Flashlight *COMPLETED*

By PetwaSan0000

52.3K 1.5K 632

Sorry if dis sucks, it's my 1st official fanfic. So...If you like it, follow me if u can. :) Dis story is abo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Bonus chapter
Merry Christmas
New year
Okay i have another announcement
Its published

Chapter 7

2K 65 22
By PetwaSan0000

*Twilight's POV*

It was finally morning and everything suddenly turned back to normal:the sun rose imperfectly,my muffin burned and stuff.this was the time I was finally gonna talk to comet,I'm gonna see if I could trust him or not.i first approached him "hey,comet...can I...talk to you for a sec?" "No time,I gotta plan for that stupid wedding,do I really have to wear this tux?" "CMON,just for a little while..." "Ugh,fine! Just make it quick..." Then we started talking

"So..comet,are you excited for the wedding?"

"Oh great,I knew this wasn't important,ya know what,let's just talk later,I have more important things to do."

"Hey! I was talking to you!"

"Now you're not,now leave me alone!"

"Do you even care about this? Do you even care about me???"

"Ugh...LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!"

"Why are you busy planning for our weddings to talk to me when you don't even care???"

"Because this is my life and my wedding as much as yours,this is my life and I make the decisions here!!!"

"You know what? FINE!!! You can do whatever you want now,cause we're done here! So you can plan your wedding with some other pony who admires you more and you'll have a better life"

"Hey! You can't do that! I am your fiancé and you listen to what I say!"

"Not anymore,so long...sucker!"

"How will celestia react to this?"

"She'll understand,after all she is my tutor and stuff so bye!"

I stomped away,angry.i can't believe I just...stood up for myself! It felt sooo good,I should do it more often.so after the break-up,I went straight to celestia's room

"Princess,can I talk to you for a while?"

"Sure what is it?"

Then when I told her about it,she flipped out:she started screaming and moving weirdly as if she was gonna vomit.when she saw me again,she stopped and asked

"(Sigh) why are you doing this? We've been planning this wedding for days and just,waste it?"

"I just really hate comet tail considering the fact he's a jerk and all"

"So what are we gonna do with those wedding stuff?"

"I still feel like marrying somepony else..."


I whispered to her

"What? Really? Are you sure?"

I nodded.she tried telling me some other options,but I insisted her,she looked down and nodded slowly,but I told her I needed to know flash better and I needed some more time...

*Flash's POV*

I felt pretty empty after saying those words to Twilight.i feel...stronger,like I feel more awesome and no longer scared of keeping things behind. I chatted with Twilight using my messages:


"Twilight! Sup?"

"I'm alright,so I'm thinking of having a little...date tonight,at 11:00pm,wanna come?"

I was shocked,she actually asked me out...on a date! I mean isn't she engaged? I didn't care I just answered:

"Sure,meet me by the hallways of the castle by,let's say...10:00?"

"Okay,see ya there! Bye!"


I started getting ready,this is not only a get together,this is a date! I mean I've never been to a date before! I hardly even know how to act like in a date. I texted this to soarin:



"Umm...I'm having a date with twilight tonight...."

"Aww...you got a date with the princess...eh,I know how it feels,I'm dating rainbow dash,we're race partners in the competition.cloudsdale thinks us as the "power couple" of the city...it's weird yet awesome! Say...isn't twilight gonna marry that ugly richman,comet tail?"

"Haha "ugly richman" lol.and yeah,I dunno if she's even allowed but I need pointers on how to act like in a date"

"You know...I was acting like a perfect guy for dashie during my first date,but she told me to act like myself...so I did,and we went to more dates,and then we started dating...and yeh"

"Okay,so your saying I should myself? Like I should act normal like everyday?"

"Yeah,well that's how she likes you,so be it!"

"Thanks bro"

"No probs,hey I gotta go back to practice,so see ya!"

"See ya!"

I kept my phone and got ready to leave...I have to remember what soarin said,be myself...be myself...

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