Corrupting The Lion

By EZM2016

332K 8K 3.4K

Coauthor: KAT 🥰😘(We make a great team!) What if you were told your whole life that a part of who you are i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
*Not a chapter*

Chapter 11

18.3K 504 187
By EZM2016

Harry grinned mischievously from where he was hiding in an alcove, waiting for Severus to walk past. Once he finally did, he yanked him in, slamming him against the wall before sliding to his knees and hurriedly pushing his trousers down.

Snape let out a small sound of shock as he was pulled into the alcove, hand twitching for his wand but stopped when he saw it was Harry. "What are you..." he got out before Harry dropped to his knees.

Harry didn't waste time for Severus to try and talk him out of it, sucking Severus as far into his mouth as he could.

Severus groaned, threading his fingers through Harry's hair "Harry." He moaned "Someone could see us." He reasoned, panting softly

Harry hummed around him before pulling back to tongue at the head. "We're in the dungeons of an empty castle. Won't happen. "he chuckled before swallowing him back down.

Severus grunted, tightening his grip on Harry's hair , "You're such a sneaky brat." He said breathlessly, biting his lip so he didn't yell out ' Where did he learn this ?' He thought, letting his eyes flutter closed.

Harry sucked harder, managing to sink further down with a soft moan.

"Merlin" Severus moaned out, letting his head fall back against the wall, willing himself not to thrust into Harry's perfect mouth.

Harry curled his hands around Severus' hips, stroking along his skin

Severus scraped his nails gently across Harry's scalp "So close, love." He managed to say

Harry smirked as much as he could, flicking his eyes up to lock onto Severus'

The look of pure lust in Harry's eyes is what sent him over the edge, biting his lip hard to keep from yelling, spilling his hot seed into Harry's eager mouth.

Harry sputtered, swallowing as much as he could before standing, licking the bit that escaped off the corner of his mouth.

Severus leaned forward, kissing harry passionately, tasting himself on Harry's lips made him groan.

Harry grinned, returning the kiss hard before giving Severus a wink and bolting from the alcove. "Gonna go see Mione, Love you!" He laughed, flying down the hall he was running so fast.

Severus stood there slightly shocked. "What in Merlin's name." He muttered as he pulled up his pants and straighten his robes. He smirked, payback will be sweet.

Harry laughed brightly that evening, leaning over where Severus was laying on the couch. "So did you like it?" he asked, kissing his forehead.

Severus scowled at him playfully "Someone could have seen, you impulsive brat." He said with a chuckle

"In the middle of the dungeons when no student was in the castle? Doubtful." Harry laughed brightly

"The other teachers ARE here, you know?" Severus informed him

"How often do they go to the dungeons?" Harry raised an eyebrow

Severus huffed, mumbling under his breath "not the point."

"But a very good point." Harry kissed him again before humming. "What should we do for supper?"

Severus raised his eyebrow "We have house elves, you know how to use them." Severus snarked, plotting revenge quietly

"Are you saying you don't like my cooking?" Harry asked, pouting dramatically

Severus chuckled in amusement "You burn water, love." He joked

"Lies and slander" Harry huffed playfully

Severus smiled softly "I'm not hungry." He says "I think I'm going to bed early.." he announced, standing up and stretching. "You eat." He said,making his way to the bedroom.

Harry watched him go, confusion on his face. It wasn't like Severus to turn down his cooking

Severus grumbled to himself as he got himself ready for bed "Thiis is going to be a disaster." He mumbled under his breath where only he could hear, climbing in the bed and cuddling down.

Harry sighed, calling a house elf for a sandwich before heading to bed himself, curling close to Severus.

Severus was asleep but he felt the bed dip lightly, smile on his face, as he slung his arm open in invitations for Harry to come closer.

Harry let out a relieved smile, nuzzling close to Severus, burying his face in the other man's throat. He drifted off with a smile, curled around him.

The next morning Severus got up early, slipping out of bed and dressing quietly so Harry could sleep in. He had a staff meeting today for the upcoming year, it's hard to believe the summer was almost over , and they would be in the castle without the golden trio and company's year in their classes. He smiled lovingly at harry and slipped out of the room quietly

Harry shivered, burying himself into the blanket before waking up, looking around before he yawned. Oh yeah, Severus had that meeting. He got up wondering the halls as he waited for Severus to be done.

Severus hung around afterwards to talk to Minerva about Harry remaining in the castle with him, it was a surprise so they were talking in hushed voices. Which of course she agreed wholeheartedly. He had a feeling Harry was worrying about this issue so he took it upon himself to resolve it.  They both clammed up immediately when they heard the door open to the faculty lounge.

Harry peeked inside the lounge, his smile widening at the sight of Severus. "Hi! Did the meeting go well?" He had noticed how they had clammed up when he came in,  but he figured it was school year stuff

Severus just raised an eyebrow and nodded stiffly, saying his goodbyes to Mcgonagall, he walked back towards the hallway with harry. "I have some brewing to do, Poppy needs some potions in stock for the begining of the year." He informed Harry

Harry nodded, leaning up to press a kiss to Severus' cheek.

Severus smiled distractedly. They entered Severus' rooms "I'll be out later." He informed him, kissing Harry on the top of his head before disappearing into his personal potions lab

Harry gave him a confused smile as he watched the door close. What was going on

Severus brewed well after dinner, when he finally came out he looked exhausted, only wanting a shower and his bed.

Harry stood quickly, putting his book to the side. "Oh Sev'rus you look exhausted. C'mon." He gently led him into the bathroom, knowing he would want the fumes off him.

Severus waved him off gently "I've got it, love." He mumbled, making his way over to the shower to turn it on.

"I want to help." Harry insisted gently, taking his outer robe and sending it to be cleaned.

"I've got it." He said a little more sternly than needed, just wanting to jump in and out and straight to bed.

Harry froze, hurt creeping into his face. "Okay." He murmured, giving him a kiss before wandering into the bedroom, at least making sure that the bed was ready for him.

Severus washed quickly, getting out and towel drying his body as he looked down on the counter, seeing a pair of pajamas that Harry had obviously laid out of him. Scowling at himself for the way he talked to Harry a little bit ago, Harry knew he's grouchy when he gets that exhausted. But that was no excuse for snapping at him. He exited the bathroom feeling a little better but still very tired.

Harry smiled up at him. "Feel better?" He asked as he walked up to him, hugging him tightly.

Severus smiled tiredly at him, wrapping his arms around the younger man, burying his face in Harry's hair. "'M'sorry. Shouldn't have snapped at you." He mumbled against Harry's hair.

"You're tired, I get it. It hurt but I still understand why it happened." Harry kissed him softly.

Severus hmmm'd into the kiss "Bed?" He said against Harry's lips

"Of course. I got it straightened up." Harry led him to the bed.

"Thank you love." Severus mumbled as he  fell back against the mattress and snuggling under the covers. He was asleep before his head hit the pillow.

Harry laughed softly, tucking him in before kissing his forehead, going to finish the book he was reading.


Severus knew lying to Harry about another meeting was wrong. He felt bad about it, he really did. But he needed to go down to Hogsmeade alone. He had some shopping to do and he needed Harry away to do.

He took a deep breath as he entered the tiny jewelry shop the little bell dinging to announce his arrival. He nodded to the shopkeeper and began his search.

The shopkeeper was, incidentally, a little shocked to see Severus Snape in his store. He stepped from behind the counter. "Professor! Is there anything I can help with?"

Severus took another deep breath then cleared his throat. "I need an engagement ring."  He said in his normal confident and casual tone.

Markus' eyes widened. An engagement ring?! He nodded, leading the teacher over to a glass counter. "Here they are. Any idea on styles or stones that you would like?"

Severus pondered a moment. "Green." He answered finally

Markus grinned, picking up a tray with green stones set in silver and white gold settings. "What about some of these?

Severus scanned the collection multiple times, almost giving up on his endeavor, until one at the very back caught his attention.

"That one." He said, pointing to the ring that caught his eye

Markus' picked up the white gold band, the emeralds sparkling along with the diamonds as he held it out for Severus' inspection. "There is, of course, a sizing charm on it, so it will size itself to fit your future fiancee." He smiled, tilting the band to show how they sparkled. "We also do custom engraving if there's something you'd like inside, like a saying, or a date."

"I have something in mind." Severus said, a small smile tugging at his lips. He grabbed a slip of paper and wrote it down for Marcus. "I'll wait while you finish up." He said, going over to one of the chairs in the corner and sat patiently

Markus let out a low whistle as he saw what he was engraving. Lucky person. He quickly finished, making sure it was polished before tucking it in a velvet ring box. "All done, Professor."

Severus nodded and went to the counter to pay "Thank you." He said as he walked out of the shop, heading back towards the castle

Harry frowned, having just asked Minerva how the meeting had went only to be told there hadn't been one. Severus was apparently hiding something, what was it? He walked down the halls aimlessly, lost in thought.

Severus entered the castle, heading to his rooms to put the ring up until it was time to use it, lost in his own thoughts he quite literally bumped into Harry, steadying them both with hands on Harry's shoulders. He smile when he realized who he ran into. "Hey love. How's your day going?" He asked sweetly.

Harty squeaked as he bumped into someone, eyes widening in surprise. "Severus!" He smiled softly at the pet name. "I'm okay. Just confused because I asked Mcgonagall how the meeting went and she didn't know what I was talking about." He gave Severus a narrow eyed look.

Harry eyed him for a moment before nodding. "How did it go?"

"It went well." He answered, kissing him gently. "Lunch?" He asked nodding towards his rooms

Harry soaked up the kiss with a smile. "Yes!I'm so hungry!"

Severus chuckled, taking Harry's hand and leading him towards the food.

The next morning Severus sneaked out of bed again, this time he didn't even tell Harry anything. He just needed some time to himself before he did this. He spent most of his time hidden out in his potions classroom, twirling the ring in his fingers, wondering if harry would say yes.

It was getting dark when he finally returned to his rooms and to an obviously pissed off Harry Potter on the couch.
"Hey love." He said, at least having the decency to look a little bit sheepish.

"What's going on?" Harry asked.

Severus raised an eyebrow "Nothing." He says calmly.

"Bullshit!" Harry glared. "Why are you sneaking around? Lying to me? I asked every professor if there was another meeting today like yesterday and ALL of them were confused." He crossed his arms. "You've been distant the past couple of weeks, snapping at me before turning around in almost the next breath acting all lovey."

"Harry...." Severus began calmly, only to be cut off by the younger man.

"No! I want to know what's going on!" Harry huffed, turning his back to Severus. "Why are you hiding something?"

"I'm not...." And cut off once more by Harry.

"Don't LIE to me!" Harry yelled, having yet to turn around, his shoulders curling in.

It took all of Severus' self control not to chuckle at the man in front of him. 'Might as well do it now .' Severus thought with butterflies beginning to collect in his stomach.

Severus dropped down to one knee, pulling out the the ring and waiting for Harry to turn around, all but holding his breath.

Harry heard Severus' clothes rustle and the soft thud of him slipping to his knees. "Oh hell no! Getting on your knees is not going to fix it this time, no matter how much I love it when you su--" he turned and froze, his eyes widening.

Severus smiled softly up at harry, waiting on him to register the situation

"What..." Harry sucked in a breath, his eyes taking in the fact that Severus was on one knee and holding a FUCKING RING BOX. "Severus..."

"Harry..." he said softly, nerves trying get the best of him "Will you marry me?" He asked, hopefully

Harry's jaw dropped before he flung himself at Severus, knocking them both to the ground with a screamed "YES"

Severus chuckled softly "Yes?" He asked, still a bit shocked at the reaction.

"YES! Oh my god, Severus." Harry kissed him hard, clutching to the sides of his face.

Severus kissed him back, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Forgiven?" He murmured against Harry's lips

"THIS is what you've been hiding?" He asked, pulling awaye, shock still on his face as he opened the ring box.

Severus chuckled. "What did you think I was doing?" He asked in amusement

"Fuck if I knew! I just knew you were hiding something and lying." Harry pouted, holding the ring box out. "Put it on me?"

Severus laughed at Harry's pouting "Of course, love." He said, taking the ring from the box but stopping midway to let him inspect it first

Harry smiled softly. "It's so pretty. I love it."

"It's engraved, love." He said softly

"Engraved...." he tilted the band, gasping softly as he saw the inscription, "Me unum atque unicum amorem, Semper....I'm your one and only love?" He whispered, tears welling in his eyes.

Severus smiled lovingly at Harry "Always." He said simply, finishing the quote and answering Harry's question.

Harry sniffled, wiping his eyes before holding out his left hand. "Always."

Severus slipped the ring onto Harry's finger easily., pulling Harry to him and kissing him soundly. After breaking the kiss he pulled back slightly "I already cleared it with Minerva, you can stay here in the castle, with me." He informed Harry.

Harry perked up. "Really?" He'd been worried about having to find somewhere else, because he REALLY didn't want to go to Grimmauld.

Severus nodded "I asked her the other day, she was all for it." He said with a chuckle

Harry kissed him again, hard.

Severus kissed him back holding him close.

"I love you." He whispered softly, still sniffling

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