Rebuilding Our Empire

By I_Give_Life

40.4K 1K 129

My Version of Season 5. The journey of newly remarried Cookie and Lucious and all the things they have to con... More

It Can't Possibly Start Off That Bad
Take Eddie Out After the Honeymoon
Will He, Won't He
Who Can We Trust
Nevaeh Lyon
This is Us, But For How Long?
Nothing Is Ever Easy
We're Getting Close
Lyons are Strong, We Fight
Let's Take This Bitch Out
We Have to Do Things Differently
Back to Business
She Knows Something
Sins of a Mother Begin to Unfold
There's More to Our Past
2 Years Later
You Did What!?
I Gotta Find My Baby
For The Last Time
Is This What You Wanted?
My Blood = My Family
What the Hell is Going On?
We Need This to Work
Is That Alright?
Let Me Fix This
Season Finale: Protect Your Heart

Where is Lucious?

1.1K 40 5
By I_Give_Life

At Eddie's House

Giselle's POV

Eddie made me take him back home once he got out and forced me to sleep with him or he would kill my mother. I didn't want to and tried to get out of it, but he wouldn't let me go. I don't think I've ever cried during sex, but I cried nonstop that day. Every day since then and every day he's blackmailed me into doing it again, I've just wanted to sit in the shower and scrub myself clean. I know it would be a death wish, but I want to tell Andre everything. Maybe things would've been better if I would've told him from the beginning. I lay here thinking about the fact that I may lose Dre after all of this is said and done. It makes me upset and sad at the same time, but I have no one to blame but myself. I put myself in this situation and now I'm going to lose a man that I genuinely love. Yes, I was unsure 6 months ago, but we've grown and gotten to know each other more. I see a happy future with that man, but me helping Eddie is going to ruin all of that for me.

I try to sneak from under Eddie, but he tightens his grip on me. I don't see the point in him keeping me here. He got his nut, meaning my job is done. He rolls over and grabs his phone. "Don't leave. You're going to Empire with me. We are going to have a little talk with the Lyon men. Get yourself together, you look a mess," Eddie insinuated. I don't know what he is planning, but I know it won't end well. The last thing that needs to happen is a war inside of Empire, especially with Cookie so close to her due date. She hasn't forgiven me and still doesn't want me with Dre, but I am no longer banned from dinners and Empire. She simply just glares at me with those piercing eyes. I'm sure Lucious checks up on her all day to make sure she isn't in labor. "How do you know that any of the Lyons will be there when you get there? It is cutting it close with Cookie's due date," I asked, trying to pry some information from him. "I have someone who informs mewhen they arrive and leave. How about you get dressed and stop trying to play me for clues? You're wasting my time," He responded.

I get up and got myself together. He put on a suit and I pulled out my phone to text Dre. Maybe I can convince him to leave Empire. "If you warn him, I will kill you in the conference room," Eddie threatened. "I'm not. We sext when he's at work. Try it with your next hoe sometimes. Maybe it will put you in a better mood," I said. I turned my focus back to my phone and clicked on Dre's name

G: Hey daddy, what are you doing?

D: Trying to get these budgets together for Mal and Keem's next videos. What about you sexy?

G: Thinking about you. How about you take a long lunch with me. We miss you

D: I wish I could babe, but I have to get these budgets together before the next financial meeting. How about a rain check for dinner?

G: You can't slip away for just a little bit? I want to see you.

D: No can do. Things are behind since Pop banned Ma until she gives birth.

G: Ok, I guess dinner will have to do. I love you Dre

D: I love you too. I'll see you at dinner.

Any other day, he would rush out of that building for an afternoon quickie with me. Why is today any different? Looks like I'm going to have to lure him out some other way. The only other problem is getting Lucious out. He only leaves when it involves Cookie, or he goes to get food. We walked out to the car and Eddie stopped me before I got in the car. "If I find out-" "I'm not selling you out Eddie! Can I talk to my man and seem normal, so he won't suspect anything out of the ordinary or would you prefer I ignore him, then he come looking for me and find you instead?" I yelled back. He stared at me for a couple more seconds, then let me get in the car. Once we get to Empire, I have to get away from Eddie. It's the only way I'm going to live.

Back at the mansion

No One's POV

Juanita came into the living room after seeing the trail of fluid coming from the dining room. "Mrs. Cookie did your water break?" She asked. "Yes, I need you to call Dr. Montgomery. Tell her that my contractions are 8 minutes apart and are too painful for me to move. I'm having this baby here," Cookie managed to get out in between breathes. "Ok, and I'll get the floor cleaned up. I know Mr. Lyon will throw a fit if he sees it unclean by the time he gets here," Juanita said. Cookie nodded then continued to breath. Tiana walked into the living room with Hakeem following behind her, holding Kemani. "Get the babies out of here Keem! What are you stupid?" Cookie yelled at her youngest son. Hakeem stared at his mother with a tired face, then turned around slowly and ignore her constant yelling. In his mind, she wasn't any worse right now than she is on a very stressful day.

"Lucious isn't answering his phone. Do you want me to try Andre?" Candance asked. "He won't answer. Give me my phone. I'll find him," Cookie tried to say without sounding out of breath, but baby girl was wearing her down. "Keem and I can go to Empire and get them. Unless Jamal is there too. Didn't he have another song to record?" Cookie put her hand on her head and tried to think of what Jamal needed to do. "No, he wouldn't be there. His album is done and approved. Go to Empire and please hurry. I'm not going to be able to hold her in for too long," Cookie said on the brink of tears. Tiana ran to grab Hakeem and headed out of the door on a hunt for Lucious. Cookie grabbed her phone from Carol and called Lucious again. She was starting to panic like she did with Hakeem, but this time it could actually turn out disastrous.

The phone rang until his voicemail picked up. She hung up and redialed his number. She knows that he likes to turn his phone on silent while he's working and won't see it until he randomly looks down. She was not about to give up, no matter how much pain she was in. Someone finally answered, and Cookie rejoiced on the inside. "Lucio-" "Not Lucious, Cookie. I was hoping you could tell me where he is though. Or that big brain son of yours. And I suggest you tell me quickly, because you don't sound too good," Eddie requested. Cookie took deeper breathes than she was normally taking and stood up to pace in the living room. "Eddie, I don't have time for your petty games. But give me 48 hours and I will gladly hand your ass to you. Now my advice to you is that you leave Empire, leave Lucious phone wherever you found it, and walk away with dignity while you still have a trace amount left. If you hold him up and he doesn't get to see his only daughter born, you will die a horrible death and I will not try to stop him. Walk away Eddie!" Cookie threatened as she yelled through the phone before hanging up.

"Cook, you gotta calm down. You're only going to push yourself further along into labor and your doctor nor Lucious is here. Slow down and sit down!" Carol demanded as Candance looked on worried about her middle sister. Cookie leaned on the piano, trying to gather her breathing. "Call Dre," Cookie started to whimper. Carol grabbed her phone and quickly called Andre. Within two rings, Andre picked up. "Hey Ma. What's up?" He asked. Cookie screamed at the top of her lungs as another contraction hit her. "Oh shit! I'm getting Pop and we're on the way. Just hold on, ma," Dre yelled into the phone as he grabbed his jacket and ran out of his office. Cookie rested her head on the piano, next to a picture of her and Lucious. "God, where is he? Where is that man?" Cookie groaned out. Carol rubbed her back as Candance paced back and forth, trying to keep herself calm as well. "I'm going to go get some towels and blankets. I'll be right back," Candance ran off before anyone could stop her. "She get on my damn nerves," Cookie mumbled out.


Andre ran out of the elevator and into Studio 6. Lucious sat in the engineer seat, listening to music play over the loud speaker. He had been working on his next album as a surprise for Cookie. "Pop! Pop!" Andre yelled. Lucious never budged as he was in a trance, hearing nothing but the music. Dre walked over to the mixing board and turned the music off. Lucious looked up at his son, "What did you do that for?" Andre finally was able to catch his breath. " home...early labor..." Dre said through shallow breathes. Lucious hopped up quickly and ran out the studio. "Where is my phone?" Lucious asked. "No time Pop, we gotta get to the house," Andre dismissed. Tiana and Hakeem both ran into Empire stopping in front of Lucious and Dre. "Dad! Where's your phone? We been calling you nonstop!" Hakeem shouted. "You better watch how you're talking to me. Go get the car," Lucious demanded and Hakeem ran out. Tiana was about to turn around to follow him when she saw a familiar face.

"Lu...Lucious. Eddie is behind you," Tiana stammered. Lucious turned and was face to face with Eddie and the barrel of his gun. "So, this is how you want to show down? Right here, in my building, on the day that my daughter is being born. You are one sad man, Eddie. We don't do this. We take this to a more private place. What are you planning on gaining from doing this here?" Lucious asked in a calm manner. "See Lu, you got Empire back, that's fine. I didn't want it anyways, I just wanted the money from the sell. But your son over there, took more from me. He took my freedom, tarnished my rep, and stole my wife. So, I figure, why not take something from the both of you," Eddie said as raised his gun to Andre. He pulled the trigger, but Lucious turned and pushed Andre out of the way just in time.

Eddie lowered the gun and looked at Lucious on the ground. Dre tried to help his dad up, but it was no use. Tiana stood screaming and tears flowing. "Pop, come on. Get up, pop. I can't go tell mom that you aren't coming home. Please!" Andre cried. Eddie stood frozen. He had no intentions of killing Lucious, just injuring Andre. Eddie started to back pedal, but what halted by the feeling of cold brass against the back of his head. He put his hands up and looked down. "You've fucked with me and the Lyon family, for the last time. His daughter is being born and you still wanted to shoot somebody down. Your time is done, Eddie," Giselle said as she pulled the trigger. She dropped the gun and ran over to Dre and Lucious. "Dre," She whispered. He looked at her then tapped Lucious arm. Lucious slowly sat up and grabbed his arm. Giselle took the scarf that was wrapped around her neck and made a tourniquet on his bleeding right arm.

"That bitch never could shoot," Lucious said through a hiss. "We gotta get you to a hospital," Giselle suggested. "No, we gotta get home. I gotta see my daughter born. Come on," Lucious groaned as he got up off the ground. Dre helped him stand up and Tiana opened the door, so they could go straight for the car. Giselle stayed behind so she could tell the police a story of self-defense. Once Lucious and Dre got in the car, Hakeem looked in the back seat and held a puzzled look. "What the hell happened to you?" He asked. "Eddie. But he's taken care of. Get to the mansion, before your mama kills her sisters next," Lucious instructed. Hakeem quickly made his way through the city. Tiana turned around and asked Dre, "How did you know he was faking his death?" Dre looked at his father from the corner of his eye, "He's Lucious Lyon. You can't kill him for some reason." Lucious chuckled at his son and pulled him in for a side hug.

At the Mansion

Candance finally came back to the living room with towels. Carol cleared the expensive coffee table and place a couple towels down and helped Cookie onto it. She helped Lucious when he delivered Hakeem, so she remembered a few things to do. "Cook, I'm going to have to check you. You can't keep doing Kegels hoping she will stay in. Candance hold her hand," Carol instructed. Leah made her way to the room and stopped at the sight before her. "What are you doing to her?" She yelled. "Leah, go check on Bella and Kemani please. Just see if they are still sleep," Cookie tried to divert Leah, just so she doesn't have to deal with her and focus on pushing a baby out at the same time. "I'm not going anywhere. I delivered my Dwight by myself at home. I can help," Leah rejected Cookie's demand. "No, you didn't, you crazy ass heifer. He was born in a hospital. Now stop lying and go check on my grandbabies!" Cookie yelled. Leah huffed then went to check on the kids like Cookie wanted.

"Breath Cook. You're at a 7. I don't think Lucious is going to make it in time. She's coming pretty quick," Carol said with a worried look. Cookie put her hands on her face and cried. "I can't do this without him. I can't. Aaahh! I swear she hates me right now. The boys didn't hurt this bad. Call Dre again. See where they are," Cookie cried out. Juanita came into the living room before they could call, "They are pulling in now. You're going to be ok." All three sisters let out a breath simultaneously. The door flung open and Lucious ran into the living room. "I'm here babe. You're ok," Lucious reassured Cookie. "I thought you weren't going to make it. I didn't want to have... what the hell happened to your arm?" Cookie screamed at the sight of Lu's bloody arm. "I'll explain later. Where is your doctor?" He asked. "You know she's on the other side of town. Oh my God! If you don't yank her little busy ass out and I'm going to murder you!" Cookie said as yet another contraction hit her.

Lucious got up and washed his hand and changed shirts. He sat in between Cookie's legs and could see her crowning already. "Lucious how are you going to deliver a baby with a bullet hanging out of your arm?" Carol asked. "You're going to pull it out and pack the hole, while I deliver my daughter. I trust you Carol," Lucious said calmly. Carol looked at Lucious, unsure about what he was wanting her to do, but she knew this was the only way this baby was going to come out. Dre walked over to Cookie's side to hold her hand, just like he did when she gave birth to Hakeem. Tiana and Hakeem went to check on their kids and waited until they heard the newest addition born. Lucious looked over at Candance and saw that she was swaying and started to look a bit nauseous. "You can go in the kid's room if you'd like Candance," Lucious offered and she gladly accepted. Everyone else shook their head and laughed at her.

"Baby, look at me," Lu directed at Cookie. She looked up at his piercing eyes and started to slow down her breathing. "There you go baby girl. You know what to do. I got her, you just focus on pushing. You ready?" Lucious asked. Cookie nodded, her next contraction creeping up. Carol grabbed the bullet in Lucious' arm, causing him to wince in pain, then focus back on his daughter in his hands. Cookie started to push and screamed, making Dre turn his head so his ears didn't start bleeding. The baby's head was out and Lucious admired his baby girl for a few seconds. "She looks just like Neveah, Cook. Give me another big push. She's almost out. A little more pain in exchange for-" "A heart full of love. Ok," Cookie finished the sentence. She took a deep breath like her life depended on it. "She's out!" Lucious rejoiced. He placed her face down in his hand, rubbing her back until she cried, then wrapped her in a blanket. Carol finished Lu's stitches then sat back and watched the interaction between father and daughter. Lucious wiped his daughter and cleared the mucous out of her mouth with a syringe. Once he got her all bundled up, he noticed that she stopped crying and stared right into his eyes. His heart began to melt at the sight of his perfect little girl.

"Ummm can I see my baby? I did just push her out," Cookie snapped. Lucious walked over and handed his baby to his wife. "She's so perfect. Our little Miracle. Oh my God, Lucious. She does look like Neveah," Cookie said through tears. Lucious wrapped his arm around his wife and kissed her forehead as she marveled over their precious daughter. "How about Haven Neveah Lyon? So, she can have a piece of her sister with her," Lucious suggested. "I love it and I love you. Hi Haven. Our little princess," Cookie whispered to her baby girl. Andre and Carol walked out to give the happy couple some time alone with their newborn. "So, what happened to your arm Lucious?" Cookie asked. "Eddie happened, but Giselle killed him. We should be more open to her and Dre being together. If this doesn't prove that she is loyal, then I don't know what does. Either Dre or I would be dead if she hadn't pulled the trigger," Lu explained. "We will talk to them later. I'm glad you're ok. I don't think I could've done this if you weren't," Cookie confessed.

"Yes, you could have. You're a Lyon. You would've pushed her out and taken care of business like you always do. That's why I love you so much. You're strong and driven, and you do what you need to for our family. Baby, you ran Empire without me and held strong for all of us. I believe that you would've been able to go on and make things even greater if I wasn't here," Lucious voiced his love. Cookie wiped her tears then said, "I could have, but I don't want to do anything without you ever again Lucious. I mean, look at this precious little girl. If you weren't here to see her, it would've killed me inside. You are the world to our kids, but you are my entire life. Promise me, you will be here. I don't want to lose you." Lucious turned Cookie's head to look her in the eyes. "I promise you, that I am not going anywhere anytime soon. I am staying here, by your side, loving you and our cubs with every breath I have left in me. I love you, my queen," Lucious said against her lips. Haven squirmed in Cookie's arms then rested against her chest, falling asleep.


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