Rebuilding Our Empire

By I_Give_Life

42K 1.1K 129

My Version of Season 5. The journey of newly remarried Cookie and Lucious and all the things they have to con... More

It Can't Possibly Start Off That Bad
Take Eddie Out After the Honeymoon
Who Can We Trust
Nevaeh Lyon
This is Us, But For How Long?
Nothing Is Ever Easy
We're Getting Close
Lyons are Strong, We Fight
Let's Take This Bitch Out
We Have to Do Things Differently
Back to Business
She Knows Something
Sins of a Mother Begin to Unfold
There's More to Our Past
Where is Lucious?
2 Years Later
You Did What!?
I Gotta Find My Baby
For The Last Time
Is This What You Wanted?
My Blood = My Family
What the Hell is Going On?
We Need This to Work
Is That Alright?
Let Me Fix This
Season Finale: Protect Your Heart

Will He, Won't He

1.9K 44 3
By I_Give_Life

The Next Morning

Tiana woke up hoping that Hakeem would be awake as well. Reality struck when she saw he hadn't moved, flinched or fluttered an eye. She had a dream that Hakeem was awake, back to himself, and helping her get prepared for their own baby. She didn't want to be depressed during this pregnancy but she couldn't help it. She had just gotten out from under Eddie's spell and gotten back with Hakeem. She didn't expect to be sitting in a hospital bed waiting on the love of her life to wake back up. She laid her head on his hand and silently wept. A nurse came in, bringing her food.

"Here sweetie. I brought you something to eat. It's not the best but it's something. I don't think Mrs. Lyon would appreciate you not eating," the nurse said. Tiana looked up at the nurse and wiped away her tears. "Thank you. It's Ms. Lyon though. She isn't married anymore. Although she clearly still loves Lucious," Tiana corrected. "Oh. I'm sorry. I thought the rings meant they were married," The nurse dropped the bomb ass she placed the food down.

"The rings?" Tiana gave the nurse a puzzled look. "Yeah, the rings. Her and Mr. Lyon had, what looked like, wedding rings on," she recollected. Tiana cocked her head to the side and thought back to last night when they left. She remembered seeing Cookie with a diamond ring on her hand, but she didn't think anything of it because Cookie always wears novelty or diamond rings, even on her wedding finger. It should've triggered in her mind when she saw the diamond encrusted ring on Lucious finger as he played with Bella.

"Tiana?" The nurse called out. "Yeah. I'm sorry. Maybe they will get remarried someday," Tiana played off. "Maybe. You let me know if you need anything. Just press the button and I got you," the nurse headed towards the door. "Thank you," Tiana said, still in shock. The nurse walked out, leaving Tiana with her thoughts. She let out a small chuckle at the thought that Lucious and Cookie got secretly married. She didn't even know if they were even back to that point in their relationship again. She also thought about how she hadn't been around the family that much lately since Eddie was brainwashing her. She looked down at her still flat belly and started to rub it gently.

"You hear that baby? Your grandma and grandpa are married again. Isn't that great?" She spoke to the baby. "Please tell me you're lying. King Kong and Godzilla did not get remarried," Hakeem's tired voice spoke. Tiana jumped from hearing the voice of her man. "Keem! Oh my God......Baby you're awake!" She screamed. She jumped up and hugged him so tight. She had to make sure she wasn't dreaming still and when she realized that she wasn't, she didn't want to let him go.

"Bae.........too tight," he groaned. "I'm sorry. I'm just so happy that you're awake. I've been waiting all night. I was starting to get worried," Tiana began to cry. "T, I'm a Lyon. We always pull through. How is my cub in there?" He said looking at her stomach. "Probably a nervous wreck like me," she sighed. "Nah. He's a Lyon as well. He ain't gonna be scared of nothing. Where's Bella at?" He looked around. "Your parents took her. They didn't want to leave her up here," She explained.

"Aight. Come here," he waved her over. Tiana climbed into the bed with Hakeem, laying her head on his chest. It felt right to be under him again. He rubbed her arm and kissed her forehead. He wanted to enjoy feeling Tiana against him once again. He wanted to embrace the moment, but he knew soon he would have to speak with a doctor. He needed to know why he had no feeling in his legs.

Back at the Mansion

"Hmmm Lu stop it," Cookie moaned. "Nah. Yo ass wasn't saying that last night," he said against her skin. "Oh, hush old head. She giggled from Lucious tickling her side. "Who you calling old?" He playfully asked. "You. HA!" She let out her obnoxious laugh. "I'll show you old," he pulled her into him.

Cookie let out a scream as Lucious grabbed her, tickling her non-stop. He finally let her breathe and kissed her forehead. She laid on top of him, staring into his hazel green eyes, taking in the warm loving feeling she had brewing inside. She leaned in and gave him a longing kiss. Then buried her face in his neck. He started to rub her back and take in her scent. He thought she was about to drift back off to sleep when she popped her head up again.

"Are you hungry? I feel like cooking something," she asked as she ran her finger along his collarbone. "Yeah," he licked his lips. "Okay. Go check on Bella. We can go see Hakeem afterwards. Maybe see if Dre wants to go with us?" She threw out as she got off him. "I'll call him. Go cook me some food woman," he smacked her on the ass, "I got this." "You play too much. You could say please," she said, walking to the closet.

"Please," he gave her a begging puppy face. "Still crazy. Go get my grandbaby," she spat. Cookie put on her robe and walked out of the room towards the kitchen. Lucious put on a pair of silk pajama bottoms and grabbed his phone before going into Bella's room. Once he walked into her room, she was already standing up in her bed reaching for him. "Hey Bella Boo. Come on. Let's go see what your grandma is making us," he said to the 2 year old.

He picked her up and carried her towards the kitchen. Once he got to the end of the hall, he started to call Andre's phone. He wanted to see if Dre was going to see Hakeem as well as start a plan to take Eddie out. For some reason Dre wasn't answering his call. Lucious didn't think too much into it. It was probably too early for him, considering he was pretty tired last night. Lucious put Bella down and watched her walk over to Cookie. It was a sight he wanted to see since he was 17 years old. The only difference is that he wanted to see his own daughter walking to her mother instead of his granddaughter. Cookie felt Bella's little hands grab her leg and turned quickly.

"Hi my baby," She bent over and picked up Bella, letting her rest on her hip while she continued to cook. Lucious loved how she always managed to take care of everything while still holding a baby on her hip. She did it for years and he didn't mind the thought of her doing it again, even at their age. "Lu, can you grab the plates off the top shelf for me?" She asked, not facing him.

"I'd rather see you jump up and get them yourself," he tried to be slick. "You just want to watch my ass shake in this robe," she rejected. "I mean you can take it off," he held a grin. "Shut up nasty," she giggled at his comment then looked at Bella, "Yo granddaddy is a nasty beast."

"Don't be telling her that," Lu frowned. Cookie laughed out loud and went to place Bella in her chair. She turned around to see Lucious sticking his finger in the homemade strawberry syrup she had made for the pancakes. "Uh get your sticky fingers out my pot!" She yelled. "Aww come on. Then can I stick them in something else?" He playfully growled in her ear.

"Oh my... Lucious move. Go sit with Bella. Did you call Dre?" She pushed him away. "Yeah, I think he's still sleep. He didn't answer. I'll have Thirsty go over there and check on him," he said as he sat next to Bella. "Okay," she said, taking a sip from her glass. The couple sat down and ate, both taking turns feeding Bella, when Lucious' phone rang. Tiana's name flashed across the screen. Lucious put the phone on speaker so Cookie could hear any updates that Tiana had for them.

"What's up T," he drunk some orange juice to clear his throat. "Hey Lucious. Is Cookie with you?" Tiana asked. Lucious looked at Cookie playing with Bella instead of paying attention to the call."Yeah, she's right here. You're on speaker," he informed her. "Ok. Well I thought I would let you know that Hakeem finally woke up!" Tiana announced. Cookie dropped her fork, scaring Bella slightly. She didn't think she heard that right. Could she be dreaming right now?

"Babe? Are you-" "Shut up Lucious! Tiana, what did you just say?" Cookie asked for verification. "He's awake Cookie. It's not a dream at all. He wants to see Bella and you guys," Tiana said. "Oh, Thank God! Bella, you wanna go see yo daddy?" Cookie rejoiced. Bella started clapping her hands at cookie simply saying "daddy". She knew daddy meant Hakeem and her small angelic face lights up every time she hears mention of her daddy.

"Dadda!" Bella called out. "Yes baby. We are going to see your daddy," Cookie spoke out, excited more than anything. Cookie grabbed Bella and took her to get cleaned up and changed, forgetting all about eating breakfast or that Tiana was still on the phone. Lucious chuckled at Cookie being in her own world. "Tell my boy we are on the way. I think his mama is more excited than Bella," he continued to laugh. "Ok. Oh, and he is mad that you guys got married without him knowing," she told him.

"And who told him?" He asked, knowing Cook would feel some type of way. "Well the nurse pointed out the rings to me and Hakeem had woken up and overheard," she explained. "He was always sneaky. We will be up there soon," Lu shook his head. "K. I'll see ya'll when you get here," she said.

Lucious hung up the phone and went after Cookie to help her with Bella. Once he got into their room, Bella was sitting on their bed, playing with toys, and wrapped up in her mini version of a cheetah print bath robe. The thought of a mini Cookie started going through his mind yet again. He needed to shake that thought and focus on his son in the hospital as well as the traitor who has stolen his Empire. He walked into the bathroom and saw Cookie in the shower as she started humming "You're so Beautiful".

"Babe," he called to her. "Yessssss," she sang out. "Hakeem knows," he tossed out, cleaning the dirt under his nails. "Knows what?" She peaked her head out the shower. "That we are married," he looked up at her. "Ugh. I guess the only one we can surprise is Jamal.........Dammit Lucious! We have to call Jamal!" She groaned. "For what?" Attitude brewing from his tone. If Cookie could smack Lucious in the head from the shower she would have. She poked her head back out and glared holes into him. Sometimes she didn't understand why he acted so clueless when it came to including Jamal in family situations.

"Umm to tell him about Hakeem and us getting married?" She sarcastically asked, trying not to go off on him. "If he wanted to know about the family he would've stayed his ass right here where he needs to be," Lu threw in her face. "Do you have to be so heartless towards him forever? He need this trip for himself. Maybe you need to take a trip next. Heal some of those old wounds you keep trying to lick away. Old salty dog," she held her stern face.

Lucious looked at Cookie with annoyance. He didn't have anything against Jamal, but he felt like he should've stayed to help the family take care of the current events that had taken place. He loves his son and has healed their relationship, but somethings Jamal did still baffled Lucious. Somethings didn't seem like things a Lyon would do, such as leaving the country to soul search.

The couple continued to get themselves together and gather up Bella. Instead of having Thirsty go check on Andre, they decided to do so themselves. They are his parents after all. Cookie was still upset with Lucious for not wanting to include Jamal in the family predicaments, so she decided to give him the silent treatment as long as she could. Lucious knew that wasn't going to last long because Cookie doesn't stop talking long. Soon she would be yelling at him or cracking jokes about his weight. While they made their way to Dre's penthouse, Eddie was making his way to talk to Tiana at the hospital.


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