david + friends imagines

By byecutie

99.1K 1.6K 140

friends include: ..ilya fedorovich.. ..jeff wittek.. ..brandon calvillo.. ..scotty sire.. ..heath hussar.. ... More

kristen's friend {david}
video games {david}
celebrity {david}
bother you {david}
breather {david}
gold digger {david}
cheating prank {brandon}
nicotine habit {heath}
abandoned mall {colby}
haunted hotel {jake}
cheating prank {sam}
beard {elton}
new group, same anxiety {jake}
painting {sam}
ramen noodles {sam}
knj collab {colby}
at the club {brandon}
super glue {jake}
panic attack {brandon}
passed out {jake}
drunk {zane}
new car and- {david}
wisdom teeth {ilya}
blood and bruises {scotty}
girls in a box {david}
drunk surprise {ilya}
loving her {david}
fight {jake}
last to leave {jake}
surprise {jeff}
good enough {ilya}

"i want to quit" {david}

5.2K 97 7
By byecutie

"i don't care, jason, i want to" i hear my boyfriend, scream

"think about everyone else for a minute, would ya? the fans, your friends. and how are you going to afford things when your income just disappears? how are you going to support yourself and y/n? huh?"

i walk into the room with a confused expression, instantly turning to worry when i see david sitting on the edge of the couch with his head in his hands

i walk over, sitting on the couch next to him, rubbing his back "what's wrong, baby?"

"nothing" he mutters

"yeah, nothing" jason says, sarcastically

i look up, shooting jason a look "can you give us a moment alone, please?"

he rolls his eyes "whatever" before starting to walk down the hallway

"no, jason, i mean step outside or take a drive because not to be rude, but you always butt in"

he nods before bowing his head and walking out the door, his car driving off seconds later

"okay, tell me what's wrong" i say, gently

"i just-" he pauses, before taking his head out of his hands, looking at me "i want to quit youtube"

"okay, but give me some reasons why"

"it's stressing me out, i hardly get to spend time with you and i feel like i'm pissing my life away"

"i thought you saw them as memories"

"not anymore. they're just a nuisance and i want to be done with them"

i nod "okay, but you have to at least part with a video. it's only fair to the fans"

he looks at me shocked "you're okay with it?"

i nod "if that's what you want to do, i support you"

"but how would we survive, if i don't have youtube"

"we can both get jobs"

"but that defeats the purpose of spending more time with you"

i shake my heads, smiling "a job doesn't take up as much time as you think"

"but what if we don't make enough?"

"it will be enough. we are only two people after all, it's not like we're feeding a whole town"

"but what if-"

i cut him off, placing a hand on his cheek "baby, we can figure out everything else later. everything doesn't have to be planned out right now. but what does need to be done is for you to make one last video, explaining your feelings and such before you can be completely done. then we'll start looking for jobs"

"you're being too kind, i can't take it anymore"

i give him a confused look as i slowly remove my hand from his face, placing it in my lap

"baby, it was a prank. i'm not quitting youtube. i love it"

i smile "i was wondering because it was so out of the blue"

he nods, laughing as he grabs the camera putting it on a tripod before sitting down next to me again

"how were you so calm?" he asks, resting his hand on my thigh

i shrug, smiling "i honestly don't care what you do as long as your happy" i place my hands over his hand "i support you through everything"

"i fucking love you" he whispers before leaning in and kissing me deeply

i kiss back, melting into him

once we cool down, he looks at me with a big smile on his face "would you really get a job for me?"

"you make me sound like a stuck up bitch. of course i would get a job for you. i would have a job now, but you keep telling me that it's pointless to get one, so i don't"

he nods, laughing, pausing to make a cute face as he shrugs before laughing some more

i playfully roll my eyes as i rest my head on his shoulder

he wraps his arm around me, resting his head on top of mine

"to sum up this video, y/n loves me more than i thought and i need to step up my game"

i pull away, playfully hitting him "oh shut up. you do an amazing job without even trying"

"oh please, you know you're better but you're trying to act humble about it"

we both burst into fits of laughter

"just end the video, you goof"

"okay, that's all for this video, have a good day and remember that if treat your partner like your still trying to win them over, then you'll never have to worry about loosing them"

and with that he turns off the camera

"that ending was adorable"

he shrugs "it's true"

i smile, leaning up to kiss his lips

"i love you"

he smiles, connecting out lips again "i love you, more"

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