Rebuilding Our Empire

By I_Give_Life

42K 1.1K 129

My Version of Season 5. The journey of newly remarried Cookie and Lucious and all the things they have to con... More

It Can't Possibly Start Off That Bad
Take Eddie Out After the Honeymoon
Will He, Won't He
Who Can We Trust
Nevaeh Lyon
This is Us, But For How Long?
Nothing Is Ever Easy
We're Getting Close
Lyons are Strong, We Fight
We Have to Do Things Differently
Back to Business
She Knows Something
Sins of a Mother Begin to Unfold
There's More to Our Past
Where is Lucious?
2 Years Later
You Did What!?
I Gotta Find My Baby
For The Last Time
Is This What You Wanted?
My Blood = My Family
What the Hell is Going On?
We Need This to Work
Is That Alright?
Let Me Fix This
Season Finale: Protect Your Heart

Let's Take This Bitch Out

1.6K 42 10
By I_Give_Life

In Empire's Conference Room

No One's POV

The entire board sat around the conference table for an emergency meeting. Everyone was present except Giselle and Eddie. Leonard and Edna felt it was best that the two weren't present considering they were discussing Eddie's behavior lately. "We need to figure out what we are going to about Eddie Barker," Leonard started the meeting. Edna nodded and added, "I think it's clear that everyone here is not happy nor comfortable with the changes that have been made by him. He has also been absent the past two weeks and that's not something that a CEO should be doing." Everyone nodded in agreement. Leonard continued on, "We feel that it would be best for Empire, if we find a new CEO to run the company. Maybe we could have you, Kelly Patel, as the CEO until we find someone permanent?"

All heads turned and looked at Kelly Patel, waiting for an answer. Kelly Patel sat up in his seat and clasped his hands together. "In all honesty, I don't see anyone more fit to run this company other than the family we took it from. I told Eddie that I didn't want the drama and sure enough he brought it. The Lyon's want this hell hole so let them have it. And if you try to pawn it off on someone else, then I will personally advise them to walk away. Keep Eddie or don't keep him. I don't care. I'm pulling my shares and getting out of this business. If you were smart, you'd do as I said and give it back to the Lyon family," Kelly Patel professionally confessed as he slowly walked out of the conference room. All board members looked at Leonard and Edna, hoping for some reassurance or a suggestion for a new CEO.

Edna put her head in her hands and shook it. Neither of the two had a clue who they should suggest for the CEO. All of their options had been invalid. There was no one left to hand Empire over to, except back to the Lyons. "Does the board agree to bringing the Lyon family back to Empire?" Leonard asked. He looked around the room and sighed. The sounds of 'Aye' circling the room filled Edna and Leonard's ears. They looked at each other and nodded. "Looks like it's time to welcome back the Lyon's," Edna said.

Back at the Mansion

Lucious grabbed the decanter that held the Hennessy and locked himself in his office. He knew he had messed up with Cookie. He didn't mean to come off aggressive, but in his mind, Cookie was pushing him way too much. He didn't want to confront the past and he had no intentions of doing so. But Cookie wanted to talk about it. He tried calling her and texting her repeatedly but she didn't answer. Finally, he got a text from Jamal saying that he was putting Cookie's phone on silent because she needed to rest. Lucious threw the phone in the drawer and turned on music. He grabbed the Hennessy, not bothering to get a glass, and took it to the head as the beat of It Would Be You by Trey Songz played loudly from the speakers.

He stared at the pictures of his family that surrounded his office and focused on Cookie. He loved her since the day he met her. He never wanted to hurt her in the ways that he did, but it seemed to be something that came too easily. Hurting Cookie meant hurting the family, which was something he learned five years into their relationship. Andre always stood up for Cookie when she got upset about something Lucious had done, even as a child. And when Jamal came, he joined right along with his big brother. Although Cookie used to say the boys would go to war for Lucious, he always felt they would rather die for their mother than fight for their father. Lucious continued to drink himself into a stupor, not realizing that Hakeem and Malcolm both knocked on the door to get his attention.

Lucious hadn't been like this since Cookie got sentenced, but right then, he felt like she was locked away from him all over again. He grabbed his phone out of the drawer and clicked on his wife's name. Before he realized it, he was sending her a text.

Cookie, I'm so sorry for what I said to you. I didn't mean it. I honestly just didn't want to talk about Neveah because I don't know who to blame. I blame God for letting things for going down that day. I blame myself for not staying home with and for not being more prepared for that drop. I know it's not your fault why our daughter isn't here. Somethings just happen that are out of our control. I'm sorry Baby. Please forgive me or at least talk to me. You can yell at me, hit me with a bat, throw a stiletto at my head. Whatever you want to do I will let you. I know you're sleep right now, but I want you to know how deeply sorry I am and how much I love you and all of our cubs so much.

Lucious felt himself drifting off, dropping the glass container, spilling liquor on the floor. He jumped slightly at the sound of glass shattering. He unlocked the doors and tried to walk out of the office, but the sound of his phone going off stopped him. He looked down at a text from Cookie;

I forgive you. Stop drinking and go to sleep. Maybe we can talk later after some rest. I love you Lucious.

Lucious smiled at the words of his wife. He had hoped she'd read it before noon tomorrow. He still had to take care of Malcolm and he wanted her by his side like old times. He let out a hiccupped chuckle and text back;

I hope we talk later. I miss you and I love you too my Lyoness. Get some rest Gorgeous.

He put his phone in his back pocket and stumbled to his room. Hakeem and Tiana watched the drunken stumbles from around the corner like two children eavesdropping. Tiana tried her hardest not to laugh, but she let small snickers out as she watched Lucious barely make it to his room. "Is that how you are when you don't have me?" She whispered to Hakeem. "Hell nah. I be straight. I'm a Lyon and Lyon's don't cry," Hakeem replied back. "Well your dad is the head Lyon and it seems like he just did a fair share of crying about your mom, so I doubt you are exempt from letting tears fall," She whispered in an impudent manner.

Hakeem looked at her ashamed that she called his bluff. "Yeah, well if I do cry over you, it's because you are an amazing woman and I don't want to lose you ever again. You're my one," Hakeem professed to Tiana. She started to blush and kissed his cheek before walking back to his room. Hakeem made sure his father made it into the room before following Tiana. Once he saw the door shut, he decided not to worry about anything other than enjoying his time with Tiana. His parent's problems were not his and he didn't care to try and fix them.

Jamal's Penthouse

10 A.M. the Current Day

Cookie woke up to a note left on the nightstand beside her that Jamal had left, letting her know that he was gone and left her breakfast in the kitchen. She smiled at the thought that Jamal was still her little helper. She got up and went to shower before going to eat. As she showered, she took the time to think about everything that was going on. It slipped her mind to tell Lucious about Malcolm, but there was always time to tell him later. She got out the shower and put on clothes. As she walked out of the room humming to herself, she heard voices. There wasn't supposed to be anyone else in the house so she grabbed her gold-plated gun out of her purse. She swiftly moved through the penthouse, trying not to be heard. Once she got around the corner to the kitchen, she pointed the gun at a woman who had her back to her. "What are you doing in my son's house?" Cookie questioned the woman. As the woman turned around, Cookie started to realize who it was.

"Loretha, if you don't get that gun out my face!" Yelled Candace. Carol was searching for snacks, not noticing that Cookie had come around the corner. "What are you two bitches doing here?" Cookie snapped at her sister's. She wasn't sure, but it seemed like Carol was high. She was too busy looking for food to answer Cookie. Candace rolled her eyes and decided to answer, "Jamal called us and said you could use a sister day out. So here we are, trying to figure out why you are not at the mansion with the man you call your husband." Cookie flared her nose at Candace and snapped at Carol, "Get yo ass out the damn fridge! And why I'm here is none of your business. So, you can take your bougie ass back to the suburbs and take her high ass with you. Bye bye."

Cookie waved her sisters off but neither one made a move. They both looked at her, knowing that she needed to talk about whatever was on her mind. It must've been serious if she left her home to stay with her son. "Stop frontin' Cook. We know Lucious did something. He always doing something wrong. We just want to help our sister. Talk to us or at least me," Carol pressured. Cookie took a deep breath and rolled her eyes. "If I tell you, will you leave me alone then?" Cookie asked. Candance and Carol both shrugged their shoulders and nodded yes. Cookie walked over to get her food, then sat at the counter with her sisters facing her. She took a couple bites then looked up at her sisters staring at her.

"We had a talk about Neveah," Cookie vaguely stated. "Over thirty years later, but ok. What was said?" Candace sneered. "You can walk your sarcastic ass out the door if you'd like. I don't need you here," Cookie snarked at Candace. Candace leaned back into her seat and Carol chuckled at her oldest sister backing down. Cookie proceeded with her story, "Like I was saying, we talked about Neveah and... he blames me. Even after thirty plus years, he still thinks it was my fault that she died. I can't say I blame him. If I would've stayed inside with Carol, I probably wouldn't have hurt myself and hurting her. If I would've done like I should have instead of doing what I want, I'd have a daughter."

Cookie sniffled while wiping tears from her eyes. Candace had her hand to her chest while Carol shook her head in disappointment. After everything happened the day Cookie lost Neveah, not once did anyone make Cookie feel at fault. She already was beating herself up enough. "Cook, that was not your fault. You didn't do anything different than what any sensible woman would do. Things happen that we can't control. Lucious is a son of bitch for blaming you still after all this time. If anything, it's his fault," Candance calmly said as she moved closer to Cookie. "I'm with Candace. He shouldn't have gone on that drop. It wasn't even his drop to make. Oh shit," Carol let slip. Both Cookie and Candace looked at Carol.

"What do you mean it wasn't his drop? Whose drop was it? How do you know it wasn't his?" Cookie quickly questioned Carol. Carol looked at her sisters with a scared look on her face. She had said way too much and now she had to be the one to tell the truth. "I promised Bunkie I wouldn't tell Cook," Carol whispered. "Well Bunkie isn't here Carol. You let your big mouth get the best of you, now tell us what you know!" Candance yelled at her baby sister. "Okay! Bunkie came to the house before going to check on you and Lucious. He told me shit went wrong and he had a feeling something was going to happen because it wasn't Lucious' drop. Shyne was supposed to make the drop. He told Lucious the night before that he couldn't do it and Lucious told him that he'd take it. He said that since ya'll were having a kid, the money wouldn't hurt. That hit was a set up. Supposedly someone paid Shyne some extra money and paid off the goons who stabbed Lucious, but no one ever found out who," Carol confessed.

Cookie stood shocked at what her sister was telling her. This whole time, Lucious let her believe that the drop was normal and there was nothing more to worry about. "I gotta go. I need to talk to Lucious. I gotta figure this out," Cookie mumbled to herself. Carol ran up to her and grabbed her arm, "No! You can't talk to him about it. He spent years hoping he'd catch who did it. Hell, he had Bunkie and Vernon on the lookout and they always came up empty handed." Cookie scoffed and jerked her arm out of Carol's grasp. "I don't agree with Carol's reason, but I do think you should just leave it alone. You always go running after Lucious and his problems. For once just let his problems be his. He is always dragging you into some mess and you willingly let him. You're my sister and I love you. But leave it alone please," Candace begged Cookie. Cookie looked at both of her sisters and threw her hands up like she surrendered.

"Fine. I'll leave it alone. But if I find out something about it, then that problem will become my problem. And I don't let him drag me into mess Candace," Cookie rebutted. Jamal had walked through the door at the end of Cookie's comment. "You always let dad drag you into stuff. That's why you let him drag you into being-" Cookie slapped Jamal before he could spill the beans of the newest addition. Carol snickered at the red hand that laid on Jamal's face. "Shut your mouth boy," Cookie whispered in Jamal's ear. Jamal sucked his teeth then proceeded to tell Cookie what she needed to know. "Dad said he needs to talk to you about something. He said something about a warehouse. I don't know but he said meet him at 12:30." Cookie looked at the time then back at Jamal. "He said meet him at the warehouse or we need to talk about the warehouse?" Cookie asked to verify.

Carol knew what both of those sayings meant and she wanted no parts of it. She grabbed her purse and nudged Candace, signaling that they need to leave. "We're going to go. Call us Cook. Bye Mal," Carol said her goodbyes while Candace hugged Cookie and Jamal. Once they left, Jamal looked at Cookie with questions. "Does it matter what he said? It involved a warehouse, that's the important part," Jamal said with a smart attitude. Cookie squinted her eyes at him as if trying to figure out who he was talking to. "What's the point of you relaying a message if you can't repeat it right? Never mind. I'll ask Lucious my damn self," Cookie dismissed Jamal. She grabbed her phone and purse as she walked out of Jamal's penthouse. She got in the car and drove to the mansion to see what Lucious really wanted. She knew either Lucious wanted to talk about a potential threat or he wanted to handle someone who needed to be handled, but thanks to Jamal, she didn't know which.

Outside of Empire

Andre's POV

After going to the police station to tip off Eddie's involvement in Tory's death, I felt unstoppable. Being with Giselle also made me feel on top of the world. Last night was amazing for me. As we sit outside of Empire, I notice Giselle is a bit nervous. "Babe what's wrong?" I ask. Her hands are shaking, not majorly, but I still notice it. "What if this doesn't work Dre? Then he will know we are trying to take him down and I'm right next to you helping out," Giselle frantically spat out. I grabbed her hands and kissed them. "We are going to be ok. I promise you. This plan is going to work. You're not the only one who had a lot riding on this going right. I'm not planning on giving up if it goes wrong. Are you going to ride with me?" I questioned. She looked at me and nodded. I leaned in and gave her a kiss before we got out to go inside.

We walked inside going to the conference room that was being occupied with a meeting. Once inside everyone got quiet and stared at me, including Eddie. "Good morning everyone. I apologize for barging in like this. I just thought I would come and ask the board to reconsider bringing the Lyon family back to Empire. To run it and to bring millions back into the company," I stated nonchalantly. Leonard stood up from his seat and announced, "Actually, the reason we called this is to discuss the CEO position of this company. Eddie, as much as we love how you turned Empire around during Lucious' absence, we don't feel that you are fit to be CEO of Empire. We are voting to..." "Edward Barker, you are under arrest for the death of Tory Ash and Assault in the First Degree. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against you in a Court of Law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand?" An officer read Eddie his Miranda rights.

The entire boardroom sat quietly in shock and the lobby filled with employees filming Eddie getting arrested. He looked at me and gave a chuckle before nodding his head at the officer. They walked him out, pushing through the surrounding crowd of employees who were waiting for Eddie to leave Empire for good. I turned and faced the board, "So let's vote to bring my family back in, shall we?" Edna nodded and proceeded with the vote. The board voted in our favor so quickly, I didn't have time to take in the moment before I was shaking hands with Leonard. I looked at Giselle and she smiled at the good news. Maybe it's just the heat of the moment, but I see big things in the future for Giselle and I.

The Mansion

No One's POV

Cookie walked inside and instantly smelled bacon. She turned and saw Juanita walking out with food. "Good Morning Mrs. Cookie. Would you like something to eat?" Juanita asked. "Just give me a piece of bacon and don't tell Lucious," Cookie answered. "Yes ma'am," Juanita brought the bacon to Cookie so she could grab a piece. Cookie took a bite and moaned. It had been months since she ate real bacon. Lucious and the boys were so adamant about Cookie eating heart healthy, they banned her from all things she loved including bacon. She walked into the living room and grabbed a photo off the piano. Honest by Major was playing and Cookie started to hum to the song. She suspected that Lucious was getting dressed and she didn't want to just go searching for him.

She found herself staring at one of their wedding photos from when they were kids. She thought about what Carol told her. As much as she wanted to say something to Lucious, she knew it wasn't the right time. Right now, she needed to see why Lucious called her over so urgently. She didn't notice that Lucious was watching her from the doorway as she started singing the words to Honest. (Cookie vs Lucious vs Both)

Only you can take me this way
Loving me through all my mistakes
Oh yeah yeah Oh oh oh oh
I just wanna be Honest with you
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
I just wanna be Honest with you yeah
Oh oh oh (I just wanna be Honest, yeah yeah) Oh oh oh
Maybe I just loose some touch
Maybe I just think too much
Take me as I am my love
My Love

I just wanna be Honest
I wanna be Honest
Oh oh oh
I just wanna be Honest with you

By the end of the song Lucious was wrapped around Cookie and she had melted into him. Neither had noticed Hakeem was recording them singing so perfectly together. Cookie turned around and faced Lucious. "I'm sorry baby," Lucious whispered to his wife after placing his forehead on hers. "I'm sorry too," Cookie apologized back. Lucious looked at her and questioned, "Why are you apologizing?" "Because I wasn't able to give you a daughter," Cookie choked up. Lucious ran his thumb across her cheek and looked in her eyes. "You gave me three big headed boys. And you are carrying our last child. You've given me more than I ever knew I wanted. And this one might be our little girl. You have nothing to apologize about. Not to me," Lucious tenderly explained. Cookie stood on her toes to give him a kiss. Even though he did hurt her last night, that didn't compare to how much he truly loved her.

"So, what is going on with the warehouse?" Cookie jumped back into business. Lucious chuckled and walked to fix a drink for himself. "I told Jamal to tell you to meet me at the warehouse. That boy hasn't been able to relay a message since he first started talking," Lu joked. Cookie laughed knowing that was definitely true. "So, who is lucky bastard?" Cookie inquired. Lucious turned, leaning against the bar, "Malcolm." Cookie let out a sigh of relief. She was worried he had Eddi tied up in the warehouse instead of letting Andre handle it like he said. "Good. That bitch set me up," Cookie proclaimed.

Lucious loved when Cookie was on the same wave as him, especially seeing the dark side come out of her when they were about to handle someone. Lucious raised one eyebrow then gave a devilish smile. He called Juanita into the room so he could have her tell Malcolm that he was needed and where he was needed at. Once Juanita took the information, Cookie and Lucious walked out of the house, on the way to the warehouse. Hakeem made sure his parents were completely out of the driveway before calling his brothers over to talk about his newfound idea. He might be just getting back to normal, but the sudden idea that struck him couldn't be held in for long.

In Andre's Car

No One's POV

Giselle began to show her excitement much more, now that Eddie was in handcuffs and Empire was back in possession of the Lyon family. She bounced slightly in the car as she praised Andre for succeeding in his plan. "Babe it actually worked! We are free. I'm free from Eddie's crazy ass and you have your family company back. I know they are going to be so happy with you. It seems so surreal right now. We actually pulled this off!" Giselle shrieked. Andre grabbed her hand and kissed it while keeping another hand on the steering wheel. "I'm sure they will be proud. I also think it's time we tell them about your role in this plan as well as your role in my life," Andre suggested. Giselle stopped being excited immediately. She looked at Andre like he was truly insane and not just bipolar. "Umm I don't know about that. You mother and I don't exactly have the best feelings towards each other. Are you sure?" Giselle asked, hoping he would back out. "Of course, baby. You're mine now and they need to know that. Look at we've accomplished here. It's time that everyone came together. It's going to be fine, trust me," Dre assured.

Giselle started fiddling her fingers and looked down. She didn't want to come out to Lucious and Cookie. If they were anybody else, then she'd be all for it. But something told her that they would never accept her no matter what role she played in helping out their family. Dre, on the other hand, thought that his parents would take to liking Giselle way better than they did to Rhonda, even though they began to like Rhonda when she was pregnant. More or less, they liked the baby she was carrying rather than her. Dre looked at his phone to see Hakeem sending him an urgent text to come by the mansion. "If you want to get it over with, we can go now together. My brother needs me to come by anyways. How does that sound?" Andre pressured. Giselle looked up and shook her head no. "No, not right now. I'll wait at your place for you to come back. I'm just not ready for that yet. Let's do it another day... please," she begged. Andre could see the stress in her face and agreed to her terms. He didn't want her to be uncomfortable, then run off because he pushed too far.

He steadied his course and made it back to her place. She tried to hurry out of the car before Andre attempted to convince her to go to the mansion again. Andre grabbed her wrist before she could get all the way out of the car and pulled her close to him. He leaned in and gave her a kiss then whispered, "I'm not going to force you to do something that you don't want to do. Whenever you're ready, then we will tell them. I will wait for you. I'll be back as soon as I find out what Hakeem wants." Giselle put her head down and gave a small smile. She looked up and kissed him on the cheek then exited the car. She shut the door and waved bye. As she turned around, her phone began to ring as NY Police Department flashed across her screen. She didn't want to answer, but she had a feeling in her gut that if she didn't then she would surely pay the consequences.

At the Old Warehouse

Cookie and Lucious stood in the warehouse, waiting on Malcolm to show up. They had Web and two other guards in the corner, ready to grab and tie down Malcolm once he entered the area. Lucious grabbed Cookie, pulling her into his chest, and started slow dancing. Cookie started laughing, "What are you doing, old head?" Lucious moved a strand of her hair out of her face and smiled. "I can't dance with my wife anymore?" He lightheartedly asked. Cookie dropped her face, trying to hide that she was blushing like a school girl. "You always feel like being all romantic when we're about to do some fucked up shit," Cookie threw back at him. Lucious ran his thumb up and down her cheek, acting like he was ignoring her little jabs. "Who was the one that always got turned on when I had blood left on me from doing the same fucked up shit?" He casually questioned. Cookie didn't say a word after he asked, but instead laid her head on his chest. "Don't get quiet now. Where are the slick comments?" Lucious teased.

Cookie looked up and gave him a love tap across the face. He raised an eyebrow and drew his hand back to give her a hard slap on the ass. She screamed at the tingling feeling. She had on a thong, leaving practically no protection from the hit underneath her flowing dress. Lucious rubbed her backside, soothing her pain and turning her on all at the same time. "Where is Malcolm?" Cookie impatiently asked. They had only been there about 20 minutes, but she felt like it had been 20 hours. Finally, they heard the door open on the far side of the warehouse. Malcolm walked in with his best poker face on. He didn't know what exactly to expect, but he knew they had found out he was part of Puma's plan. "Malcolm. Nice of you to finally join us. Have a seat," Cookie demanded. Malcolm sat down on the only chair in the middle of the warehouse. As soon as he hit the seat. Web and another guard came and cuffed him to the chair. Malcolm started to panic at the sight, but didn't bother putting up a fight.

"Looks like soldier boy got heart. I like that," Lucious heckled. He could tell Malcolm was shaking in his skin. Cookie slowly walked around the chair, trailing her finger over Malcolm's shoulders, causing him to shiver from her touch. "So, you thought we wouldn't find out about you working with Puma. And for some reason, you though that we weren't going to handle you. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought you never worked for us," Cookie stated. Lucious walked over to a small table that had knives, pliers, and ice picks on it. He saw a nicely sharpened ice pick that seemed to be the perfect length. He walked over and stood in front of Malcolm, handing Cookie the pick while she stood behind Malcolm's chair.

"You see, when it comes to me, Lucious finds out everything. And I'm a smart Cookie. It didn't take long for me to realize that you had set me up. Now the question is, why did you do it?" Cookie pressed on. Malcolm frantically looked between the two Lyons. He took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes. "The plan wasn't to hurt you. At least that's what he told me. He just wanted to get you alone so the two of you could talk. When I found out that there was more to the whole thing, I stopped reporting back to him. I didn't give him any more information. I promise Cookie," Malcolm pleaded. He wanted to come out of this predicament alive, but he wasn't sure she believed him. "Hmmm. That doesn't sound to accurate to me. If you had done what you said, I wouldn't have been snatched up in the first place," Cookie whispered down as Malcolm's breath started speeding up even more.

Cookie quickly rammed the ice pick through Malcolm's arm. Blood spewed onto the plastic that laid on the grown as Malcolm yelled out in pain. Lucious watched, becoming aroused by his wife's dominant behavior. "Let's try a different question, shall we. Who grabbed me outside the building?" Cookie moved on. Malcolm whimpered, not wanting to answer her. Cookie walked in front of him, squatting down in between his legs. She let the pick run up and down his thighs. "I don't know!" He yelled, his whimpers turning into full blown tears. Cookie smacked her lips and sighed. She drove the pick into his right thigh until she hit the bone. Malcolm screamed at this point. HE couldn't hold his macho façade any longer. "It was me! It was me! I'm sorry. Please... just let me go. I promise I will never come back no matter what I'm paid.

Lucious tapped Cookie's shoulder, then helped her stand back up. He grabbed her face, turning it to face him. "You are going to leave and never come back. I don't take too lightly to people bringing harm to my wife. And I just wouldn't want there to be a chance that someone could come back and do her more harm. She's been through enough in my opinion and I will do whatever I need to do to protect her," Lucious confessed. Malcolm let out a breath he had been holding. He watched Lucious pull Cookie in for a kiss. He thought that they were going to let him go after that. Until they both turned to face him, pulling two matching gold-plated guns from behind them and shooting him in the chest simultaneously. Malcolm took one last big breath as his chest burned from the fire that struck him. Cookie gave an accomplished smile as she laid her head on Lucious. Web had signaled for the other two guards to come take Malcolm away, while Lucious handed the guns to Web so he could take them to Thirsty.

Lucious rubbed Cookie's arm and guided her back to the car. She got inside and blocked his ability to shut the door. "I have to admit, I miss doing this with you. Taking care of business and punk ass marks," Cookie professed. Lucious draped his arm over the car door and smiled. "I do too. I miss doing everything with you. We always make one hell of a team, don't we?" Lucious agreed. Cookie nodded then looked up at her dreamy husband. One thing she absolutely loved was how much sexier Lucious looked to her, especially after just gunning down a threat. It was like he had a glow around him.

She was also extremely horny because of the pregnancy. "How about we go to my old penthouse and have some celebratory sex?" Cookie purred. "And what are we celebrating, my love?" Lucious coyly asked. "Us... COMING... together," Cookie seductively answered, putting an emphasis on coming. Lucious looked at Cookie's expression and quickly shut the door, running to get in the driver's side of the car. He couldn't deny he how much he loved pregnant Cookie. He didn't even have to ask to get some nookie from her during those nine months. He turned the car on and looked at Cookie one last time. She knew what he was thinking and decided to slip her thong off and laid it in his lap. He licked his lips and tried his hardest to stay focused on the road. If nothing else was known, Lucious was going to make sure Cookie had no intentions of walking around the rest of the day.


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