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Garfield Logan just moved to Jump City where he meets new friends and also a mysterious and strange girl name... Еще

Chapter 1: Pilot
Chapter 2: A Whole New Life
Chapter 3: The Football Match
Chapter 4: The Dealer
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 6: Friendships
Chapter 7: Family Problems
Chapter 8: Flashback
Chapter 9: A Begining
Chapter 10: Angie Roth
Chapter 11: An Awkward Dinner
Chapter 12: Rumors Aren't Reality
Chapter 13: Rachel's Hideout
Chapter 15: Jealousy Is A Bad Default
Chapter 16: Maybe... Kora?
Chapter 17: What Would I Do Without You
Chapter 18: Hank & Dawn
Chapter 19: Rae's Biggest Enemy
Chapter 20: Do I Still Love Her?
Chapter 21: The Way

Chapter 14: Reputation Or Relationships?

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A/N: I'm sorry, I know it took a lot more time for me to update, but I was really busy and I had to finish 2 other big chapters before adding this one, you'll understand why soon.

--The Anders House--

Tuesday September 18, 2018
Kory was getting ready for school when her sister entered in her room. "Hey lil sis... ready to go?" Kora asked her. The red haired girl was wearing a purple dress with a little brown fur jacket, purple high heel shoes and an emerald necklace. She took her school bag and left the house with her older sister. Kory was going to enter Kora's car, but she was quickly stopped by her. "Woah woah woah... you think that since I'm helping you having a good reputation and all, you can enter the school by my side? Dumbass" The cheerleader gasped.

"I thought we were friends" Kora rolled her eyes and got into her purple lamborghini with Tara and Kitty before leaving her sister alone in front of their house. The sweet Kory sobbed silently as she watched Kora's car disappear into the distance.

She walked to the bus station and waited as some tears rolled down her cheeks. A car passed by and the driver pulled over when he saw her crying. A boy with black spiky hair and sunglasses walked to her. He was wearing a brown jacket with a red shirt under it. It was none other than Dick Grayson, her childhood crush. He sat next to her on the bench. "Kory, are you okay?" She shook her head. "What happened?"

Anders sniffed. "It's Kora... I thought we were friends" She responded, looking at the ground the whole time.

"Again? Kory you shouldn't trust her she always finds a way to ridicules you" She sighed and looked at him with her green eyes filled with sadness. "She always did this... even when we were in kindergarten"


Tuesday September 4, 2008
Kory was drawing with her friends: Dick, Victor, Tara and Rachel. Victor was drawing a car, Tara was drawing Roy, Rachel was drawing a scary demon (representing her father), Dick was drawing Kory and Kory was drawing herself and Kora playing dolls together. They were all at Kory's.

The black haired 7 years old took the drawing from her little sister and teared it apart. "HEY" She let it fall on the floor and all she said was "Oops, my bad" before leaving Kory and her friends. The 6 years old started crying and the others tried to calm her down.

—End Of The Flashback—

Kory sighed and all she said was "It is not the same" so Dick thought for a minute.

"And what about..."


Thursday November 19, 2009
There was a new girl at school named Kitty. Kory was really excited to meet her until she saw her talking with her Dick Grayson. She got angry and walked to her. Kitty looked at her up and down before shrugging. "Wanna go to the amusement park? My father have a lot of money so..." Dick nodded and they walked away together.

Kora came from behind her sister. "Need help sis" the red haired girl sighed as she nodded to her untrustworthy older sister, Kora Anders. "Come here I think I have a plan"

Friday November 20, 2009
The next day, she was at the amusement park with her sister, spying on Dick and Kitty. After an hour of spying, Kitty Moth was going to kiss him but unfortunately for her and fortunately for him, Kory came from nowhere and pushed her away from her crush. More confident than ever, Kory was going to ask Dick out on a date but her sister dared to ask him just before when she was distracted. "KORAAAAA" Kory yelled in anger.

—End Of The Flashback—

Kory was starting to believe her friend, but it still wasn't enough for her. She needed more proofs. Dick sighed in annoyance before continuing.


Tuesday May 9, 2011
Kory was hanging out with Tara, Rachel, Richard and Victor. They were chilling in the park when her sister arrived with the rich Kitty Moth. "What are you doing here friend Kora"

The 11 years old stared at a 9 years old boy with black hair and green eyes. "Just looking at the new guy... what's is name? I forgot" Rach had an angry look on her on her face.

"His name is Jason Todd okay? And he is way to young for you Kora" The black haired Roth replied.

Anders looked at her with a do-I-care face. "Don't care, never will... take him if you want, he's not my type anyway" She started to walk closer to Tara.

"I got pity for you, having to hang out with those losers every day of the week and every day of the year when you could be hanging out with someone like me... ya know, someone cool" Tara smirked.

The blond girl huffed and started to leave with Kitty and Kora. "Yeah! They're just a band of losers anyway" Kory started crying as she begged her friend to come back. Rachel Roth was even more pissed and ran to Tara Markov before slapping hard, leaving a mark on the traitor's cheek. Markov growled at the 9 year old Rachel.

"It's not over witch" Rachel ran to her old house, leaving a crying Kory behind.

Monday September 5, 2011
Kory was walking around the school's playground with Dick and Victor. She saw Rachel hiding in a corner and ran to her with the two others. Rachel was sitting behind a tree, hopping that no one would find her, she was crying and had a big cut on her wrist. The little girl with bright green eyes gasped at what she saw. "Friend Rachel what happened?" Rae only looked at her with anger in her ocean blue eye.

Kora suddenly popped out of nowhere. "Leave her alone... don't you think you already made her suffer enough"

"What? I am the sorry sister Kora, but I do not understand what you are doing the talking about"

Kory's sister sighed with fake sadness in her voice, eyes and behavior. "Don't you dare deny it... you told everyone that Rachel here, killed her own mother! Her lovely and caring mother" A fake tear slipped down her cheek.

Kory gasped and before she could say anything, Roth ran away to her hiding place.

Tuesday April 4, 2017
Kory was sitting in the inside part of the cafeteria with Richard and Victor. Rachel was sitting at another table with her friend, Jason Todd, and her boyfriend, Adam McKenzie. Kora walked to her sister's table with Tara and Kitty. She sat next to Victor while Kitty sat next to Dick and Tara sat at the cheerleaders and footballers table to be with her crush, Garth Triton. Kora looked at Tara who nodded. She started to touch Vic's muscles. "Ooh so strong... why aren't you playing in the football team, am sure you would be the best"

He made a nervous laughed and scratched the back of his neck. "Don't know uh... my father always wanted me too, but I never really gave it a chance" He started to like the idea and see himself playing in a match of football with the football team of Jump City High. Next thing he knew is that the next week, he was part of the team but had no time for his old friends.

Monday May 29, 2017
Kory was waiting for Dick in the parking lot of the school and to her surprise she saw him get out of get out of Alfred's car with the one and only Rachel Roth. Dick was all over Rachel for the whole day that became the whole week and then the whole month.

Rumors started to spread around but most of them were about Rachel and Adam's break up.

Jason, Richard and Rachel became a trio and since Kory was left all alone, she joined the cheerleader team with Tara and Kitty and she started to pass a lot of time with Kora even know she was just using her like a slave.

—End Of The Flashbacks—

Kory had a sad face and was crying even more. After some minutes, she entered Richard's porsche and he drove her to school. When they got there, they saw Rachel, Gar and Victor talking together. The two teenagers were trying to calm Rachel down. "Sorry" Dick told Kory before walking to the three.

The red haired cheerleader came closer to them. They were talking about the rumors about Rae and Gar having sex together. She didn't understood Rachel's thing of sleeping with a guy when she's already with another one because after Dick ditched Kory to pass all his freaking damn time with Rachel, she thought that they were dating in secret. "Hello friends, what are you the talking about?"

Gar pulled Rachel closer to him and looked at Kory with anger in his emerald eyes. "Can't you just leave Rae alone? I think you already said enough Kory" Dick made a confused face and took a glance at Kory.

"What did she said?" Vic looked very angry too and decided to answer Dick's question for Gar and Rach. "She said that Rachel was a s***" Richard gasped and was really annoyed by what he had just learned. "Kory, why would you say something like that?"

Kory started to regret what she said even more, she sighed. "Well... isn't it the truth? I mean, weren't you two dating" Richard and Rachel looked at her with obvious disgust on their faces.

"Um no" The purple haired girl simply answered. "You should know that Kory"


Monday May 29, 2017
Kory was looking at Dick and Rachel, sitting on a bench and talking about who knows what. Kora walked to her sister and put her arm around Kory's shoulders. "Sad isn't it? After all these years you passed by his sides, one day, Grayson decided to leave you behind and pass all his time with this freaking goth b****"

"HEY! Friend Rachel isn't what you just said... and I am the sure that there is a logic explanation to all of this" Kora huffed and gave Kory a punch on her arm.

She laughed at her sister's silliness. "Oooh believe me, there is one... that goth b**** only decided to steal him from you, they are dating... isn't it obvious anyway? And the worst is that she knew about your crush on him... she must really hate you, I wonder what you did to her, oh I know you spreaded a rumor around about her mother's death" Kory gasped.


The days passed and she finished by believing her sister.

—End Of The Flashback— 

Kory felt embarrassed. "I-I... but Kora said" Richard looked in the red haired girl's direction.

"What did she told you again?"

Anders looked at her friends with even more shame, she had her face in her hands as she was shaking her head. "She told me that you two were doing the dating... I didn't believe her at the beginning b-but she kept on repeating it until I believed her" The others had wide eyes.

Dick decided to break the silence. "And what about the rumor? You still said that Rachel-" He was interrupted by his crush.

"She told me that she was one... but I didn't mean it at all" The red haired teen walked closer to Rachel and hugged her. "I am the sorry friend Rachel, I didn't mean to hurt you, in fact, I would never hurt my friends on purpose! Please can you forgive me friend?" Rae glanced at Gar for an advice and he only nodded at her.

The teenager sighed. "I suppose I could" She answered in her monotone, making the girl squeal in joy.

"GLORIOUS, let's all celebrate after school, we could go to friend Rachel's manor or the Wayne Manor oh or maybe we could all celebrate at the Star of the Bucks?"

"You mean Starbucks?" Victor corrected the way too much excited teenager. "Yes, do you remember when we used to eat there everyday together before?" They all nodded except Garfield since he didn't know what they were talking about.

After some minutes of talking about the past they all headed to their classes.

--In Class--

Kory was sitting next to a girl named Anabella, one of the cheerleaders. Victor was in the back next to Garfield. They were in English class. Ana was texting on her phone so Kory tapped her shoulder. "What? I'm kinda occupied right now" She took the phone and slide it on the floor to her two friends who took it.

"HEY" Bella whispered yell. "We need to talk friend Anabella" The brown haired girl sighed in defeat. "What?"

The sweet cheerleader looked around before whispering to Anabella. "About the rumors-"

"Wai-Wai-Wait I cut you right there, you don't wanna be friend with this s*** right?"

Kory scuffed. "Yes okay, Rachel is my friend and she is not the s***" Bella rolled her dark brown eyes. She stood up, walked to Vic and Gar's table and tried to take her phone back. Victor eventually gave Bella her phone back. She sat next to Kory again and gave the red haired teen a death glare. "You have to choose Kory, it's them or us, not both"

--Lunch Time--

Rachel, Dick, Gar and Vic were already sitting at Dick's usual table so she walked to them but unfortunately for her, Kory was stopped by her sister's trio. "Well, ya comin'" Tara asked her old friend. The young Anders glanced at her friends. They shook their heads.

"What do you choose lil sis? reputation or relationships?" Kory looked at the ground, squeezed her eyes shot and ran away from the cafeteria.

She was so confused, the poor Kory didn't know what to do. She then saw Jason Todd, his back against the wall of brick of J.C.H. He was hiding from the others and waited for a customer. "Friend Jason? What are doing here" His green eyes widened.

He was smoking his cigarette but when he saw her, he let it fall on the ground of the campus. "Nothin'" He was going to leave, but he was stopped by the 16 years old girl. His green eyes looked through her soul. "What do you want red head?"

"About the rumors-" He quickly interrupted her. "Okay, I'm out"

She took a grip of his wrist and begged him to listen to her. "Wait please Jason, I need your help"

Todd sighed in defeat. "What?"

The young girl took a deep breath. "I do not know what to do, do I risk getting kicked out of the cheerleader team because of my reputation and stay with my childhood friends or do I stay loyal to the other cheerleaders and ignore my real friends?" The black haired teen frowned his eyebrows.

"Hum, isn't the choice already obvious?" Kory slowly started to nod her head and smile brightly.

She then looked at him again and her smile slowly faded. "Why aren't you with Dick and Rachel? I don't really see a reason for you to avoid them" He rolled his eyes and turned around, starting to walk away from the red head. "That's none of your business princess" She sighed in disappointment and walked back to the outside part of the cafeteria.

Her friends had already started eating while Kora, Tara and Kitty were just flirting with the footballers. Kory started walking in the direction of her friends table. All the students looked at her in shock and surprise. The cheerleaders and the footballers stared at her with anger and a bit of narcissism. Her friends, on the other hand, were amazed and trying to contain their joy. The girl sat between Dick and Rachel and hugged the two of them happily.  "You made the good choice Kory" Dick reassured her.

--After School--

The five friends walked out of the school together. Rita and Steve were waiting in the parking lot when they saw the gang. They walked to the car and Rita opened the window. "Hey Rita, Steve, hum I'm going to go to Starbucks with them okay?"

The couple nodded. "Okay sweetheart but who is she? I never saw you hanging out with her" She talked about the red haired girl. Kory came closer to the window.

"Hello Mrs, my name is Kory Anders, I am Dick, Victor and Rachel's childhood friend" The girl was smiling brightly. She shook Gar's adoptive parents hands. Steve asked her when they were going back home and she said that they would leave at at least 7PM. After the two left, they all, expect Dick since he had his own car in the parking lot, entered in Vic's car and left to Starbucks.

--In Starbucks--

Victor took a ancho chipotle chicken panini with a peppermint white chocolate mocha frappuccino blended beverage, Richard took a sausage, egg & cheese on english muffin with a espresso con panna , for Kory it was a valentine cake pop, a cheese danish and a strawberry acai starbucks refreshers, Gar decided to take a oat fudge bar, a cranberry bliss bar and a classic hot chocolate and to finish, Rachel took a double chocolate chunk brownie with a teavana emperor's clouds plus mist brewed tea. It was delicious. They talked about a lot of things and remembered how close they were before Kora and a lot of other stuff destroyed their friendship. After talking for hours, they all left to their houses and Kory gave them a group hug. "K-Kory c-can't b-bre-eath" Gar told her and she released them.

When Dick brought Kory back home, Kora wasn't there, she was at a big party with Tara, Kitty, Annabella, Roy, Garth and some other people. Richard got out of the car and hugged Kory. "I'm happy to see you hang out with us again" The cheerleader grinned at her crush.

"I am the happy too friend Richard" They pulled away. "Oh and thank you for the ride home"

The black haired boy gave the girl a small smile "Ya welcome Kory" and she gave him a kiss on the cheek before entering her house, leaving a blushing Grayson outside her door.

So, what do you think are Jason's thoughts about this situation?

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