chapter cinco

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I'd like to thanks lostsoul9058 for proof reading and correcting the mistakes I make along the way. You should go check out her stories. Thankies :3 xx

Oh and this chapter contains drug use, do anything that the charecters do in the story. You won't be leading a happy life and two I'll be crying my eyes out for you. Love you guys.


Liam's POV:

I was awoken by my annoying ringtone.

"She'll be comin-" I picked up the phone. I knew that ringtone it was-

"Hello liam." Simon said. Hehe simon said. Shh you're daddy direction.

"'Sup simon?"

"I think liam, did you forget something?" He asked expectantly. I searched my brain. I don't think there is anything. I realised what I'd forgotten.

"The interview." I heard clapping on the other line.

"Well done liam. Now explain to me why you weren't there!" I groaned and rubbed my for head. I really couldn't be assed to deal with it this morning. I had a splitting head ache and my legs felt like they were gonna fall off.

"Sorry simon, we were busy with stuff." I knew we'd been busy with zayn's alergetic problems. Plus I'd been sleeping.

"Busy!? Busy? Liam the interview has been orranged, again, for tomorrow. Don't forget again." With that the line was cut dead. This is terrible. I didn't feel up to anything. But we were a band. We had to do this. When we signed up to his records we agreed to this. So here goes. I'm calling a band meeting

-----later on in the afternoon----

"Right guys. We are having this meeting, 'cos we are letting our duty's slip. Tomorrow we have the interview we were supposed to have yesterday. So can we all agree that we manage to get to this one?"

There was a choruse of yes'. But zayn, niall and louis stared at the table. There was something up with them. I'll check them later.

"Right ok, that's it. You can go back to, whatever you were doing. Just no food fighting I stared pointedly at louis and niall. Who were now slinking up the stairs.

"Hey harry, can I talk to you for a sec?" He looked up at me.

"Yeah sure what's up?"

"What's going on with niall and louis? Plus zayn?" I gazed at him, wanting an answer. He just went to the fridge and took out a can of beer. And gulped most of it down.

"Hello?" His only reply was a burp.

"Seriously? You're kidding."

"Ok, sorry. Yeah, I don't know." He began taking more and more beer out of the fridge.

"Harry!! Harry!! Stop!" He glared at me and continued with the downing of the beers.

"No go away!" He was absoluely fuming. I could tell. What was with these people?

"Fine! But you people are gonna tell me tomorrow, or I swear. I'll make simon angry look like you're dancing on rainbows!" I ran up the stairs and slammed my door. It was there again tormenting me. I just couldn't do it. Started sweating, craving. I couldn't do it I promised. Oh stuff the promise. No you can't do that do you really want a therapist? Oh come on liam, you need it. You want it. This is becoming a battle between my left and right. Which side should I give into? Should I give in at all? Turn to drinks? Not tonight I have a interview in the morning. Drugs? Doesn't sound that bad. But where am I gonna get something that after effects don't last long? I know. I picked up my phone and dialled a number.

Tell Me The Meaning of Love - Ziam/ Nouis/ Larry - One Direction (boyxboy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz