Panstagram <> Vkook

By Aeri_Taekook

166K 8.6K 3.9K

Taebeach_95: Hey hottie ;) Jeon_Cena: Hi daddy 👋🏻 In which a graduating boy gets a DM from a stranger. More

Important update :)


1.3K 75 47
By Aeri_Taekook

  (Jungkook's P.O.V)

I froze in my place when I saw the officers in my living room.

Taehyung lead me to the sofa mom was sitting on and slowly sat me down.

"H-Hi?" I stuttered out once I was out of my trance.

"So as I said we are here regarding the Hoseok case-"


"Jungkook!" Taehyung panicked and took me into his arms.

the images of what happened were flashing all around me, I could not get out of the trance I was in.

I felt a slow chant of my name and it became faded every moment.

Then it went black.

I woke up in my bed, the blankets enveloping me.

Looking around, it was clear someone tucked me in.

"Hello?" I yelled out.

"Hey baby," Taehyung came in.

"Hi." I replied.

"I brought you some tea." Taehyung said as he made his way over to my bed, "How ya feeling?"

"Better. Still upset a little though."

"I'm sure you are, just take a little while to calm down and decompress."

Taehyung got in bed with me after setting my tea down when I took a sip. He cuddled me into his arms and I fell back asleep.
A few weeks passed, everything was going good; even my reaction to mentions of the Hoseok even calmed down.

Taehyung and I were currently walking around the town getting me everything I want.

When we were done shopping we went to eat and decided on a ramen place.

We walked in holding hands as we ordered a table for two.

Once we sat down Taehyung and I linked hands again and started talking. Soon our waiter came over.

"Hello-" she looked down at our hands and her expression changed, "Welcome to Ramen Plaza."

"Can we get a new waiter?" I asked.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because you clearly have an issue with homosexuality, and I'm not gonna let a homophobe ruin my day." I said sternly.

"Well you know Korea don't like homosexuality so why the hell are you holding hands in public?" She defended.

I felt myself get angry. Then I stood up.

"You listen here bitch, Korea is a homophobic place because of assholes like you spreading the disease of it." I started yelling, "It's not your fucking life! So mind your own fucking business, got it, hun?"

"Kookie, baby sit down." Taehyung urged.

"Leave you nasty people!" She yelled back.

"You have something against love you bitch?!" All the anger I had pent up finally came out.


"Shut up Taehyung!"

"No Junglook! You shut up, we're leaving!"

Taehyung suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the Ramen place.

He opened the passenger side door and threw me in angrily.


"Don't speak."

"Tae I'm sorry please-"

"Just leave me be. I'll drop you off at home."

I looked away, tears forming in my eyes. It was hard to hold them back.

I understood why Taehyung was mad; I did make a big scene and over react now that I think about it.

When we pulled into my driveway and Taehyung parked the car.

"Tae can we please talk about this?" I pleaded, "I'm sorry; I really am."

"Just get out."

I quietly got out of the car and when I got to the house I broke down crying, causing Jisoo to run over to me.

"What's wrong?" I didn't speak, I just cried into Jisoos arms

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