Twisted Love Affair

By StephyBoo

327K 7.2K 491

Lexi Cortez's life hasn't been an easy one. The girlfriend of a biker gang leader, she lives the double life:... More

Twisted Love Affair
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 46

4.1K 97 5
By StephyBoo

Twisted Love Affair

Chapter 46

My team consisted of Kasey, Lisa, and Courtney it was odd but me and Kasey felt it was better to have them with us then with a different group. That saying keep your friends close and your enemy's closer comes to mind in this situation.

Kasey and I had taken on the task of scoping out the Lone Star Bar which was known for being a hot spot with The Slick Bastards & Ladies. It was like a gathering place where they came to either get drunk and laid or even sometimes have meetings.

Tiggy had given me the layout of the floor plan; it's a two story brick building the first floor consisting obviously of the bar but was connected to a long hallway. From that hallway it led you to a back room which was holding there inventory while at the end of it there was another door way.

That door way was almost completely covered by the stairway that leads you to the second floor; if I hadn't looked at the floor plan I would have missed it. The second floor consist of three bedrooms and two bathrooms it was like a miniature apartment.

From the information I had gathered the owner of the bar lived in one of the rooms his name was Tony Hobart he had quite the rap sheet. We would have to be careful when going in we weren't sure if there would be other members inside.

I had parked the car about two blocks down the engine was turned off we sat waiting till about three- twenty five when another drunk Slick Bastards member came stumbling out with a trashy blonde not far behind.

That's when another male came out I looked at the picture that was attached to the police record that was sitting on my lap to compare.

"Bingo Kasey check it out meet our bar owner Tony Hobart" I said pointing to the guy who stood on the side of the curb lighting up a cigarette.

"Well by the looks of it Tony needs to hit the gym he looks like an old fart" she said in disgust

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh it was true he was an older guy age forty-seven obviously didn't work out and drank way too much. He had a beer belly that looked like a pregnant women at eight months ready to burst out of his pants.

He looked like the guy who always tried to chase after the younger skirts if you catch my drift he was definitely a pervert that was obvious. The drunk member took off with the blonde on the back of his motorcycle I would be surprised if they made it very far without crashing.

The bar owner finished his cigarette throwing it on the ground before he walked back inside closing the door, five minutes after the sign lights went out. We had to wait another fifteen minutes before the light went off in one of the bedrooms on the second floor.

Checking the surrounding to see that the street was empty "Alright lets get a move on were running out of time" I said.

Getting out of the car I placed the silver case that Kasey had gotten from Tito before we left and set it down on the front hood of the car. Courtney was calm waiting for what to do next while Lisa looked about ready to piss herself; she looked like she was on crack acting all nervous.

I went around to the back of the car and opened the trunk "Kasey come here help me get this and bring the case" I said quietly

Kasey walked around to the car coming to my and looked at me questionably but before she could say anything I put a finger to my lips to tell her to stay quiet. Then I open the case and handed her a pair of thick black gloves we put them on quietly.

"Courtney go check the back of the building see if there are any lights on and tell me if you see a camera" I said popping my head so she could see my face over the hood of the car.

Courtney nodded and then took off quietly her movements were slow as she creep around disappearing from sight.

Whispering to Kasey "Open the left passenger door and talk to her while I go around the car to come up from behind her" I said before making my way slowly around the car.

I could feel Lisa's eye on me but she was momentarily distracted when Kasey opened the door and said her name. In that moment I was able to creep up behind her wrapping one arm around her neck I quickly cover her mouth and nose with the cloth that was soaked chloroform.

Lisa was digging her nails into the skin of my right for arm for what felt like a long time which was really only about thirty seconds before her arms fell and her body went limp. I left the cloth there a few more seconds just to be sure then I left my arm drop keeping it under her arm.

Together me and Kasey put her in backseat of the car and had just shut the door when Courtney was seen coming out of the shadows walking towards us I let out a sigh of relief.

I went to open the right passenger door we would do the same thing to her it seems pointless to have brought them along if we were just going to knock them out. In this case it was dangerous to leave them behind yet we couldn't have them joining us either.

It was the best option in my mind that way we would know where they were and what they were doing without getting in our way.

Courtney bound towards me "There weren't any lights I checked for any movement it looks clear to me. I did notice there's a camera around back it's a new model it looks over the back lot" she said

"You didn't get noticed by the camera did you?" I asked from the corner of my eye I could see Kasey start to make her move.

"No, I stayed in the" was all she was able to say before Kasey had the cloth over her mouth Courtney's eyes went wide like a deer in headlights before she started twisting her body around.

She was fighting against Kasey I could see her struggle thinking quick I held down Courtney's arms and told Kasey to press the cloth harder against her face. Within a few minutes she was out cold her body limp in our arms I held her up from the shoulders while Kasey had her by the feet.

We quickly and swiftly put her in the backseat next to Lisa, going back to the open truck I took out the duct tape, handcuffs and rope giving Kasey one of each. We handcuffed there hands behind there back while tying there feet together and tape over there mouths.

Just in case I knew they would wake up in a few hours but still better to be safe then sorry right, with that I looked at the clock on my phone it read three- forty two am. I closed the hood of the car and made sure it was locked I didn't put the alarm because it would make to much noise.

Before I had closed the trunk I had taken out a small black duffel bag it had small camera's that we were going to put in along with some hidden audio recording devices. They would be able to transfer whatever was recorded directly to the computer it was more then convenient.

With the bag in hand we crept through the dark night around to the back of the building there was an eerie silence I could see the camera it was a new model but still not a very good one. Opening the bag I took out to white mask tossing it to Kasey.

"Really you got mask?" Kasey asked giving me a pointed look

I put it on the little rubber string went right under my ponytail "Listen I don't know if there's cameras inside do you really want to take the chance and get your face on camera?" I asked her seriously.

She let out a sigh before complying and put it on I'll admit it was a stretch but I wasn't taking any risk. Our masks in place I grabbed the bag and we bolted for the door when the camera was facing the other direction.

By the door almost right under the camera there were two water meters and an electrical box while I went to get on them to reach the camera. Kasey was working on picking the lock of the door with a can of black spray paint in one hand I hoisted myself up.

It is very difficult to try and steady your self with one hand but I was able to manage standing on my tippy toes I pulled the top off of the can. I shook the can grimacing when the can made the loud smacking sound and leaned forward spraying the camera when it turned in my direction.

When I jumped off I landed on my feet with a soft thud against the ground Kasey was leaning against the doorway holding the doorknob.

"Took you long enough I thought you were going to fall of and land on your ass" she said and I could almost picture her smirking under the mask.

"Not even in your dream I got skills now shut up and let's do this" I said grabbing my gun from waist band reaching into my pocket I twisted on the silencer. Kasey followed my lead and she carefully swung open the door stepping in behind her I closed it behind me.

We stayed silent as we crept through the building we made sure it was clear as we made our way through we went straight to the back room. That was our first target Kasey was in front of me her flashlight was pointing to the ground when she tried the doorknob.

The door creaked open looking over my shoulder it was clear we made our way inside closing the door right behind us. The only light that was showing was that of the moon that was barely showing through the window and the two small flashlights we had.

I set the bag down on the floor gently on the table it looked like conference room back home except for the fact that it had the Slick Bastards cut which was framed on the wall. Unzipping the bag I took out the small recorder and handed it to Kasey.

"Put it somewhere they wont find it and were well be able to hear the clearly" I said before take out the small camera it literally was the size of a button from a dress shirt. I made sure all the wires were connected before looking around to find a place to put it.

That's when it hit me I grabbed the frame off the wall and took it off from the back careful to take off the glass inspecting it I found the perfect place. Reaching down into the side of my combat boot I pulled out my blade and made a small tear right under the collar it was barley noticeable.

I folded my blade back in placing it back into my combat boot, carefully I place took of the small backing and stuck the camera in the tear I had just made. The camera blended right into the material I couldn't even see it and I was the one who put it there.

I put the glass back in the frame wiping it down with a clean cloth to make sure the glass wasn't dirty and obscured the view of the camera. Putting the back in I hang it back on the wall making sure it was in the exact place it was when we came in.

Kasey came out from under the table pulling her self up off the floor giving me thumbs up; she put the screwdriver back in the bag before coming around the table.

"Where did you put the camera?" she whispered to me.

I pointed to the frame right under the collar "They wont even know its there" I said confidently

"Alright let's get a move on before somebody finds us" Kasey said looking over her shoulder to the door.

Nodding my head I grabbed the bag "Turn off your flashlight" I told her before I opened the door a little get a glance around the hall it was clear.

"Go" I said to Kasey she went out of the room first I followed behind her closing the door behind me. Just as she was about to walk past the stairs you heard a creak of a floor board above us.

Thinking quickly I grabbed her arm yanking her back under the stairwell putting a finger to my lips and the pointing up stairs to where the noise came from.

Another creak was heard before a loud yawn was heard followed by loud footsteps I sucked in a breath and slowly put the bag down on the floor. I held my gun tightly against my chest not breathing as someone was making there way down the stairs.

They slowly were making there decent down the stairs almost in a sluggish manner but the way there were holding the rail it was a safe bet to say there had one to many beers.

We had to think of a plan and quick as they made it to the last step they staggered a few steps in the hallway before leaning one hand out to hold them self against the wall. It was a Slick Bastards member there cut logo was clear even in the pitch dark.

I turned to Kasey and made a finger motion for her to follow my lead and to grab the bag. I made sure to try and walk quietly while holding my breath right when I was just two feet behind him this guy.

He began twisting his body around to try and turn around panicking I held my gun in the slamming it down hard against the back of his head. The man faced me for a second before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he started falling to the ground.

I threw myself in front of him to try and stop him from slamming into the ground and making a loud noise. This guy had to way over two hundred pounds I was stumbling over my feet trying to keep him up Kasey was grabbing him by the back of his pants.

Slowly we put him down on the floor laying him face down against the floor he was still breathing I hadn't killed him he was just knocked out.

"What are we going to do if they find him they'll know someone was here" Kasey whispered harshly to me

"Shut up I already know that I'm thinking" I hissed back up at her looking towards the stair case to make sure no one had heard anything.

A plan popped into my head I made my way into the bar I began looking around searching through the plenty of bottle of alcohol.

Kasey was behind me "What the hell are you doing? Now is not the time to have a drink" she hissed at me

"Will you shut up and just go make sure no one else comes down" I said.

I could hear her let out a sigh of frustration before her light footsteps were no longer in hearing distance,

Finally I found what I was looking for I pulled out a forty ounce bottle of beer and unscrewed the top dumping more then half of it into the sink before I went back into the hall.

I could feel Kasey's gaze on me but ignored it and placed the half empty bottle in the guy's hand some of the liquid spilled onto the carpet but that didn't matter.

"When they wake up they'll think he just got drunk and passed the fuck out on the floor. Now let's get the hell out of here before we really get caught" I told Kasey.

She grabbed the bag off the floor "I agree were pulling it close I just want to get out of here already" she said before heading towards the door.

Grabbing the bag off the floor I was right behind her throwing a quick glance behind my shoulder I turned the lock on the door before closing it shut. Ripping the mask of my face I could feel the sweat dripping down, that I had to wipe my face with the sleeve of my sweater.

Kasey did the same but we remained in silence as we made our way back to the car the only noise was the sound of our feet pounding against the cement. I hadn't been so happy to see my car since the first day I had gotten it and that's saying something.

I unlocked the car doors and just threw myself in not caring when my car door slammed throwing the big duffel bag onto Kasey's lap. I didn't bother putting my seat belt on as I put the key in the ignition and started the car and drove off quickly.

I slowed down once I could no longer see the bar in the rear view mirror and then some still. Looking over my shoulder Lisa and Courtney were still out cold which was perfect in my mind.

"That's was too fucken close we almost got caught back there you know that" Kasey said her voice sounding a little high pitched.

I turned to look at her "Yeah I'm aware of that I was there, it doesn't matter we didn't and that's all that counts" I said sternly.

"I'm just saying that was a close call and look the suns starting to come up we haven't even checked in with the other girls" Kasey said

Her words had gotten me off guard I looked up and sure enough you could see some orange and ready the sun was barely peaking over the mountain views. We had really cut it close when it came to time that was for sure.

"Open the glove compartment and take out the burn phone let the girls know were on our way" I told Kasey.

She nodded in compliance and began texting away on the phone while we drove in silence the rest of the way to the factory building.

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