Hamilton Soccer Moms AU

By locker130

22.6K 1.6K 11.4K

This is just a silly Hamilton AU where Burr and Hamilton are very proud soccer moms. Cover art credit to my t... More

A Birthday Invitation
Minivans & Party Plans
Target Trip
Party Preparations
Pre-Party Shenanigans
Burrthday Party Part 1
Burrthday Party Part 2
Burrthday Party Part 3
Burrthday Party Part 4
Burrthday Party Finale
Soccer Teams
Take Your Kid to Work Day Part 1
Take Your Kid to Work Day Part 2
Take Your Kid to Work Day Part 3
Take Your Kid to Work Day Finale
P&P Raps
Man of Honor?
Stress Baking
First Day of School
Halloween Bash
Third Grade Drama
The Grocery Store
Art Work
Christmas Tree
Christmas Day!
New Year, Same Alexander
Dinner with the Jeffersons
The Hoverboard
The PTA Debate
The Race
Friendsentine Day
The PTA President
The Aftermatch
The Aftermatch of the Aftermatch
Roller Skating
Too Many Children
The Mug
Vacation (kinda)
Vacation (kinda) Part 2
Vacation (kinda) Part 2.5 + Delta Airlines
Kidz Bop
FANART!!!!! Part 2
FANART!!! Part 3
FANART!!!! Part 4
FANART!!!! Part 5
FANART!!! Part 6
Amelia's Birthday
Amelia's Birthday Part 2
FANART!!! Part 7
"Bonding" Time
Amelia's Birthday Part 3
Day at the Arcade
Teacher Meeting
The Funeral
Spa Day
"Lazy" Sunday
Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts Part 2

Christmas Party

295 25 189
By locker130

A/N: I don't know if it's obvious but my favorite chapters to write are party chapters (that's why Theo's birthday went on for decades). I'm curious so what's your favorite type of chapter? The Washington's Law Warriors one? The ones with just the hamilfam? The soccer chapters? Or a completely different type? Let me know! (or do you hate every chapter and stay around to cringe at my writing?)

The Washingtons are that family that hosts every party for every holiday. Christmas, Halloween, New Years. You name it they have a party for it. So, when Eliza took the invitation out from the mailbox she wasn't the least bit surprised. 

"We have to wear ugly sweaters to Washington's party," Eliza announced.

"I'm gonna wear one with Philip on it," Angelica declared.

"I'm gonna wear one with you on it," Philip shot back.

"Mine's uglier," Angelica fought.

"No, mine!" Philip disagreed.

"I am not stitching anyone's face on a sweater," Alexander stated. Alex was the only one in the family that could sew so he had the pleasant job of fixing holes in the kid's shirts. Eliza tried it once and immediately got hand cramps. She left the sewing to Alex and kept to her stress baking.

"Awww, c'mon Dad," Philip whined.

"Yeah, you're no fun," Angelica complained.

"Mom, if I can't put Angelica on my sweater, can I bring my friend to the party?" Philip asked.

"Who is it?" Eliza answered his question with a question.

"Amelia," Philip clarified.

"I don't see why not," Eliza shrugged. "I'll call her dad."

~In the car~

"Who are we picking up again?" Alexander Jr. asked, squirming around in his too-big Christmas sweater.

"Philip's girlfriend~," Angelica told him in a sing-songy voice.

Philip punched her in the arm. "Shut up, she's coming," Philip ordered.

"Ooooohhhh, does Philly have a crushy?" Angelica cooed.

"Hi, Philip!" Amelia greeted as she stepped into their car.

"PHILIP HAS A CRU-" Angelica started to shout before Philip slapped his hand over her mouth. Amelia looked at them suspiciously but decided it was best to ignore it and buckled her seatbelt.

"I'm so glad you invited me," Amelia said. Apparently, Philip didn't mention that it was an ugly Christmas sweater party because Amelia had a stunning red sparkly dress on. 

"Amelia, this is James, Alexander Jr., my mom, and my dad. Oh, yeah and my ex-sister Angelica," Philip added.

"MOM! Philip kicked me out of the family again!" Angelica tattled.

"No one is kicked out of the family," Eliza reassured her.

"Your family is so cool. I can't believe you know all your sibling's names," Amelia said.

"What do you mean?" Philip questioned.

"I have fourteen siblings," she explained, "and I'm the youngest."

"Oh, my," Philip said, imagining living with fourteen Angelicas.

"Wait, who's your dad?" Alexander asked, knowing that the only person on the PTA with fourteen children was-

"King George. He owns King Flush Portapotties™," Amelia answered.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo," Alex groaned.

"Do you know him?" Eliza asked.

"You know that guy that ran against Thomas for PTA president, the really bossy and even more stuck up than Thomas one," Alexander reminded her.

"Oh," Eliza grimaced, remembering him. "Alex, be nice to Thomas," she said, even though she knew it was a losing battle to make Alexander be nice to Thomas.

 "The only reason he didn't win was that-" Amelia began to explain.

"Whatever, princess," Alexander responded. "Why do Philip's friends always have to be related to my enemies?" 

~At the party~

"The Hamiltons are here!" Martha announced on the microphone. The house was just as decorated as on Halloween. Christmas lights were strung all across the banquet hall and Christmas music was blasting from the speakers. A huge Christmas tree (that Angelica steered clear from) was covered in tinsel and ornaments.

"Late as usual," Burr remarked.

"Overly early, as usual, Aaron," Alex spat back.

"Oh, nice sweater you got there," Aaron commented.

"Thanks, it's the ugliest thing I know." The sweater was bright magenta with a picture of Jefferson on it.

Thomas walked over and surveyed the situation. He was wearing a green sweater with a mirror hot-glued onto it. "You legit did the same thing on Halloween but with a costume. You could come up with something new."

"But this is the best way to insult you," Alexander argued.

"Actually, imitation is the best form of flattery," Thomas bickered.

"There's this thing called mockery," Alexander offered.

"Everyone, everyone. Tigger's Christmas sweater is the best," Angelica tried to settle the argument while holding Tigger in the air like Simba. The small orange cat was in a red sweater that was covered in tinsel, lights, and sequins. It was clearly homemade.

"Okay, since everyone got to vote I'll be announcing the winner," Martha said.

"I didn't get to vote!" Alexander exclaimed.

"You're banned from voting," Martha told him. 

"WHAT?!" Alexander cried.

"You cheated last time," Martha explained gently. "Also, all cats have been removed from the contest by Peggy's request."

"That way a cat can never beat me again," Peggy whispered to John.

"This is an outrage!" Angelica objected and Tigger meowed in agreement. "This is species racist!"

"Now, no Alexanders can win," Alex grumbled as he picked up the cat Alexander.

"Drumroll please." Everyone stomped their feet to create a drumroll. "And the winner is... Thomas!" 

Everyone clapped as Thomas walked up to the stage except Alex who crossed his arms in rage. "I would like to thank my husband, James, for helping me make this prize-winning sweater and George for inviting me and giving me the promotion," he said all the while smirking at Alexander.

Alex tried to calm himself down. Don't let him get to you, don't let him get to you, don't let him get to you, he thought to himself, screw it! 

"If I wasn't unfairly banned I would have won!" Alexander burst out. "And that promotion would have been mine if-" he cut himself off.

"If what?" Thomas asked, smirking wider. He fully knew what had stopped Alexander from getting the promotion but at the moment annoying Alexander was his number one priority.

"Nothing," Alexander mumbled and stormed off to a table where he angrily poured himself some of Martha's famous punch and stuffed a cookie in his mouth.

"Aw, I thought you were gonna win Georges," Anastasie said, gesturing to his sweater showered in glitter.

"Eh, it's not my best sweater," Georges replied, shrugging which caused more glitter to pile up on the floor.

"Did you see Philip brought his girlfriend?" Anastasie gossiped.

"They're not together but yeah," Georges said. 

"You sure? Look at them," Anastasie urged. Georges discretely glanced over at Philip and Amelia who were chatting in a doorway. 

"If anything's going on it's with Theodosia. Look at her, she's so jelly," Georges answered. He wasn't wrong. Theo looked about ready to murder someone. She stood, leaning against a wall, glaring at Amelia from behind her punch cup.

"Philly, I'm so glad you invited me here. Normally, I have to go to my dad's Christmas parties with a bunch of boring adults. Here, there's so many kids," Amelia gushed to Philip.

"What about your brothers and sisters?" Philip asked.

"I'm the youngest, remember? So, they're pretty much all adults too. Daddy says I'm his special surprise since I'm so much younger than all my siblings," Amelia explained.

"Opsies, I dropped my cup," Theo said, suspiciously loud. "Amelia, could you grab me some napkins?"

 Amelia considered it for a second but decided that in order to get on Philip's good side she'd have to convince him she's a good person. "Sure," Amelia complied with a warning glare at Theo, then ran off to grab them.

"Would you look at that. We're under the mistletoe," Theo said nonchalantly. 

"Oh, hahaha," Philip said awkwardly. "Better step out from under-"

Before he could continue Theo pushed her lips onto his. It was a quick innocent peck before Theo pulled back with a huge blush covering her face. Amelia's jaw and napkins dropped. She stomped over and also pecked Philip on the lips. Philip stood his mouth hanging open as he looked between the two girls.  

"What. just. happened," Georges said in absolute shock.

"I have no clue," Anastasie responded.

Philip looked terrified out of his mind before his mom saved him from girl drama. "Philip time to go!" Eliza called.

"B-bye," Philip said while awkwardly walking away. "Oh, um, Amelia you're coming with us." To say the very least the car ride home was exceedingly awkward.   

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