Metanoia [Ushijima x reader]


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Metanoia - the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life Ushijima x Reader fanfic Story sta... More

Chapter 1 : Near death experience, I think
Chapter 2 : Sorry, I think
Chapter 4 : Pole of Destiny
Chapter 5 : A Fateful Night
Chapter 6 : Dream?
Chapter 7 : Prelude to Interhigh
Chapter 8 : All Things Lost
Chapter 9 : In Her Eyes
Chapter 10 : Misunderstandings
Chapter 11 : Now... what?
Chapter 12 : Behind Oikawa's Eyes
Chapter 13 : The Volley of the Balls: The Fellows of the Ace
Chapter 14 : The Long Week Begins...
Chapter 15 : The First Ripple
Chapter 16 : Side Effects
Chapter 17 : Sometimes it's okay to ask for help
Chapter 18 : It Felt Soft
Chapter 19 : A Change in Perspective
Chapter 20 : Start of Something New
Chapter 21 : Opening Act: The Cat in the Box
Chapter 22 : Two Steps Behind
Chapter 23 : Tangential Thoughts
Chapter 24 : Coffee, Candy, and.. Clouds?
Chapter 25 : Boy Friend's House Visit
Chapter 26 : Summer Rain

Omake 1: Locker Room Shenanigans: A Classy Conversation

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A/N: As promised, I present to all of you an omake chapter!

Although it isn't as short as the other omake chapters I'm used to reading, it's shorter than what I usually make so eh.

WARNING!! The following content written in this chapter might be triggering to some of you. Therefore, if you are uncomfortable about the female body being used as a topic to base a story on, I suggest that you skip to the end notes of this omake as it will contain information that will be used in future chapters.

Take note that everything in this chapter is only written as a means to entertain and not to promote certain ideas that may seem untoward.

P.S I'm a girl, if you guys don't know

Hope you guys enjoy this short story!



Tendou said haughtily. Slowly, he swept his gaze across the room—acknowledging each person within with a curt and pompous nod.

"In light of recent events concerning our dear brother from another mother, Ushijima Wakatoshi, we have gathered here today not only to celebrate his birth as a man but also to discuss a pressing issue regarding our beloved princess, the sole lamb in the lion's den, the angel in this world of sinners, our dear manager..."

Tendou paused for dramatic effect. The room's lighting seemingly gathering around him dramatically, enveloping him in spotlight as everyone gazed upon him with determined stares and eyes glazed with profound interest and expectancy.

Chuckling silently to himself, Tendou carefully pulled out a photograph from his back pocket. An item which he knew to be the reason for the crowd's expectant looks.

"(L/n) (F/n)!" he proudly announced your name while revealing a photograph of you.

Loud exclaims of awe and wonder filled the small room. Words of praise being uttered one after another as their eyes could only gaze upon said photograph in wonder and mild envy of the fact that a few of them had actually witnessed such a sight in person. That is, their manager in date attire.


Tendou declared in a grandiose manner whilst regally sweeping his right arm from his front to the side, as if he were slicing through the air.

With his warning, they silenced themselves.

"Although I too would like to further shower our lady with showering petals of flattery. We must control ourselves for that is not why we have gathered here..."

Gathering his thoughts, Tendou coughed lightly and pressed on.

"We, the glorified volleyball team of Shiratorizawa, have gathered here to reach a conclusion to the long sought war between men of class. Take note that this discussion is neither meant to degrade nor to desecrate, nay! It is only meant to unify us! To finally come to a unanimous agreement on what is the best way to appreciate our dear manager. So that we will be further motivated to care, nurture, and protect! That which must be protected! Let me reiterate. PROTECT."

Taking a deep breath after putting your picture on a display case near him, Tendou clasped his fingers together.

"Which of her charms should we focus on that you think will deliver the most impact on our dear colleague, Ushijima Wakatoshi?"

"HERE!" Unnamed team mate #1 raised his hand cheerfully.

"You with the pixelated face!"

"I say we focus on the glorious globes which hold every gentleman's dreams... her bosom."

"OBJECTION!" Unnamed team mate #2 yelled loudly while pointing weirdly in the air towards unnamed team mate #1 and standing in a seemingly nice side profile.

Noticing a stir in the crowd, Tendou quickly pressed on: "You whose face is cleverly concealed by the light!"

"You say "those" carry a gentleman's dreams but that is false! Such words would only come from someone who is of juvenile mind! If you were a proud gentleman, you would go for something with greater value... I say; her nice bottom!"

At unnamed team mate #2's words, the crowd went wild.

Everything happened in an instant. Tendou, no longer able to prevent what was to come, resigned himself to silence and awaited his opportunity to mediate in the corner. The crowd, no longer a unified group of people but were now two groups of separate entities fighting for their beliefs.

As the war of class went on, Tendou sensed that it was now his time to speak up: "Although we have all come to a disagreement, this is still a wonderful result as we have quickly narrowed down our manager's endless list of charms to two... Though I would argue that this is a bit narrow-minded of us, but I would be lying if I said that."

"You say that but you were really hoping for this conclusion, weren't you?" Semi says impassively.

"Silence peasant!

"Says the person who borrowed money from me..."

"I said I'll pay you back next week, no need to keep reminding me!" No longer able to stay in character, Tendou pouts. "You're already playing along anyway so stay on your side of the locker room and speak only when defending your side. I never pinned you as a bosom man though, nice to know that you're a man of culture as well."

"You're the mediator of this stupid argument, you shouldn't be biased!" Gin interjects with a huff as he stood at the forefront of his team. That is, the guys of the volleyball team who were into posteriors.

"In the first place, we're talking about (L/n)'s charms. I don't know why the hell you guys are saying we should focus on her bosom more when clearly she's a bit lacking in that area!"

The group opposite Gin's released unified exclaims of exaggerated gasps.

"How dare you... you... you... you fiend!" Nao exclaims, clearly hurt by his team mate's supposedly harsh words.

"Has it not come to your mind that (L/n) is still a growing girl with a bright future ahead of her?! It is clearly not too late for her and as such, we know that she will definitely improve and that is in of itself, a charm of hers. But then again, words from someone who is clearly only motivated by their fetish shouldn't really be held at such high regard..." Nao said in a condescending tone.

"Just because I prefer nice bottoms doesn't mean I have that kind of fetish! Also, you aren't really one to talk!" Gin quickly counters, the two third-year regulars being caught up in their own argument as their conversation progressed from glorifying their manager's charms to fighting about each other's browser history and what it contained.

Afraid to get caught up in such a delicate conversation—Gin was starting to shed manly tears—the group went on with their arguments with newly appointed leaders, the previous leaders being demoted and exiled to the shower room connected to the locker room.

"And so we meet Reon..." Tendou says, acknowledging the opposite side's new leader.

"Unfortunately we do, Tendou..." Reon says in return. Although he may have said the words with a light chuckle to his tone, the determined fire in his eyes burned blindingly.

"Why are we doing this again?" Shirabu silently asks in the sidelines, his query being met with silence as the person he is used to talking to at these moments—Kawanishi—was standing at the opposite side of the room along with Tendou. Noticing this, Shirabu could only nod to himself, "It was a good friendship while it lasted."

"Following up with what our fallen soldier had said (Nao), we are looking at this at a developing perspective! The twins are a symbol of a woman's confidence, her grace, her elegance and what's more... her FERTILITY!"

Before Tendou could continue, Reon had immediately interjected.

"You say fertility but is it not the hip and the underside that symbolizes this? A good butt is connected to excellent birthing hips! If absent, I hardly doubt breasts would be able to do its purpose of providing nutrition to a child if said child cannot even be carried properly."

Smugly, Tendou moved closer to Reon.

"Then what if they hugged?"

Loud exclamations of praise erupted from Tendou's side whereas Reon's side could only back away.

"Hugging provides men of culture like us the opportunity to be cushioned not only in the embrace of a beautiful woman's soft skin but also to be cushioned by the fruits of independence you so dare insult!"

Quick to defend his group, Yamagata spoke up: "We are not insulting them. We just put much more respect towards a more important feature."

"I see you guys are engaged in a gentleman's conversation again. Mind helping a sister catch up?"

At their newly arrived team mate's words, the group directed their attention to him. "Ane-san!" they said unanimously, acknowledging the presence of the volleyball club's elder sister—Peri.

"Ane-san, bosom or bottom?" Tendou asked.

Catching on quick, the elder male hummed thoughtfully to himself. "If I were to go by Quin's characteristics, I say, chesticles... er, you call them pecs, right?" Peri said as he recalled his boyfriend's features—a half Japanese, half American student who was their school's quarterback.

Having gained another person on their team, Tendou fist-bumped the air: "Aw yeah! We won!"

His joy, however, was short-lived as Peri quickly chimed in. "That's for men, Tendou. If I were into girls, I'd prefer their butts."

Reon and Yamagata smiled smugly at Tendou as Peri's words only ended up—once again—levelling out the playing field. Basically, they were back to zero.

Once more, their argument ensued. Slowly but surely the depth of the conversation escalating more and more as neither side showed any signs of stopping or slowing down. Word upon word they attacked each other and word upon word they defended.

Just as their conversation was slowly inching towards the danger zone which was calling out each other's browser history content, unnamed team mate #3 spoke up.

"What about Ushijima-san's preference?"

At his words, everyone paused and looked at him. Swallowing deeply, he reiterated his words.

"Seeing as we are nowhere near a conclusion and too close to exposing each other's dark side, why don't we ask Ushijima-san himself?"

"But he's not here."

"But he shouldn't be a part of this."

Tendou and Reon said in unison as they panted heavily. Clearly, the argument was taking a toll on them... on everyone in the room.

Pointing a finger towards the locker room doors, unnamed team mate #3 spoke: "But he's right there..."

All of them swiveled their heads in unison towards the entrance with darting speed. Their eyes eerily latched themselves unto the new presence in the war zone that is their gentlemen's talk.

Seeing it as his duty to ask the ace, Tendou walked over to Ushijima. To further notify the ace of the degree of importance of what he was about to ask, Tendou applied heavy pressure unto the ace's shoulders as he laid both his hands upon them.

Carefully, Tendou's bloodshot eyes travelled from your photograph—that was forgotten due to the heat of the moment, still on that display case—to Ushijima's eyes.

With a heavy tone, Tendou asked: "Breasts or Butts?"

Ushijima blinked. It was clear he was a little taken aback with the question but he mulled it over, nonetheless.

As if being enlightened, Ushijima returned Tendou's expectant gaze. The crowd behind him tightly holding unto each other as a weak form of silent prayer towards whatever god carried their beliefs that Ushijima would pick their side of the team.

Finally, the ace made a decision.


The room was silent.

An enlightening glow slowly growing on each person's face as everyone could only look at Ushijima in a revering manner.

Truly, he was their ace.

At his answer, Ushijima made his exit, unaware of the healing damage he had granted upon the group.

Slowly inching backwards, Tendou knelt on the ground in a vanquished state. Manly stream of tears flowed from the confines of his eyes, his gaze slowly moving towards Reon. The man also carried the same apologetic look as Tendou—minus the tears.

Without missing a beat, the group once again connected and were unified. Exchanging words of apology one after the other as they embraced their brother with arms outstretched.

"This is why Ushijima is the ace..." Yamagata declared proudly, wiping away the droplets of manly tears he had shed.

"As expected of a man of culture such as he, only Ushijima, only the ace could unite us as one once more" Tendou says with a nod.

With the war between the two symbols coming to an end, the brothers of war exchanged looks of victory. Finally they had the answer which they had sought for so long. It was a long and gruelling journey but they knew that the result was worth all the pain they had suffered.

And thus, the discussion has finally come to a close... for now.


"Hey, did you guys see where that picture of (F/n)-chan go?"

Tendou asked while frantically looking through his bag, his locker, and the display case where he had left your photo.

"Who knows? The school custodian came in earlier and maybe he got rid of it, he hates messes and things that are out of place after all. It was your fault for leaving it on the display case anyway..." Kawanishi said before making his way towards the shower room.

"I hope (Bf/n) would forgive me and give me another copy..."

However, unbeknownst to everyone, within the confines of a certain person's locker—your picture was carefully taped within its walls.

The name printed out in bold letters, emblazoned on the locker's surface, Ushijima Wakatoshi.


A/N: To my dear readers who heeded my warning and chose to read my end notes instead, here are the important things you need to take note of for future readings:

1. I introduced two new characters, namely, Peri and Quin.

2. Peri is a third-year student who is a part of the volleyball team. He prefers to be called a 'she' and is the so-called elder sister of the club as she is nicknamed Ane-san. And no she does not want to change how she looks and is actually proud with her looks.

3. Quin is Peri's boyfriend. He's a half Japanese, half American student at Shiratorizawa and is their school's quarterback.

4. Ushijima now has a photograph of you in date attire taped on the inner walls of his locker. And yes, he feels happy whenever he sees it.

Now to my dear readers who read the chapter despite the warning, I hope you guys enjoyed it! ^^

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