The Childish Berserker (RWBY...

By thaultrabeast

2.5K 48 10

A huntsman in training helps out a headmaster and gets invited to beacon where will this lead the cinnamon ro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Christmas spacial
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

96 1 2
By thaultrabeast

Normal speech: "Hello"
Action during speech: *standing up*
Yelling: "HELLO"
Thought: 'Hello'

(Hey I'm back I hope you all had a good holiday and enjoy the chapter)

Third person POV

Team BAGC was walking around looking at the people hanging out with their families looking for their own except Ash who was eating a Congo bar as usual when most of the crowd split apart and the one who caused it a tall man in a business suit with another man with him in the same attire and they appeared to be looking for someone one.

Beryl: "Wow look at that I didn't aspect someone so famous to come here."

Gray : "Famous? I don't think as much."

Before anyone could say anything else the tall man noticed the group and began to walk over with the person at his side going out in front.

Younger man: "Gray brother how have you been?!"
Gray: "I've been doing good Talus."

Talus hugs Gray but lets go as the tall and very buff man walked over and stopped in front of Gray Talus moved over to the side as to get out of the way the man then started talking.

Man: "You boy I'm to talking you I need to speak with you."
Ash: "If you have something to say to Gray you can do it in front of his team."
Gray: "Guys this is my dad Rusty he's an important and powerful man."

Ash and Crystal get a look of shock while Beryl is interested.

Rusty: "Boy who is this child mutt speaking to me?"

take two

Gray: "This faunus is this team's leader even though he's mentally five most of the time."
Ash: "Yeah I'm great wait what was that last part?"
Rusty: "I have no time for this I'm a busy man child."
Ash: "I'M NOT A KI--."
Gray: "Shut up and I'll give you a congo bar."
Ash: "Okay."
Talus: "That was easy."
Gray: "Guys I have to speak with my family leave us be."

The three go into the dorm while the rest of the team eavesdrop on the conversation.

Talus: "Brother this might be hard for you to hear but."
Rusty: "I've talked to the headmaster about removing you from this school as if you die you would be costly."

Gray stands up quickly.

Gray: "But father have you not seen my skills."
Rusty: "To late I've made up my mind."

Gray scoffs at this and says whatever but the rest of the rest of the team burst down the door and walk in.

Ash: "You can't do that he's an essential part of this team!"
Crystal: "He's the best swordsmen on this team!"
Beryl: "Uh Crystal he's the only swordsmen on this team."
Crystal: "He's the best swordsmen in this school among the first years!"
Rusty: "YOU dare speak to me like this you kid the leader I shall speak to your headmaster about this and as the team leader you will take responsibility!"

Rusty then started walking out of the dorm room but looks back at Gray.

Rusty: "I'm still surprised you got into this school your useless in battle."

Ash's hair started to turn red and stand up.

Ash: "Hey that's not very nice."
Rusty: "I'm not about nice it's what he is and he's of no use to anyone."

Ash's hair was almost fully red at this point with his fangs also growing a bit and he balled up his fists.

Gray: "Ash don't do something you'll regret."
Ash: "He's a meanie to you why don't you stand up for yourself?"
Gray: "He's my father there isn't much I can do."
Rusty: "At least you know your place boy show it to the child or I'll have to do it myself."

At this point Ash's eyes started to shine a mix of blood red and silver like a swirl.

Rusty: 'Oh so you were trying to hide this weren't you Ozpin?' "What's this it looks like something interesting."

Gray: "Damn it Ash don't do this." Crystal: "Why not? He shouldn't have the decision to kick you out of this school and Ash won't allow it."
Gray: "That's not what I'm worried about."

Ash's hair turned fully red with his eyes like a yin and yang of red and silver a blood red portal opens up with Aita coming out of it but before Ash could do anything he was sent flying out the window by a punch from Rusty before anyone could say anything Rusty jumped out of the window after Ash.

Beryl: "THE HECK WAS THAT?!?!" Gray: "Damn it I was worried this would happen."

Ash hit his head on the ground then jumped onto his feet and looked up to see Rusty land on the ground Ash grit his teeth in rage and jumped at Rusty swinging Aita at full strength as everyone came out the dorms they see Rusty punch Ash's head hard enough to plant his head into the ground Ash looks up with a face of shock.

Ash: "H-How c-could I with a s-single --."

He then blacked out with his hair returning to its normal color Crystal screamed Ash's name and ran to him she slide and carefully took his head out of the ground she looked at Rusty with eyes of hate and rage but looks away and takes Ash off to the nurse Rusty cracked his knuckles and walked away with Talus following the rest of the team went with Crystal.

Rusty: "Boy where do you think your going?" Gray: "I'm making sure a friend of mine is okay you can go wherever you want."
Talus: "But brother." Rusty: "Leave it he will be coming home with us."

Talus nodded at the nurse's office RWBY JNPR and PASA(PASA is Azure and his team just in case) walked into the office because a few of them got some cuts so they were getting band aides when they saw BGC sitting around in the office.

Azure: "Hey guys what's up and where's Ash?"

None of them answered but Crystal pulled a curtain back to revel Ash with bandages around his head still knocked out the group gasped.

Ruby: "Who could have done this to Ash?" Gray: "That would be my father." Yang: "Why the heck would your father beat up Ash actually who would want to attack Ash?"
Beryl: "His father is trying to take Gray out of the school said rude things about Gray Ash got mad they fought if you could call it that seeing as one punch was all it took and here we are." Silver: "What I didn't think it possible for something like that to happen." Crystal: "Neither did we I wish there was more we could have done but the fight was over by the time we got their." Azure: "Damn show me where this guy is i'll fight him and knock him down a few pegs!"
Periwinkle: "I'm sure they appreciate the thought but he beat someone who beat you you don't stand a chance Azure."

Azure grunts and walks out of the office to walk straight into Rusty Azure almost falls down but stopped himself and looked Rusty in the eyes well at least as best as he could due to the difference in height.

Azure: "Hey man what was that for?"

Rusty: "Who are you to speak to me like that boy?"

Azure: "I'm Azure leader of team PASA ."

Rusty: "And I'm I don't give a flying crap now out of my way boy."

Crystal: "That's him Azure!"

Azure: "You did this to Ash?"

Rusty: "That's the kid right? *Talus nods* And so if I did what will you do about it?"

Azure grunts and steps out of Rusty's way as with his experience in combat he knows he couldn't beat Rusty who responds with a smirk and walks into the office and stands right in front of Gray

Rusty: "Me and Ozpin reached a comprise that you would be happy to hear boy."

Gray: "And here I thought nothing you could say would bring me happiness."

Rusty: "Beat me in battle and you will be allowed to stay but if you are to lose not only you but Ash will be coming with us too."

Group: "WHAT WHY ASH?!?!"

Rusty: "For attacking me with a battleaxe he needs to make up for it." 'At least that's what I'll make you believe.'

Gray: "Fine then lets go outside."

Crystal: "Gray If you lose things will not look good for you."

Gray scoffs and walks outside with everyone following the two fighters face each other at a distance of about 10 meters.

Rusty: "How are you going to fight something you can't see boy."

Gray: "By opening my eyes to see my enemy to know his face and take revenge for my friend!"

Gray puts his contacts in and opens his eyes showing his usually gray eyes return to blue and he gets into a stance.

Rusty :'Ah good the special order I put in went through I guess I can still trust you a little Ozpin.'

Rusty follows Gray and gets into a stance after taking off his suit and button up shirt for just a tang top on his stance being a slight boxer's stance Azure went in between the and did a countdown after he said go he jumped back a few meters as the two charged at each other but where stopped by a purple glow.

Glynda: "If your going to fight please do it in the arena we have for this I don't want you braking apart the school."

Everyone heads to said arena where after getting into position they run at each other not waiting for a count down Gray's sword clashes with Rusty's fist and causes sparks to be formed Gray looks to see Rusty's aura undamaged and jumps back and gets into a ready stance. Rusty gets back into his stance and charges at Gray in a shoulder rush Gray dodged with a sidestep and swings at the body of Rusty who gets hit and he takes some damage to his aura. Rusty grunts and stops his charge and ducks under Grays return swing then attacks Gray with a spinning uppercut Gray only gets grazed as he pushed his head back to avoid the fist but couldn't dodge the second hitting his gut Gray slides back taking some damage to his aura. Gray looks up and grits his teeth his father looking at him with a you should give up face but Gray coats his sword in a black aura and his iris's turned pitch black. Gray leaned down going into a semi runner stance with his sword at his side and disappears into the shadows reappearing right in front of Rusty in an instant and makes a very fast set of slashes ending the combo with a pierce like attack sending Rusty flying out of the ring making a crater in the wall. Gray sighs with his iris's tuning back to blue and sheaths his sword casing the black that was on the sword to dissipate Rusty comes out of the wall and looks at Gray.

Rusty: "What are you doing boy this fight isn't over yet!"

Gray points to the battle system screen displaying their auras and then looks himself and gasps in shock that Rusty didn't go into the red after that barrage he looks to see a fist going to his face he gets hit and sent flying into a wall. Gray falls out of the wall but lands on his feet and looks at Rusty he gets his sword back out and charges at Rusty. Rusty does a hay maker punch while Gray swings his sword in a bottom to top motion as hard and as fast as he can coating it in it's usual black aura both fighters scream loudly as their attacks hit each other they pass each other but they both fall down with their aura's in the red meaning that it's a draw. Rusty from the ground starts laughing he looks at Gray.

Rusty: "All right then boy since I didn't win you don't leave and the kid stays *he gets up* Talus come on were going."

Talus goes and follows Rusty but waves bye at the group then the group goes back to the nurse to as they arrive they hear Ash stirring so Crystal rushes in and takes the curtain out of the way to see Ash sitting up. Ash looks around confused but he smiles when he sees Gray.

Ash: "Where am I? Gray your still here that's awesome wait don't tell me he's taking you tomorrow is he I don't want you to leave ca-."

Crystal: "Calm down Ash your in the nurses office after Rusty knocked you out and Gray isn't going anywhere."

Ash beamed a smile as wide as he could and yelled out yay but them held his head in pain Crystal worried a bit tells him to calm down again which he does the nurse comes in and looks at Ash in slight shock.

Nurse: "How are you up you shouldn't have woken up for at least a few more hours?"

Ash: "I don't know!"

Nurse: "Well since your up I'm going to do a check up now all of you out give him some space."

Everyone complies and walk out much to Crystals displeasure after a few minutes Ash comes out with some of his bandages off but still a few on the top of his head.

Crystal: "Ash are you okay?"

Ash: "I'm better then okay not really my head still hurts a bit but the nurse said I could still go to the dance tonight!"

Beryl: "You want to go to the dance? Didn't think of you as that kind of person."

Ash: "Well I have my reasons." 'Crystal sounded like she would have been really happy for me to go so I'm going to do it even though the nurse said it wasn't a good idea.'

Gray: "Well if that's the case come on dude we got to get ready."

Ruby: "Oh right the dance."

Weiss: "We planed it so it should be a wonderful time."

Asuna: "Whoa the Schnee planed it their must be a massive amount of wonderful things their."

Yang: "That was a bit strange."

Jaune: "Yeah well we are also going to get ready for the dance."

Nora: "Gray you should have broken his legs."

Ren: "Nora I don't think he really had the chance to."

Pyrrha: "Come on guys I'm sure they need to get ready as much as we do let's go."

Everyone left and got ready for the dance come time most of the group went together because team RWBY was already their the rest of the group met them Sun the monkey faunus from the docks with his friend Neptune who had blue hair were also their. They all hanged out and danced for a bit after sometime Jaune had left but came back wearing a dress which everyone laughed at but Ash remained confused as he thought only girls were supposed to wear those but Crystal said she would explain it to him later. After some time Ruby left but also came back after talking to general Ironwood after the dance was over they all went back to their dorms and went to sleep.

(A/N: Sorry this took much longer to complete then I said it would but I got a bit lazy after I got myself a computer so sorry about that but I hoped you enjoyed.)

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