Room 45 [Jyatt]

By jyattsmom

100K 3K 10.1K

[ON GOING] One room. One bed. Two teenage boys. More

Chapter 1🔅
Chapter 2????
Chapter 3🔅
Chapter 4🔅
Chapter 5????
Chapter 6🔅
Chapter 7🔅
Chapter 8🔅
Chapter 9🔅
Chapter 11🔅
Chapter 12🔅
Chapter 13🔅
Chapter 14🔅
Chapter 15🔅

Chapter 10🔅

7.7K 225 2.2K
By jyattsmom

it was raining the whole day when i came up with this idea and it's the first time i wrote something after a long break but i hope you still enjoy it.

-Jaeden's POV-

"I fucking hate rain.", Wyatt groaned while shifting over the bed.

"I love rain.", I watched little droplets of water race down the window and rooting for the one he had picked to win.

The weather here wasn't always sunny, of course. But that's good since we always have a change.

"Why would you love rain? It's wet and smells weird. You can't even go outside and the television signals get fuzzy and no channel works!", Wyatt huffed, knitting his eyebrows together as he flipped through various channels on the TV to find nothing but fizzy lines and no signal.

"That's not true. You can do a lot on a rainy day, actually!", I protested. I was basically in love with rain, so much that I could run outside and just stay there but Jack told me not to since he doesn't want to take care of me again like last time.

"Oh, please. Like what?"


"Sitting on the bed and waiting for the fucking rain to stop?", Wyatt cut me off.

"No..", I frowned, "like loads of fun things!"

"Sure", Wyatt rolled his eyes while throwing the remote on the edge of the bed as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, "Might just watch vines or something less boring.", he mumbled.

I sighed since there was no point in telling Wyatt how shitty the network gets when it rains so I just went back to looking at the rain, waiting for a curse word to be heard.

"Fucking shit!", Wyatt groaned just in time, "Everything is just fucking bullshit! My 3G doesn't work and the 2G would be too weak for the vines. I'm done!"

"Calm down, it's just rain. It will stop eventually."

"No, I'm too bored and don't know what the fuck to do. I hate life right now.", Wyatt mumbled angrily.

"Hmm,", I got up from the window seat, "how about we-"

"Shut the fuck up and die? Cause same.", Wyatt cut me off again and I was about to chop his head off.

"No, dickhead. I meant 'bucket list',", I sighed, "How about we make a bucket list ?"

"A what?"

"Don't make me say it the third time.", I rolled my eyes.

"A motherfucking bucket list?", Wyatt rose his eyebrow, because he sure thought I was joking or just dumb.

"Yeah, a bucket list! How many times do I have to repeat it?", I sighed but grinned as I picked up a notepad from my desk and a pen, "A bucket list about 'things to do on a rainy day' we write things we have to do once and when we've done it, we tick on the side!"

Wyatt crossed his arms in front of his chest, "You're kidding", he huffed.

"No, I'm not! We don't have anything to do here and I'm sure it'll be fun.", I told him as I opened the notepad, flipping through the pages until I found a blank one.

Wyatt cupped his head in his own hands and gave it a thought until he finally spoke up, "Fine, fine. We'll make a bucket list."

I let out a little squeal at his agreement and started writing on the paper.

— — — —
things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day
— — — —

"Why'd you xed the 'fucking' out?", Wyatt asked peeking over my shoulder.

"Because it's not nice."

"Wha— y'know what? Just keep doing your thing."

"Okay, so I'll write one thing and then you'll write one"


"I'll start."

— — — —
things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day

- slide around in fuzzy socks ◻️

- prank call ◻️

- read a good book ◻️

- sleep ◻️

- drink hot chocolate ◻️

- SEX AROUND ✖️ (no -J)

- doodle ◻️

- go over to jack and finn's ◻️

- look at embarrassing pics on our phones ◻️

- listen to music and dance around ◻️

- watch our fav movie ◻️

- bubble bath ◻️

— — — —


"Fuck this. Who came up with this again?", Wyatt poured standing in the hallway of the dorm house.

"I did! It's so fun, I promise!", I grinned at his grumpy face.

"This is stupid."

"No, it's really fun. Come on!", I called him over.


"Why? Just run, stop and let yourself slide."

"Because, Jaeden-!", Wyatt yelled but stopped with a sigh following, "because there are people here and someone might see us and think 'what kind of idiots are these guys?'", he whispered.

"You care about what other people think? Seriously? That's so— you know what? I'm gonna do it first, okay?", I spoke, looking at Wyatt who was still standing next to the door of our dorm room.

"Alright, fine.", he groaned because he knew he didn't have any choice since I was gonna make him do it anyway so there wasn't even a point at arguing.

"Okay, yay!", I clapped my hands, running over to Wyatt, pulling him in the middle of the hallway, "I'll go first, yeah?"

Wyatt nodded and smiled and I bet he had never done this before because he was turning kind of shy and I was sure he wanted to act a little more 'manly' and didn't want to make a fool out of himself.

"Alright, Wy, watch me!", I grinned and within one fraction of second, I was yodeling and screaming and laughing as I skated down the hallway.

"Yes!", I cheered once I was at the other end of the hallway, "Come on, it's so fun!"

Wyatt looked nervously down at his feet which were covered in black fuzzy socks and then he looked at me.

"It's easy! It's like skating, slide away!"

Wyatt nodded as he shut his eyes and moved his feet forward and he slid towards me sliding on the floor like there's butter under his feet.

"Like it?", I asked him.

"Like it?! I fucking loved it!Why haven't I done this before?", Wyatt answered with a big grin on his light freckles face.

I giggled, "Again?"

"Fuck yeah!"

And like that we spent the next half hour sliding down the hallway with our fuzzy socks.

— — — —
things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day

- slide around in fuzzy socks ✔️

- prank call ◻️

- read a good book ◻️

- sleep ◻️

- drink hot chocolate ◻️

- SEX AROUND ✖️ (no -J)

- doodle ◻️

- go over to jack and finn's ◻️

- look at embarrassing pics on our phones ◻️

- listen to music and dance around ◻️

- watch our fav movie ◻️

- bubble bath ◻️

— — — —


"Uhm.. Hello? Who is this?"

"I am Siri."


"Yes? What would you like to ask?"

"Nothing. How did you call me?"

"Calling 'Mi'."

"No! No. Cancel the call Siri!"


"I didn't call you."

"Calling 'Yu'."


"The holy god is the-"


"Adding 'Hee' to your caller list, would you you like to call 'Hee'?"

"Uhm no, thanks. Can you stop calling me?"

"Deleting 'Mi' from caller list."

"No! That was my girlfriend!"

"Calling your girlfriend."

"No! Don't!"

"Sorry, I didn't catch it."

"Now my girlfriend is texting me, great."

"You have one message from your girlfriend, would you like to read it?"

"Well, okay."

"We are breaking up expect to die tonight."

Wyatt hung up as he burst out laughing while I bit on my hand to not burst out laughing as well.

"That was so funny!", I told him, giggling as Wyatt nodded, "You want to try it, too?", he asked me.

"Yes!", I said in excitement and Wyatt passed me the phone. I dialed a random number and waited.


"Hi! Is this McDonald's?"


"Great! I'd like to have two cheeseburgers, a coke and your mom's phone number."

"Excuse me-"

I hung up quickly and laughed and Wyatt was as well, "Your mom jokes?", he choked out in between his laughs and I just nodded while trying to breath properly.

— — — —
things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day

- slide around in fuzzy socks ✔️

- prank call ✔️

- read a good book ◻️

- sleep ◻️

- drink hot chocolate ◻️

- SEX AROUND ✖️ (no -J)

- doodle ◻️

- go over to jack and finn's ◻️

- look at embarrassing pics on our phones ◻️

- listen to music and dance around ◻️

- watch our fav movie ◻️

- bubble bath ◻️

— — — —


"Ugh", I heard Wyatt groaning but I just ignored it and continued reading 'Peter Pan' which was one of my favorites.

"Ugggghhhhhhh", and again, I ignored it and it was getting annoying. I just wanted to read my book. Not gonna lie, I kinda have a crush on Peter Pan.



"This is so boring.", Wyatt whined, burying his face in a book which was about bee's, making me wonder why he even chose that book.

"I'd be bored to if I read a book about bee's."I shrugged and shifted a bit on the bed, not missing Wyatt's confused look on his face.

"About bee's? I— I didn't even notice."

"I figured."

"Can't we do something else?", The boy with the curls asked me and took away my book as he got off the bed.

"No, give me the book back.", I told him and got off the bed as well to take back my book.

As I tried to take it from Wyatt's hand, he raised his hand and held it over his head so I couldn't reach it anymore, making me roll my eyes.

"Do you think this is funny?", I asked him as I crossed my arms, pouting.

"I do. Actually, I quite enjoy you being upset like a little child.", Wyatt chuckled making me stump my feet on the floor.

I tried to reach it and even jumped to get my book back but I still couldn't get it back. I groaned but stopped immediately as an idea popped in my head.

I smirked as I tickled his sides, causing him to laugh and his arms to drop. He still wouldn't give me the book back so I continued until he grabbed my both wrists with just one hand. I tried getting out of his grip but tripped backwards on the bed, pulling Wyatt with me. He was now on top of me, his face only inches apart from mine.

"Uhm...", he got up quickly and passed me my book back and stretched his neck awkwardly.

"Should we do the next thing on the bucket list?", I asked him, trying to make the situation less awkward. He nodded and I grabbed the list from my desk.

— — — —

things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day

- slide around in fuzzy socks ✔️

- prank call ✔️

- read a good book ✔️ (kind of)

- sleep ◻️

- drink hot chocolate ◻️

- SEX AROUND ✖️ (no -J)

- doodle ◻️

- go over to jack and finn's ◻️

- look at embarrassing pics on our phones ◻️

- listen to music and dance around ◻️

- watch our fav movie ◻️

- bubble bath ◻️

— — — —


"Pst, Wyatt.", I whispered, laying on my back on the bed, next to me a curly haired boy who had his eyes closed.


"Why does the mirror change left and right but not up and down?",

"Mmmmpf, Jaeden, why?"

"Why what?", I asked in confusion.

"Why do you always have to fuck up my brain like that?", he mumbled, his eyes still shut.

"I'm not. It's just a question, jeez.", I turned to my side so my back was facing Wyatt. I sighed and closed my eyes as well.

"No need to get all pouty, doll. Just go to sleep.", Wyatt told me with a raspy voice. My eyes shot open at the word 'doll'. Not going to lie, I kind of liked it even though it probably just slipped out.

— — — —

things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day

- slide around in fuzzy socks ✔️

- prank call ✔️

- read a good book ✔️ (kind of)

- sleep ✔️

- drink hot chocolate ◻️

- SEX AROUND ✖️ (no -J)

- doodle ◻️

- go over to jack and finn's ◻️

- look at embarrassing pics on our phones ◻️

- listen to music and dance around ◻️

- watch our fav movie ◻️

- bubble bath ◻️

— — — —


"So, what's next?", Wyatt asked, throwing a little ball against the wall and catching it afterwards. Yes, he was that bored.

"Tummy feeding! Yay!", I grinned as I shot up from the bed to look at him, only to see his confused face expression.


"Drinking hot chocolate!", I giggled like a dork, excited for my hot drink that I've like since I was a little child. My mommy used to make them for me with lots of marshmallows in it.

"Now that's something I like.", Wyatt got up from the bed making me wonder why.

"Why are you getting up?"

"To make the hot chocolates?"

"I thought I was gonna make them."

"Too bad, I'm making them.", Wyatt started walking toward our kitchen so I quickly got off the bet and clung to his leg.

"You do realize that I'm still able to walk, right?", he chuckled making me frown. I thought I was heavy enough but he just continues walking and so I didn't move the whole time while he made us hot chocolates.

"Don't forget my marshmallows!", I told him, still holding on to his leg like a koala. Wyatt chuckled lightly and put a few marshmallows in my drink.

I got off his leg and stood up so he could give me my hot chocolate. After he gave me my hot drink we sat on the bed and talked about our favorite disney movies.

— — — —

things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day

- slide around in fuzzy socks ✔️

- prank call ✔️

- read a good book ✔️ (kind of)

- sleep ✔️

- drink hot chocolate ✔️

- SEX AROUND ✖️ (no -J)

- doodle ◻️

- go over to jack and finn's ◻️

- look at embarrassing pics on our phones ◻️

- listen to music and dance around ◻️

- watch our fav movie ◻️

- bubble bath ◻️

— — — —


"What is that?", I asked, looking at Wyatt's hand while he started drawing some kind of animal, I guess.

"It's a motherfucking monster!", Wyatt cheered and put his hands up like a little child.

"A... Monster? Seriously?"

"Yeah. It kills all bad people so no one can get hurt anymore.", Wyatt explained with a small smile before he looked over to my drawing which was nothing special. Just a few flowers and hearts here and there.

"Give me your hand.", Wyatt commanded and held his hand out.

"Wha— why?"

"Just—", Wyatt rolled his hand and huffed as he took my hand in his and started drawing on it, "Stop making everything so complicated. Stop thinking so much. Your poor head.", he continued drawing as he spoke those words quietly.

"What are you drawing?", I wanted to know but the curled hair boy was just hushing me. I tried to peek but he held his hand over the drawing the whole time.

"Done.", he took both of his hands down and grinned like a goof.

I looked confused down at my hand as I saw that drawing which was kind of weird. I had to turn my hand until I understood what that was, making me screech out, "Wyatt!"

Wyatt laughed his ass off at the childish penis he drew on my hand. It looked just like: 8==D

I tried to wipe it away with my saliva and thankfully it got off of my skin and Wyatt eventually stopped laughing.

— — — —

things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day

- slide around in fuzzy socks ✔️

- prank call ✔️

- read a good book ✔️ (kind of)

- sleep ✔️

- drink hot chocolate ✔️

- SEX AROUND ✖️ (no -J)

- doodle ✔️ 8===D -W

- go over to jack and finn's ◻️

- look at embarrassing pics on our phones ◻️

- listen to music and dance around ◻️

- watch our fav movie ◻️

- bubble bath ◻️

— — — —


"Hellooo!", I stormed in Jack's room without knocking, seeing Jack and Finn playing UNO on the floor.

"Hey!", Jack stood up and greeted me with a hug before he did the same with Wyatt who stood behind me and Finn just waved at us.

"Wanna play with us?", Finn asked putting all cards together.

Wyatt huffed as he plopped himself on the bed, "Let's do something more fun.", he suggested.

I climbed on the bed just like Finn and Jack did and spoke up, "And what would that be?".

"Truth or Dare!", Jack clapped his hands and everyone groaned. It was just a cliche game where people would end up kissing and everything would turn awkward so, no thank you.

"Well beep you guys too", Jack rolled his eyes and Finn bursted out laughing, almost falling off of his bed.

"Did you just say 'beep'?", The tall curly haired boy choked out in between his laughter but cut off by a pillow which was thrown right on his face by Jack.

Finn tried to hit Jack with the pillow too but ended up hitting Wyatt and well, one thing leads to another and we all started pillow fight until we lied on the floor, taking deep breaths.

— — — —

things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day

- slide around in fuzzy socks ✔️

- prank call ✔️

- read a good book ✔️ (kind of)

- sleep ✔️

- drink hot chocolate ✔️

- SEX AROUND ✖️ (no -J)

- doodle ✔️ 8===D -W

- go over to jack and finn's ✔️

- look at embarrassing pics on our phones ◻️

- listen to music and dance around ◻️

- watch our fav movie ◻️

- bubble bath ◻️

— — — —


"What— What the fuck is this— I—", I couldn't breath anymore since I was dying of laughter as Wyatt showed me an old picture of him.

"I get it, I get it. I was young, okay?", Wyatt raised his voice as he tried to defend himself.

I scrolled through my phone to find a picture that was embarrassing as well so he wouldn't feel that awkward.

As soon as I turned the phone in Wyatt's direction my ears were filled with his laughing, making me laugh as well.

"I have one that is worse than that, just you wait!", The boy with the caramel curls told me, swiping his finger on his phone until his lips were formed in a huge grin.

"That's not that bad.", I smiled, zooming in his face, "Look at lil' Wy!".

"That sounds just wrong."

"Ugh. Shut up!", I groaned at his dirty thoughts again.

"What is this?", Wyatt asked pointing at the picture.

"An embarrassing picture of mine.", I explained, making circle moves around my face on the phone.

"That is not embarrassing.", Wyatt chuckled, "It's cute."

I felt my cheeks getting warmer as I stuttered out a light 'thank you'.

— — — —

things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day

- slide around in fuzzy socks ✔️

- prank call ✔️

- read a good book ✔️ (kind of)

- sleep ✔️

- drink hot chocolate ✔️

- SEX AROUND ✖️ (no -J)

- doodle ✔️ 8===D -W

- go over to jack and finn's ✔️

- look at embarrassing pics on our phones ✔️

- listen to music and dance around ◻️

- watch our fav movie ◻️

- bubble bath ◻️

— — — —


"Oh no, I! I will survive!", I sang out loud, jumping on the bed as 'I Will Survive' played. I loved old music, especially Queen.

I looked over at Wyatt who was sitting on the chair, scrolling through my playlist, trying to find a song.

'Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality.'

As I heard that, I jumped off of the bed and took both of Wyatt's hands and started dancing with him dramatically.

I sang the whole six minutes of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' through and Wyatt either seemed weirded out or impressed.

When the 'rock' part of the song came on Wyatt told me, "It would be so funny if we slow danced to the rock part!"

"It would!"

"Let's do it then."

And with that he pulled me closer to his chest, put my hands on his shoulders before he placed his hands on my hips.

We started laughing and we were both so stuck in the moment that we didn't realize that the next song came on, which was 'Can't Help Falling in Love' by Elvis Presley.

Did we stop? No.

Did I like it? A little.

Did he step on my foot? Fuck yes he did and that was when we stopped because I stepped on his foot and he stepped on mine and we did this game all over again.

— — — —

things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day

- slide around in fuzzy socks ✔️

- prank call ✔️

- read a good book ✔️ (kind of)

- sleep ✔️

- drink hot chocolate ✔️

- SEX AROUND ✖️ (no -J)

- doodle ✔️ 8===D -W

- go over to jack and finn's ✔️

- look at embarrassing pics on our phones ✔️

- listen to music and dance around ✔️

- watch our fav movie ◻️

- bubble bath ◻️

— — — —


"What's your favorite movie?", Wyatt asked me while he made us popcorn, sweet popcorn, of course.

"Peter Pan! What about you?", I made myself comfortable on the bed with at least three blankets around my whole body.

"The Great Gatsby.", he answered, handing me a huge bowl with warm popcorn before laying beside me.

He put his laptop on his lap and opened netflix, searching for 'The Great Gatsby'.

"Uhm? Excuse me?", I fake coughed throwing a few popcorns on him, "Who said we were watching that?"

"I did."

"And I say we watch 'Peter Pan' now.", I pouted and he brushed his finger against my bottom lip.

"Don't pout, we will watch 'Peter Pan', okay?", he smiled as he typed in my favorite movie.

We ate popcorn and may have cuddled through the whole movie and I might have started to fall for his ugly crusty ass.

— — — —

things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day

- slide around in fuzzy socks ✔️

- prank call ✔️

- read a good book ✔️ (kind of)

- sleep ✔️

- drink hot chocolate ✔️

- SEX AROUND ✖️ (no -J)

- doodle ✔️ 8===D -W

- go over to jack and finn's ✔️

- look at embarrassing pics on our phones ✔️

- listen to music and dance around ✔️

- watch our fav movie ✔️

- bubble bath ◻️

— — — —


"Bubble bath!", I cheered as I put out pink soups from a small bag.

"I'm not gonna do that.", Wyatt said stubbornly.

"What do you mean? It says 'bubble bath'! So we gotta do that!"

"How about I make you a hot nice bubble bath and you go in while I just sit on the bed and wait for you.", he suggested and I had to think a few seconds before I nodded at his idea.

He went to the bathroom and started making my perfect pink bubble bath, not too hot, not too cold.

Wyatt came out of the bathroom and told me that I could get in and so I did. I love bubble baths so much, always had. It's not boring like showering and it's way more relaxing.

I played with the bubbles, made my hair look weird, took a bath and eventually, I had to get out and so I did.

I dried myself and my hair before I started getting dressed. After I got dressed I opened the door, feeling cold air hitting my warm skin.

I saw that it stopped raining and immediately wanted to tell the rain hater about the good news, "Wya—", I shushed myself.

Wyatt lied on the bed, sleeping peacefully. It was a long, fun day and we've become really close friends.

I sighed happily and lied beside him, slowly drifting to sleep.

— — — —

things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day

- slide around in fuzzy socks ✔️

- prank call ✔️

- read a good book ✔️ (kind of)

- sleep ✔️

- drink hot chocolate ✔️

- SEX AROUND ✖️ (no -J)

- doodle ✔️ 8===D -W

- go over to jack and finn's ✔️

- look at embarrassing pics on our phones ✔️

- listen to music and dance around ✔️

- watch our fav movie ✔️

- bubble bath ✔️

— — — —

written by: @jyattsmom

i'm back hello

3.890 words can you believe?!?!
thoughts on this long ass chapter?

Hope you enjoyed it!
All the love, A. xx

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