(Gureshin) I wasn't made for...

By eyepatchghouls

63.2K 2.1K 2.6K

Shinya Hiragi is starting senior year. His older sister Mahiru has a boyfriend who is very popular among the... More

Senior Year~1
First Lesson~5
Second Lesson-6
Breaking in~7
Moving out~9
Friendship ~ 10
His Touch ~ 11
One Step Farther~12
Unfinished ~ 13
Crush ~ 14
Far From You ~ 15
To all my readers

Finding You ~ 16

2.5K 87 13
By eyepatchghouls

「Guren's P.O.V」

I sat in the back of biology class with my notebook and textbook on my desk. The meeting with Mahiru didn't go as well as I planned. Thankfully she has decided to go into homeschooling since she doesn't want the whole school to know that she's pregnant. The last thing she wanted was gossip behind her back, yet I'm positive somebody will find out. Everything comes out eventually. 

"Guren. Your test." My biology teacher was standing in front of me, holding out my test. He had a small frown. "Please, do better next time. I expect more from you Ichinose." 

I took the test from him and looked down at it as he moved on to the next student. Another C. I grumbled to myself and slammed the paper onto the table. All my tests had been coming out as B's and C's. The straight-A student has been knocked down. All the times I've tried to study, I just couldn't concentrate. 

The bell suddenly rang, indicating lunch break. I quickly shoved all my material in my backpack and rushed out of the classroom, making my way into the madness of the hallway. I pushed through the storm of students and to my locker where I put away all my things. As I was placing my books in their designated places, I noticed a small note that had been slipped into the locker while I was in class. I frowned and picked it up. This better not be one of those crappy love notes that girls normally sent me. 

Guren, come to room 24. 

I sighed and crumpled it up. It was no denying that it had been written by a girl, but who?  I shoved the crumpled paper into my pocket before I shut my locker. I might as well go to see her, at least find out who she is. 

Room 24 was an abandoned room. Nobody usually went there except the janitor who had to clean up the room once a week. It used to be a music room, belonging to the high school's rock band but they disbanded after a tragic incident due to suicide whom nobody dared talk about. The suicide had happened right in the room. A freshman who lay on a white carpet, holding a gun in her left hand while blood dripped from the side of her head. That day the white carpet became red. Some people assumed it was suicide but others thought it was murder. Nonetheless, nobody went in there after what had happened. It was like a haunted house in the midst of a high school and the principal didn't have any use for it anyway. It was only a stupid story to scare the freshman but after a while, people just assumed it was true. Maybe to make their lives feel more interesting. 

I found my way to the classroom which was at the end of the corridor. The noise of students disappeared through the hallway as I walked up to the door. I felt my hand shake as I put it on the doorknob and pushed myself inside. For some reason, I expected to see something terrifying but to my surprise, the room was completely empty except for the so-called 'Guren squad' who was sitting on a red carpet. All the music equipment had been moved out and the room was dark. The only light came through the window nearby. 

I blinked in surprise as I stared at my old friends from middle school. It had been a while since I talked to them. All of them were here. Sayuri, Mito, Shigure, and last but not least Goshi.  They looked at me. 

"Hey. Which one of you put the note in my locker?" I asked as I approached them. 

"It was me." Sayuri raised her hand. "It's nice to talk to you again." 

As usual, she smiled her sweet smile. 

"Of course. I should have known." I muttered. When we were in middle school, she used to put secret notes in my locker. I didn't know they were from her until she finally told me at the end of the year, admitting that she liked me. But I only saw her as a friend. After I told her, she stopped talking to me even though we were in the same friend group during 8th grade. Lucky for me, she forgave me and we all hung out again until freshman year. However after freshman year we all went our separate ways. 

I crossed my arms over my chest. "So why did you guys bring me here exactly?" 

Goshi rolled his eyes. "Don't be a fool, we all know you're hurting inside." 

I narrowed my eyes at him. Ever since our 'fall out' in freshman year, there has been this negative vibe between the two of us. 

"What the hell does that supposed to mean?" I responded irritably. 

"We made a promise, Guren. When we made this squad. Don't you remember?"  Mito stood up and glared at me. Her red hair was as fiery as ever. 

I groaned, "oh come on! That was years ago. We aren't kids anymore. That pact is over." 

"Well too f*cking bad." Goshi made his way up to me and grabbed my collar. "This wasn't my idea in the first place. You could suffer in depression for all I care you piece of shit." He growled and pushed me away roughly. 

"Hey, this isn't the time for fighting. Get a grip Goshi." Mito hissed, "For your information Guren, we still go by the promise. We all promised that no matter what happens, we would be there for each other and help out as best as we can." She pointed a finger at me. "You're suffering Guren and we need to help you." 

My mind began to spin after I heard her talk. How could she know all of this?

"First of all Mito, have you been stalking me?" I asked wanting to know why she knew all this information. 

"Tch, of course not!" Her face suddenly turned red. 


"Okay, fine, maybe we all have been stalking you a little bit, but we are worried about you. After all, you're the squad leader." She defended. 

"Excuse me but I never wanted your help.  And this-" I waved my arms in everyone's direction. "-is not a squad anymore. We're done with that."

Sayuri glanced up at me. "Guren, I know you've split ends with us, but we don't want to see you like this. You've been getting bad grades and you seem so out of it. You don't even hang out with people anymore. You've isolated yourself." 

"Shut up." I sighed. "I can take care of myself."

Shigure looked at me, a coldness in her eyes. "No, you can't. You're not going to find him on your own. You don't even know the first step in finding someone who's run away," 

I suddenly froze. "Wait you guys know about Shinya?" 

"Jesus Christ you're worse off then I thought. You think nobody has noticed that Shinya has gone. Yeah sure he's pretty invisible but that doesn't mean we haven't noticed. Something has happened between the two of you and you're upset because of it." Goshi sighed, "Look we are willing to help you even though you've been one hell of a jerk to us." 

I frowned. Getting their help would be useful to me. However, I didn't want to deal with their nonsense about squads and crap. "Fine. I'll let you help me but after this, we are not seeing each again, deal?" I put my hand out, "We ended this for a reason and you all know why." 

They looked at me and nodded, putting their hands on mine. 

"It's a deal." 


Authors Note:

I literally have had no time to write, sorry guys! But I hope you enjoy this chapter and Happy Holidays, my fellow friends! 

- Maya N

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