Queen Thorn (complete)

By TeresaSullivan427

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Rose was driven from court, because of the treatment she received from Dimitri and Lissa. But what happened t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 43

1.5K 52 41
By TeresaSullivan427


Roza and I quietly got dressed, hating what we were about to have to do. She'd told Christian, repeatedly, that he didn't have to come to Tasha's trial if he didn't want to. But he insisted that he was going to come to give Roza any moral support that she might need.

Neither of us had told him the things that Darius had told us about Natasha. Or any of the charges that Tasha faced really, or the true diagnosis given to us by Sonya.

I think that Roza was hoping that he would not come to the trial just so that he would never have to find out the things that Tasha had done. So that he would never know just how truly depraved that the suka really is. Because we both knew that when he found out some of the things the she is charged with it was going to crush him. (bitch)

"Have you spoken to Christian in the last few days Roza?"

"No, not since the last time that I told him that he didn't have to attend her trial."

"Did he ask why?"


"What did you tell him?"

"I told him that there were a lot of things that were going to come to light about Tasha. Things that he didn't need or want to know."

"What did he say?"

"That as my brother and your brother in law, that he needed to be there to support the both of us."

I sighed. "I sure hope that he takes our advice to heart about not pushing any of us away when he hears all of this horrific stuff."

"Me too Comrade, me too." I wrapped lyubov' moya in my arms and held her for a while before we had to leave for the trial. (My love)

Thankfully my mother and babushka were going to keep all the children at home with them today. But all three of my sisters insisted on being at the trial to support not only Roza and I, but also Christian. (grandmother)

When we got downstairs everyone was already in the living room waiting for us. Roza let go of my hand and walked over to Christian.

"Chris, are you really sure that you want to do this? There is going to be a lot of stuff said about Tasha in the next few days some very bad things, things that you really don't and shouldn't know."

"Thorn, I know that a lot of stuff is going to come out about her over the next few days, things that are going to be very difficult for me to hear. But I need to be there, I need to know all of the horrible things that she has done. The things that she has done to you my sister that you haven't told me about, to Dimitri my brother in law that I don't know about, what she has done to everyone that I care about."

She sighed, "all right."

Twenty minutes later we were all waiting inside mine and Roza's office in the municipal building, which just so happened to be the former palace. In ten minutes everyone, except for Roza and I, would have to go into the trial hall and get a seat. Everyone that was to attend had to be present before Roza and I walked in, including Tasha and her lawyer. If she had managed to find someone who was willing to represent her after they saw and heard all of the evidence against her that is.

She had lost three attorney's after they had seen and heard not only the charges against her, but also the evidence. One of them even threw up before he could even get out of the room and away from her.

There came a knock on the door to mine and Roza's office which with Alberta, being the head of our royal guardians answered.

"Guardian Petrova, it is time for the others to take their seats." Guardian Steven Sullivan informed Alberta.

"All right ."

She turned to the others, "it is time for all of you to find your seats."

After that Roza and I were alone in our office.

"I can't for the life of me come up with an excuse to keep Christian from being in attendance for the trial." Roza mumbled.

I knew that she had been wracking her brain for days trying to come up with a legitimate reason to keep Christian away from the trial.

She'd even gone so far as to offer to send him and Rebecca on a three week all expenses paid vacation to Fiji. Or anywhere else in the world that they might want to go. But he'd refused, telling her that he knew exactly what she was doing. But what he didn't know, was why she was trying so hard to keep him away. At least he didn't know yet. And I sincerely hoped that when he does find out that it doesn't break him completely.

"It's to late Roza. And even if you did come up with a reason for him to not be there he would still hear the gossip and read the news in the paper and hear it on the radio and television. So he would still find out the things that she has done. All we can do now is be there for him when he needs us."

"I know you're right Mitya, but I just wish that I could spare him from all of this pain."

"I know that you do detka, I know that you do. And so do I. But there is just nothing that we can do now." I comforted her and kissed her on the top of her head. (baby)

"I know, but that doesn't mean that I have to like it."

I chuckled, "no, no it does not mean that you have to like it."

Lyubov' moya laughed suddenly. "When we were back at the academy did you ever think that we would wind up here? With me doing everything that I could think of to get Christian away from court just so that he wouldn't ever have to know or find out what Tasha was really like. With me trying so hard to spare him this pain." (my love)

"Detka, even back then you would have done everything in your power to spare him pain. Simply because that is just the type of woman that you are and always have been. He may not have been your most favorite person in the world back then. But you didn't really dislike him, you just liked having someone besides Alto to argue with." (baby)

Lyubov' moya smiled, laughed and nodded at me. (my love)

Another knock came then.

"Come in." I said.

Alberta opened the door. "Your majesties, it's time."

"Thank you Alberta, we will be right out."

She nodded and reclosed the door.

"Are you ready detka?" (baby)

"No, not even close."

I leaned in and kissed her gently but also lovingly and passionately.

Hand in hand we walked out of our office and over to the trial hall surrounded by our guardians. Once we arrived we stood at the door waiting to be announced, Alberta cracked the door so that we could at least hear what was going on inside. Why she didn't just turn on the monitor I had no clue, maybe it was out of order for some reason or another.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am the head of the Guardian Corp Guardian Hans Croft. And we are here today, and probably for the next several days, to bear witness to the trial of the person formally known as Lady Natasha Ozera. Who has graciously been granted permission, by our queen and king, to be allowed to use her birth name for the duration of this trial."

He turned to the defense lawyer and asked a question. "Do you, as the defense attorney, wave the reading of the list of charges?"

"We do."

Now he turned to the prosecution and asked the same question.

"Do you, as the prosecuting attorney, wave the reading of the list of charges?"

"For the time being, yes. But I reserve the right to change that at any time in the future."

"So be it. Everyone please rise for our queen and king, Queen Rosemarie Rana Marisol Ivashkov and King Dimitri Tristen Colby Belikov."

That's when the footmen opened the door wide to allow my Roza and I to walk in, hand in hand, surrounded by our entire on shift Guardian Corp. I saw that Tasha's guards had to force her to her knees and internally shook my head.

It was obvious to me that she was going to make this whole entire process just as difficult and painful for everyone involved as she possibly can. Which made me feel even worse for poor Christian.

Once we were both seated my Roza said, "please rise and be seated."

She is such a wonderful queen. I wondered where she had learned all the proper protocols for being a queen but I knew that now was sooo not the time for such a discussion.

"Please proceed Guardian Croft."

"Yes, my queen."

Turning back to the crowd Hans began the arduous task that lay ahead of all of us.

"Before we being with opening statements. I ask both councils again, do you still wish to wave the right to the reading of the charges?"

"Yes." The defendant replied.

"No." The prosecution answered.

"Just so we are clear, the prosecution wants the charges read in their entirety is that correct?"

"Yes." The prosecution answered.

Hans turned to Roza and I. "Your majesties, the prosecution would like the charges read out. Do you give your permission for the charges to be read out in their entirety?"

I felt my Roza tense as she turned to look at Christian, I followed her eyes and saw that he was reacting the same way my fiancée had. But eventually he gave a small sad nod.

Lyubov' moya sighed worriedly before she turned back to Hans. (my love)

"You may read the list of charges in their entirety, Head Guardian Croft."

Hans bowed his head to her, "thank you your majesty."

I knew, that he knew, that this entire process was difficult for lyubov' moya for a few reasons. First and foremost was because of how Christian would react to all of the information that he was about to hear. The second is because although Tasha and my Roza had never really been friends. She had been semi friendly with Tasha in the very beginning, right up until when Janine had told her about the offer that Tasha had made me. And finally because Tasha had at one time been a distant acquaintance of mine, although not voluntarily. But mostly, it is because of the memories that she knew that I was going to have to relive and testify to. (my love)

Hans picked up a fairly thick stack of papers, from the lectern that he stood behind, cleared his throat and began.

"The charges filed against the former Lady Natasha Ozera are as follows.

1. Having Lucas and Moira Ozera turned into a strigoi with the intent of gaining custody of their  young son Christian. With the plans of stealing the inheritance left to him by his parents. And as revenge because they could have children and she could not. Having Lucas and Moira Ozera turned killed the unborn little girl that Lady Moira Ozera was carrying. So that results in another charge of murder for their unborn daughter.

2. Six counts each of attempted bank fraud, misappropriation of funds, embezzlement and theft. All from the inheritance left to Lord Christian Ozera from his parents Lucas and Moira Ozera.

3. One count of attempted murder of a four year old Christian Ozera, a week after she had his parents turned, by attempted drowning in a bath tub.

4. Twenty five counts of child molestation and attempted child molestation on Dimitri Belikov."

Everyone, not already in the know, gasped at that information. And Christian's eyes flew to mine, I looked at him for a minute then lowered my eyes.

That was just one of the things that Roza and I had never wanted him to know about Tasha.

I still can't understand how she thought that I would ever want to be with her after the things that she'd done to me when I was a child.

"5. Twenty counts of misuse of magic as a means of having fourteen men and six women sleep with her."

Again the room was filled with gasps.

"6. Innumerable counts of associating with, conspiring with, consorting with and sleeping with multiple strigoi for the last fifteen years.

7. Fifteen counts of having what she considered rivals for Dimitri Belikov's affections turned into strigoi. Seven additional counts of having more rivals being murdered by strigoi for the same reason.

8. The following counts of conspiring to have the entire Belikova family murdered. To keep them from getting in the way of, the former Lady Natasha Ozera, getting Dimitri Belikov as her guardian and life partner. 

One count of conspiring to have the mother, Olena Belikova, to King Dimitri murdered. 

One count of conspiring to have the grandmother, Yeva Belikova, to King Dimitri murdered. 

One count of conspiring to have the oldest sister, Karolina Belikova, to King Dimitri murdered. 

One count of conspiring to have King Dimitri's next oldest sister, Sonja Belikova murdered. 

One count of conspiring to have younger sister, Victoria Belikova, to King Dimitri murdered. 

One count of conspiring to have niece, Zoya Belikova, to King Dimitri murdered. 

One count of conspiring to have nephew, Paul Belikov, to King Dimitri murdered. 

One count of conspiring to have niece, Roslyn Belikova, to King Dimitri murdered.

9. One count of paying a strigoi, Galina Smirnov, to have her group of strigoi to attack St. Vladimir's Academy. Risking the lives of all two thousand three hundred and thirty one souls on campus at that time. Because of this attack we are also charging the defendant with two thousand three hundred and thirty one counts of attempted murder. Forty seven counts of murder for those killed during that attack. Thirteen additional counts of murder for those who were turned during the attack. Seventeen additional charges for the deaths of guardians that went on the rescue mission that were taken and killed.

10. One count of paying a group of strigoi to kill the then novice Rosemarie Hathaway, novice Eddie Castile, novice Mason Ashford, Mia Rinaldi and Lord Christian Ozera in Spokane. The reason behind the conspiracy to murder the then novice Rosemarie Hathaway. Being that the former Lady Natasha Ozera also saw novice Hathaway as a rival for then Guardian Dimitri Belikov's affections. The reason for then novices Eddie Castile and Mason Ashford as well as for Ms. Mia Rinaldi was to throw suspicion from the then novice Hathaway and Lord Ozera as being the true intended targets. The reason for targeting Lord Christian Ozera, so that she could stake a claim to his entire inheritance unchallenged. 

11. One count of murder for the death of novice Mason Ashford."

Roza's hold on my hand tightened considerably at that charge.

"12. Six counts of kidnapping three sets of newborn twins and giving them to a coven of witches who practice human sacrifice. Who then slaughtered the children in a ritual to bathe in their blood. In the hopes of the blood of the innocent children having the power to keep her looking young."

The gasps of 'oh my God!!' were heard all throughout the trial room. Some people were so shocked that they covered their mouths with their hands. Others were either so shocked, outraged or disgusted that they had tears in their eyes. Just as Christian did.

Poor Christian sobbed when he heard that charge. He had barely been keeping it together, but that is what finally broke him. I saw Rebecca wrap her arms around him and hold tightly to his sobbing and shaking body.

"13. Another count of attempted murder, this time again of Rosemarie Hathaway. The reason for this being that Ms. Hathaway's death is the reason that she arranged for the attack on St. Vladimir's Academy. Ms. Natasha Ozera contacted a strigoi named Galina Smirnov and paid her to have her strigoi attack St. Vladimir's Academy with the intent to kill novice Rosemarie Hathaway. And to either frighten Guardian Dimitri Belikov so badly that he would run to her, or to turn him. So that Ms. Ozera could then turn herself in the hopes that strigoi Dimitri Belikov would then want to be with her.

14. Conspiring to have court attacked by strigoi.

15. 19,710 counts of attempted murder due to the attack that she had planned for court.

16. 2,238 counts of attempted royal assassinations also for the attack planned for court.

17. One count of conspiring to kill Queen Rosemarie Rana Marisol Ivashkov.

18. One count of conspiring to have King Dimitri Tristen Colby Belikov turned back into a strigoi.

19. One count of conspiring to kidnap Prince Erik Dante Mason Belikov.

20. One count of conspiring to kidnap Princess Anitchka Maya Dasha Belikov.

21. One count of conspiring to kidnap Prince Grigori Cullen Ian Belikov.

22. One count of conspiring to kidnap Princess Valera Lorna Neylan Belikov.

23. One count of conspiring to kidnap Princess Katyuska Marinique Jasmine Belikov.

24. One count of conspiring to murder Prince Erik Dante Mason Belikov.

25. One count of conspiring to murder Princess Anitchka Maya Dasha Belikov.

26. One count of conspiring to murder Prince Grigori Cullen Ian Belikov.

27. One count of conspiring to murder Princess Valera Lorna Neylan Belikov.

28. One count of conspiring to murder Princess Katyuska Marinique Jasmine Belikov.

29. Five counts of attempting to compel Guardian Dimitri Belikov into her bed and into agreeing to become her guardian and lover.

30. Two counts of attempting to compel former novice Rosemarie Hathaway, into committing suicide."

Hans continued to read the charges for another half an hour. And going by the looks of those in attendance they were not only shocked by each and every additional charge that was read. But they were also disgusted and sickened more and more as Hans continued.

Eventually Hans finished reading the charges and those in attendance went wild. They were screaming for Tasha's head, they wanted to just forgo the trial and move straight to her execution. They were all as appalled by the things that Natasha had done as Roza and I were.


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