It Started With A Letter

By darlingmariska

5.2K 265 38

( UPDATED AS OF 2018 ) Olivia Benson is a teenager in Highschool, still secretly dealing with the secrets of... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
I need you Help! :)

Chapter Ten

422 16 0
By darlingmariska

"My father abused me as well."

 Elliot admitted. He didn't want to receive a pity party from her, all he wanted was to let her known that he understood a bit of where she was coming from and that she definitely was not alone in all of this. As he heard her story however, he couldn't help but be saddened for her. Everything that happened in her life, she just seemed to get the short stick of things. All the way from her mother, to her past lovers.

"Oh El," Olivia didn't even know where to begin with that one.

Bowing his head a bit, he decided that it was only fair to tell his story, since she revealed everything about her life story to him, someone she hasn't known long but has become comfortable enough with him to trust him with this new found information. He couldn't seem to understand how her mother could ever blame her. There is no way that it could ever be her fault. In his head, he couldn't fathom how someone could carry a child for nine months, and then once born stare into new born innocence and proclaim them to be a monster, although he guess he couldn't understand everyone's mind sets towards every subject. Coughing a bit, he decided that he'd been silent a second to long and needed to come clean.

" My mother suffers from Bipolar disorder. Some days can be completely normal and you would have never assumed that anything could've been wrong. Then on other days, it was almost as if her kids no longer existed to her. She refused to take her meds on certain days, refusing to believe that anything was wrong with her. I remember one time when I was 7, she woke me in the middle of the night asking if I wanted to go chase snowflakes with her. Being that young, I didn't really no how to refuse, plus the idea of hanging out with my mom, didn't seem all that bad, that was until I realize that by her stating that she wanted to chase snowflakes, she meant chasing them in a car while there was a blizzard outside. She kept driving faster and faster no matter how much I tried to beg her to stop, it was like, she blocked out

Her hearing and was crazed on catching the crystal flurries. By the time that she finally cleared her head, we had crashed into a poll, totaling the car, I ended up having a bruised face, and a broken arm." Staring off into space I remember that night that made me scared to ever enter a car with my mother ever again. Within the time of him talking, Olivia had scooted closer, laying her head down in his lap, finding comfort in him talking, sharing everything about his childhood making her feel, in a way less lonely.

After pausing and running his fingers through her hair, he continued, " When I was in the Fifth grade, my teacher had assigned us to do a Diorama out of a shoe box, and I had asked my Father to help me with the project. He agreed to help me with it, and we ended up working on it well into the night. I ended up re positioning one of the trees that we had placed and he found out about it, and he-" Pausing getting a little choked up, remembering that night, remembering how much pain I was in, and how upset I was. "He beat me, with his belt stating that I was ungrateful, and a fuck up, and once he finished with me, he grabbed my project and stomped all over the project causing me to get an 'F' on that assignment." Looking down Elliot could see that there were tears brimming her eyes. Realizing that he had stopped talking, Olivia sat up, and wiped the tears that were currently brimming her eyes, before looking down smiling a bit.

" I guess we are both broken, aren't we?"

Letting out a sad chuckled, Elliot nodded his head, " I guess we are aren't we?" Olivia looked up from twiddling with her fingers.

"Well, if it makes anyone feel better, I'm glad to be broken with you." Olivia giggled. Elliot relaxed at hearing her laugh. With that, he knew that she would be alright, but that did not stop him from wondering what happened. He knew that with all the heavy talk they had, that he should probably avoid talking about it for a minute, but, he also really wanted to know what happened, what caused her to scream, and what other damage there was. By the giant bruise on her face, and busted lip, that was now starting to swell a bit, he knew that it would pain him to hear the details. Lifting his hands towards her face, He stroked the forming bruise on her cheek as she leaned into the touch.

"I know you're dying to ask what happened, I can see it in your eyes." Olivia stated. " You can just ask."

Elliot sensing the joking tone in her voice, he smiled at being caught. " Yeah, but I figure you'll tell me when you want." Standing up, he lent his hand down towards her, once she grabbed it, he pulled her up slowly, mindful of the fact that when he walked in he saw her cradling her ribs. "Where's your room?"

She looked at Elliot with her eyebrows raised. Elliot sensing her confusion, was quick to explain, "I know we barely met, in person at least, but I really don't feel safe leaving you here tonight, or at least you not being here tonight will just, help calm my nerves." He was nervous stating what he did. He didn't want to feel like he was suffocating her and he definitely didn't feel like crowding her. Looking at her face, he didn't see any form of her being upset about what he stated, more lost in thought then anything. After a minute in silence, she slowly nodded her head. Relief washed through him at the fact that she wasn't going to argue with him on the subject.

"Up the stairs if you go towards your right, there will be two doors, one on the right is mine, then you should know what a dresser is so.." She trailed off laughing a bit as he rolled his eyes at her teasing.

Elliot nodded, sitting her down on a stool in the kitchen, before jogging towards the stairs, following her directions and entering her bedroom. He smiled a bit as he walked in. It wasn't what he was expecting, then again, he hadn't really known what to expect. The walls were a light blue, almost sky color. The walls had a couple posters on the wall, a couple U2 and Foo Fighter posters standing out the most. She had a simple twin sized bed, a desk across the way, and next to her bathroom door, her dresser lay. Quickly hopping on to it, he looked at her desk seeing what he assumed to be her school bag, grabbed it and threw it over his shoulder. Seeing an empty bag hanging on the back of the room door he grabbed it, as well as grabbing a couple sleep and day outfits, just in case she wanted to stay a bit longer. Stuffing it all in a bag, he grabs a pair of plain black shoes knowing that they would match every outfit that he had grabbed. Looking around the room once more, I decided to grab her laptop and chargers just in case, before turning the lights back off and heading down the stairs. Reaching the bottom he saw that she was starting to dose on the counter. Walking over, he slightly rubbed her arm causing her eyes to flutter open, a soft smile gracing her face, warming his heart.

"You ready to head out?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Helping her stand up, He wrapped his arm around her waist and guided her out to house making sure to close and lock the door on his way. Opening up the car door, he settled her in the front seat, then tossed her bags in the back. Once he got into the car himself and started it up, they set of towards his apartment complex.

During the drive, it was mostly silent. Elliot glanced over towards Olivia to see that she was staring out the window seemingly lost in thought. Deciding it was to quite, he turned on the radio for some background music.

"Is Casey really mad at me?" Olivia asked softly, startling Elliot a bit.

Sighing, he didn't really know how to respond. He hadn't had the chance to message Casey since Olivia and him decided to have a talk. Knowing that he probably should though, he would just message her later once they reached his place. "I think she was more scared then angry, Liv."' Nodding her head at his response, she stayed quiet the rest of the way.

Pulling up into the parking garage of his place, she seemed to have perked up a bit. Olivia was actually really excited to see what his placed looked like. "Do I have to worry about there being beer cans and girls everywhere?" She teased, poking Elliot in the side, causing him to squirm away.

Laughing, "I think the only thing that you'll have to be worried about is maybe finding my sibling or Fin, and if none of them, my dog."

Her eyes widening she turned in her seat staring at him with a huge grin, "Prancer's at the apartment?!" She wanted to meet his dog ever since he had told her bout his German shepherd.

"Well now i'm offended are you with me because of me, or my dog." He put on his best set of puppy dog eyes while looking at her.

"You know I'm here for you." She smiled, reaching up touching his cheek. "Now come on! Let's go inside!" She all but bounced out of her seat, until she remembered her ribs and regretted the movement instantly. Elliot hurriedly walked over to the other side helping her out, making sure she was settled on her feet, he opened the back door grabbing out both her bags, before shutting and locking the door, grabbing her hand to lead her inside the building. Thanking whatever lords were with him today, the elevator that had been busted this morning was once again working. He lived up on the 6th floor, and he highly doubt that she would be able to walk up a 6 level flight of steps.

"It's a very pretty complex, that's for sure." Olivia started looking around the lobby. They had a front desk, as well as seating areas for any guests. There was also two little cafes that she thought were just precious. If anyone would have walked in, they would've thought it was a Hotel, but, you could see by everyone sitting down that they all new each other well, especially the door men.

"It is isn't it? You should see it around Christmas time, they moved everything out of the center part and put up this huge Christmas tree. I find it cool because they hand out flyers for everyone to be able to come and decorate the tree, It's especially fun for the kids." Elliot remembered the when he first moved in here thinking that with how gorgeous and big t actually was that it would be way out of his budget, but it actually ended up being a bit lower than what he planned, so it worked out well. Plus it was the only place he had found so far that allow German Shepherds. His apartment was actually not too shabby either. He had 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a pretty spacious living and kitchen area.

"That sounds just beautiful." Olivia continued to ogle the rest of the lobby. They headed up the elevator to his door, reaching into his pocket he got a little nervous as to what she would think of his place, however the smile that she had on her face, helped ease his worries a bit.

Once he opened the door, they were both ambushed by a fluffy monster that Olivia instantly squealed for, running her hands all throughout his fur. "He's much more fluffy then I imagined him to be!"

Elliot grinned at her reaction, moving out of the way to close and lock the door behind him. Placing both her bags by the couch, he watched as she happily loved on Prancer. He was indeed one of the best forms of therapy. "He really likes you! Which is good, because if he didn't like you, I'm not sure I could keep you around." He smirked looking at her offended look on her face.

Once Prancer finally calmed down a bit, she straightened her stance and looked around finally taking in his apartment. It was way bigger than she had expected, as well as very organized. Definitely not what she would've expected for a guys apartment. There was a long black sectional couch with a black metal glass coffee table in the center. Lining the wall was his entertainment center with his TV, the shelves on it jam packed with what had to be over 200 movies. He had a couple photo frames lining a mantel that peaked her interest. Walking over, she gently picked it up seeing a younger Elliot and a gorgeous brunette with eyes almost a complete replica of Elliott's blue sapphires. That had to be his sister Cassie. Setting the picture back down she glanced at a few other photos seeing some with his friends, others with what had to be family.

Elliot was watching her as she browsed around. She seemed lost in thought while looking at photos. He left her be to continue browsing, heading towards his kitchen to grab her a water bottle and look inside his fridge to see if there was anything decent to eat. He had gone shopping the day prior, but he hadn't been expecting to have another house guest. Fun occasionally would stay over at the place with him, staying in one of the spare bedrooms, but normally he stayed with his brother sharing an apartment, so the only things that were in his place were water bottles, milk, eggs, couple boxes of cereal, frozen meals, and if he remembered correctly a frozen pepperoni pizza. Glancing into the living room, he saw that she was scanning through the movies that he had lined up.

"If you want you can go ahead and pick one out to pop in?" He suggested.

"What genre are you feeling? Looks like you've got quite the collection." Olivia laughed, as she scanned from everything to horror, all the way up to Disney.

"Well my little horror nerd, you could try to see if any scary movie I own sparks an interest."

Olivia laughed at the fact that he remembered that she loved horror movies. Something about the adrenaline that it gave you, made it that much more fun, however now a days, it was rare for a good scary movie to actually scare her. It was more like watching an Action movie for her now. Scanning through the movies she saw that for someone who gets scared easily had quite the selection of horror films.

Poking his head over once again, "Were you up for any snack? I have a pizza that I could pop into the oven?" He asked, he was a bit hungry considering that they had left before they could really indulge in any food from Dave and Busters.

"Yeah actually, that sounds pretty good, also how does Saw sound?"

"Sounds great, you can go ahead and pop it in, i'll put the pizza in." UN packaging it, he placed it on a pizza tray and preheat the oven to what it needed. Grabbing his phone out of his pocket, he saw that he had a text from Casey and two messages from Fin.

C:Hey, I'm sorry I booked it at the house, is Liv alright?

Elliot quickly typed back explaining to her that he convinced Olivia to stay at his place for the night, so at least she'd be safe. Opening the messages from Fin, Elliot saw that he had messaged asking if everything was alright and that he would be staying at his brother for the night in case he wanted to have Olivia stay the night. Fin knew all about Elliot's past, and since he was there with Dean's outburst and saw Elliot and Casey run after her, as well as the fact that Casey and Fin were dating, so he was automatically in the loop.

After sending of a couple more messages, Elliot made his way back towards the living room to see her sitting on the couch. "So, there's a 20 minute wait on the pizza, why don't I go ahead and give you the remaining tour of the place?"

"Yeah, that sounds good." Olivia stood up, and followed Elliot as he walked towards the hallway that was next to the kitchen.

"Alright, so this door is the bathroom." He opened to reveal a decent sized bathroom with a decently large tub that looked like it'd be extremely perfect to relax in. They continued walking down to come to a split hallway, taking a turn down to the left, he opened the door to reveal what she could only assume was his bedroom. "I'm sorry it's a bit messy, this is my room." He showed her the rest of the way in. Glancing around she saw that just like the living room, there were photo frames on his dresser. On the left side of the room, there was a master bathroom that just like the first bathroom was pretty big only this tub was a couple lengths bigger and there seemed to be jets in the tub. She would definitely be stealing that later. Exiting the room, he took her down the rest of the hallway where two extra bedrooms lay.

"This is the room Cassie uses when she spends the night, on the occasion that she doesn't fall asleep on the couch in the living room with the TV. So, for the time being, this could be your little room?" Elliot was a little nervous to say the last bit. He knew logically that technically with her being there, she was running away from her home, then again in a months time she would be 18 and could legally move out. With the way her mother acted however, he highly doubted that she would notice she's gone for the next couple days.

"You want me to stay here longer than the night?" Olivia asked, scrunching up her eyebrows looking at him questionably. The entire situation was most definitely throwing her through the loop. After them both having a heartfelt conversation about everything that they had both been through, things that are hard telling others. She felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. She definitely felt lighter, and safer. Those usually weren't words she would describe herself in the situation that she is in. She'd told people before and she'd never felt like this, there was always a different outcome when it came to telling people, besides the girls, she'd only ever told one other person and that was Dean. When she had finally grew a pair of balls after being with Dean for that long, she revealed everything. From her conception to the abuse, everything. Well, you could see how badly that transpired. He had sat there for a while, drinking everything she had explained to him, and he didn't want to see her for a while, no less have her stay at his place. He definitely didn't treat her with sympathy, he treated her more like she were a monster. That's the thing that she loved most about how Elliot was taking everything. He wasn't treating her differently. He went after her, he wanted to make sure she was okay, he took a risk in entering her private life just to reassure that. For that, if he wanted her to stay for the next week she would in a heartbeat.

"I know I can't make you, and you definitely don't have to, I don't want you to feel obligated to.." Realizing that she had been silent a bit to long she was quick to reassure him.

"No no no." She touched his arm, " I think it's sweet and if you wouldn't mind I'd love to stay here just until everything's, calmed down.." She smiled at him.

Elliot physically relaxed at her admission, " I definitely don't mind. I'll grab your bags and stick them in here. I sort of assumed that you wouldn't mind, so I bought a couple outfits for you, and your laptop as well as your book bag for school." He blushed slightly.

"You seriously are my Knight and shining armor aren't you?" She whispered leaning in slightly.

"As long as you're my damsel in distress.." He whispered

I know I know! I am so sorry for the extremely late post! I was stuck on figuring out where I wanted to go with this chapter, if I wanted to add things, if I wanted to explain everything in this chapter, or slowly add some in as their relationship progresses. Both my muses have been helping. My next chapter won't be uploaded until after Christmas. Happy Holidays you guys! Also don't forget to vote for the story and comment either your opinion or any ideas that you might have for future Chapters! Bye lovelies! - A K

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