Thiam- The boy clad in a pink...

By Soft_Lilacs

29.7K 983 340

Theo is a new appearance at Beacon Hills high school, and well, Liam is charmed. More

The boy in a hoodie
Chapter 3: Swimming in pink
Chapter 4: Caught in pieces
Chapter 5: Theo's shampoo
Chapter 6: His presence
Chapter 7: Buried in his arms
Chapter 8: Dirty Laundry
Chapter 9: Crystal droplets, and baby blue
Chapter 10: Arising Tension
Chapter 11: Lost Boy
Chapter 12: Taking his pain
Chapter 13: Embraces in the Morning
Two boys in One Hoodie

Chapter 2: The forest

2.6K 90 23
By Soft_Lilacs

A/N --Hope you like it!--

Liam spent the next few days of school keeping an eye out for Theo. He had found out from his snooping (Mason) that the boy was a senior. A year older than him. Would a year difference change himself to look more like Theo? I mean look at him, his muscles ripple through his tee-shirt, sure I was fit too but... Liam gazed jealously at Theo. He was in a few of his classes, and this granted Liam time to study this charming boy. He also noticed the boy had an endearing  stubble embracing his chin. Liam's hand absentmindedly went to feel his own face, rubbing his smooth cheeks annoyingly. Why does Theo gotta be so damn attractive? Hhmph.

Theo's head jerked towards Liam. Liam immediately sat up straight, did I just say that out loud? But even if he had, Liam knew he hadn't said it audibly loud enough. Once again a blush crept up the boy's face, and he could have sworn he saw one on the older's boy's as well. But Theo, as usual, played it cool and winked at him, smirking giddishly.

Now concerned that others had heard his reckless words, Liam desperately whipped his head back and forth. However, all the other students were diligently working--for once--thank god. Seeing as this was last block/study hall, Liam decided to leave early and clear his head. He grabbed his backpack whipping it over his shoulder, and scurried out the door. A pair of ice blue-green eyes followed his erratic shuffle, and listened to his incoherent mumblings.

What am I doing? Finding a boy attractive? I like girls. Yeah girls. Like Hay-. No Liam lets not go there. At this point Liam was walking home, inhaling the fresh, sweet, summer air. Hayden was a girl he had dated sophomore year, he really had liked her. Loved her perhaps, but she broke it off when she developed feelings for another girl...Tracy was it? Liam could barley remember, it was a fuzzy time. He was still getting over it, and honestly the arrival of this new boy was the only thing that had managed to distract him thus far. When he had got home that evening he had met Theo, Scott, his guardian whom he lived with, warned him that there was a new werewolf in town. HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED THAT! Liam thought this to himself angrily, I mean he was a werewolf too, he could smell, he wasn't a WEREPUPPY for gods sake. It was rather bothering him in fact, why was this boy occupying so much of Liam's mind. He barley even knew him, he had only had one interaction with him yet, somehow he felt—cold—and wet—wait what? Liam looked down at his feet, which were in water....right umm—WAIT WATER—Where am I? Falling into panic, Liam gasped. Trees, plants, and wild life littered his surroundings. This was not his house. No, it was the middle of nowhere. Liam's heart raced for the second time that week, this time out of fear. I must have taken that wrong turn back by the pike..but how long have I been meandering the woods? The boy, now extremely taken aback, tried to calm himself and walked rampidly through the forest, but the longer he ran, the more fed up he got. HE was frustrated, the lacrosse kids were isolating him now that Scott had graduated, as they all resented Liam for being Scott's favorite. It had only been a week or so into school and his grades were already slipping, and now here he was lost in a forest once again, unable to change his fate to his liking.

Liam's vision was started to go red, butter pie I need to calm myself, he rested on a nearby tree stump and closed his eyes, resting his head in his hands. Just focus, and try to find your surrounding through your senses. Liam tried to recall all the things Scott taught him, smiling a bit as he remembered all the times he had failed. Liam started to smell the pine needles, the smell of the nearby animals, the nearby berry bush, it was all coming to him—then wait, that smell, I know it, soap...Liam enjoyed this scent, it calmed him in a way Hayden's scent had, yet somehow—


"Liam?" A low voice rumbled behind him with a tone of concern, in sync with Liam's nervous one. "Liam, what are you doing out here?"

At this point Liam was standing up facing the older boy, "I was about to ask you that." He furrowed his brows, he was relived to have found someone he knew, yet curious as to why Theo would find him in the middle of nowhere.

"Well actually," Theo gestured behind him, "I live a little ways over that-a-way. But Liam," The boy boy grabbed the younger one's shoulders and searched his eyes. "More importantly are you okay? I mean your a mess no offense—" Theo chuckled softly as he pulled a twig out of the boy's fluffy hair.

Liam wanted to just crumple in relief into this amazingly smelling boys arms, but he had to be on edge. This was a werewolf. Actually speaking of which, "Hey!" Liam jumped back. "You're a werewolf!" He pointed at the fellow being with accusation.

"That I am, and if I'm not mistaken, you are as well...Liam.." Theo was suprised by how easily Liam's name spilled off his lips, and enjoyed the way the respective boy's heart leaped in response.

"Well then why couldn't I smell you before? When we first met? Were you suppressing it!"

"Perphaps, sorry I just tend to be a bit on edge, around-people-" He looked down as he said this. Liam picked up on the change of mood, the flash of hurt and pain that glistened on his green-blue eyes.

Attempting to back track Liam stepped closer to Theo and this time he placed a hand on Theo's shoulder. "It's um-fine, I get it." He offered a small smile.

Theo looked up and grinned, "Yeah? well thank you Liam you know I appreciate that." He pulled the smaller boy into a gentle headlock and ruffled his hair. "Why don't I bring you to my place you look like you just had a fight with a prickly berry bush or somthin-"

Liam jerked out of the boys arms begrudgingly, but was silently enjoying Theo's show of affection. "Fine. Uh-thanks I guess." The boy shuffled on his feet.

"Not a problem, besides a couldn't just leave a lost puppy like yourself—"

Theo was met with a punch in the nose. He reckoned he deserved it. The two boys walked to Theo's place (whatever that was), both full of intrigue and nerves.

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