Tell Me The Meaning of Love...

By emlah9081

50.1K 447 125

Liam finds himself in a difficult position when he falls in love with zayn. His band mate from 1D. Not knowin... More

chapter uno!
chapter dos!
chapter tres!
chapter quatro
chapter cinco
chapter seis!
chapter sieta!
chapter ocho!
chapter nueve!
chapter diez!
chapter once!
I won't give up
chapter trece
chapter catorce!
Chapter quince!
Chapter diez-seis!
Chapter diez-siete
Chapter diez-ocho
A/N (shoot me with your noodles later)
Chapter diez-nueve

chapter doce

1.6K 14 9
By emlah9081

Olly's POV:

They say that the eyes are the gate ways to the soul. When I see my eyes, in a window or a mirror, I just see me. Nothing more, nothing less. They also say once you break a heart you can truly fix it again. Chloe's heart, broken, nonetheless I've seen it. It's stitched up now, still the scar remains. She'll carry it forever. Burden forever... Yay! -note sarcasm.

I ran my fingers through my caramel hair, it was knotted and flat. Not at all like my normal style. A sort of mini quiff. I hadn't had a proper wash, in donkeys aged. Or a shave for that matter. I was growing a freakin' beard. I sighed. Standing up, on my long limbs called legs. Groaning as I felt a twinge in my back. I twisted and stretched. Breathing out the last of the pain.

I slumped over and made my way slowly, so slowly, to the bathroom. Not wanting to look in the mirror. 'Time to face the music, olly'. I thought precariously, To myself.

Screw it. I threw my head up and cringed at the sight. That surely can't be me... But it was my once bouncy and gelled up hair, was now limp and lifeless. Just sitting on my scalp$ announcing, to the world, the fact I hadn't had a shower in days.

My deep chocolate eyes were now pools of mud. Glaring back at me with menace. They'd lost their liveliness too. I chuckled bitterly. I need to step up my game.

There were deep violet bags beneath my eyes. Making my eyes look sunken in. As if a surgeon had dug a hole and shoved 'em in. Gruesome metaphor, but that's life. My face was pasty and was breaking out. The makings of a beard were starting to say ''allo'. It was all going very well.

I growled angrily. Spinning on my heel. Facing the shower. I wrenched open the curtain and turned it on. After, I'll shave and brush my teeth. I forgot to mention... My breath smelt worse than 20 year old sour milk. Could my day get any worse.

I was feeling refreshed and clean. Thought still like donkey poop. I need a smoke... Though I'd promised chloe... Fine, go away. Grrr.

I made myself a promise to my self. Once we'd finished this, I was leaving. Seinora england, konitchyiwa japan. F.Y.I I don't care if that chinese.

I just couldn't take the pressure anymore. But I know one thing. I'm not coming back. Not for anything. Would I take chloe? Maybe. She'd probably throw a hissy fit if I didn't. I smirked. That's one of the things I fell in love with the gorgeous blonde for. Though not just because of her long sun kissed hair. That swayed from side to side when she walked. Or her luscious emerald that went on for miles, literally. Holding mystery and sincerity, yet mischief and snide ness. They sparkled though, even in the darkness of places.

She could put up a fight.

She'd told me once, her dark green eyes, glowing with emotion and sentiment.

"I'm never gonna give up, not for anything. I'll stand and fight. 'Cos I love you. And don't you forget it." I remember; after she'd gone, that a tear, streaming with unspoken emotions, had slipped it's way down my face. Just one.

I heard chloe upstairs, lying down in her bed. Then playing music. She hates with vengeance, but still can't help listen to, don't leave me, by pink.

I marched over to my bed. Leaning under the rough, scratchy and paper thin covers. I stared at the candle, I'd lit earlier. Watching the pale wax flow, drop by drop down he side of the wax pole. My eyes lifted higher. Seeing the flickering flame. It swayed to and fro. Like the dancers in a night club. The yellow and red seemed to fade into a deep blue, nearer the middle of the flame. It was casting strange shadows on the floor. They were dancing, with the music of the sliver of a fire.

I yawned and turned over. Closing my heavy lids. I could feel my grip on reality, slipping, soon I'd fall. Breathing out, allowing my fears and worries to disappear. Breathing all the feelings out, that I kept in, because really, no one understands.


Walking, just walking. That was all that I was doing. 'Cept breathing. I wasn't exactly sure of my destination. Seemed kinda silly to me, why was I even here? But it's more of the journey than the destination. Right? How do you even get to a destination without a journey, its all... I'm blabbering.

I noticed the dark shadows, those tendrils, licking the non-existent walls. What was this place? It seemed like something out of THE THING. Where you can only trust yourself and nothing else. Plus I had this feeling that, if I turned around something'd come up behind me and eat me... Guess it's not all daffodils and teddy bears. Not likely with the sounds of gun shots lingering in the air. Where was I? Who the hell had the right to bring me here?! This was so totally uncalled for. Get my lawyer on this. Oh wait I don't have a lawyer... Eejit -_-.

The chocolate eyes of mine wandered around the place. Scrounging for life or anything that didn't scream 'help I'm freakin' dead.'. That's when I noticed them, how ironic. All of them. People. Eyes dimmed. By death. Though their eyes did seem to be moving... Following my every move. OK creeped the fudge cakes out.

Think unicorns. Unicorns. Unicorns. Mmmmm gummy bears!... How old are you? And at a time like this? Suck it up.

I could tell all these people on the ground had suffered. But what for? Had they done something bad? Or was it just for fun? Why was I seeing this? Significance? Definitely lacking. It was really starting to creep me out. So I bolted.


My eyes grew wide. If I had a mirror bet they'd be like saucers on my face. Seriously. No jokes. I cast my gaze downwards. Through the thick fog, smoke and shadows. They seemed to part where my eyes drew. Sort of like my eyes were clearing a path. Like the bit in evolution. I shook my head focus.

It was not a pretty sight. Skulls. Human skulls. For a moment time stopped. Everything just frozen. My foot hung in the air. The shadows stopped pulsing and I didn't blink or breathe. A scream ripped its way through the air and everything was set back in motion. The scream slipped it's way inside me. Tearing through my walls and defences.

I can't take this, anymore. I groaned as my head felt like it was imploding. An unseeable force, pushed me onto my knees then to my stomach. My palms faced outwards. They were scathed and lacerated, still couldn't feel a thing.

Instead of breathing in. Stench of rotting, putrid flesh. I smelt grass, you know, the freshly mown kind. With the hint of a 1000 lilies. Don't ask me how I know, cos I just don't. To be quite fair. I felt the sunrise. It's rays, latching their burning claws onto my pale, snow white skin. I could pick out the faint scattering of rain. Nurturing the dry, uneven ground. Saturating it and drawing out life.

A soft, pale hand lifted up my chin. My eyelids fluttered. Struggling to open, putting up a fight, to show proof of the tired eyes underneath. I managed to lift my lids. The beauty before me was everything, yet nothing. White and black. Old and new. I couldn't fathom why I was here or the meaning. For a second I contemplated pinching myself. I bought my hand up to execute the plan. Once again, the ghtly hand was there, which stopped me.

A voice resounded in my mind.

"Olly, my child. You are of pure heart. Your time will come when everything shall make sense. For now. Believe and trust only in the ones you must. Goodbye." Darkness clouded my vision, everything dissolving into blackness. My head fell to the ground. With a loud THUD.

Liam's POV:

I was holding tightly onto harry's milk coloured hand. It was frail, almost lifeless, I could just detect a pulse. Plus the heart monitor kept up a steady beat. It was the only thing making a sound. Apart from that it was deadly silent. The calm before the storm. Speaking of a storm, my phone blasted out peanut butter jelly time! Which made screech like a girl. My scream going a few octaves higher.

After I quited down, I answered the phone.

"Hey, louis. How-"

I was cut off by an almighty crash on the other side of the phone. I was concerned now. The only one with louis was niall. What's going on?

"Louis what's happening?" The grimace was now set permanently in my face. Well it felt that way anyway. If someone was to ask me how I felt, I'd say a hundred years old. I was just so weak and worn out. Zayn was the only thing keeping me sane.

"I-it's niall. He-he's breaking everything, we need to go to ikea after this. Maybe raid it" cut the crap I thought." Any who, help. Just get some freakin' help!" His body was probably on the floor, curled up racking with sobs. Poor baby.

"OK. I'll get Zayn. Just sit tight." Niall was taunting louis. Saying things, that shouldn't really be said. His voice, Niall's. Was deeper throatier. Like the blade of a knife. Ready to cut.

"B-bye Liam." He stuttered, but his voice was strong. He'll hold up. Niall won't do that much damage. The most damage he's done to a person was throw a meat less chicken bone at someone's head for calling him "blondie."... True though. The line cut dead, before I had the choice to say bye. This is bad! We're all gonna go insane! Pfft you are insane. Shut up.

I hefted myself up off the white plastic chair. Everything in this god damn place was white! I think they were trying to blind the patience. Or something like that. It was pissing me off. The door opened, my hand the force that opened it.

There zayn sat. In all his magnificence. There was something about him. He wasn't glowing like he usually did. Plus I could smell a faint aroma of a cigarette. He was staring off into space. His eyes showed nothing. And it cut into me. Like a sword or knife. How ironic. I loved him. He was my world, the only thinking keeping me afloat. He let's go I'm screwed. So I did the only sane thing. I kissed him. Right there, right in the middle of the hospital. It's kinda weird how no one noticed, or shouted any comments in our direction.

When I opened my eyes tears were making their way down his face. He kissed me back. With strength thought he whimpered and gasped. If it'd been a normal day I might have taken that as an opportunity to slide my tongue in his mouth. But I kept it light. It still held emotion. Strength. Power, even. Just before he closed his eyes, I saw a look in his eyes. Pleading, crying out for help.

I wanted to forget. So I kissed him harder. His top lip fitting in between my two own. Still not turning it into a snog though. I was forcing all the sorrow and pain, that I wad feeling into him. Into this kiss. Cos I couldn't take it anymore. I needed a release. He kissed me back with the same amount of force and passion. Our hands reached out grasping for something to hold onto, cloth. air. Something, anything! I drew back and leaned in towards his ear. I could feel his shaky, panting breath tickling my neck. Whilst the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

"We'll finish this later" I drew back fully. Standing before him. Crouching down I spoke, my voice wavering with uncertainty.

"Zayn. I need you to go to louis, go home. See what's happened. Please?" He nodded. Accepting the fact that it would be best if I stayed with harry.

That look was back in his eyes. Blank and emotionless. Though. His body language spoke other wise. Pain. Nails digging into his palms. Anger white knuckles and clenched jaw. Love. Standing all weak and defenceless. Waiting to be rescued. He started to walk off.

"Zayn." I grabbed his caramel arm. Pulling him to me and kissing him so hard he looked as though he might pass out. I stared him in the eye. Narrowing them slightly.

"I love you." There I admitted it, suck on that bitch- no pun intended. His mouth opened slightly, letting out a small breath.

"I" he smiled a small, yet, genuine smile "I love you to." He sprinted off before I could say anything more. This night couldn't get worse. Bugger, I jinxed it.

1 hour later.

Waiting. It's tremendously boring. I'd played eye spy, with myself, 20 times already, wo everytime. No surprise there. This is ridiculous. I groaned. Placing my unshaved face into my dry, shaking hands. All my feelings were fit to burst. Yet I kept them locked away. In a deep dark corner, where no one would find them. Lost? I don't know, not sure I want to find out either.

My head shot itself up when paramedics rushed through the front double doors. One almost falling over, forgetting to tie his shoe lace. I could just make a small, blonde body on a gurney.

"Emergency! Niall Horan!" Paramedic in a red jumpsuit with pink hair say what? I jumped upwards. Knocking over the chair in my haste. Not bothering to place it back. My gripless trainers made sure I slipped over, in the rush that I was in. I recollected myself and was before the blonde. Looking down on his body. Sure enough, there was, my innocent buddie, the mullingar boy.

He had multiple lacerations on his face. A couple looking quite deep oozing dark, sticky, red liquid. There was also blood seeping through the bandage over his waist. Not tight, or thick, enough to stop it coming through. The worst was his leg, which was bent in an extreme, broken.

"Get him in the operating room. Now!" The doctor called. Earlier I'd named dr seaus as he as wearing jack ups, so you could see his red and white stripy socks. Like the cat in the hat.

I followed after them. At speed. Though people grabbed at me, putting me just outside. I could see through the glass.

"NO!" I cried. The tears were rolling down my face. I could see them working on niall. No, no, no, no, no. I couldn't think of anything else. The heart monitor showed there was, but a faint whisper of a heart beat.. This was it.

It went dead. Flat line. Nothing. Lifeless. The dr looked up at the clock. He won't do that. I ran in screaming at the top of my voice.

"Don't you call it! Don't you dare! I didn't know, exactly what I was doing. Being 'sane' my lips were drawn to his. I breathed out. CPR. Hands grasped at me and dragged me back.

"Niall Horan. T.O.D 01:32am." I fell to the floor sobbing. How could something so pure and innocent be taken from the world? I screamed out his name. Ore times than I can remember. Before a sharp poke alerted me. Then numbness lulled me into eternal sleep. Eternal agony. That was it. Goodbye.


Please don't throw tomatoes, or any squidgy vegetable or fruit at me. Skittles... Meh carry on. So did you like? Comment and vote, peoples! I need feed back! What I'm doing wrong, or how I could improve. I know my story lines all kaplooey but oh well, first story ever!


E x x x

Song for chapter:

Good bye to you by Michelle Branch

Important you listen to it.

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