Hamilton Gay Oneshots

By TheThotPolice

79.1K 820 2.3K

Ok, Gay oneshots! Definitely will be smut but with warning so bye! More

Jeffmads Angst & Fluff
A Lazy Morning Mullette
Lams Two Lovers
Tea Time Geollie
Tea Time PT:2
Sick Jeffmads
Mullette Couch Sexy Time
Lams - Zoo & Turts
Forget - Lams
Jamilton - Idek
The Beach - Jamilton

Lams Wedding ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

10.8K 118 697
By TheThotPolice

Hello! I am starting this mother fucker off with a bang. Hehe, bang. I may have already used this once but shhhhh. I would like to thank my good friend Snowstream_ ! They helped me with the concept and what to write and basically made the whole play so a lot of credit to them!So thank you my friend!

Anyway, there is smut so 18+ even though I know it's useless because who listens to that crap? Not me! Also, Alex is taller in this so yeah. One last thing, there will be errors bc I am wayyyyy to lazy to go back and edit and it's to cringed for me to go and reread my own things. So yeah! Enjoy!

Btw, it's modern Au!

Alex's POV
I stand at the alter, fidgeting with the cuffs of my suit. I hear the music start to play and look down the isle. I see Peggy and Lafayette walk down together. Then Eliza by herself. Then Hercules carrying a flower basket throwing the flowers, crying slightly. I laugh softly and shake my head. Hercules stands next to Lafayette. I then see John appear, wearing a beautiful white dress.

It fit his body perfectly, showing off all his curves but was also very flowy. It had beautiful lace sleeves. He looked at me and gave me a worried look. I gave him a reassuring smile and he gave me a timid smile back. He was walking down the aisle with Maria at his side.

They slowly made there way down the isle. Maria gave him a hug and whispered in his ear, causing him to smile. She walked over and stood beside John.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens in holy matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace." The priest said. He continued on while I whispered to John. "How are you feeling baby?" I say, grabbing his hands and rubbing my thumb in circles on his hand. "I'm a little nervous. What if I make a fool of myself." He said. "Shh, you could never make a fool of yourself! You are perfect baby and I love you." I say, giving him a confidence boost. He smiles and nods.

"The couple has prepared vows." The priest said. I decided I would go first. "John Laurens, my sunshine in the dark, the light at the end of the tunnel my best friend. I love you with everything I have. When I was young, I never thought I would find someone. But, I ended up with the most sweet, kind, and caring person in the whole wide world. I will never be able to comprehend how amazing you are. John, I will do anything for you. I will give the world to you. I will do what ever it takes to make you happy. I love you so, so, so much and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and be able to call you my husband." I say, seeing John crying. I reach up and wipe away his tears. He smiles and nods. "I don't think I can top you, you jerk." He says, causing everyone to chuckle including me. "Well here it goes, Alex I love you so much, even more than Turtles which says something." He says and everyone laughed. "I never thought that out of everyone in this wide, wide world you chose me. It must make me the luckiest man alive to be here and getting married to you. Alex, I know you have had a rough past but I know, I can't wait to make a future with you that you will never, ever, be sad of. I love you so much Alex and I can't wait to be with you for the rest of my life." He said. A single tear slipped down my face and I smiled brightly.

"Now the rings." We both pull out our rings. I slip the one I had onto his finger and he did the same to me.

Alexander, do you take John to be your wedded husband,to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?

"I definitely do." I say and squeeze Johns hand softly.

John, do you take Alexander to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?

John smiles at brightly. "Hell yeah I do!" He yelled, causing everyone to laugh.

"If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." The priest said, the room was silent.

"I know pronounce you Husband and Husband! You may now kiss the groom!" I smile and and lift up Johns chin and pull him into a kiss. The whole place erupts into cheers. I pull away and rest our foreheads together. "I love you John Hamilton." I say smirking, causing him to giggle. "I love you too Alex." He says and give me a quick peck on the lips. We pull apart and leave. We then meet in a different room for the after party.

Everyone files in and sits at a table. Our table consists of John, Laf, Herc, Maria, Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy, and me. I smile and wrap an arm around John and pull him close to me.

"I love you so much John." I say and he giggles. "I know! I love you too!" He says and kisses me on the cheek. The whole table awws and John blushes while I just chuckle.

"IT'S TIME TO CUT THE CAKE!" Someone yelled. John hopped up and grabbed my hand and tried to pull me towards the cake. "Cmon Lexi!" He said. I laughed and stood up. He dragged me to the table and grabbed the knife. "Hey! Be careful!" I say and grab the knife as well. A photographer comes over to take pictures. "Let's cut this cake like bosses." I whisper into his ear and he giggles. We slowly cut two pieces off. I put them on plates and give him one. He picks up a fork and gets a piece on it.

"Open up!" He said moving the fork towards my mouth. I open my mouth and I take a bite. "It's really good!" I say. I grab a piece and move it towards him. "Open up!" I say, mocking him. He opens up but I purposely miss his mouth. Hitting his cheek. He pouts but licks some frosting off. "Hmm good!" He says. He then dips a finger into his cakes and puts it on my nose. I laugh and shake my head. "I guess I deserved it." I say. "I guess you'll have to clean it off." I say, shrugging. "You have to do me first." He says, I smirk at what he said because I have a dirty mine. "Ok!" I say then lean down towards his face. I slowly stick out my tongue and lick it off his cheeks. He turns as red as a tomato and I pull away. "There you go! Now you clean my face." I say. He nods slowly and leans towards me. He slowly licks it off and pulls away. I smile and then give him a kiss on the lips. I pull away and then grab my piece of cake. We head back and sit down.

"Now, a few words from the best man!" The announcer says. Lafayette stands up, with a glass in his hand. "To Alexander and to John! Two of my closest friends! To be honest, I'm surprised it took this long for you two to get together!" He said like the French fry he is. Everyone laughed and I just rolled my eyes. "At least we are together unlike you my friends!" I shout and wiggle my eyebrows. Laf blushes but rolls his eyes. "Anyway, I wish you a happy marriage and lots of fun!" He says wiggling his eye brows, his eyes screaming payback. I lightly blush but then roll my eyes and raise my drink. We all clink our drinks and take a sip.

"Now for the maid of honor!" The announcer says. María stands up with a glass in her hand. "Alright! John, I am so proud of you! We have been friends since we were babys and I always knew you would find the one! And look how right I was!" She yelled, everyone laughed and John nodded. "But seriously, John, if he hurts you I will kick his ass. You better watch out!" She says and snaps her teeth together. "Now, a toast to Alex!" Everyone clinks their drinks. "A toast to John!" Another round of clinks. "And to their unions! May they always be satisfied!" Everyone clinks their drinks together one last time. Everyone starts to applaud and cheer. Maria does a little curtesy and then sits down.

"Time for the first dance!" I hop up and put my hand out towards John. He grabs it and gets up. I lead him to the dance floor and stop in the middle. "May I have this dance?" I say. He giggles and nods. I pull him close and then put one hand on each side of his waist. He wraps his hands around my neck. We slowly sway to the music. I lean down and connect our foreheads.

"Your a great dancer John." I say and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you! Your a really good dancer too." He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

The music soon ended and everyone clapped. The wedding was finally over. I grabbed Johns hand and lead him outside. We rushed down the stairs until John stopped.

"I'll be right back!" He rushed inside and emerged with his flower and a bunch of people following him mostly girls. He lined up at the top of the steps and looked at everyone.

"Y'all ready?" He yelled and everyone cheered. "Ok!" He turned around and counted down. He then threw the flowers to the mob of people. I then saw Laf come out of no where and jumped through the air. He caught them in mid-air and then did a little roll and then hopped up to his feet.

"Hah! Get, how you say, owned losers!" He said and started to laugh. Everyone groaned and then dispersed. Laf goes over to Herc and gives him a kiss on the cheek. They then walk over to John and they all walk over to me. John runs over to me and stands by my side while I wrap an arm around his waist.

"Nice catch Laf!" I say, giving him a high-five. He laughs and then nods. "I will do anything to get married." He said and we all looked at Herc. "Hey! I am taking my time!" Herc said crossing his arms. We all laugh and Laf hangs an arm around Herc. "Take your time mon amour. I'll be waiting." Laf said giving him a kiss on the cheek. Herc lightly blushed and we all laughed again.

"Well, thank you for coming but it's time for the honeymoon!" I say, pulling John closer. "Have fun you two." Laf said, wiggling his eyebrows. John blushed and I smirked. "Definitely will. Won't we John?" I say, looking down at the blushing mess. He slowly nods and I chuckle. "Bye." I say and the we hop into the limo. "To the airport! We are going to Cost Rica!" I say and pull John closer so he's practically on my lap. He giggles and we then get dressed in the car. We both put on sweat pants and t-shirts. Johns t-shirt has a little turtle on it and I laughed.

I lightly kissed his nose and he smiled. "What was that for?" He said, cocking his head to the side like a puppy. My heart melts and I smile. "For how adorable you are." I say and nuzzle my head into his neck. He laughs and smiles.

We soon arrive at the airport. We get checked in and went to the gift shop. John saw a little turtle plush and he immediately grabbed.

"Can we get it? Pwease?" He said giving me puppy dog eyes. "Anything for you baby." I say and kiss his forehead. "Thank you Lexi!"
He said and kissed my cheek. We walked to the register and he put it on the counter.

"Would that be all?" An old lady said. "Yes." I say and take out my wallet. "That would be $15.45." I sigh and pull out a $20. "Your lucky I love you so much." I say and he smiles. The old lady looks at us and smiles. "You two are so cute." She said and handed me my change and gave the turtle to John. "Thank you!" John said and hugged the turtle plush. We walked out and I grabbed Johns hand.

"What are you gonna name it?" I say, swinging our hands back and forth walking back to our gate. "I'm gonna name him... Philip!" He says and hugs Philip closer. I smile and we sit down in our seats. "That's a great name baby." I say and kiss his cheek.

We soon get called to get on the plane. There are seats of two so it's perfect for us.

"Are you excited?" I whisper to John. He frantically nodded and then leaned his head on my shoulder. "Take a nap John, we have about five hours till we get there." I say and start to play with his hair. He hums and pulls Philip closer to him and he soon dozes off. I keep playing with his hair. I then laid my head on top of his and slowly dozed off.

I woke up about three hours later. John was still asleep on my shoulder. I slowly lifted my head off of his. I looked out the window and enjoyed the view. I then started to play with Johns hair again. He hummed in his sleep and I smiled. We were supposed to land in about a hour so I let him sleep.

"This is you captain speaking. We have about 10 minutes left till landing. Everyone take a seat and buckle your seatbelts." The captain said over the intercom. "John, wake up. We are almost there." I say lightly nudging him. He woke up and smiled at me. He rubbed his eyes and looked past me and out the window. "Are you excited?" I say, wrapping an arm around him. "Yes! I'm excited to go to the beach! Maybe we can go see turtles!" He said, his eyes lighting up like a little kid on Christmas Day... or a teenager... don't judge. "Anything for you Jackie." I say, kissing his nose. He smiled and leaned closer to me. "What are you excited for Lexi?" He said, looking up at me. "I'm excited to do everything with you." I said. He giggled and kissed my cheek.

The plane started to go down so we must have been here. "John, I think we are here." I say, grabbing his hand. "Finally!" He said bouncing slightly.

The wheels of the plane eventually made contact with the ground.

"We have arrived in Costa Rica! I hope you enjoyed your flight and have fun!" The captain said. We eventually were able to exit the plane and went and got our luggage. John had a suitcase with a turtle design like the adorable smol bean he is. It was easy to spot so I grabbed it for him and handed it to him.

"Thank you Lexi!" He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Anything for you Jackie." I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek as well. Some people gave us dirty looks but I just ignored them. I see my luggage come around and I grab it. "Let's go baby." I say and grab his hand. I interlock our fingers and we head to the car rental place. "Hi, we rented a car under Alexander Hamilton." I said to the guy behind the counter. He nodded and typed something into the computer. "Ok can you please give me your email to identify its you?" He said. I gave him my email and other stuff he needed and eventually we got our car. We got a Lamborghini. It was black with white interior. John thought we were getting some standard car so he was amazed when he saw it.

"WERE GETTING THAT ONE?" He said tugging on my arm. I nodded and he smiled brightly. "It's so cool! Thank you Lexi!" He said and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I smiled and we put our luggage in the trunk and I opened the door for him. He smiled and got in. I got in the drivers side and we then drove to our hotel. It was on the beach and had an amazing view. We checked in and headed to our room. As soon as we opened it, John ran in and flopped down on the bed. It was night time so it was understandable. I chuckled and ran over and landed on top of him. He giggled and pulled me into a kiss.

"I love you Lexi!" He said, pulling away from the kiss. "I love you too John." I said and pulled him into a kiss. I pulled away and he looked up at me with lust filled eyes. I leaned down and pulled him into a passionate kiss. I lightly but his lip, asking for access. He gladly accepted and opened his mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance which I won. I explored his mouth until we had to pull away to breathe. A string of saliva connecting our tongues. I slowly moved my hands down his waist. He moans lightly and I smirk.

"You like that baby?" I say. He frantically nodded and I kept moving my hands down lower and lower. I get to the hem of his sweatpants and look up at him for consent. He looks at me and nods. I slowly pull off his pants.

John's POV

I gasp as I feel the cold, nights air on my legs. Alex slowly rubs his hands up and down my thighs. I moan and he then moves up and take off my shirt. I moan and he pulls me into a kiss. He slips his tongue into my mouth and I moan again. He slowly pulls away and then goes to my neck. He lightly kissed, and sucks my neck, probably leaving hickies. He eventually finds one spot causing me to go wild. I turn into a moaning mess and he bites down. I almost scream in pleasure. He smirks against my neck and pulls away.

"You like that? Huh?" He says, smirking and slowly trailing his hands down my sides. "Y-y-Yes A-lex p-please k-keep g-going!" I beg, stuttering. He smirks and slowly moves his hands to my erect nipples. I moan as he slowly moves his head down and starts to suck on one. I moan loudly and he then pulls away. I whine and he then kisses me again. I lightly tug on his shirt and he pulls away. I grab his shirt and pull it up and over his head, throwing it somewhere in the room. He then pulls his pants off, leaving us both in our boxers. He pulls me into another kiss. He then slowly leaves kisses down my body, stopping at the edge of my boxers.

"L-Lexi p-pl-please stop teasing." I say. He smirks and takes the hem of my boxers into his mouth. He slowly pulls them down, my erect member springing out. "Someone's excited." He said, causing me to moan. He slowly moves his hand to my member and starts to go up and down. I let out a moan and he smirks.

"You like that baby bay?" He said. "Y-Yes d-daddy." I say and he starts to slow down. "Daddy?" He said, tilting his head slightly. "Good god~ Yes! J-just keep going." I get out. He smirks and then takes the tip of my member into his mouth. I moan loudly and he swirls his tongue around the tip. I buck my hips up but he then pulls away.

"Uh-uh Baby boy." He said, forcing my hips down. I whine but then he takes my whole member into his mouth. My eyes roll back and I grip his hair. He starts to go faster and faster until I feel a knot form in my stomach.

"I-I'M GONNA~" I manage to get out before I cum in his mouth. He pulls away and swallow. I blush and he smirks. "Already?" He says, I nod and he smirks. He pulls me into a kiss and then pulls away. He slowly moves down towards my entrance and sticks his tongue in. I let out a loud moan as he farts his tongue in and out. He reaches his hand up to my mouth.

"Suck." He commands. I take his fingers into my mouth and start to suck on them. He eventually pulls away and then takes his tongue out. I whine but then sticks his finger in my hole. I wince at the pain but soon I get used to it. I try to move up and down in his finger, signaling him to move. He moves his finger and soon adds another, scissoring and trying to find my prostate. Each time he hits it, I let out a loud moan. He soon adds a third and then pulls out. I whine at the loss but he soon gets off the bed and stands up.

"Come here baby." He says. I get up and walk over to him. "Get down." He says, pointing to the floor in front of him. I get on my knees in front of his crotch. (Is that how you spell it?) I slowly hook my finger around the hem of his boxers and pull them down. His member springs put and almost hits me in the face. I slowly wrap my hand around his member and I start to pump. He groans slightly and I then take the tip into my mouth. He groans and tales a fistful of my hair. I slowly take more of his member into my mouth. I start to bob my head slowly and he then pulls my hair. I moan around his member, sending vibrations through his member. Causing jolts of pleasures to shoot up his spine and causing him to let out a light moan. He then starts to move my head on his member causing me to gag.

"J-John~" he moaned and came down my thought. I pulled off and swallowed. I licked my lips and smirked. He picked me up and through me on the bed.

"Hands and knees Johnny boy." He said. I obeyed and stuck my ass up in the air. He walked over to me and put his hands on my waist. "You ready?" He said, slowly rubbing circles on my waist. I moaned in response and he slowly slid his member in. I winced and he stopped, letting me adjust.

I soon I got used to the feeling and I pushed back on his member. We both moaned and he started to slowly thrust into me.

"F-faster~" I moaned out. Alex grunted and then slowly sped up. He kept going faster and faster. He soon hit my prostate, I let out a whorish moan and Alex angled his hips to hit my prostate. He flipped me over and then spread my legs out. I moaned again and he kept thrusting into my prostate.

"A-A-Alex!" I moaned and wrapped my arms around him, scratching his back leaving marks. He started to ram into me. My mouth hung open and my eyes were closed from an overload of pleasure. He then reached down and started to jack me off.

"A-ALEX!" I screamed and came all over my chest. He continued to ram into me. I pushed him onto his back and slowly gyrated my hips. He moaned and I then started to bounce up and down in his member. He groaned and started thrusting up in time with me. I leaned down and pulled him into a kiss.

"I-I l-love y-y-you!" I moaned out. "I-I love y-you too John!" He grunted and started to thrust up even faster.

"John~" he moaned out and came inside me. I moaned and then came as well, moaning out his name. He pulled out and I collapsed on top of him.

"John, we need to get cleaned off first." He said, kissing my head. I groaned and then picked me up. He carried me to the bathroom and filled up the tub. Once it was filled and at the right temperature, he slowly put me in. He then got in and I sat down in his lap. He washed me off and I just rested on his chest. He then cleaned himself off and we got out.

He dried us both off and then carried me back to the bedroom. He sat me down on the edge of the bed and grabbed me a pair of boxer. He slipped them on me and then put on his own pair. He sighed and took off the sheets. He put them in the corner of the room and went over to the closet and pulled out more.

"Thank god they had extra." He said and made the bed. He then layer down on the bed and I climbed up to him. I snuggled up into his chest and he started to play with his hair.

"I love you John Hamilton." He said and kissed the top of my forehead. I grinned and snuggled up closer to him. "I love you too." I said. He smiled and wrapped me up into a hug. I smiled and fell into a peaceful sleep.
Tada! I hoped you enjoyed. Sorry if it was bad but I tried my best! This chapter was about 4,500 words! Like I said, I wanted to start it off with a bang, literally! Remember to request stuff and give me the ship and the basic plot. Another huge ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) thanks to Snowstream_  for helping me with this chapter. Anyway, have a good day, afternoon, or night! I hope you enjoy the rest of the book and Au Revoir!

Your Obedient Servant,

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