The Childish Berserker (RWBY...

By thaultrabeast

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A huntsman in training helps out a headmaster and gets invited to beacon where will this lead the cinnamon ro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Christmas spacial
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 2

253 3 0
By thaultrabeast

Normal speech: "Hello"
Action during speech: *standing up*
Yelling: "HELLO"
Thought: 'Hello'

Third person POV

It's the morning and the sun is shining it's light — right into Crystal's eyes waking the woman up she gets up and looks around then an alarm goes off scaring Crystal and she falls out of the bed she was in also knocking off Ash who didn't react at all this also woke up Beryl and Gray.
Beryl: "Why are you on the floor?"
Crystal: "Reasons."
Gray: "Shouldn't our leader be up at this point?"
They all look at Ash half on the floor half on the bed he then opens one of his eyes.
Ash: "Huh am I on the floor zzzzzzz."
Gray: "Did he just fall back asleep?"
Beryl: "Well he's different here then on the battlefield that's for sure HEY WAKE UP!"
Ash shot up and got into a fighting stance.
Ash: "What What are we being attacked?"
Crystal laughs a bit: "No silly it's time to get up and go to school."
Ash: "Do I have tooooo?"
Beryl: "Of course you do you brat!"
Ash: "What's a brat?"
Gray: "How little do you know?"
Ash: "I may not know words but I can uh I can uh bake and and fight!"
He puffs out his chest proudly.
Crystal: "Bake? Really?!"
Ash: "Yes."
Gray: "Oh hey nice Ozpin sent it!"
Beryl: "What did he send?"
He picked up a container and placed two things into his eyes turning them from there normal gray to blue he starts laughing.
Ash: "Is he okay?"
Gray: "I'm better then okay! Ozpin got these contacts and I can see Beryl you got blueish hair!"
Beryl: "My hair is green but close enough."
Gray: "I guess they aren't perfect but hey I can somewhat see so yes!"
Ash: "This calls for some cinnamon rolls!"
He takes some out of no where they then unpack and ate they then looked at the time and what time their first class started.
Ash: "That's not good is it?"
Gray: "Class starts in ten minutes."
Crystal: "I'm sure we will be fine."
Beryl: "Why are we still here then?!? Let's go!"
They all then run off and head to there first class professor Port an elderly gentleman with a bushy mustache they sit down and right before the bell rings for class to start teams RWBY and JNPR show up.
Port: "Ah perfect timing sit down and let's start!"

-time skip to end of class-

Port: "In short a true huntsman must be honorable dependable well educated and wise now which one of you thinks they have these traits?"
Gray/Weiss: "I do sir!"
Port: "Ah well two go getters well ms. Schnee ladies first."
She started fighting a botertusk a warthog like creature Ruby tried to cheer her on but Weiss yelled at her.
Ash: "Why is she so mean?"
Crystal: "That's just how some people are Ash."
The botertusk charged at Weiss and they clashed with Weiss's rapier getting stuck in between its horns which it then proceeded to throw it across the room it then charged at Weiss she dodged and got her weapon The botertusk then curled into a ball and rolled fairly fast at Weiss she used a glyph which knocked the botertusk down on its back she then jumped up and used another glyph to propel her toward the botertusk impelling it with her rapier Port claps.
Port: "It seems like we are in the presence of a true huntress in training now mister Ashfell Do you think you can defeat the same enemy in a minute?"
Gray: "Yep."
He grabbed his sword and walked down and got into a stance a second botertusk charged at Gray who started slowly walking toward the beast.
Weiss: "What does he think he's doing? Ash your his leader right stop him!"
Ash: "He will be fine."
Weiss: "Huh?!"
She looks as the two are about to clash Gray places his hand on his sword and starts to draw it a black aura surrounds the blade that is showing he then swiftly draws his sword and sheathed it after walking a few steps he stoped walking the botertusk then also stopped then the beast then fell into two half's.
Gray: "No chef is as skilled as I!"
Ash: "Oh really?"
Gray: "Yes."
Ash: "Okay!"
Gray: "Aren't you a chef?"
Ash: "Nope I'm a baker as long as you have confidence and the skills to back it up it's okay to say your good at something as long as you don't say it on overconfidence your okay!"
He gives a thumbs up to Gray who gives one back.
Port: "Bravo and well said young Lancelot well that's all the time we have make sure to do the assigned readings and that is all class dismissed."
Everyone got up and started leaving the class with Ruby chasing Weiss and tried to talk to her but it didn't go well Ozpin talked to Ruby and Weiss had gone to talk to Port. Our main team however was talking to two other people one was a ginger with frosted tips colored blue named Azure Salamander a three horned chameleon faunus and the other a dragon faunus with dragon wings named Silver Lightning.
Ash: "Your wings are so cool!"
Ash with starts in his eyes was appearing all around Silver.
Silver: "Wow uh that's not something you normally hear."
Azure: "Yeah it's nice to see more faunus."
Crystal: "Ash be careful don't fall and hurt yourself."
Ash: "I won't!"
Silver: "I'm sure he will be fine."
Ash went back next to his team.
Azure: "You guys should meet the rest of our team later."
Ash: "That's sounds great!"
Silver: "Yeah see you we got to get to our next class."
They wave bye and walked to there next class doctor Oobleck who was speeding around at a fast speed.
Oobleck: "So tell me has any faunus here been discriminated against for their faunus heritage?"
Some people raised their hands Gray leans over to Ash.
Gray: "Put your hand up Ash."
Ash: "But I don't know what d d discriminated means."
Gray: "Raise your hand I'll explain later and give you a cookie."
Ash raised his hand as high as he could.
Oobleck: "Dreadful simply dreadful this is the kinda thing that breeds violence I I I mean look at what happened to the white fang nod can anyone tell me the turning point In the faunus revolutionary war?"
Pyrrha: "The battle at Fort castle."(I think)
Oobleck: "Good now can anyone tell me why the faunus has the advantage in his battle?"
Jaune: "Hhheeyyy."
Oobleck: "Ah mister Arc finally contributing to class so what's the answer?"
Jaune: "The advantage — that the faunus — had over the other guys stuff — was uh — binoculars!"
Oobleck: "Very funny mister Arc how about you Cardin what do you think it is?"
Cardin: "Well I know it's much was to train an animal then a soldier.•
A few boos sounded throughout the class but Ash tilted his head.
Ash: "But we aren't talking about training animals we are talking about he faunus revolutionary war aren't we?"
Crystal: "Yes we are Ash."
Pyrrha: "Your not the most open minded person are you Cardin?"
Cardin: "What you got something to say?!"
Pyrrha: "No but I have the answer it's night vision a lot of faunus are known to have perfect sight in the dark."
Blake: "The general was inexperienced and attacked the faunus at night leading him to be captured."
Pyrrha: "Maybe If he had paid attention in class he wouldn't be remembered as such a failure."
Cardin tried to get up but was told to sit down after class was over Oobleck talked to Cardin and Jaune giving them extra readings then sent them off to lunch. Everyone besides Ash was in the cafeteria Ash has gone to get his Congo bars everyone hears a slight cry of pain to see Cardin pulling on a rabbit faunus's ear Ash walked into the room with a bright smile on his face holding a Congo bar he saw what Cardin was doing and walked over to him.
Ash: "Cardin why are you being mean and pulling on her ears?"
Cardin: "Shes an animal she doesn't mind it." She cries out in pain.
Ash: "It doesn't sound like that and she isn't an animal she's a person like you."
Cardin: "NO she isn't get out of her pint size!"
Ash: "I can't leave unless you stop pulling on her ears you big meanie."
Crystal getting slightly worried got up and was about to head over but got stopped by Gray she stayed standing and watched.
Cardin let go of the girls ear and stood up dwarfing Ash but Ash didn't back down.
Ash: "Sir why are you so mean to faunus?"
Cardin leans down and gets face to face with Ash.
Cardin: "Because your animals and should be treated as such."
Ash: "But were not animals we are people just as much as you are meanie."
Ash points his Congo bar at Cardin he gets angry and hits the Congo bar and it goes straight into the trash.
Cardin: "Ha score!"
Crystal: "Oh crap code crimson EVERYONE RUN!"
Ruby: "Why are we running?!"
Gray: "Cardin is making Ash active his semblance!"
Yang: "And that's bad how?"
Beryl: "During initiation when we fell we faced two death stalkers we were doing pretty good but then Ash got his semblance activated and he killed both of them single handily."
Jaune: "No way we all had to work together for that!"
Gray: "Yeah run."
Ash's hair and tail turns blood red and he looks at Cardin and his team with one of his eyes glowing red the other glowing silver. Cardin backs up unnerved.
Cardin: "He hey buddy how did you get your hair like that?"
Ash: "My semblance there is another reason but knowing won't do you anything cause your going to die!"
Cardin: "Over a tiny bar?!?!"
Ash: "Yes."
Ash started to slowly walk toward Cardin a blood red portal opens up and Lita comes out of it and Ash starts dragging it toward Cardin who's basically trying not to piss himself.
Ash: "Come on fight back your screams will be music to my ears! Your intestines will be spread everywhere and you shall die a horrible death! Hahahahahahahahaha!!"
Cardin ran out of room to back up and Ash raised his axe but before he could swing Crystal went in front of Ash and hugged him Ash's eyes widened as Crystal hugged him she started to pet his tail as well and it started to calm him down.
Crystal: "Relax Ash I'll get you another Congo bar."
Ash started to close his eyes and Crystal sung a soft lullaby that caused Ash to fall asleep Lita disappeared and Crystal picked up Ash bridle style.
Cardin: "Thanks for saving me from that animal."
Crystal: "Don't me wrong Cardin I didn't save you I stopped Ash from getting himself expelled I don't care about you and your a horrible person don't you ever talk to Ash that way ever again or next time I won't stop him got it?!"
She glared at him with such a death stare that the people outside felt it Cardin nodded and ran off somewhere Crystal sighed and walked out of the cafeteria with some girls gushing over how cute Ash looked sleeping while most of the guys were happy he wasn't trying to kill anyone anymore Crystal returned to their dorm and placed Ash into his bed and pulled the covers over him Gray and Beryl walked in shortly afterwards.
Gray: "Explained what happened to Ozpin he was semi okay."
Crystal: "What did he say?"
She was swiping hair out of Ash's face.
Beryl: "We aren't going to question that?"
Gray: "No but Ozpin got the code system we have and will tell all the other students and he also said that despite his best judgment your supposed to always be near him as you can calm him down."
Crystal: "YES!!"
She jumped up and down a few times but calmed down when Ash stirred a bit she pat his head and he calmed down.
Beryl: "Your a strange person aren't you?"
Crystal: "Wwhhhaattt nnnnnooooo."
They sighed and everyone went to sleep the next morning they went in a field trip to the forest of Forever Fall a bright red forest all the leaves were red.
Glynda: "Yes students the Forest of Forever Fall is beautiful professor Peach has asked that you collect the sap from the trees here and I'm here to make sure you don't die while your doing it."
Cardin: "Come on buddy."
He takes Jaune with him Pyrrha looks over and has a look of disappointment and walked off with the rest of her team.
Ash: "Why is Jaune with the big meanie?"
Crystal: "I don't know but it smells like blackmail."
Ash: "What's blackmail?"
Gray: "Dude really?"
Gray tried talking to Ash but was facing a tree.
Beryl: "Uh Gray."
Gray: "What?" He faced another tree.
Beryl: "Your looking at trees."
Gary: "Oh dang it."
Beryl: "Come on Gray fallow the sound Gray."
She started clapping and marking noises.
Gray: "I'm going to hit you with my sword."
Beryl: "You mean hit a tree with your sword."
Ash: "Beryl why are you so mean to Gray?"
Beryl: "I'm not mean."
Ash: "It seems like it though."
He tilts his head in confusion and looks at Crystal who just picks him up and hugs him they all then walked off and started to collect sap Ash saw his team struggling to get sap and helped all of them get it out but not with the pumps they had.
Crystal: "Huh?"
Gray: "Did he just?"
Beryl: "He did."
Ash: "What?"
He had filled about twenty containers in about a minute.
Crystal: "How did you do that?"
Ash: "I've done it a lot I went out with my parents and we always got a whole bunch of sap for our village."
He sticks his chest out with pride and a fist on his chest.
Crystal: "That's awesome!"
Before they could do anything else they hear an ursa they all look at each other and start running to the sound Gray almost hit a tree but was pulled by Beryl every time before he would they got there to see Jaune cut it's head clean off he then walked over to Cardin and helped him up then got in Cardin's face.
Jaune: "Don't ever mess with my team my - my friends ever got it?"
Cardin nodded but before they could do anything else Ash appeared next to them with stars in his eyes.
Ash: "Jaune That was so cool you just cut that ursa's head off and told the big meanie off your awesome!"
Crystal looked at where Ash was and where he is now back and forth while Beryl and Gray walked forward as well.
Beryl: "Yeah that was pretty nice way to go man."
Gray: "Oh no the great Beryl has giving a compliment I must as well nice sword work newbie."
Beryl: "Hey."
Gray: "Relax I'm only joking well mostly."
Jaune: "Oh thanks guys." He rubs the back of his head and Cardin walks away they all then return to Glynda everyone gets on the bullhead and make there way back to Beacon once they got back they all took a break after some time a knock came on the door of the teams room.
Ash: "I GOT IT!"
He opens the door and sees team RWBY.
Ash: "Oh hey girls."
Ruby: "Hey want to come with us to the docks with your team?"
Ash: "I'll go hey guys you coming with?!"
Gray: "Sure."
Beryl: "I could use a break."
Crystal: "I'll go wherever you go Ash!"
Everyone looks at her and she says what but everyone just shakes there heads but Ash tilts his head in confusion after they all got ready they all headed down to the docks Weiss went in a tangent about the planing and such that went into the Vital festival.
Ash: "What's the Vital festival?"
Everyone looked at him like he was crazy but then Crystal remembered something.
Crystal: "Wait you said you were from a village didn't you?"
Ash: "Yes that's right!"
Crystal: "Then it makes sense that you may have not heard of the festival."
Everyone ohs and everyone continues walking and arrived at the docks.
Yang: "So anyone want to tell me why we are spending our Friday afternoon at the docks?"
Weiss: "Exchange students from Vacuo are coming in today and I feel as it is my duty to welcome them here."
Blake: "She wants to spy on them to have an advantage in the tournament."
Weiss: "What?! You can't prove that!"
Ruby: "Whoa."
Everyone looks and sees a dust shop broken into and two defectives talking about who needed that much dust. One of them said the White Fang the other responded with they don't get paid enough for it and they walk off.
Weiss: "Hmp the White Fang what an awful bunch of degenerates."
Blake: "What's your problem?"
Weiss: "My problem I simply don't care for the criminally insane."
Blake: "The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths they are a collection of misguided faunus."
Weiss: "Misguided they want to eradicate mankind off the face of the earth!"
Blake: "So then they are very misguided but that doesn't explain why they would rob a dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale."
Ruby: "Blake's got a point besides the police never caught that Torchwick guy I ran into a few mouths ago maybe it was him."
Gray: "You ran into Roman?"
Ruby: "Yep that's how I got into Beacon two years early!"
Ash: "Whoa that's so cool but I have a question."
Crystal: "What is it?"
Ash: "What's the White Fang and why do they want to e-eliminate mankind?"
Weiss: "There a bunch of scum those faunus only know how to lie cheat and steal."
Yang: "That's not necessarily true."
A monkey faunus jumped off a boat and was called a no good stowaway.
Monkey: "Hey a no good stowaway would have been caught I'm a great stowaway!"
A rock gets thrown at him he dodged and the dropped a banana peel on his face and ran off past the group winking at Blake.
Yang: "Well Weiss you wanted to see the competition and there it goes."
Weiss: "Quick we must observe him!"
Everyone started to chase him they rounded a corner and Weiss who was in front of everyone ran into someone knocking them both over.
Weiss: "Aaahhh he get away."
Yang: "Huh Weiss."
She points down and Weiss she's she is on someone she hastily gets up and dusts her self off.
???: "Salutations!"
Ash: "Hello there!"
Beryl: "Oh gosh not two of them."
She face palms and looks up to see the conversation has just about ended and sees Weiss and Blake arguing about something.
Beryl: "I stopped paying attention for two seconds and this happens."
Blake: "Stop That stop calling him a rapscallion stop calling him a degenerate!"
Weiss: "What do you want be to stop calling this trash can as a trash can or this lamp post a lamb post."
Blake: "Stop That."
Weiss: "Stop What he clearly broke the law give him time and he will probably join the White Fang."
Blake: "You saying that he will join a group of terrorists just because of his race means your just as discriminatory as they are!"
Weiss: "So you admit they they are terrorists."
Blake: "That's not what I missed and you know it!"
Ash: "Why are they fighting?"
Crystal: "Because they disagree on something."
Gray: "That are going to go on this for a long time aren't they?"
Beryl: "Yep."
Than they returned back to team RWBY's dorm and those two were still arguing.
Weiss: "You know why I don't trust the faunus why I don't like the White Fang it's because my family has had a target on its back and because of that my father would come home angry and that made for a very difficult childhood."
Ruby: "Oh Weiss I."
Weiss: "No you know why I dislike the faunus its because they are a bunch of liars thief's and murders!"
She looks to have realized what she said and sprinted out of the room accidentally hitting Gray with the door and he fell over hitting the ground they heard a sorry from down the hall.
Gray: "Ow."
Ash: "Gray are you okay?"
Ash was leaning down making sure he was okay.
Gray: "I'm good."
Weiss: "A member of the White Fang right under our nosies."
Ash: "Nnnnope."
Weiss: "What!"
Ash: "I mean no she may have been at one point but I don't think she is still apart of the Fang she isn't anymore she isn't that kind of person!"
Ruby: "How do you know this?"
Beryl: "He's done this a few times before."
Everyone goes back to there rooms and falls asleep for the night.

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