Horse Academy (2)

By _infinity_06

16.1K 816 138

After successfully transferring to Elliot Falls Academy, Taylor Hastings has everything she could possibly wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chpater 34

Chapter 26

270 14 0
By _infinity_06

Chapter 26

EFA tryouts are stressful.

Today's definitely an important day, and EFA's world class coaches definitely made us know it. The coaches held clip boards while the arenas and jumps looked better then show worthy.

Of course Scarlett, Mia and Ebony were the most dressed up. It really made them stick out. But I knew EFA didn't get its best and most reputable riders from picking fashionable students. These tryouts weren't simple and everyone was being marked harshly.

I had just finished my dressage phase, Storm working up a light sweat. Everyone had been approached by the coaches and given feedback. Mine was both good and bad. I gave great light cues, but I had a tense posture and needed to stay more in sync with Storm. We needed to move as one.

I was disappointed, dressage was always our best phase. Usually Storm and I were in sync, but I was so tense throughout the test that is affected our performance. Instead of working with each other, we both were trying to anticipate the others movements.

I definitely couldn't let that happen in the next phase, cross country.

As Storm and I turn for the cross country course, my eyes wondered over the other students. I definitely wasn't in Forestlake anymore. There were more horses and riders that appeared to jump massive heights with ease. Whereas, Storm and I were still working our way up in those ranks.

I admit, it made me nervous.

Storm wasn't as tall as the others, or as compact. The only thing that really made him look like an eventer was his muscle build and great stamina. It was a bonus that his Arabian side stereotypically gave him better endurance. Or at least, I think so.

Picking up a canter, I take Storm over multiple warm up fences. He seemed to be very responsive today, confidently springing over he least favourite jump, a ditch. I was a little nervous to see what would happen on our official round. The ditches were wider then the practice one, and we still have issues with them. They'll be Storm's enemy and potential downfall for a long time yet.

After taking one last jump, I was confident that Storm was ready.

We walk around but I don't risk leaving him on a loose rein. There were to many unfamiliar horses and sights around. I find myself watching the other riders warm up, all just as impressive as their peers. I couldn't help the competitive spark that had ignited. I had to do well! After dressage, I knew I was sitting mid field and that's not good enough. Mid field means losing my potential spot in the advanced team.

I couldn't let that happen.

After checking the time, I begin walking Storm to the start box.

"Taylor, wait up" I hear someone call.

I turn in the saddle to see Sabrina jogging over.

I smile. "Hey, what's up?"

"Look, this is a little last minute but Mr Reynolds needs an answer. I was suppose to be heading up to Canada with the junior advanced team, but I got my show dates mixed up" Sabrina explains.

I glance in the direction of the start box. "You don't mind if we walk and talk, I'm up soon?"

Sabrina nods. "That's fine, anyway, I got my dates mixed up. Basically, I have to go down to Ocala on Monday"

"Okay?" I glance at her, clueless as to why she's telling me this.

"So now there's a free spot in attending the J.O.P.S clinic. But since I'm not going, they're racing to find a rider to fill it" Sabrina continues.


"And that's why I suggested to Mr Reynolds that you take my spot! But he kind of needs an answer now so he can ring you parents, and change-"

"Wait, what? Isn't that the barn run by the... what's their names... uh... the Lockhart's?" I said, stumbling over my words.

"Yep, their daughters will be running a clinic while Mr Reynolds is trialing some of their students" Sabrina shrugs.

I gape, I didn't really know what the Lockhart's were like but I definitely didn't want to pass up the opportunity.

"What about Storm? Who will take care of him?" I ask.

Sabrina rolls her eyes. "You, silly!"

"How? My parents would never pay to fly Storm up to Canada for one clinic" I frown.

"They won't need to. It's school funded. That's the whole reason why they're finding another student. EFA may have money to spend, but they're not going to waste it on unused plane tickets. We are meant to fly out tomorrow morning" Sabrina explains.

"I don't know what to say, really" I mutter, caught off guard.

"Say yes! This will be a great opportunity to advance your skills and create good connections. I even know two of the girls being trialled, and they're lovely. Just do it! It will definitely put you ahead for the future" Sabrina encourages.

Reaching the start box, I see the person going before me, canter off.

The person with the clip board calls my name.

"Taylor, I need an answer" Sabrina presses.

"Okay, I'll go. But as long as it won't affect anything" I nod.

She jumps happily. "I'm excited for you! Good luck again"

The person calls my name again and I move Storm into the start box. I couldn't even begin to process what I've just signed up for. Storm tosses his head and I regain focus.

Stay in the moment Taylor!

The lady ticks me off and soon begins to count down.

When the whisle is blown, we race off at a fast canter.


I gulp as I look at my results. Storm and I killed the time for cross country. The ditches had me worried but Storm bounded over them effortlessly. His head was definitely in the game today. I wanted that advanced team spot terribly.

But once again, I knew my show jumping round had to be perfect.

I was still waiting to hear back from Sabrina. It was around 2pm now and my nerves were going through the roof. Storm stood patiently next to me while I checked that his jump boots were secured. I was so glad he was tolerating the extreme work out today. We don't usually do one day events, but today we had to manage. This was a test of both our physical and mental strength. If we couldn't withstand the pressure, then we couldn't make the advanced team.

Storm's active behaviour had been downgraded after the cross country, but after a break, he perked up once again.

Placing one foot in the stirrup, I bounce into the saddle and gather my reins.

Storm and I had already warmed up, but I wanted to do a last minute tack check. It's something I usually did before the last phase, checking for any wear and tear from cross country. No one wants to break their stirrup leathers in the middle of a show jumping round.

That would suck.

"Taylor Hastings?" A man asks, not looking up from the clip board as I reach the indoor arena entrance.


He marks off what I assume is my name and I wait silently. I cringe when I hear the toppling of a pole inside the arena. I hoped that wouldn't be me.

As the door opens, the girl before me exits with a doubtful expression.

After she passes, I'm told to go in.

At the center of the arena was Ms Adams, Miss Sanders and Mr Reynolds. Instead of a course being set up, I found there were grids and combinations scattered randomly. That definitely wasn't expected. I had assumed I was doing a course and being timed on it.

"How are you Taylor?" Miss Sanders asks, making conversation while the others wrote on their clipboards.

"Good" I hoped they would continue writing, I've seen way to many scrutinizing looks today.

"For the jumping phase, we're doing something a little different. Instead of making you do a course once, we want to see how your horse goes with combinations, grid work and so on. We think it's best to see what students can actually jump, instead of making them do a jump off. Everyone has good and bad days, so it wouldn't be fair. Does that sound good to you?" Miss Sanders smiles.

"Yes, it does" I felt relieved.

That took a little pressure off of me.

I once again tell myself to stay in the moment.


"Ladies and gentlemen, could you all please stay away from the door!" Ms Adams scolds.

A bunch of students grumble under the breaths as they're shooed away. It was nearly 6pm and we were waiting for the results. The only thing I did like about tryouts was that they made the team announcements that day. We didn't have to wait the entire weekend.

Sabrina was next by my side and squeezing my hand encouragingly. She was quickly becoming a close friend of mine, acting almost like a sister. Pushy at times but only because she wants to help me. I frown.

"Did he say anything else?" I ask for the umpteenth time.

Sabrina laughs lightly. "I'm positive that was it, he said he'll let you know after the new team lists are posted"

I huff. I haven't heard anything from my parents either. They've been radio silent. What if they've said no? I guess that'll be fine, Storm has never been on a plane before anyway. As soon as the barn clock hit 6pm, everyone started inching back towards Ms Adams door. The head of horse management was housing the EFA coaches in her office.

"What did I say? Back way from the door!" Ms Adams says, swinging the door open to stare everyone down.

We couldn't help but to laugh. We were all eager in knowing what the results were. But a sudden silence fell over everyone as the coaches came out with the results. We all move out of the way so they can pin the papers up on the notice boards. As they move away, everyone swarms in. I stand on my tippy toes as everyone herds around the notice board.

"Can you see anything?" Sabrina asks.

I huff. "Nope"

Some people jump excitedly while others groan. As everyone clears away, I look for the advanced team list.

Grade 9 Advanced Team

Seth Andrews
Taylor Hastings
Ebony Thompson
Sienna White

Reserves: Scarlett Evans

"Oh my goodness!! I got in!" I squealed.

Sabrina high fives me. "I never doubted it"

"Aren't there suppose to be two reserves though?" I ask.

"Usually, but maybe they didn't think anyone suited the role" Sabrina shrugs.

"-but who cares! You're on the team, and a main member!" She continues.

"Can the advanved team members please get their horses for a photo in the indoor arena" Ms Adams calls.

I quickly run to Storm's stall, hug him, before putting on his halter. When I get to the arena, Sienna stands next to me beaming. Seth stood on the other side of her with his horse, along with Ebony and Scarlett. Mia was no where to be seen, and I felt guilty she didn't make it.

No one uttered a word as we went our separate ways.

"We should-" Sabrina began.

"Sabrina, Taylor, could you come into my office" Mr Reynolds calls.

The clinic!!

Sabrina grins excitedly and pushes me along. We both plonk down on a seat opposite to Mr Reynolds. He clicks something on his computer before looking up.

"Well, when Sabrina suggested you for the clinic, I was doubtful. In fact, a little unimpressed. EFA doesn't usually hand out these opportunities to their younger students" Mr Reynolds states.

I grimace and sink into my chair.

"But in saying that, we never turn a blind eye to one of our students suggestions, so I did a little digging. I must say, what I found impressed me. Your credentials and track record on Wind Storm is phenomenal for a rider of your age" Mr Reynolds observes.

The comment made me hopeful.

"You've been to nationals repeatedly and left lasting impressions on spectators. The only thing is, you never went into the higher levels of eventing. Why is that?" He questions.

I hesitate and glance at Sabrina.

"Um..." I didn't know how to answer the question.

"Well?" He prompts.

I sigh. "I didn't own Storm at the time, and it was hard to train him while maintaining my grades at school. That's one of the reasons why I applied for the scholarship here. This school makes it easier for students to handle the workload while competing"

Mr Reynolds nods. "You understand that you'll be riding with more experienced people at this clinic. It'll be expected of you to keep up"

"I understand" I said immediately.

I knew that as long as Storm and I were cooperating, we would be okay.

"Well, I see no reason why you can't come then" Mr Reynolds says.

"Thank you so much, I promise I won't let the opportunity go to waste-"

Mr Reynolds nods. "I hope so. We leave first thing tomorrow. You parents have been notified and I've emailed you all the details. Make sure you're here on time, otherwise you'll be left behind"

I nod quickly and stand up, once again thanking the coach before leaving his office.

"Oh my goodness! Sabrina! I'm going to Canada!" I shriek.

She laughs and shakes her head.

I've never been out of the country before, so this was going to be an interesting journey.

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