Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Ba...

By SquishXWatt

12.1K 134 66

(Rewrite in progress...)This is the old version of the story. I will be working on a rewrite of this as well... More

Chapter 1: Battle Aboard
Chapter 2 Part 1:Recruitment
Chapter 2 Part 2: Allies
Update and a Thank You!
Chapter 3: Rise of the Clones
Hiatus Update
Chapter 5: Futility's End
New Cover!
Hiatus Update #2
Hiatus Update Numero 3
Chapter 6: Splintered Path
Fanart!(Ch.6 Spoiler)
New Official Twitter Page!
Update #4
Update: 5
Countdown to Chapter 7!!
Chapter 7: Samus's Last Stand
Chapter 8: Dead Soldier Walking
Chapter 9: The Ascension Part 1
Chapter 10: The Acension Part 2

Chapter 4: Alpaca Falls

483 7 10
By SquishXWatt

"Master" the clone asked. "The army is ready at your command"
"You've done well young one" The Reaper said in appreciation. "This city is to be the last remaining stronghold for those "Smashers" and I-Gurh!" The Reaper repulsed back as the green gem around his neck brightened for a moment"
"Master!" The clone shouted as it ran over to pick his king up.
"I'm quite alright, the power of the soulstealer stone can be too much to bear, especially in my current form" The Reaper said comforting his servant.
Unbeknownst to the Reaper, a small piece of the green gem chipped off and fell near some crates.
Another clone ran in.
"Sir! We are due to reach Alpaca in 20 minutes!"
The Reaper smiled. "Excellent"
As the Reaper and the clones exited the room, the chipped off gem piece began to shake violently. Suddenly, it started levitating and sent out small waves of energy. It then exploded, sending one large and one small object out and onto the floor.
"Uhhh" The small object groaned. It got up and looked around. Where was it?
It then looked at the large object.
It then realized what it was and where it was.
It went over to a silver chest and stared into its reflection.

Kirby was back.

"Woah woah! Slow down!" Ness pleaded. After intense begging, he was able to finally get Ridley to slow down and let him climb on his back, but in return, Ness felt as if he was in a machine spinning him around like a wheel, as Ridley was testing his flying after many years in that cave.
"We need to get to Alpaca!" Ness shouted
Ridley nodded and twisted his body in attempt to turn around North. In the twist around however, Ness fell from Ridley.
"AHH!" Ness screamed as he began plummeting to the ground.
Ridley panicked. How could he get fame and fortune if his leverage was dead! No. He would not have it! Ridley began flying towards the ground like a downed plane. Attempting to catch Ness in his hands. Suddenly...

"Scree!" Ridley shouted out, as something swooped by and picked Ness up. Ridley looked up. That weird orange dragon stole his leverage! He circled around and chased after the orange dragon. After getting closer to it, Ridley could make out its features. It was orange, the color of fire, it had wings, and a flame at its tail. It had sharp claws and claws on its feet, which it was holding Ness with. Ridley swooped under the dragon and grabbed Ness.
"H-hey!" Ness shouted as Ridley grabbed him and looped around.
"RAAA!" The Dragon roared when Ness was out of his grasp.  It then turned around and tackled Ridley in a vortex of fire, bringing them down to the ground. Ridley was able to throw Ness in the air before he and the dragon collided into the earth. Ness ran over to Ridley to help him stand up, and when he did he looked back to look at their ambushers.
"Red?!" Ness said stunned. Ridley looked up. There was a human boy standing next to the dragon. He was holding some kind of ball in his right hand.
"Red?" Ridley thought. "That's a dumb name."

"Do you know which way we're going?" Pit asked Bayonetta
"Yes!....well no, I have no idea what's happening right now, but the sooner we leave this place the better!"
"Well do you at least have some food?" Pit asked
"Uh no?" Bayonetta replied"
"Ugh Fine I'll just-hey look! It's an apple orchard!"
Bayo looked down. There were hundreds of apple trees lumped together in a forest.
"Going down!" Bayonetta shouted as she lowered Pit to the ground. Once Pit was in Lansing distance from the ground, he jumped off Bayonetta and ran for an apple tree.
"Hmm this ish sho good!" Pit said biting into the honey crisp apple.

Rustle, Rustle

Bayonetta looked around.

Rustle, Rustle

Bayonetta was getting a bad feeling. She felt like she and Pit where being watched.
"Shh!" Bayonetta shouted at Pit to quiet him down. Pit responded with a confused look. Bayo raised her hand, signaling Pit to be quiet and don't move, which Pit followed. Out of nowhere,
"LOOK OUT!" Bayonetta screamed.
A figure came out of the shadows, swinging its sword.

"Vrrrr" Bowser Jr and Isabelle were still in the clown car, going at 1mi/hr. When suddenly, the car stopped.
"Oh no!" Bowser Jr said in horror that his favorite toy broke down.
Isabelle looked over in the distance in that moment and saw something. A Stem Of Cherries, laying perfectly on the ground, and she was hungry, after all, 6 crackers wasn't exactly a dinner.
"Ooh! Cherries!" Bowser Jr said ecstatically as he got off the car and began running towards the fruit, ignoring the fact that his vehicle had broken down. 
"Jr no!" Isabelle shouted but it was too late. Suddenly, as he stepped towards the dormant fruit, Jr was hoisted into the air in a rope trap.
"Gah! W-what's going on!?" Jr shouted worryingly. A Yellow Dot emerged out of the nearby bushes. Isabelle stepped back, taking the time to examine the ambusher. Wait, she knew who this was!
"OMG Mr. Pac-Man!" Isabelle shouted happily.
Pac-Man suddenly stopped back and grinned. "This was a fan" Pac-Man thought.

The Reaper slowly approached on the cowering city. Samus held up her gun, ready to fire. Orange tightened her grip on her splattershot. Samus hadn't even realized Mii Gunner collapsed to the ground.
"Surrender now, mortals, and I shall spare your pathetic lives" The Reaper roared
Samus didn't back down.
"We will not surrender. Not to you. Not to no one"
The Reaper grinned.
"Excellent choice"
The Reaper grabbed its scythe, and began to swing it.
A Cannonball was launched at the Reaper.
Cheers began to erupt from the frightened crowd. Samus saw him. Mii Brawler began walking up. He was in his Red shirt and Black pants. His hair was long, and came around his neck.
"Leave now Tyrant" Mii Brawler said in his deep voice.
"Hmph!" The Reaper replied. It then snapped its Skeleton fingers.
Samus heard noises and looked down. Mii Gunner's lifeless body was suddenly being reanimated. It began moving, and without losing time, it sprung up and attacked Mii Brawler.
"Gunner! What are you doing!" Brawler shouted. He was answered with a low pitch screech.
The Reaper suddenly charged forward, cutting down many civilians, their souls captured into the Green Stone. Samus began shooting at the Reaper, who dodged every single shot, and Orange was helping evacuate the Miis. Meanwhile, Gunner and Brawler were still fighting. "Gunner! It's me!" Brawler switched strategies and tried to calm her down. Brawler was able to stop her and hold her.
"Gunner. Please. I don't want to fight you" Gunner stopped resisting for a moment and looked at Brawler.
The Reaper began forward, Samus and Orange powerless to stop him.
"Guys!" Samus turned to Mii Brawler. She stopped for a second. Mii Brawler was next to Mii Gunner, and Mii Gunner was......okay? Gunner was no longer green. She was her normal color, but she was being dragged by Brawler. With her arm around his shoulder. Brawler already read the look on Samus's face as they approached them.
An explosion appeared in a nearby building, sending rocks and concrete into the floor.
The group covered their eyes to avoid the dust.
"I'll explain later! We gotta get out of here!" Brawler yelled in response to Samus's question.
The Group began running towards the gates of the city, with the Reaper following behind.
As Samus was running she spotted a crate, near a destroyed building. It was an item crate. She began running towards the crate, and when she approached it, she fired a beam at it, breaking it.
Inside it was a beam sword. Samus ran back to the group.
"Brawler! I'll need a boost!" Samus shouted
Brawler saw the beam sword and realized her plan. He grabbed Samus and began spinning her. He then threw Samus at the Reaper.
Samus cried, charging the sword and swinging it into the Reaper's head.
In the response, the Reaper screamed. A horrible scream, it sounded demonic, like high pitched and low pitched blood curling screams happening all at once. A large crack appeared in its skull. It's screams seemed to have silenced the world, as only the crackling of fire and the flow of the wind could be heard in the aftermath. The Reaper then slammed its 4 fists against Samus, throwing her against the gate, and disabling her armor. It then roared, sending shock waves through Alpaca, that forced people to cover their ears, broke any pieces of glass that survived the initial attack, and threw anybody or anything that was small or weighed very little into the air and back onto the ground.
"Samus!" Orange screamed as she ran to pick her up.
The Mii's followed.
"Come on! We gotta go!"

Samus could hear nothing but ringing in her ears, and her vision was blurred. She could see the outlines of Orange and Brawler shouting at her, trying to get her attention.
How? How could she let this happen? How could she let so many die, and so many forced to flee. Suddenly, she heard voice.
She could make out a male voice.
"Samus! Don't give up! We are counting on you!"
In her confusion, Samus replied with a
"W-Huh? Who...who is this?"
Suddenly, her vision began to return and the ringing in her ears receded.
"Samus! We gotta go!" Brawler screamed, finally getting Samus to become self aware. She looked up, and let Orange bring her up to her feet. The group then began running and reached the gates, getting out and fleeing towards the forest.

Orange was starving. It had been a week since they lost Alpaca, but they continued to move. Orange didn't know where they were but they seemed to be in some sort of desert. Their food had diminished drastically so they had to rationalize it. Orange suddenly saw something in the distance. A large lake. "Pfft please" Orange thought. That was clearly a mirage. Then she looked over and saw something extraordinary. A large scoop of vanilla ice cream. Her eyes widened with joy and sparkled, and without hesitation, she ran towards the delicious treat.
"Whoope!" Orange shouted with joy
Samus looked up and through her sweat, saw Orange running away.
"Orange Wait!" She shouted
Orange jumped onto the ice cream and began swimming in it. Finally after 5 min she grabbed a handful of ice cream and bit into it. She abruptly spat it out. She realized she had been tricked, when what she tasted was flavorless, crunchy sand. Orange fell down in misery, when a large shadow appeared over her. Samus and Brawler could see who it was.
A robot made of armor, colored blue, with the hands and face of a human. Orange has no idea who it was. Then it spoke.
"Looks like you guys need some food and water huh?"

A/N: Happy Holidays! I'm so sorry about not making the deadline I made for myself. But technical issues delayed my efforts and almost made me start my story from scratch! Anyways I hope you like this Christmas gift! See y'all next year!

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