Want You || [jenlisa] DISCONT...

By _santilan

97.3K 1.7K 255

"I love you, but I think dad is right" -Jennie "You could've said it sooner, so I wouldn't wasted your time" ... More

I'm tired
come back
good evening
who are you?
good terms
last (2)
last (3)


4.4K 95 10
By _santilan

Jennie's Pov.

It's been one week since we went to the mall.

Jisoo unnie and Chae flew to Australia, since we only have one month before the class starts.

Lisa and I gotten closer than before. She is already used of me being clingy or touchy to her.

I even kissed her cheeks a lot of times and she will blush madly.

It's just like the old times, but better.

I am currently sitting on the couch, watching movies with my parents. So as you can see, me and my dad are already in good terms.

He starts supporting me with everything, but I always ask for their opinions when I am making decisions.

And I know that the Lisa in the past will be happy if she knew about this. In the past, Lisa is really persuading me to settle down everything between me and my dad.

And now that we are already settled down, I'm really happy that for once, I did something right.

'Cause you know, I always make bad decisions. Like in the past, Lisa and I was supposed to be married already, but my dad threatened me and I picked him.

Then, how I stopped Lisa from reaching her dreams.

Lisa was about to go to Paris for 5 years for photography, but I stopped her and told her to pick whether me or photography. And ofcourse, she picked me.

That's why I felt bad when we are talking about photography or something related to it.

Jisoo unnie and Chaeng know about this since, they witnessed the happenings that day.

And also, tomorrow, we will meet our friends since our 7th grade. But I wish that, that someone I don't want to see is not there.

By the way, I'm planning on surprising Lisa since she's spending most of her time finishing the presentation she is working on.

But we still have time for each other. I was also planning to ask Lisa on a date, but I'm still scared. Scared that I might hurt her again.

Without any hesitation I grab my coat and car keys. As I was about to take a step outside I saw Lisa, debating to herself if she should ring the doorbell.

I smile unconsciously. Then she looked at me, blushing.

"Hey Lili! What brought you here?" This is the first time that Lisa goes to my house.

"I.. ahm... I j-just want to visit y-you?" She stated stuttering. Aww how cute.

I took a step closer to her. I looked up since she was taller than me, and I pecked her lips.

'It tasted like strawberry'

She was in shock state but soon blush. I giggled.

"Oh? Why are you so shocked? As if we didn't kiss before" I said teasingly.

"Y-yah! Shut u-up" She covered her face by her hands. "You always initiate it" She added. I smirked and look at her doe eyes.

"But you didn't stop me anyway" I proudly said and entered our house, giving her sign to enter also.

She just rolled her eyes and followed me.

And if you're asking, it's still no, she still doesn't remember anything.

Once we entered my room, I told her to make herself comfortable. And guess what, she really did made herself comfortable. She is now laying on my bed as if it was hers.

But it really is ours.

"Wow, you lay on my bed as if it's yours" I told her. She looked at me and raised her brows.

"And so?" And so? Ugh the nerve.

"And so? I should be the one laying there" I said like I'm irritated. She gave me the 'are-you-kidding-me' look.

"You have a king sized bed, there's a lot of space" She rolled her eyes then sat down.

"Btw, I just want to ask you if do I really have to meet our old friends tomorrow?" She said irritatingly.

I Shake my head in disbelief. How come she doesn't want to meet them anymore? Lisa really did change.

A lot.

I sat down beside her and sighed.

"Love, you know, they were our friends since 7th grade. And they also want to see you again" I said. She just pouted.

"But-" I cutted her off.

"Please, love. For me?" I asked her hopeful. She just sigh and nod in agreement.

"Yayyyy! Thank you love!!" I squealed and hugged her while she just smiled at me. I really love her.

(Meeting day)

Lisa's Pov.

I. REALLY. DON'T. WANT. TO. MEET. THEM ! This is really frustrating, can't she understand that I don't want to meet new people?

Oh, wait- they're my friends since elementary. But still. Hayss just for one day Lisa, it's okay.

From: Babeeeee💜🙊

Hey love? Morning! Did you slept well? I hope you did. Just want to remind you about later, come on time okay? And don't you dare ditch us, byeee see you later!

I sighed but soon smiled. I placed my phone on the table beside my bed, not planning on replying back.

I don't know what to do. She makes my heart flutter. She makes me blush. And..... she makes me feel hurt.

I don't know why but everytime we do things together, my heart suddenly aches.

But nevermind, I think I should prepare or something for the meeting later. Let's see, what should I wear?


[A/N: Imagine that it was Lisa]


Maybe the this one?

[A/N: Again, imagine that it was Lisa.]

Yes! This one. That'll fit.

I already wore my clothes, and I'm ready to meet them. Well, not really. But anyways, since I don't have any choice, I will now drive to the venue to meet them.

That dumpling might do something bad to me again. So, wish me luck!

Then I hopped inside my car and drove to the location that was given.


I just arrived at the location they gave to me. But, why here? In a warehouse seriously? This is kinda creepy.

That dumpling really, is she messing with me? Aishhh!

I walked towards the warehouse, slowly. When I said slowly it's really slow like it takes 3 seconds before I took a step.

My heart was beating uncontrollably. Like it would jump out of my chest.

Once I'm now infront of the door, I was about to hold the doorknob but I heard a sudden noise that made me startled.

I stopped from holding the knob and I felt something weird.

My back stings. Wait, I touched my back and when I looked at my hand.

My eyes widened at what I am seeing.

Th-There's a blood on my hand, from my back. I-I... what to d-

Then everything went black.

[A/N: Just a lame update, sorry for publishing it late. Enjoy!]

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