Can't Stop Loving You: Chris...

By bhrisaekos

158K 5.2K 759

| BOOK 2 TO " In Love With My Stepfather" | Follow to read RATED R Chapter(s). After 7 years of marriage, and... More

Chapter 1 ♡ Still Strong
Chapter 2 ♡ Bad A$$ Alana >_<
Chapter 3 ♡ Camping Trip -.- *Bonus*
Chapter 4 ♡ Phone Calls ☎
Chapter 5 ♡ Something Isn't right here
Chapter 6 ♡ No worries...right?
Chapter 7 ♡ Messiness On Top Of Messiness
Chapter 8 ♡ Guess Who's Calling/Remember Me?
Chapter 9 ♡ Konie Lets The Cat Out The Bag
Chapter 10 ♡ We Can Work Something Out? (1/1)
Chapter 11 ♥ We Can Work Something Out? (2/2)
Chapter 12 ♥ Momma's Day Off ♡ *Random/Bonus*
Chapter 13 ♥ The Start of A New Problem (1/3)
Chapter 14 ♥ The Start Of A New Problem (2/3)
Chapter 15 ♥ The Start Of A New Problem (3/3)
Chapter 16 ♥ A Lost Tj
Chapter 17 ♥ Early Trouble
Chapter 18 ♥ Figuring It Out?
Chapter 19 ♥ Fitting The Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 20 ♥ Konie's Side Chick(s)
Chapter 21 ♡ Bet You Won't Double Tap That Høe
Chapter 22 ♡ You See Right Through Me
Chapter 23 ♡ A Overreacting Chris
Chapter 24 ♡ Who Started What?
Chapter 25 ♡ A Breaking Flame? (1/4)
Chapter 26 ♡ A Breaking Flame? (2/4)
Chapter 28 ♡ A Breaking Flame? (4/4)
Chapter 29 ♡ Damage Already Done? (1/1)
Chapter 30 ♥ Damage Already Done? (2/2)
Chapter 31 ♥ The Touching Game *Special Bonus*
Chapter 32 ♥ Our Secret?
Chapter 33 ♥ Taking Chances
Chapter 34 ♥ Don't
Chapter 35 ♥ Exchange
Chapter 36 ♥ Playing Your Part
Chapter 37 ♥ Hide and Seek
Chapter 38 ♥ Play Me
Chapter 39 ♥ Now Its All Eyes On Us
Chapter 40 ♡ Touch It/Love Gon Go (Rated R)
Chapter 41 ♡ Grass Ain't Greener
Bonus Chapter (42) | Nightmare on Elm Street *Hallowen Special* Part 1
Bonus Chapter (43) | Nightmare On Elm Street *Halloween Special* Part 2
Chapter 44 ♡ Savage
Chapter 45 ♡ Proof/Cry Wolf
Chapter 46 ♡ Trust Me
Chapter 47 ♡ Jealous
Chapter 48 ♡ Love In Competition (Extended)
Chapter 49 ♡ One Hell Of A Nite (Extended)
Chapter 50 ♥ Heaven Sent/Cold Water
Chapter 51 ♥ Starting Over
Chapter 52 ♥ Don't Let Me Go
Chapter 53 ♡ Won't Stop Loving You // FINAL Chapter

Chapter 27 ♡ A Breaking Flame? (3/4)

2.5K 106 4
By bhrisaekos




"5 more minutes." I mumbled and turned over on my side.

"But I'm hungry thooouugghh."

I sighed. "Where's your mom?"

"She gone out."

Of course she was. "Okay, okay." I said stretching on the couch before sitting up slowly. I rubbed my hand down my face.

"What would you guys like to eat?" I said making my way into the kitchen.

"Shit, some steak, candy Yams, cabbage greens-"

"Nigga a lie." I said chuckling and giving Ty a hand shake. "When you get here?"

"Not to long ago man. What's been happening with you? Saw you on the couch."

"Me and Stacy are into it."

"It's that serious huh?"

"Hell yeah."

"Can we have some macaroni?" Amber asked.


"OH! OH! And some Barbequed chicken?!" Caleb said running in.


"Don't forget the Hawaiian Sweet Rolls." Alana said also walking in.

"And the Kool-Aid." Ty said butting in and we all laughed.

"So, I guess that's for dinner." I said looking in the fridge.

"I wanna help." Amber said hopping out her chair.

"Sure, baby." I said kissing her cheek. "You know how to the do macaroni?"

"Mhm." She nodded. "Well you do that, Me and Caleb do the chicken, and Ty and Alana will do the Kool-Aid and get some rolls."

Ty smiled. "Now we talking." He said rubbing his hands.

"So how's big head doing?" I asked Ty, referring to his son, King Caro.

"You know when he get older, he gone tear your little frail ass up."

"I doubt it." I said and we both laughed. "He'll never beat Uncle Chris."

"Keep calling him big head and we'll see."

"You do gotta admit, he does have a big head though."

Ty just looked at me. "Shut up talking about son man." He laughing.

"Just saying." I said in defense and laughed.

"But lets get to you and Stacy."

I shook my head. "Knew it." I mumbled.

"What? I'm just saying, she ain't ever put you on the couch, EVER."

"I know man."

"So...wassup?" He asked finishing off the Kool-Aid.

"It's Konie-"

"Ah shit. Don't even go any farther, I already know how this began."

"Nigga how?"

"Why you think me and Chyna over?"

"Damn, for real?"

"Hell yeah. Konie is like a mouse that won't go away. LITERALLY."

"Shit, I see that now..." I said playing with my ice. "Stacy isn't liking this at all, and I'm worried she might leave me.." I admitted.

"I think you two will be just fine."

"Think so?"


I shook my head. "I don't know. She's really taking it to the heart right now."

"She's a female who had her first love, first family. It's a first for everything."

I nodded. "Yeah, that's true."

"Just talk to her, and keep her and Konie a good distance away from each other."

"I'll try."

"Don't be so up beat about it man. Y'all make it." He said patting my back and walking into the kitchen. I stayed in the living room and began to think hard. Can I fix this or just let it play out..maybe?

Maybe letting it play out and have its toll might help.

"Beep beep."

I looked up to see Stacy walk in with her Last Kings jersey on and some gyms shirts and free runs.

"Hey." I said getting up from the couch.

"Hi." She said softly.

"Mrs. Breezy." Ty said giving her a hug. "Hello." she said hugging him back.

"Mom where you been?" Caleb asked coming downstairs.

"Why?" She asked running her hands through his curly hair.

"Cause I need help with something."

"Something like what?"

"It's a something. Just come on." He grabbed her hand and quickly ran upstairs leaving me and Ty, alone.

"She seems tired." He said.

I sighed. "I can tell...think I should go and talk to her?"

"Nahh, let her get some air. She needs it." He said shaking his head.

"Ight, thanks."

"No problem." He said giving me a handshake. "Call me if you need somewhere to crash." He said heading to the door.

"No need to tell me twice." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"One more thing." He said stopping and turning.


"You seen Mijo?"

"Nah, why?"

"Nigga owe me a hundred dollars."

"You might as well forget that shit, Mijo ain't paying up."

"Oh he will. Watch." He said and left leaving me laughing and shakimg my head. I walked into the kitchen and began to clean up since apparently, no one else was and I was the only one down here.

As I fixed the dish water, I felt finger tips brush my lower back and I turned my head to see Stacy walking past me and hop onto the counter.

"What was that for?"

She looked at me confused.


"You touched me."

"No I didn't." She shook her head.

"I swear I just felt your hands on my lower back."

"You must be really missing my touches." She said shrugging. But that is true and I can't deny it.

"But wassup?" I asked her.

"I decided that I'm just going to take maybe a day or 2 away from home, just to get my mind right." She said slowly making sure I absorb every word she said.

I mean this is kind of new to me. Stacy never left the house as far as I was concerned. I always saw her when I get back home, but now that she's going to go, that really scared me a little.

How can I keep Konie away from her then?

"Where will you-"

"I'll be up Nana's house, she offered."

"How long have you been planning this?" I asked.

Shit, this kind of hurt me. Hurt me to my heart actually, even though it probably shouldn't...right?

"I mean, ever since Jerimih came into my office-"

"How come you didn't tell me?"

"I had to make sure you were on point first since there was a little trouble going on between you two-"

"You think I'm on point now since you're telling me this?"

"Look do you really wanna argue about this?" She said hopping off the counter and heading over my way.

"No I don't wanna argue-"

"Well I'm leaving and that's that. It's not like its permanent or anything, this is just temporary that's all. It might help both of us out."

"You say it like it's simple."

"Well it is, isn't it?" She asked.

"You're giving me bullshit." I said heading out the kitchen.

"Chris are serious right now?" She said following me.

"Dead ass." I said.

"What's wrong with me leaving? Is there a problem-"

"Look if you're going to leave, then just leave like the rest." I said making my way upstairs.

"Like the rest?" I heard her voice trail behind me. "Chris." I felt her tug on my shirt stopping me.

"What?" I said kind of harshly.

"Like the rest? What do you mean by that?" She asked looking me dead in the eyes. I shook my head. "Nothing." I said. "Just do what you gotta do." I said walking the other way.

"I'm not finished with you." She said following me again. I walked into the master bed room and plopped down on the bed. She nield down in front of me on her knees.

"Chris." She said my name but I didn't answer nor look at her.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you. I didn't mean too." She said softly. "Can you look at me?" She asked.

"I don't know, should I?" I said sarcastically.

"Please?" She asked.

I sighed and looked at her.

"What's up with me leaving?" She said grabbing my hands.

I shook my head. I wasn't willing to tell her anything. "Like I said, nothing."

"It's something. You can tell me."

I shook my head again.

"So its like this?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know." I mumbled. She sighed and let go of my hands. She scooted closer to my face and leaned over to kiss my forehead and I let her. Then she kissed my cheek, my nose, and jawline.

When she kissed my lips, that's when it really sank in that she was leaving me. No matter if it was temporary, leaving means leaving.

That hella hurt me.

I immediately kissed back, but she pulled away so soon.

"I didn't mean to hurt you by saying that." She said. She must felt my pain.

I didn't say anything though.

It was silent for at least 5 minutes until I said something.

"When you leaving?" I asked breaking the silence.


Well at least she's staying one more night.

"Okay." I said and looked away.

I heard her sigh and get up from in front of me.

Can't believe this shit was happening again


"Are you fucking serious man?"

"Yeah, she leaving tomorrow."


"Nah, she said it's temporary, but I'm afraid it might turn permanent."

"Damn Chris. It's time to step your game up like for real. Set all the bullshit with Konie aside, and focus on your family right now."

"Shit, I'm about to do that now."

"King didn't I tell you to get your toys up?"


I chuckled as King came running in the living room area with another toy in his hand and Katherine, my assistant, running behind him.

"Any plans?" I asked him

"I really wanna tell her about my past relationships and roller coasters, but I think it's too late for that man.."

"It might be, but shit, its worth the try so she can understand."

"Yeah, you right. Hell, I think we at the boiling point now, I don't know what to do."

"Aye man relax for a minute. It hasn't got that serious yet." I said walking into my mini office. "You still got time." I sat down in my chair.

"We'll see." He said.

Damn, if I could, I would have told Stacy myself about Chris's situations in the past, but that wasn't my job. Now since things are really getting heated with my bro and his girl, I guess it's time for me to step in before things really get out of hand.


I told Katherine King was a lot of work.

"Is that Katherine?" Chris said chuckling.

"Yeah man."

"What big head do this time?"

"I don't know, but I'm about to find out."

"Ight man, talk to you later."

"Good luck man."

After I hung up, I quickly ran out my office and into the front of the house to see what King Caro was up to now.


Heyy! How was this? Amazing? Excellent? Good? Okay? I hope you all enjoyed this chapter :D

Comment and Vote please ♥

(Excuse any grammar/spelling mistakes)

Tia x

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