Sweet Joanna

By queendenise

82.3K 2.3K 239

I live in a world where fear is my only emotion. Fearing that my crack of a mother will beat me until I can't... More

Sweet Joanna
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Ten

2.8K 131 31
By queendenise

Chapter Ten

I'm so fidget-y my feet has been tapping on the wooden floor below me.My mind's been racing with so many thoughts now.

I feel like he knew something before me but I found out way before him.He"s so secretive it's making my heart race in such fast pace.

What was he talking about? And what was a freaking Enamortal? I mean is that word even registered in the dictionary?

Or was it Inamorata? A female lover. But he called me and Enamortal. And heck I'm not a female lover. I don't even know what love is.

Standing up from where I was seated, I pulled my shirt down making it stop mod-thigh. I started walking back and forth around the room my feet making thumping sounds on the creaky floor. I tapped my index finger on my chin repeatedly digging up memories and thoughts buried in the depth of my mind.

And a thought came up to my mind.

What if it was the one thing that I've been doing twice now. First was unexpectedly visiting my father in his jail cell and seeing how broken my mom was when I came to our house in a ghost like figure.

"Joanna. Sweet sweet Joanna the first ever Enamortal in centuries."

Enamortal? But how did he know wht I was called when I didn't even know? And how did he knew what I was enable to do? Has he seen me do it? I've only done it twice actually. The first was after Evo told me I had new clothes in my closet and the second was on our way home in the car... Oh shit.

Shit that's why he knew. But how do we really determine if we are an Enamortal? Well he's lived longer than me, well that obviously tells.

I should go to him. Tell him what I can do and what I am capable of as a Newborn Vampire. But will he push me away like other people push me away? I don't think I would be able to bear that.

Okay deep breaths I tell myself. I exhaled loudly exhaling all bad things I may tell him and spitted away bad thoughts. I can do this it's just Evo. He's nice I remind myself. He's nice well at least he tries to be.

I rubbed my clammy hands on the velvet duvet leaving a wet handprint on it. Opening my closet I grabbed a pair of leggings and wore it. I should at lest be presentable right? Staring at my figure in the mirror it's really evident that a lot has changed in me. My face structure, my body shape and what used to be my rough and damaged skin. All off it replaced with silky chocolate brown hair with the most lightest green eyes and my body as the smallest I've ever seen it.

"I can do this," I chanted again. Now I'm on my way downstairs trying to pick up a sound from Evo. Just as I step on the carpet I hear a faint sound of humming from the backyard making me follow it.

As I come out I couldn't help but gasp at what I'm seeing right now. Evo singing. No you think it would be normal since I've heard him sing Say Something. But this was not just any song. Evo was actually singing to One Direction. "...'Cause you've got that one thing. So get up! Get up..." No he was not shouting to the song. He was murmuring to the song as if it was a poem while he played chess.

I guess he hear my gasp because his eyes snapped up to mine. His were widened in horror and embarrassment while mine were wide in amusement. Then I started stammering pieces of words, "I.. Uh-uhm.. Oh no I just caught him singing to one direction and here I am nervous.

"You didn't hear me sing to..-" When he was about to finish his sentence I chose to cut him off and continue it for him.

"To One Direction!" I exclaimed giddily. He a little and I think I heard him mutter something that sounded like, "And there goes the Bipolar Vamp." But since I was laughing I couldn't careless.

My stomach was already aching and my mouth was struggling to smile as my laugh faded and awkward tension surrounded us. I don't know if I should step up and tell him and might as well ask him about this Enamortal shit.

"You do know that I could hear your thoughts right?" What?! My head looked up at him, "Every single thought," He menacingly said.

Oh god no. I fell like there's no use anymore so I turned around and started walking back to the house making way towards the door when I hear him call my name. I turned my head and asked. "What?" My voice is soft and calm yet my heart is beating fast just how it was a while ago.

"Aren't you going to tell me about your sudden stillness one time when we were on our way home? The way your eyes changed into a bright shade of red? Aren't you Joanna? Aren't you going to tell me?" He mocked.

Form being embarrassed to being dark and suddenly hooded. His walls up again and his taunting voice made me dizzy. But I stood my ground and retorted, "It's no use. You've read every bit of it," I mocked him back. "So why do I have to tell you?"

"But I'd like to know the whole story Joanna. The whole story coming out of your mouth," He smirked. Then again I could easily block my mind just by saying the magic words.

"Mind Bloc-" I was almost finished saying the words of wisdom in me when Evo quickly ran to me in full speed and knocked the both of us down.

Him on top of me and my body under him. His breathing was on my face and it was Ice cold. I the. stared at his eyes and listened to his slightly heavy breathing. I brought both of my hands to his face and traced his lips with my thumb. I pulled his face down to mine so our faces were merely centimeters away. But the. I chose to ruin this moment by saying, "Mind Block."

He seemed to snap out of his reverie because he pushed his way up making him look like Michael Jackson. "Cool." I muttered in awe.

"Ugh! You're so frustrating! I'm your master you should obey me." He threw his hand up exasperated.

Well I'm sorry if I don't like taking orders from a controlling Vampire. After my change I've started using my brain and started learning to say no. I've started standing up to myself because being ordered is no fun.

"Are you going to stop whining and start listening? Huh master?" Gladly he stopped and sat on the chair he was just sitting on minutes ago.

I walked towards the seat beside him and sat on it. "So it started when you first told he I had new clothes. That time I was so foreign for having new clothes that I was in tears right? Okay so as I was checking out my clothes I suddenly stopped and felt dizzy. Then as I opened my eyes I was in a different place already. It was my fathers jail cell." I looked down in sadness.

I should probably not tell him about the part where e said the Vampire killed me. That the Vampires slaughtered his only daughter. I can't fully trust Evo yet. I have to find things about him first.

That's the part that has always been killing me for weeks now. Do you even get it? Like what the fuck. What do you think would you think if you found out that your father knows about Vampires but he isn't even one.

Snap. I jumped from my seat in shock not realizing that I was still beside Evo thinking about my dad knowing about freaking Vampires.

"Oh. So at first you were frightened and you thought you were dead?" I nodded. "Do you even know what an Enamortal is? And where they came from?" I shook my head no.

"Basically Enamortals are extinct. Why? They bring great danger to the Vampire race. Yes Enamortals are Vampires too. But only partly because being one is very hard and in a century only one Enamortal is made. Heck sometimes there's isn't even one.

Enamortals are powerful because they have the passion in living. It's like you as one is determined to do something. That's what makes you powerful. Perseverance and Determination. Since you guys are imaginative in making strategies you could do one thing the no other Veteran or Normal Vampire could do. Only you Enamortals. You could go and visit people even if they are thousand of miles away from you.

Enamortal came from Enora Amtol the good. She was a carefree middle aged woman that had a loving husband and five beautiful children. They loved their mother to death even after the six of them were murdered except from Enora she was left broken in pieces. With perseverance and determination she traveled the world and planted every piece of her family body parts. If the body part lasted what? So long that you got the gene from Enora's blood in it I don't know if it was even her children or husband I think it was the one. The real Enora the good.

They say while you're shoveling and you come eye to eye with a bottle filled with muddy water and you open it and sniff the contents of it your offspring may or may not be an Enamortal. So practically your mother found Enora's body part and snifffed it and here you are. As healthy as a pig."

Oh god. I have Enora's body ash. But Enamortal? Shit I'm rad. But I think my mom did not accidentally found it. No I think she intentionally looked for it. But why? Why did she have to make me suffer? Why did my dad know about Vampires?

"Give me a box gummy bears and let me digest, again, everything you've just said. Gosh Evo! First you being a Lab rat," He flinched and I kinda felt sorry but no sorry enough to stop from ranting, "And now how I am an Enamortal." I exaggerated the last word to add sarcasm and huffed.

He nodded and walked away. I watched him as he made his way to the garage getting on the car and opening it making it purr. I heard the car drive away when it came to me that maybe I at least have to let loose for just a day. These confessions have been slowly killing me and I need to enjoy just for an hour or two maybe.

I stood up and chased his car in my Vampire slash Enamortal speed. Get it? I'm being sarcastic. Okay shut up Joanna. Your just stating a truth you stupid dumb Vampire slash Enamortal.

(Evo's Point of View)

Why did I have to change such Bipolar Vampire? I asked myself. Now I'm on my way to the convenience store to buy Joanna her gummy bears.

How dare her command me and tell me to buy her gummy bears? She's not the boss of me. I should be the one. Because I'm the mast- Bang!

I stomped on the breaks making the car hurl to a stop and looked up at the ceiling of my car seeing that there was a big dent that looked like a shoe print and a hand.

"Agh!" I screamed a girly way when I saw Joanna grinning like a cat stopping herself from laughing so hard seeing that she manage to make a scream come out of my mouth.

Unlocking my car I opened it and got out. "What the fuck Joanna!" I shouted. Her happy grin faltered and turned into a frown that made a huge boulder of guilt fill my chest.

Oh shit. Great move master. "I.. Uhm thought that we could at least have some fun since school's a week away.." She shyly said. "I just wanted to let loose. You know all the training and shit."

No. A boulder of guilt? That's an understatement. Let's say a whole building used from highly accounted buildings used by filthy rich business men was trying to fit itself in my chest.

Joanna started to turn around making it look like she was making her way back to the house when I grabbed her hand to stop her. She still kept going but I did what I had to do. So I kicked her shin making her yelp in surprise. (You thought I was going to kiss her huh? Oh you Greenland citizens. (A:No offense whoever is reading from Greenland.)

"What you do that foooooor?" She dragged on. She checked her shin seeing it was turning into a slight black patch making her look like a Dalmatian.

"If you didn't act like a freaking spoiled brat wanting to be always chased I didn't have to do that." She just chuckle slapping me slightly. That's my Joanna. What?!

"Okay. Let's go?" She asked ushering me to the car."

I gently tugged on her arm stopping her mid seated on the leather upholstery seat and grabbed her shoulders in my both of my hands. I stared into her eyes assuring her what I'm going to say is totally nothing to worry about.

I exhaled and said, "You forgot to zip your pants." And pointed down.

•••••(Claim your very own blessing)

Early update! Applaud for being so supportive!

And the longest chapter goes to... Chapter 10! I wanted to update early since I was excited with what this chapter was going to reveal to you my dear...

Oh no. I don't have anything to call my readers. Suggest on the comments please. Tell me what you think about this chapter please! A bit of Evo's P.O.V. again.

Chapter Song: Angels by The Xx

Please I would really want to gain at least 40 Votes and 15 comments on this chapter please. Read my newly posted book too! Carpe Diem Honey.

Vote, Comment & Fan.

Check An Alpha's Effect it's a new book of mine.

And my bestfriend's book. It'll make you crave. It's Skinny Love by _kyrasantos.

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