Since The Day I Saw You

By saltwaterveins19

547 38 16

Isabelle Tate has been friends with the same group of people since freshman year of High School. Their summer... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter One

83 4 2
By saltwaterveins19


        Summer 2014 was posted all over any social network possible. After walking out of my last exam I felt the same excitement. I said good-bye to everyone waiting for there parents in the main entrance of the school and walked to my car. Tonight was the annual bonfire at Nathan’s to kick off the beginning of summer. Every year at the beginning of summer we have a bonfire at Nathan’s with our group of friends. It’s been that way since freshman year when we all became friends in our english class. We all got put together for a group project and just clicked I guess. Sam likes to say it was his comment about Mrs. Henderson’s air pit stains that brought us close because we all couldn’t stop laughing. I guess after the group project the rest became history. I unlocked my car. It was a black Volkswagen Beetle convertible with leather seats. It took me months of work hours and begging my parents to pay half to get this car. I was about to get in when I heard my name being called from across the parking lot. “Isabelle!” “Isabelle” I turned to see Brayden running up to me. Brayden was one of my best friends. “Oh hey” I smiled as he finally reached me out of breath. “Nothing, just got out of my exam” He breathed out deeply and smiled. “Same here, it was so easy. So whats up you didn’t chase me across the parking lot for nothing?” “I was just seeing if I could get a ride home?” He gave me a begging smile. Brayden lived 15 minutes in the opposite direction I was going. Any other day I might have said no but since it was summer. “Sure hop in” I smiled. 

        As we slid into our seats I glanced over at Brayden. I had never been attracted to Brayden in anyway. He was good looking though with his short shaggy hair that was dirty blonde and had started to lighten from the sun. His eyes were blue with flicks of green. Brayden was tanned from long hours working outside helping is dad finish the deck in their backyard. I could tell he wanted to ask me something. Brayden and Nathan usually car pooled together. “So what is it that you're dying to ask me?” I smirked at him. “Uh well I was wondering if it would be all right to bring another person to the bonfire at the beach on Saturday night?” He smiled nervously and peaked at me from the corner of his eye. “Well, since no one specific is hosting it, I don’t see any problem.” I looked over at him and smiled. I saw him let out a small breath. “Oh great! He just moved here from Montana” “Oh wow, did he move in next door?” Brayden lived out in the country, so next door was really a mile down the road. It still made sense to say it that way because technically your property lines touched. “No, the farm right across from us, my mom introduced me to him yesterday.” “Well, maybe you should ask Nathan if he can come tonight, that way he wont feel so awkward on Saturday” I smiled and turned down Brayden’s street. I stole a quick glance at the house before turning into Brayden’s drive way. 


        “Mom you outside?” I yelled as I walked out onto the deck. My ice clattered in my glass of sweet tea as I walked down to the pool. I wanted to tan for a few hours before getting ready for Nathan’s. “Yes, over in the garden” my mom yelled from the far side of the yard. I walked over to the garden which was placed going down the hill. The three different gardens are separated by huge rocks in between each of them. My mom was situated on the top garden where she plants the trees and bushes. There was a small path on the side of the gardens going up the hill but I always preferred to climb the rocks to get up. I slowly made my way up the rocks. When I finally reached my mom she sighed. “You know I hate when you climb the rocks instead of using the path” she smiled and gave me a knowing look. My mom looked good for her age. Her brown hair was cut into a long bob. She had a cap on and her hair was pulled back. I could tell she had been working outside for most of the day. Dirt patches were all over her body and clothes. Her shoes were stained green from cutting the grass and she smelt of sweat.  “Sorry” I smiled weakly. My mom went back to trimming the bush waiting for me to continue. “I’m positive I passed my exam today.” “Oh good, you still going to that bonfire tonight?” “Yeah, I’m leaving around 7. I have to pick up some marshmallows.” “All right, be safe.” My mom said and looked up at me and smirked. “Of course I will mom” I turned and put my sunglasses on. Looking around the yard I could tell my mom had really worked hard on today. The weeds that were poking out from the rock beds outlining the pavement were cleared. The pavement surrounding the pool was cleaned from the hose. The grass was freshly cut and now waiting to be water. My mom had really out done herself for today. I laid down on the lounge chair by the pool and stuck my iPod in. 

         The next thing I knew I had fallen asleep and was waking up to a mosquito biting my leg. I killed the mosquito and flicked it off my leg. “Ugh so gross.” I said under my breath. “Got that right!” I looked up to see Anna’s blue eyes staring down at me. “What time is it?” I shot up out of the chair. “Well, it’s about eight and you never called me back” “Oh shit I’m an hour late! I still need to get ready and go to the store.” I began running up the steps to go into the house. Anna followed behind me. “Calm down, I knew you were going to fall asleep so I already went to the store. So hurry up and get ready!” I rushed into my room and started getting ready as fast as I could. I saw Anna behind me in the mirror. She was 5’7 with long hair that she recently died auburn. Anna had big blue eyes that looked like the color of the sky. She was kind, funny and sweet. She could have a whole rooms attention in a second. You couldn’t not love her. “All done!” I smiled; grabbed my keys and headed down stairs. 

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