You turn and Reece is standing there, a bag in hand and still in his winter coat. He has bags under his eyes and it doesn't look like he's even showered. In fact, it doesn't look like he's done anything besides get on a plane and come right home. But that's perfectly fine. Your eyes start to water and you run up to him, his arms open to embrace you. You jump in his arms and his lips immediately connect with yours, arms wrapped completely and snuggly around you.

"Missed you, babe." Reece mutters against your lips.

"Missed you, too, Reece." You mutter into his, kissing him again before he places you back on the floor. "Thought you couldn't find a flight?"

Reece shrugs a shoulder. "I'm quite charming, you know?" Reece jokes, his hands going to his pockets.

You catch a glimpse of his mom and dad standing a few feet behind him watching. His mom has a hand to her mouth and his dad has an arm around her. They look as if they're just waiting for something or maybe they're just happy their son has managed to work his way around the damn weather. Either way, your eyes go back to Reece's and you're so immensely happy to see those big green eyes staring at you with all the love in the world.

"I know I'm late and I hope you can forgive me for it." Reece says.

"Of course, it's not your fault. They need you, too, ya know?" You say, tugging on his coat for emphasis.

"I know." Reece whispers. He takes a step back and the color of his face starts to drain a little and he chews his lip that's definitely covered in Carmex. "I, uh, well, I wanted to do this last night but I didn't wanna do it over facetime." Reece admits, his hand moving around in the pocket of his coat.

"Do...what?" You ask hesitantly.

Reece sends you the most nervous smile you've ever seen in your entire life and your heart starts beating a mile a minute, swearing you're going to pass out if he doesn't tell you what he's thinking. You think you know but you don't wanna fool yourself. It's more than good enough he's here and he's made it but is he really gonna...

Reece pulls out a little black box, sucking in a deep breath as he moves to one knee, his eyes darting to the space behind you where his sister is standing to watch the scene, only making his nerves worse. It was supposed to be last night, just the two of you so you wouldn't feel pressured to tell him yes. It was supposed to be just the two of you but Reece can't not ask now. He's got the ring and he's sure you're his person, his forever plan. His family invites you in as if you've been a part of the family your entire life. Reece physically can't keep this a secret anymore.

"Will you marry me?" Reece asks, voice shaky, leaning on every single ounce of hope he has that you'll say yes.

You stare at him with wide, glossy eyes, in disbelief he's actually doing this. And how could you ever tell him no? You've known you wanted him to be your forever since day one. Now's just the time to confirm it. So, you nod frantically and move towards him quickly, pulling him up to his feet and colliding your lips with his.

"Yeah?" Reece cups your face, balancing the box with two fingers.

"Mhm, yeah." You smile before kissing him once more.

Merry Christmas.

- I was planning on doing this yesterday since it was Christmas but I fell asleep at like 6pm and didn't wake up until 11pm

- Hope you all had a good Christmas if you celebrate it<3

- Sorry for any mistakes

- Don't forget to Comment and Vote for more updates<3

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