It Started With A Letter

Bởi darlingmariska

5.2K 264 38

( UPDATED AS OF 2018 ) Olivia Benson is a teenager in Highschool, still secretly dealing with the secrets of... Xem Thêm

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
I need you Help! :)

Chapter Eight

410 24 2
Bởi darlingmariska

Hey lovelies! Here's Chapter 8! I left chapter seven off with a cliffhanger knowing it'd leave you on edge! Well, here's the continuation. Thank y'all again so much for all the votes and views! It means so much to me and makes me just want to upload faster! As always, Don't forget to vote and comment on the story, or message me about any ideas that you have that might end up in the story! -A.K

( Elliot's POV )

"Elliot" I heard her say, out of breath once she saw me.

Our superior officer decided that we could go ahead and take an early vacation. Which might I add, thought I was dreaming considering the night before, I had stayed up pretty late talking to Olivia. So, when Fin ended up ushering me awake at 4:30, telling me that we were headed home, I was surprised at how fast I jolted awake and started packing. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed being there, but I missed my home town and apartment sometimes. Plus, I wanted to see Olivia. When we landed back in Brooklyn Fin messaged Casey and through all of us helped me conduct a plan to surprise Olivia about my arrival.

When Casey had got back to us stating that she would help us, I ended up having 3 hours to spare before I had to pick her up. Deciding that was enough time to grab a bouquet of roses, not even thinking about if that would be rushing anything, just a sweet gesture. Fin had already had plans to go with Casey later on today, so my apartment would be empty, however I don't know if she'd even be interested in coming back there with me considering, yes we talked a lot, but she had never met in person, so a place that was in public sounded like a better bet.

Smiling I started walking up towards her, and, to my surprise, she ran up to me and hugged me. Pushing back from my chest she hit me on the arm smiling while doing it, " Why didn't you tell me you were coming home early!"

I laughed, " I actually didn't know until about an hour after we fell asleep that we were free to go. Fin instantly texted Casey about it, so I decided that I would make it a surprise for you, so surprise." I grinned, while explaining it to her. God. She was more beautiful in person. The photo did no justice compared to the real thing. The way the burning sun was shining down up us, it hit her eyes in just the right way making the normal dark chocolate colored eyes a more golden shade. Her hair was down in chestnut waves that reached her abdomen look so soft that I wanted to just run my hands through it.

"Well, this for sure was a surprise." She said, before turning around and leveling a steady glare at Casey who squealed and hid behind whom I would presume to be Alex, Remembering Olivia told me she was the only blonde one in the group.

"He sworn me to secrecy! I'm sorry!" Casey laughed.

"I thought you guys were all bailing on me!" Olivia said laughing.

"Well we are, you and Elliot can go hang out, we really do have plans, just not with our parents." Casey replied smirking.

"Plus, I didn't think you'd be too upset about hanging out with me." I pouted looking at her, mustering up the best puppy dog eyes I could.

"Of Course I want to hang out with you goober." She replied looking at me with the most heart stopping smile.

Once we had all got caught up on what each others plans were, we all agreed that we would meet up tomorrow at Cherries Cafe and then afterwards go and play some arcade games at Dave and Busters. As for now, I decided that I would take Olivia to this small deli that I loved t grab some food, and just be able to actually talk in person. I've been waiting this day like a crazy person for a month. I wanted it to be perfect. I wanted to learn her favorite foods, learn her laugh, what she does and does not like. I wanted her.

Once we were both strapped into my car we went ahead and took off towards the Deli.

"I still can't believe that I am sitting in the car next to you. It feels so surreal." She said, while turning in her seat to look at me with something in her eyes that I couldn't quite make out.

"Me either, but here I am." I chuckled. "You're stuck with me now."

"That doesn't sound so bad to me." She smiled, turning back in her seat leaning back and staring out past us. "How was your flight back?"

"Exhausting! I swear throughout the entire flight back I had Fin grabbing my arm every time the plane jostled." I replied laughing along with Olivia.

"Oh my god he did not!" She had tears in her eyes from laughing so hard.

"I'm dead serious. I have the nail marks to prove it!"

"He is never living that down."

" That's what I told him."

With the conversation falling silent, it wasn't a awkward silence, it was more of a comfortable happy silence that was welcomed by both of us enjoying each others company. I couldn't help but continue to glance over every now and then on the drive looking over at her. She seemed like a miracle sent from heaven pulling me out of this dark cloud that I seemed to always have floating over me. With my family life and my past love life I always seemed to have something pulling me down, for once, I felt like I was being pulled up.

( Olivia's POV )

Elliot surprising me at school for sure was a big shock, but I shock I happily welcomed. I definitely wasn't expecting him to pop up this early. It was for sure welcomed however, and now we were on the way over to grab some lunch. I was starving so it didn't take much convincing, like there would be any anyways, to make me go. We were currently in the car, neither of us talking but neither of us minded, he seemed deep in thought about something, but it couldn't be bad considering he would smile every now and then. I was glad that we were heading out though, I had so much running through my mind that I was sure it was going to drive me crazy if I were to have head home and sat lost in it. I was stressing over the fact that I had a lot of last minute assignments due, but my main issue right now is what Dean meant when he said 'You're going to pay' I won't lie it made me a bit nervous. I may have dated the guy for over a year, but near the ending when the truth was revealed, he became an entirely different person, someone that I didn't feel like crossing paths with when angered.

Pulling out of my thoughts, I noticed that we had pulled into the diner.

"I've actually never been here before." I state, staring up at the restaurant sign that I had never seen before.

He looked at me mouth open and eye's wide, I have to say it was a really funny sight. "You better close your mouth before flies fly in." I giggle.

"How have you never been to Big Lou's before!" He half yelled faking offence. " It has to be the absolute greatest sandwich shop in all of New York!"

"Glad you think that kid." we both turn around and a heavy guy with a thick New York accent said smiling.

"Lou! The one and only! This is my girl Olivia, please, for the love of good foods, make her a meatball sandwich." He stated, with the most serious face, I had to laugh at the fact that he ordered me according to him, the 'best sandwich ever in existence."

"Of course! Long time no see Elliot, how's the force?" Lou asked Elliot as we followed him into his shop, it had a very pretty interior decorations, it all looked very Italian..

"It's good, I have 3 more months left and then I'm out for good." Elliot responded as we took our seats at a booth.

"Bet you're excited. How's your family? Everything doing good?" Loud asked staring Elliot down.

That look made me a bit worried about what he meant by that? It made me curious considering once upon a message he had stated that he had family problems, exactly what were they, and was he going to tell me?


"I really enjoyed the sandwich. It was actually really good!" I groaned, melting into the passenger seat as we left to head home. Throughout the entire date I guess you can call it, it was filled with almost nothing but silly stories and laughter. I learned still so much about him, yet so little. We promised that we would definitely have to go there again together, making it our sandwich shop.

"I'm glad you liked it." He smiled. "So, are you hitching a ride with Casey tomorrow to Dave and BUsters, or would you like for me to swing by and grab you."

Completely forgetting about the fact that he was going to be dropping me off at my house, I panicked for a second, not that I didn't want him knowing where I lived, it was more of, I didn't want to explain why he couldn't come in if my mom happened to be home, or even worse, come home while he was inside. My mother was a lot of things, and when it came to guys, jesus she flipped if I had any of them over even if they were just friends. Our friend George, gay as can be, had come over one day as a favor to help me decide on what dress to wear to a dance that the school was having, let's just say, after the encounter that we had with my mother, I was embarrassed to show my face around him for 2 weeks. Long story short, she walked in as I was stripping of one of the dresses and went on a rampage calling me a slut for letting a guy take advantage of me, and that I was going to waste my life. Now with Dean, I made sure that we were NEVER at my house. Always his or somewhere else in general.

"Uhm, I'm actually not sure, most likely I'll just catch a ride with Casey, she lives a block from mines, so it wouldn't be much trouble."

"Alright, well if you change your mind I will happily escort you there." He said smiling towards me.

"Well aren't you the gentleman." I laugh.

"I try to be, but most times it just leaves me looking like an absolute dork." Elliot grinned shaking his head.

"Well, I can definitely assure you that you have been the perfect date today." I replied stroking his arm a bit.

After a bit of thought, I ended up giving him my address to drop me off considering it would look really weird if I had him drop me off at a corner. He didn't press about coming in like I feared he would, he just left it be.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow at 6?" He asked, double checking that I for sure for sure was going and wasn't going to bail out of it with different plans.

"Yes. At 6. Thanks for the ride El. I really did enjoy our date, I had a really good time." I smiled softly.

"Me as well. I know that we still have a lot to learn about each other and some things need to be spoken about, but I'm so happy that you sent me that letter, and I am so happy that I responded."

Noting that he looked nervous while saying that, I leaned in and softly kissed him on the cheek. " Me too El." Unbuckling my seat belt I move to get out of the car, smiling at a still shell shocked Elliot, and waved before closing the door and walking up to my house opening and shutting the door behind me. Once Inside I shriek a little to myself doing a little happy dance about how happy I was. The fact that he made me this happy just after one day made me nervous over how quickly I was getting attached but in that moment I had no care in the world and nothing was going to be bringing my mood down. All I could think of was how excited I was to go call Casey and tell her about our date as well as itchinly wait for 6pm tomorrow to arrive.

Running up the stairs, I see that my mom's bedroom door is open meaning that she wasn't home yet, thank god considering my little episode downstairs, I didn't want her questioning what that was all about. Entering my room, I place my book bag next to my bag and pull out my phone, scrolling to find Casey's number and instantly hitting the dial button. She answered in record time like she was waiting near the phone for my call.

C: How did it go! *She all but screamed into my ear making me chuckle*

O:It was amazing! I seriously had a lot of fun. He is definitely something else.

C: Someone you can see being more with or...?

O: Definitely someone I can see furthering a relationship with.

C: Eeep! I am so happy for you! So have you decided on what you're wearing to D&B tomorrow?

O: UHm, Jeans and a T-Shirt?

Why does it matter what we were wearing? All we will be doing is playing arcade games and laser tag, quite frankly I didn't feel like doing any of that in a skirt or dress.

C: Just jeans and a T-Shirt? Oh boy. That's it. I'm coming over tomorrow and helping you pick out a better outfit than that.

O: Case, I don't feel like wearing something that I won't be able to run around in if need be

C: Don't worry, I know that, Hell I wouldn't put you though that!

O: Thank god. Well, I'll see you tomorrow around 4 then?

C: Yes!

O: Alrighty, Byeee

C: Byee

Ending the call the only thing that ran through my mind was how excited I was for tomorrow.


True to Casey's word, at 4pm the next day she was at my house ushering me to pull out almost every outfit I had.

"You look gorgeous by the way Case." She really did. Her hair was done up in a perfect messy bun, as well as a a olive green shirt and a pair of brown boots on top of washed out cut up jeans, with a brown jacket and dark green scarf to tie the rest of the outfit together.

"Thank you! I swear, they call it messy buns when it really should be called "I spent almost 20 minutes trying to make it look like this" ."

I laughed at her dramatics. In the end, we ended up on settling for a pair of black skinny jeans, a maroon blouse with my black leather jacket to tie it together. Casey curled the ends of my hair as well as adding on a light coat of making up. Completing the look, she had me throw on my black boots.

"Hot as hell." Casey stated while twirling me around admiring my work. " If I didn't consider you like my sister, and was gay, I would definitely have my way with you."

"Oh my god, Casey! I am not looking to get laid here!" I said laughing swatting at her. "But thank you." I grinned at her.

At 5:30, Her and I decided to head on over to D&B to meet the rest of the gang. I was nervous for some reason, I don't know why, I just had this weird gut feeling that I wasn't liking. Deciding to ignore it and enjoy my night out, I push it far aside as we walk inside and quickly find Alex, John, Melinda, Chester, Fin and Elliot.

Once Elliot spotted me he sent me a megawatt smile, and I couldn't help but send the same one back. Standing up once I neared the table he walked a couple steps closer grabbing my hands.

"Wow Liv, you look absolutely gorgeous." He stated looking me up and down.

I blushed under his intense gaze. "You don't look so bad yourself, El." That he didn't rocking a tight white T-shirt and a pair of white washed jeans, he definitely looked nice.

"I know." He smirked. Cocky ass.

"We ordered some drinks, I hope you guys don't mind?" Fin stated, as Casey and I took our seats.

"I'm okay with it, you?" Casey said looking at me.

"Yeah that's fine."

Throughout the night, it had consisted of all of us going a couple rounds at each other, and playing two games of Laser tag. We had all finally decided to take a break and eat something before going to change our tickets for a prize.

Once we sat down and ordered, we all started telling each other embarrassing stories that we had of each other.

"Well Well Well, look who we have here." Slurred and Obviously drunk Dean.

"Go away Dean, god must you intrude on everything?" Glared Casey.

Smirking, Dean looked towards me, my my stomach churn a bit. " Wow Liv, didn't take you long to move on did it?"

"Hey, leave her alone man." Elliot said seeing how uncomfortable he was making me.

"What do you want Dean?" I asked, mildly glaring at him

" I wasn't done talking to you earlier." He frowned. " Instead you decided that you wanted to go ahead and humiliate me in front of the entire school." He rampaged. God, this is why he was bugging me? Because of our argument outside of school?

"You know what Dean could you go one day without causing a scene?" Casey shot back sounding extremely annoyed.

"God can't you just shut your fucking mouth for once and mind your own damn business!" Dean shouted

"Aye man, there's no need to be raisin' your voice at her."

"Hey you." Dean slurred turning to Elliot, who looked about ready to throw a punch at Dean.

"You really shouldn't even attempt at anything with this whore. She's nothing and definitely not worth it. Did you know that her mom doesn't even like her? In Fact she loathes her so much that she beats her. But I mean, who wouldn't considering, her father's a rapist." Dean smirked while saying the last part, proud of himself.

"Okay that is enough Dean!" Casey shouted getting to her feet, shoving him.

Tears instantly filled my eyes. This couldn't be happening. Everyone was staring at me, his group of friends he came with were laughing at me a shouting things all the while everyone else was just staring. Suddenly I found myself not able to breathe and panicking, I stood quickly from my chair knocking it down in the process running towards the door and running not looking back. Not even to the sound of Elliot calling me name. I needed to get out of there. 

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