By fustahs

1.1K 8 6

A heartbroken woman from Southern America finds herself pursuing a career in Seoul, Korea in hopes of finding... More

Pt. 1 Rude
Pt. 3 Dilemma
Pt. 5 Safe
pt. 6 Oppa
pt. 7 Keys
pt. 8 Boss
pt. 9 Date
pt. 10 Couch
p. 11 Sweet
pt. 12 Jealous
pt. 13 Yes
pt. 14 Cuddler
pt. 15 Model
pt. 16 Brat
pt. 17 Lunch
pt. 18 Surprise
pt. 19 Wine
pt. 20 Mistake
pt. 21 Questions
pt. 22 Knock
pt. 23 Lucky
pt. 24 Hyung
pt. 25 Love
pt. 26 Birthday
pt. 27 Happy
pt. 28 Goodbye
pt. 29 Timing
pt. 30 Special
pt. 31 Music
pt. 32 Friendship
pt. 33 Ex
pt. 34 Presentation
pt. 35 Please
pt. 36 Bliss
pt. 37 Mom
pt. 38 Later
Note from Author

Pt. 2 Silver

48 1 2
By fustahs

My first week dragged on as slow as a plow horse.

I certainly felt like a plow horse with how Kim Seokjin bossed me around.
He had me running all over the office building, fetching this and copying that, I had almost forgotten I was a graphic designer. I swear I had finely toned legs by the end of the work week.

Which, by the way, didn't even end until the next weekend.

Our client was changing his mind on his concept so frequently, that I had to come in on the weekend to start over from scratch.

Needless to say, I was happy to see that Friday, when Mr. Lee finally let me breathe for the weekend.

As I gathered my belongings to leave for the day, my tyrant-of-a-supervisor stopped by my desk. He was scowling, as usual. He never did anything but scowl at me, that I was beginning to assume he was incapable of smiling.

Such a shame too, with those perfect lips.

He bid me a good day and wished me a safe and fulfilling weekend.
That took me aback.
He hadn't spoken a polite word to me all week.

I noticed him frowning at my mouth when I realized I had it hanging open again like a fool.

I snapped it shut, feeling my face turning into a furnace.

"Have a good da-- night. Sir. Mr. Kim. Mr. Kim Seokjin." I stuttered like an absolute idiot.
Before I made the mistake at reading his expression I bolted out of there.

I may have slapped my forehead a few times in the elevator as punishment for acting so dumb.

What is WRONG with me?

I decided to stop by a convenient store on my way home. I desperately needed to veg out on ice cream and forget my embarrassing self with a Netflix series or three.

As I perused the aisles, I heard the most lovely sound.

It was laughter, full of such musical joy that I couldn't help but look to see who it was coming from.

It was then, when I saw two of the most beautiful men I had ever seen.

They were of the same height, only a few inches taller than me, with fair skin but that was where their similarities ended.

The one who was laughing was ethereal. His silver hair was slicked back adding to his elegance, and he wore grey contacts that made him look even more unreal. He wore a simple oversized button-up and loose- fitting slacks but he made the casual style look couture.

The other man with him had more of a mysterious air to him. His jet black hair hung in waves just over his cat-like eyes. He had a more delicate nose and mouth but he was just as handsome. His black clothing hung tighter to his body, emphasizing his smaller, slim physique. There was something about him that reminded me of stone, as if nothing could ever bother him.

I couldn't help but admire them both.

Then, the silver haired one caught me staring.

Please, don't tell me my mouth is open.

It was.

He cocked his head to the side curiously and nudged the other man. They whispered back and forth before the silver haired angel glided over, the gorgeous brooding one in tow.

"Are you... American?" He asked in English, with an absolutely endearing accent.

I nodded and responded in my decent Korean, "Yes, I just moved here."

The man broke into a bright smile and shook the other man's shoulder with excitement.
"I knew it!" He exclaimed excitedly in Korean.
He began to ask me question after question about where I was from and what brought me all the way to Korea.

He was apparently fascinated with American culture and I was fascinated with him, so I was more than happy to indulge his curiosity.

The other man stood quietly until his phone rang. He nudged the silver haired man. "Jimin-ah. We are running late."

The silver haired man named Jimin sighed regretfully, "Okay, Yoongi, let me say goodbye to my new friend."

"Be quick, please." Yoongi replied before stepping outside to take his phone call.

Jimin gave me a sheepish smile. "I always get carried away. Forgive me."

"Please, there is nothing to forgive." I told him, laughing at how he could possibly think he was wasting my time.

"Would you be interested in a gathering at my apartment tomorrow? It would be a great way for you to meet more locals, I think." He grinned, "I have a feeling some of my friends would be just as excited to befriend someone like you."

I wasn't sure how to take that but I accepted the invitation anyway.

We exchanged phone numbers and he promised to send the details that evening.

I was excited to befriend some locals, especially ones that were not stuffy like Kim Seokjin. And I just couldn't get over how beautiful these men were.

I felt pretty oblivious though.

There I was falling in love with two perfect-looking men, but as I watched silvered haired Jimin join the mysterious one named Yoongi, I saw them join hands as they left.
I finally noticed.

They weren't just two beautiful perfect men.
They were a beautiful perfect couple.



Damn it.

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