The Elementals [1] [P. Parker]

By amy_h_rose

7.2K 306 37

"How do you make living look so difficult?" "I'm not living, I'm merely surviving." After being lab rats in a... More

Waking Nightmare
WW? You Forgot the E
Hello, Hello? Echo, Echo?
We Get Named
Meet the Elementals
Ew, School
To Pasta!
We Try
We Fail
Christmas Special
And We Dance With The Devil
Truly Angelic
Touch of Death
Cheese and More Cheese
The Totally Not-Date
Packages Inside Packages
Lights, Cameras... AVENGERS!
A Minor Concussion
Spider-Boy Returns
Spider-boy Revealed
The Totally Date
Slumber Party
It Was SO Worth It
Christchurch Terrorist Attacks
Holed Up In A Not-Hole
Heyyyyyyy... pt. 2
The Calm Before the Storm
The Beginning of The End
It Is Done
Ashes, Ashes
Malen'kaya Zemlya

Suited for the Job

170 6 0
By amy_h_rose

I mixed chemicals, along with Louis and Renée.

I didn't even know which ones. I just took what I was handed and measured the right amount.

I was thinking about the boy and girl. I hadn't had the chance to talk to anyone about it yet, but I was going to.

"Ash, that's too much!" Louis snapped me out of my reverie.

"What? Oh." I looked at the 20 ml of acid that was meant to be 15.

"Yeah, oh. What do we do with it?" Renée sighed.

"Sorry, guys." I groaned, sitting down. "I was thinking."

Louis looked at me with a yeah-I-know look but said nothing.

"That's fine." Renée smiled. "But we need to get rid of this extra 5 before we get in trouble."

"If you don't mind, we could use it."

The three of us spun around, Renée almost spilling the acid.

Behind us, now in front, was a boy with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Um," I said, surprised. "Sure?"

"Really?" the boy said, seeming nervous.

"Yeah." I took the beaker from Renée and poured, somehow, exactly 5 ml into his.

"Thanks." he turned and walked off back to his partner, who happened to be Ned.

I watched him go with a confused look on my face.

"Ooh... Ashley's got a crush..." Renée nudged my arm.

"Nah," I said, turning away. "I was just thinking... How did he hear us when he was on the other side of the room? And we were speaking really quiet?"

At that, all three of us exchanged glances and looked back at the brown haired boy.

"So, let me just get this straight." Ryker placed down his fork and stopped eating lasagne. "You two saw this weird thing between a girl and a guy, and for all we know, they could've been making out in that tree, and don't trust this dude because he heard you across a classroom?"

"Yeah, pretty much. But, how, exactly, if they were just making out, did they disappear?" I asked, placing down my sandwich and sat back triumphantly.

"I... I don't know. But, I guess we can expect the impossible now, right? We are the impossible."

The rest of our classes were deadly boring.

Statistics, robotics then physics. I sure hoped the next day would be more interesting.

Though, we did get back to the WW with a surprise waiting for us...

"I've made them!" Jess sang as she danced up to us.

"Made what?" Louis asked as she spun around in front of us.

I was very confused. One look at the others showed they were too. Except for Marina.

"Rina? You know what's up?" I asked her when Jess didn't reply.

"Yeah, Jess where are they?" she asked.

Jess pointed through the doorway she came through.

"Cool." our friend led us into a room full of fabric, sewing machines and scissors.

"Whoa, I didn't even know this room existed," Ryker said in shock.

"Not many people do," Marina replied, grinning. "Here they are!"

She pulled five... things... out of a cupboard.

"What's that?" Renée asked.

"Our suits!" Marina cried, placing each one across a table neatly.

They were all black but had some designs on them that made them our own.

"Well, grab yours!" Marina said, grabbing one with blue accents and wave patterns.

I reached out and picked up the one that had green leaves in random places.

"Wow..." I said as I ran my hand over the light, soft fabric. "This is... Amazing!"

"I know, right!" Jess cried as she burst in. "Go! Go, put them on!"

The five of us grinned at each other before running off into changing rooms that were at the end of the main room.

Pulling off my jeans, I marvelled at the suit. It looked brilliant.

When it was on, I looked at myself in the mirror in awe of the amazing suit.

"You all done? Come out! I wanna see them on!"

I grinned at Jess's obnoxious giggles and stepped out.

The others stepped out too.

I looked up the line, to my right, at Renée, whose suit had light grey and white swirls, to Ryker, whose suit had flames leaping up his legs, to Louis, who had a lightning bolt flashing across his chest in purple and white, and to Marina, whose suit was embellished with ripples and waves in bright blue.

My suit had leaves and ferns all over it, creeping up the arms, the legs and down my shoulders.

I noticed there was a blank spot on each, just above the chest on the left side.

"What this empty space for?" Louis asked what I was thinking.

"This." Noah had walked in with something in his hand.

He handed one round piece of some kind of metal to each of us.

"Press it in that empty spot." He instructed.

We did, placing it onto it.

When I looked closer at mine, I realised it was of two ferns curving inwards with a set of scales over it in the middle.

I looked over at Renée's whose was sky blue with black wind swirls across it.

Ryker's was bright orange with a black outline of a flame in the middle.

Louis' was purple and blue with a lightning bolt on it.

Marina's was the coolest. It was a trident, with water around it in a swirl and blue and green curved waves at the bottom.

"What are these for?" I asked.

"They're your symbols. When they attach to your suit-" there was a clicking noise that cut through Noah's reply. "And they just have, they will be what you are known for. They'll also suck your suit in and attach to whatever clothes you're wearing so you can have your suits on you and not have to get changed. Go on. Try it."

The five of us looked at each other.

"Wait. Get some clothes on over top and try it." Noah told us.

I pulled my shirt and my P.E shorts over my suit and pressed the button, with the door closed, of course.

Choruses of 'Whoa!' and 'Wow!' echoed through the room.

I heard Noah and Jess high five.

When the five of us stepped out, I remembered what we'd seen today.

"Oh, guys? We've got something to tell you." I said.

"So, what do those two people look like? How old did they look? Did you hear anything?" Bran asked Louis and me.

I shook my head. "Heard nothing. But they looked about our age."

"And they just appeared and then disappeared?" Mark asked.

Those two were taking notes and scribbling things on paper as Louis and I talked.

I nodded. "Yeah. Maybe they apparated."

Bran smirked. "I wish. So, what did they look like?"

I looked at Louis.

"You saw them better." He shrugged.

I sighed. "Fine. The girl had long red hair and pale skin. She was probably about 5.8 tall. She looked really mad."

"Can you describe her face?" Bran asked me.

I closed my eyes, trying to remember. "I think... her eyes had quite a bit of makeup on them. Not eyeshadow. Just mascara, eyeliner, I think. She had freckles too. Lots of them. Small lips, normal sized nose."

"What kind of nose?" I was asked.

"I don't know... Like Marina's I guess?"

"Anything else?"

"No... That's all I saw..." I shook my head. "Sorry."

"What about the guy?"

I shrugged. "I didn't see his face. But he has dark skin, dark hair. He's probably around 6ft honestly."

Mark and Bran nodded.

"You can go now," Bran said to Louis and me.

We nodded and left the two men conversing over notes.


Hey, I'm back with another update in like ten minutes.

Cool, right?


Guess who that was!

Go on, guess.

Hit up the comment section.

I wanna see what you guys think.

Also, it's summer over here so I'm on summer holidays. I'll probably be updating lots in the next week or so cos I won't be able to when I'm at the bach for three-four weeks a bit later. There's no wifi there. It sucks. Also, I'll be busy swimming and hanging out with my friends and family. And sleeping. Do not forget sleeping.

Anyway, I hope you're all having a wonderful day wherever you are, bye and sorry for the long note.

-Wanna be a Demiwitch

(Also has anyone else seen Crimes of Grindelwald? It's awesome, totally would recommend it if you haven't)

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