It Started With A Letter

By darlingmariska

5.2K 264 38

( UPDATED AS OF 2018 ) Olivia Benson is a teenager in Highschool, still secretly dealing with the secrets of... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
I need you Help! :)

Chapter Six

379 23 2
By darlingmariska

( Elliot's POV )

I laughed a little harder then I probably should have at her text. I highly doubted she was ugly, no matter what she tried to say.

Deciding to take a chance, I messaged her a photo of me.

E: Here, so I don't sound like to much of a creep, here's a photo of me.

Sending it for some reason made me nervous. What if I wasn't attractive enough for her? Not like she seemed like the person who would think that way, you just really never know. I know that Kathy sure did love the way I looked, as well as the fact that she was a cheerleader and I was the football. Completely and utterly cliche.

I knew though that, that relationship would never work out. We fought almost all the time and she was way to possessive and didn't even try to like any of my friends which I didn't think was really fair. I decide that I'd lay down and close my eyes for a bit and wait for the tall tell sound of my phone chirping.


( Olivia's POV )

The girls and I had gone into almost 14 stores for Alex's dress, walking into the 15th when my phone chirped. A smile instantly formed on my face knowing that it was a message from Elliot. Unlocking my phone I saw that he had sent me a media photo.

" Is that Lover boy?" Casey sing songed as she made her way over to me to see who I was texting even though she already knew who it was.

" Yeah, it's him. He sent me a photo."

Upon hearing me state that I got sent a photo, Alex and Melinda snapped their heads up and ran towards me looking down at my phone.

" Well are you going to open it or make us die waiting in suspense?!" Alex all but shouted into my ear making me cringe. I laughed, rolling my eyes as I opened the picture, the air in my lungs almost immediately expelling out of my lungs. He had to be the most gorgeous guy that I had ever seen. He had a light tanned skin tone, almost looking as if he spends most of his day walking along the beach getting that kissed by the sun look. He had the brightest set of baby blue and the most dazzling smile.

" Woah.." I stated sounding breathless.

"Well poor some frosting on me and stick me in a toaster he's sexy" Casey all but yelled

"You've got to send a picture back!" Alex exclaimed snatching my phone out of my hands and turning towards me while fixing the camera. "Now say cheese."

I smiled, satisfying Alex enough with the picture as she handed me my phone back and walked back towards where her giant stack of dresses were.

O: You are very handsome ;), I guess I owe you one to now?

I sent the text message with the photo attached to the messaged, holding my breath the entire time. I don't know why I was so anxious to send it to him. For reasons I'm not sure. Why should I care what he thinks about my appearance? You know what? I don't. However I really do. Ugh.  Well, what's done is done.


(Elliot's POV )

O: You are very Handsome ;) I guess I owe you one to now?

I lost my breath the second that I opened the phone. She was an absolute goddess and definitely NOT Shrek. She had the most beautiful chestnut colored eyes, and the hair that looked softer then a cloud. She had an olive skin color that really tied her entire gorgeousness into one.  Shaking myself out of my little trance, I type up a response

E: I seriously had to do a double take. You are drop dead gorgeous.

And how that statement couldn't be anymore truer.

O: Whatever you say El. So, what are you up to? Any training today? Or just a relax day? I figure that since you've been texting me most of the day

E: Yeah, today's a rest day, especially since it's drawing up close for us to go home, there's not a whole lot

O: Oh yeah, I forgot about that! Are you excited?

E: Extremely! I can't wait to be able to sleep in my own bed and see me dog. And possibly go on a date with this cute girl that I've recently gotten to know

I smirked a bit over my cheesiness, I had to take the risk

O: Are you sure that pretty girl is going to say yes?

E: Well I'd hope so, but if she didn't want to I wouldn't make her

O: Yeah.. She'd love too.

E: That's great. So what about you! What have you been doing all day?

O: I've been shopping with the girls all day. Alex had to go and search for a dress for her parents ball that they're having so Alex was looking for the perfect dress. Haha, also my friend Casey thinks your drop dead gorgeous. 

I wanted so badly to ask to speak to her on the phone, is that to soon? I mean she did give me her number? Growing some balls, I dial up the number while slipping on a pair of shoes to head outside in case Fin decides to come back into the room while I am still on the phone. 

O- Get to lazy to type? * she giggled*

E- Yes, My fingers were starting to hurt

O- You poor thing. 

E- Yeah well, My fingers need taken care of. 

O- That can be taken a lot of ways * she laughed*

Okay seriously, was this girl real?

E- You have a great sense of humor. No, I just felt like calling you because I wanted to hear your voice. Wow. That sounded a lot less creepy in my head I swear. 

O- Don't worry I won't hold it against you. So, are you in your little cubby? 

E- * I laughed* Cubby? No, I'm currently walking around the campsite, I didn't want to friend Fin to walk in while I was on the phone with you. 

O- Ah okay. Makes sense, Well, I wish I could stay on the phone longer but sadly I have school to attend tomorrow and I still need to shower. I'll message you in the morning?

E- Ofcourse Liv. 

O- Already nicknames? * She chuckles* Alright, Night El..

E- Nice nickname.. Goodnight Liv


( Olivia's POV )

Once I got off the phone with Elliot I fell backwards onto my bed with the biggest smile on my face. God his voice was amazing, his face was gorgeous and he was just all in all amazing! I couldn't wait for him to come back. I couldn't wait to meet him in person. Hoping that it could definitely blossom into something else, especially since he already wanted to go on a date when he came back. That, I definitely couldn't wait for. 

The slamming of the front door caught my attention and instantly rolled my eyes. I heard thumping of her foot steps from downstairs of her walking up the steps. Instead of coming to bother me she actually left me alone for once and went strait towards her bedroom slamming the door in the process. Thank god, I seriously didn't want her bad attitude ruining my good day, besides the whole Dean ordeal, my day had gone decently well. 

Putting my phone into the charger, I setup my alarm, and placed it on my nightstand and sub com to Mr. Sandman.


Waking up the next morning to my alarm, I wake up actually in a good mood and not minding the fact that I had to sit through 6 hours of school. Getting read I shoot of my good morning text to Elliot and jog downstairs to grab some breakfast completely skipping out on dinner last night, so my stomach was starting to cramp from not having been fed. Pouring some cereal I hear my mom sulk down the steps. Banging my head a little against the fridge I sigh.I knew it was to good to be true for a good morning. 

" What are you doing awake." Serena slurred. 

Wow. It was 7:15 and she was already piss poor drunk. That's got to be a world record of the earliest drinker. Plus, it's a school day, shouldn't she be working?

" I have school if you've so greatly forgotten. Speaking of which shouldn't you be at work?" I shot back. 

" Watch your tone Olivia Benson."

I roll my eyes " Whatever." Grabbing a granola bar, I breeze past her heading back upstairs to get dressed so I could leave. Casey would be dropping by in about 10 minutes so I had to be quick, Throwing on a pair of leggings and my favorite NYPD sweater, I slip on my combat boots and grab my book bag. Hearing a honk outside from Casey informing me that she was out front I ran past my mom who was pouring her self another drink in the kitchen. Running out the front door I very quickly hop into the passenger seat of Casey's car. 

" Someone is either running from something, or really excited about going t school." Casey stated while raising her eyebrow at me.

" Moms already in the kitchen drunk off her ass." I said buckling up. 

Casey groaned as she stepped on the gas peddle. " Already? This early? God she really is pathetic. Does she not have class today?"

"Either that or she cancelled class today." 

" There would be absolutely no shock there."

Usually on the days that she came home to late drunk, she continued drinking and would end up cancelling the next morning's lectures. If it weren't for her being the best English professor there, she definitely would've gotten fired long ago. 

Pulling into the school, Casey and I parked the car and headed towards where the girls were. 

" Casey, Olivia!" Alex called over making us walk faster. 

" Why are you ushering us over so impatiently?" Casey asked raising her brow.

" Fin told me that they just got word from their directors and they get to leave sooner then they were supposed to! They'll be here in less then a couple days! Didn't Elliot tell you!"

Patting around my jacket I realize I must've left my phone at the house. Dammit. 

" He probably was trying to get a hold of me to let me know, but I left my phone on my nightstand." 

" I'm so excited! Oh my gosh, who knew that and English assignment would help us find someone? I sure as hell didn't." Alex stated excitingly. Her and John had non stop been talking and apparently they had started going out, as well as Melinda and Chester and Fin and Casey, which, if your haven't already pieced together, left all of them wondering why Elliot and I haven't just started going out, and wait for the dates once they got out here. I have a lot of baggage, and everything that happened with dean, him and I needed to sit down and talk about it. I didn't feel like getting attached to another person only for them to discover my dark secret and leave. 

As we headed off to class, I started thinking more about the relationship that Elliot and I had. I wanted to believe that he would be different then everyone else, and he definitely didn't seem like he would steep as low as Dean, then again I didn't think Dean would steep that low either. With that thought running through my head, I had another thought that crossed my mind that I hadn't thought of before. In one of our email conversations, he mentioned that he had problems with his parents, what does he mean by that? I wanted to know so much more about him, and I definitely was excited about the fact that in less then a week, I'd be able to accomplish it in person.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the views and votes on this story! You guys have been the greatest fans towards this story since '14! Like always, don't forget to rate and comment on the story, or drop a message with any suggestions! Until next time Lovelies, Bye!

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